Getting Along
It's only been a week since I've met the Sully's and came to their village. I told Neylei about how I was taller and what was I doing while she was gone. Since that day, things has been going smooth or at least it's getting there, not a lot of na'vi people are getting used to me around.
So I decided to keep out of trouble and see if I could help out at the village. Right now I'm just sitting by the edge and watching the view of the whole landscape and I got to say, it's really amazing to look. Soon I heard someone calling me and I turn to see it's Kiri.
Y/n: "Hey, Kiri is it right?"
Kiri: "Yes."
Y/n: "just making sure. So what's up?"
Kiri: "Did you knew about my mother?"
Y/n: "Grace? Yes, she's the nicest person I've met other than my sister. Although she sometimes can get a little annoyed."
Kiri: (Curious) In her human or na'vi body?"
Y/n: "Probably both. But then again, she's nice. She taught me some couple things about science and other things I need to know."
Kiri: "that's nice to know that she's kind."
Y/n: "I'm sure Jake told you about her too right?"
Kiri: "Yeah, but they always say the same thing about her being nice but never told me about everything."
Y/n: "You could always ask Cortana about Grace too. Maybe she knows more than anyone."
Kiri: "Is she here?"
Y/n: "she's always here with me"
I pulled out the chip from my helmet only to review Cortana's hologram form. She was standing in our usual stance every time she appears with her hands on her hips.
Kiri: "You've been listening to us?"
Cortana: "Pretty much. Although I sometimes keep it out since I thought it's between you two. Plus I didn't want to be rude eavesdropping."
Kiri: "A computer who has thoughts?"
Y/n: "she adapts as I do."
Kiri: "That's weird."
Y/n: "It's basically surviving when you think about it. Well, at least trying to stay alive 24/7. Cuz you know, everything against you... Yeah..."
The three of them were silent until I change the subject.
Y/n: "Want to hold her?"
Kiri: "What?"
Y/n: "You want to hold Cortana? I'm sure you two would like to have a nice chat."
Kiri hesitates for a second before slowly taking the A.i. chip from my hands and into hers.
After that, I leave them be to let them have a chat. So I decided to find Neylei if she wanted to talk. Last I checked, she was with her ikran so I went there. I found her ikran but she wasn't there, instead I found Lo'ak and Neteyam.
Y/n: "ah great"
I was about to leave until I heard one of the siblings voice. It was Neteyam, Jake's oldest son, and the Big brother of all the siblings.
Neteyam: "Hey chief!
Sigh in defeat, slowly turning around to find Neteyam walking towards me, with his brother Lo'ak behind him.
Y/n: "What's up Neteyam?"
Neteyam: "We saw you walking by, so I thought we see how your doing."
I gave both of them a look, especially Lo'ak because he and I are not on full good terms yet.
Y/n: "I'm doing fine, I'm just trying to fit in with everyone else."
Neteyam: "That's good."
I didn't really want to ask them especially with Lo'ak being present but I didn't really have much of a choice.
Y/n: "(sigh) Have any of you guys seen Neylei?"
Neteyam: "No, I haven't."
Lo'ak: "haven't seen her either."
Y/n: "Well Thanks anyway.
I nod, but before I could walk away Lo'ak stops me.
Lo'ak: "Ever fly one of these creatures?"
He points towards the ikrans.
Y/n: "Nope. I don't even fly one of the vehicles. Otherwise my base will be a scrap yard."
He fell silent from the truth. Before I walk away I turn around to get them one last comeback.
Y/n: "Plus I'm not na'vi so I can't connect with creatures."
After I said that I walked away from both of them to find Neylei. While I was looking I stumbled across spider who is walking in my direction.
Spider: "Hey Chief, what are you doing?"
Y/n: "Oh nothing, just trying to figure out where Neylei is, but I can't find her."
Spider: "Oh, do you want hang out for a bit?"
Thought about what he said and it sounds like a good idea. Especially since me and him get along pretty well.
Y/n: "Sure I got nothing to do."
Spider: "Ok let's go find somewhere to sit"
Eventually we found somewhere to stay and we sat down and talked for a little while. Most of what we talked about was either in the past or how I became me.
Y/n: "So why'd you call yourself spider?"
Spider: "because they're cool."
Y/n: "You kidding me? They're evil of darkness, I've had nightmares about them when I was a kid."
Spider: (Laughs) "You have an armor that can't be penetrated and superhuman strength and yet you're still afraid of small spiders?"
Y/n: "Those are evil bro
Spider: "Okay, so then why do you call yourself "master chief?"
Y/n: "Huh... I guess you can say I was meant to be a leader of advanced soldiers since I've mastered close and long range combat until the program was destroyed. Plus Chief sounds cooler than leader."
Spider: "Okay can't argue with that"
Y/n: "Plus Cortana gave me the name so yeah."
Spider: "Can't argue with that either."
We both fell silent for a good moment before spider spoke up.
Spider: "What was it like you know being trained by Quaritch?"
I looked at him and he had a serious look on his face. Well I can't blame him he's the son of a killer but he's not like his dad and never will be.
Y/n: "He was a real asshole, he always gave me a lot of training, training that was really painful, that it even got to the point where I even threw up he wanted me to keep going"
Spider was shocked at hearing this. That is own father made a kid do very intense training especially at a young age.
Y/n: "I hated his training to the point where I hated him. But he didn't care, he wanted me to become the best soldier because I was the youngest there. But there were times where Grace and Trudy got him to leave me alone for at least a while so that I could rest."
Spider: "Wow..."
Y/n: "It was the only way for grace and truly to get him away from me and to leave me alone for a little bit"
Spider: "I'm sorry to hear that"
Y/n: "Don't be he's gone now so there's nothing to worry about anymore."
Spider: "Okay but I'm sorry for asking though"
Y/n: "it's fine, it gives us something to talk about, but there are things that I won't discuss with you guys if you can understand that."
Spider: "I understand, what's your business is your business, if you're not comfortable talking about it that's fine, I respect that."
I was shocked to hear that he said that but I was glad that he respected it and that he respected me for my wishes.
Y/n: "So tell me about you and Neytiri's relationship. You guys seem like you don't have a good relationship, why is that?"
Spider doesn't speak for a moment which kind of got me concern.
Spider: "Our relationships not the best...."
Y/n: "what do you mean it's not the best?"
Spider: "Well.... She sees me a lot like my dad.... Even though I'm not like him she still sees me as him."
Now there was another thing that was shocking about him that I didn't know about. Jake did say that their relationship wasn't the best now I see what he meant. Their relationship wasn't like mother and son relationship like it should be. It was more like a distance relationship.
Spider: "I can understand why she feels that way about me, I mean look at me, I'm the son of Quaritch. The guy that took her home and her father and her brother. I can see why she doesn't see me as her son."
Now that was sad to hear.
Y/n: "Hey listen, you're not him and you never will be and neither will I."
Spider: "it still doesn't changed the way she sees me"
Y/n: "Well she can't predict your future"
Spider: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "You don't know what your future is going to be like. No one does, especially when you're born, you don't know what your future is going to be like. And just because you're his son doesn't mean you're going to be like you."
He looks at me for a moment before he realizes what I meant. Gently I place one of my hands on his shoulder.
Y/n: "If you want I can tell her that or you can?"
Spider: "No, I'll tell her myself but thank you though."
Y/n: "Anytime Spider."
As we stand to our feet but before we could part ways I stopped him.
Y/n: "Oh and by the way."
Spider: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "You can just call me Y/n if you don't want to call me Master Chief."
Spider: "Oh that is completely fine, besides I like Master Chief."
As we part ways I couldn't help but feel great for helping out someone who is similar to me in some ways. I watched as he walked away and walked to find Neytiri. All I could do is hope that it goes well and nothing bad will happen.
Jake did tell me that the relationship wasn't great because of what happened back then and I cannot blame Neytiri for that. Losing someone or your family will put a big amount of weight on you for the rest of your life.
But spider situation was different.
It has been a few hours since I last talked to anyone so I went back to the same spot I was at previously and just sat back and look over the horizon. It was one of the most beautiful things that exist.
Ever since I been here I didn't get to see you on a beautiful things here but I'm glad I get to now. As I sat back to enjoy the breeze I heard footsteps approaching me. Slowly turn it around to see it was Lo'ak.
Lo'ak: "Hey..."
I just stared at him without saying a word. I was confused as to why he would want to talk to me. Especially what I said earlier.
Y/n: "Is there something you need?"
Lo'ak: "No I was hoping if you and I could talk."
I was confused now. Why would he want to talk to me? We don't even get along yet.
Y/n: "Talk about what?"
Lo'ak: "About... W-hat I said about your sister."
Y/n: "What about it?"
He takes him over before he speaks. But what he says next is shocking.
Lo'ak: "I wanted to apologize for what I said"
Well I'll be, I did not expect this coming from him, especially him.
Y/n: "Well..."
Lo'ak: "if you don't want my apology right now that's fine. I just want to say I'm sorry for what I said, it was wrong of me to go there"
Y/n: "No I'm just surprised that you are apologizing."
Lo'ak: "I'm glad you understand but you are right about something"
Y/n: "And that is?"
Lo'ak: "I need to stop lying through my teeth to impress my dad."
I kind of feel bad for saying that but it was true though. He did lie through his teeth just to impress his dad but I do see why he tries though.
Y/n: "Well I appreciate you apologizing but I wasn't wrong for what I said. Lo'ak you got to stop lying to your dad it's not good for you to do that all the time. I get it you want to impress it trust me I get it."
He looks down in shame. Now I'm starting to feel bad for him.
Y/n: "But hey you're his son if you want to keep you in trouble do you I'm not telling you to stop being you"
He looks at me surprised before he smiles at me.
Lo'ak: "Well ah thanks, me and you should hang out sometimes."
Y/n: "Sure anytime."
Lo'ak: "Thanks again."
Before that he walks away. I was glad that I was finally getting along with everyone. I was also glad that I was making more friends.
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