Meeting the Sullys

Third person pov

While they were hanging back to the tree on the chopper, it was silent until Neylei wanted to ask Y/n something curiously.

Neylei: "Are you okay Y/n?"

Y/n: "I'll be fine, you don't need to worry about me."

Y/n speaks without making eye contact with her.

Neylei: "Y/n, you've been silent ever since you learned about your sister. You can talk to me."

Y/n: (sigh).... ever since mom died, Trudy was the only one of my family that cared."

Neylei: "What about your father?"

Y/n: .....

Neylei: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "Sorry, I would rather not speak of him. I...I never knew about him."

Y/n lied, hoping that she'd would take his word.

Neylei: "Oh, I'm sorry to ask."

Y/n: "It's fine. It's not like we knew everything. Only what we learn."

After a few minutes, they've finally arrived to their tribe where Y/n was amazed to see its view. Once they landed near the area before dismounted, Y/n was still amazed to see the inside of the tribe. Afterwards, Jake was waiting for them along Neytiri and Neteyam.

Jake: "Follow me and please stay behind me."

Jake notice Y/n looking around the tribe before joining as they walk through the tribe while Neylei leaves to check on her ikran.

Jake: "Amazing place right?"

Y/n: "No kidding, I forgot what's it like to be in a society. Since you know, no one else was in the base."

As he passes by, everybody saw him passing by. Some of them gave him looks while others hissed and aim their weapons at him. Jake notice this and let's them know that he was with him and that everything was fine.

Soon the na'vi lowered their weapons but kept on staring at the spartan as continues walking behind Jake.

They arrived to the lab, Jake grabs a mask for a breathing since na'vi can't breathe in human air for long. They entered a lab and was amazed how it looked like from the inside. Soon other humans in the laboratory noticed him.

Cortana: "Huh, I'm surprised these people got along with humans."

Y/n: "I thought I was the only one. Heck why didn't either show up at our base?"

Cortana: "Better yet, why no contact us with communication?"

Y/n: "Wouldn't they pick it up?"

Jake: "What are you talking?"

Y/n: "Hm?"

Norm: "You sound like you were talking to a ghost."

Y/n then realizes that he wasn't paying attention to the three of them. And that he was talking out loud.

Y/n: "Oh uh, yeah I forgot to mention."

Y/n reaches to the back of his helmet and pulls out a chip.

Y/n: "This is my friend Cortana. Cortana if you may."

Cortana reveals herself with the hologram from the chip. This surprised Jake and Norm but Max was fascinated of the artificial intelligence.

Max: "Amazing. An personal A.i"

Cortana: "Greetings, my name is Cortana. I am Y/ns personal AI."

Neteyam: "So is she a ghost na'vi?"

Y/n: "What? No, I mean she's blue yeah like you guys but not a na'vi. She's a AI. Artificial intelligence."

Neteyam: "Artificial intelligence?"

Y/n: "Think of it like a ghost that's smarter"

While they were talking, Neytiri stayed silent the whole time. The woman had a feeling that they shouldn't be trusted. Luckily Cortana noticed this from her body language.

Cortana: "I know we've only met, which is why I understand why you don't trust me or my friend."

Neytiri: "How did you-"

Cortana: "I'm quick to tell. But I can assure you, we're not your enemy."

This not only shocks Neytiri but everyone else in the room. Y/n was about to explain more about Cortana but was interrupted when 4 kids enter the laboratory.

Jake: "Y/n, These are my kids

The four kids look at Y/n, shock to see that he was awake, but were still very hesitated of him.

Jake: "It's okay he's with us"

They all nod.

Jake: "Y/n this is my family.

The spartan and the A.i look towards the 4 children. There were two girls and 3 boys but one of them was human. Y/n sees his family and notice the little one is nervous. Y/n walks towards her then kneels down and doesn't show any sign of threat.

Y/n: "Hello, my name is Y/n, what is your name?"

Tuk: "Tuk."

She spoke with a small nervous tone. Y/n does his best to comfort the young girl.

Jake: "She is my youngest daughter"

The spartan nods at before turning back to the smaller na'vi child.

Y/n: "I realize my appearance makes you nervous, but I promise you, I mean none you any harm. I am on your side."

This seems to calm them. Y/n then pats the little girls head even though she's na'vi he was still a little bit taller than her. But she seems to like it when pats her head.

Y/n: "By the way, if you want to please call me chief, Master Chief."

They all nod. Jake moves towards the other girl who looks to be a teenager.

Jake: "This is my other daughter."

Kiri: "Hi, I'm Kiri"

She give a gentle wave to him but the spartan and his a.i froze up. Her voice sounds very familiar to them.

Y/n: "Wait a minute... Grace?"

Kiri: "What?"

The spartan slowly approaches Kiri.

Y/n: "You sound just like Grace."

Kiri: "Well she is my mother"

Y/n: "Wait WHAT?"

This shock not only the spartan but it also she shocked Cortana. They didn't knew that about Grace.

Y/n: "How though?"

Jake: "We are not sure, she was born from Grace's avatar, it was a huge mystery for all of us, but Neytiri and I took her in as our daughter."

The spartan could not disagree with them. With Grace being gone who would be able to raise her daughter.

Neytiri: "how do you know Grace?"

Cortana: "She was the one who made it possible for him to breathe in the air of Pandora."

This shocked everyone in the room. Except for Max because he already knew that from the beginning.

Y/n: "she was also the one that made Cortana for me as a gift."

As he points that out that shocks Kiri. Which Cortana gives her a smile.

Jake: "This is Spider he's also adopted."

Spider: "Hey man"

Spider puts his hand out to shake his hand which Y/n happily shakes his hand. As he does he couldn't help but notice that his face looks very similar.

Y/n: "You look very familiar too."

The Spartan takes off his helmet to reveal his face to everyone but to get a better look at Spider.

Norm: "I know this may be shocking to you but... He's Quaritch's son"

Y/n stands there completely shock after hearing what Norm just said. He didn't know if he should be angry or to be upset. His feelings are now going and missed directions. Not towards spider but towards Quaritch.

Y/n: "So asshole decided to hook up with someone."

Spider: "You knew him?"

Y/n: "Yeah I knew him because he was the one that trained me to become the ultimate soldier."

Neytiri: "he trained you?"

Y/n: "Yeah but that doesn't mean that I like it."

Neytiri and spider couldn't argue with that even though their relationship wasn't that great.

Jake: "These are my sons, Neteyam and Lo'ak."

Y/n: "The ones who attacked me days ago? Yea we met."

Jake: "What?"

Lo'ak: "No, you attacked us first!"

Y/n: "No I didn't, I didn't even know why you guys even shot arrows at me."

Jake: "Is that true Lo'ak?"

Lo'ak: "No father. He's lying."

Y/n: "(sigh) Cortana..."

Cortana: "On it chief"

Cortana shows them a screen with Y/n's helmet which has a small camera. Revealing that Y/n didn't even use his weapon and was shot by an arrow which the armor protected him. It also shows that he did not even shoot or even used his weapon at all on them.

Y/n: "I record everything when every time I go out of the base."

Everyone looks at Lo'ak, some with anger but others shook their heads with annoyance.

Cortana: "We didn't attack them because we know better because if we do we know that was just cause more problems."

Y/n: "And that is something that I want to avoid is having more problems."

Jake: "Lo'ak do you not know who this is?"

He shook his head no.

Jake: "This is Trudy's brother."

Lo'ak: "You mean that pilot that you told us about that died during the war?"

Y/n: "That pilot was my sister you asshole!"

Spartan stands in front of Lo'ak with an angry expression on his face. Both having a stare down with each other.

Norm: "This ain't going to be good."

The two gotten into each other's faces.

Lo'ak: "How was I supposed to know that some human in green armor was on our side? You look pretty suspicious to me"

Y/n: "At least I don't lie through my teeth to impress Daddy-O!"

Now that made him angry and some people in the room quietly laughed that Y/n just roasted him. Things start to get heated between him and Lo'ak to where they started raising each other's voices.

Neylei's POV

After I checked on my ikran which took a few minutes. I headed to the human laboratory to meet with Jake and Y/n. It only took me like a minute to reach the human laboratory.

When I got there I heard yelling inside or what sound like people fighting. When I entered I saw a few people trying to pull Y/n and Lo'ak away from each other.


Lo'ak: "YOU BITCH!"

Jake and Norm we're trying to hold Y/n back while Neteyam and Spider pulled Lo'ak away from him. They were at each other's throats.



That seems to trigger Y/n because he breaks from Jake and norm's hold and was about to hit him before I stepped in and intervened.

Neylei: "What is going on?"

They all seem to stop and look towards me. Y/n pulls his arm back before he could hit Lo'ak. He looks at me and it looked like he was glad that I was here. But he also look very angry.

Neylei: "What just happened?"

Cortana: "Lo'ak started a fight he could not win."

Turning my attention to the person who spoke. To my surprise it was a small blue woman.

Neylei: "Who are you?"

Before the AI could speak Y/n spoke up before she could.

Y/n: "Neylei I will like you to meet Cortana she's a friend of mine."

Cortana: "Hello it's nice to meet you, Y/n told me a lot about you"

I look towards Y/n whose face turned red from what the little blur woman said.

Y/n: "this is someone I wanted you to meet for a little while"

Lo'ak: "What is she your girlfriend?"

Everyone: "LO'AK!"

This seems to not only make me blush but Y/n even more mad.

Jake: "Neteyam take your brother back to the hut"

Neteyam nods before he and spider drag Lo'ak out of the lab. Jake sighs before he turns his attention back to us.

Jake: "I am so sorry for that, he's not usually like that"

Y/n: "I'll let it go for now but if he talks about my sister one more time I won't be so nice next time."

Before Jake could say anything he gets interrupted by Cortana.

Cortana: "He can literally beat him without a weapon, all it takes is just one punch to knock on your son out, but he's not going to do that."

Jake: "What do you mean?"

Cortana: "Because your son should think twice next time before he starts a fight that he can't win"

Jake couldn't argue with that. She was right after all and Lo'ak isn't that dumb. He just needs to learn to stop trying to impress his dad too much. Or else you'll get in more trouble as he is in.

Neylei: "So Y/n, are you going to now tell me how you end up like this?"

He seems to be calmed down now before he looks up at me.

Y/n: "I'll be glad to now"

Now that everything was calm Y/n began to tell everyone everything.


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