Chapter 10

Sarah's P.O.V
I can't believe I agreed to this! I ran as fast as I could to rainbows. When I was under her house I called up. "rainbow! I need your help!" Like ten seconds later she was right in front of me. "what's up?" She asked. I quickly explained to her what happened. "then we have no time to lose!" She said. She flew off and I followed her. "there's some!" She yelled. I made a butterfly net appear and scooped up the chipmunk and squirrel. They squeakled but I payed no attention. "there's somemore!" She called. I scooped up the three mice. "anything for the bear?" Rainbow asked. "no. Why?" I asked. "the bear's right there." She said, pointing at it. "Um......I got nothing." I said. The bear was sleeping in front of somepony's house. "how did it...?" I said before I was cut off. "your welcome. This bear was scaring everypony so I took care of it. It's not dead, just sleeping." A stallion said coming up to me. "oh, well, thank you." I said. He walked up to the bear. He was a black pegasus with a navy blue and white mane. His cutie mark looked like a bear paw with bandages. "now that I'm looking closer, isn't this fluttershy's bear?" He asked me. "ya." I said. he face hoofed. "what did he do this time?" He asked. "he ran through the door and all the animals followed him." I said, a little unsure. "this is the most scaredy cat bear I have ever met. Not a surprise he ran through the door." He said, chuckling a little. "well good luck!" He said, going to walk in the house. "wait!" I called. He turned. "what's your name?" I asked. "moon bear. My wife is sunshine heart." He said. "I'll help you after I get my net." He said and walked inside. "he just moved here from Las pegasus. He's a wild animal expert and vet." Rainbow said. "how dose he-" I started before he cut me off. "how do I know this is fluttershy's bear? Well when i first moved here I ran into him and he didn't seem happy so I a was going to drive him to the everfree forest before I could fluttershy herself stopped me. She said it was her bear and I needed to stop being so mean because he just had a tense shoulder and would never hurt a fly unless not feed. So I stopped and asked her somethings on the Forest." He said. A filly came out behind him with two nets in some blue and white magic. She was blue with a white and yellow mane. She didn't have her cutie mark yet."this is my dauter, twinkle star. She'll help us. My son would help too if he wasnt with my wife at the school board meeting." Moon said. "daddy, the nets are heavy!" Twinkle said. "she's learning magic still." Moon said before taking a net. "how is it that your a pegasus and she's a unicorn?" I asked. "my Mom is a unicorn, that's why!" Twinkle said. "where did they run off too?" Moon asked. "I'm not sure. I think ivy would know." I said. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "she was with me." I said. He nodded. "where would she be?" Rainbow asked. "well I told her to get apple jack and twilight so she's probilly getting one of them." I said. "I'll go with moon to check twilight's castle, you check apple jacks stand with twinkle." Rainbow said to me. I noded. "follow me! I know exactly where it is!" Twinkle said before running off. "wait! I'm coming!" I yelled and followed after her

Ivy's P.O.V
I was following the pony to apple jacks stand when I heard runnning hoof steps. Before I knew it I was tackled by a filly. "Sarah! I found her!" She yelled. The pony I was following stopped. "hey twinkle." She said. "hey crystal! You helping ivy?" The filly named twinkle asked. But how did she know my name? "thanks twinkle, can you tell rainbow and your dad that we found her?" Sarah said, walking over. That's how the filly knew my name! Twinkle noded and ran off. "so, why did you need me?" I asked, getting up. "we were wondering what way the animals went." Sarah said. "don't you know a tracking spell?" I asked. "I didn't learn that yet! I've only had one lesson!" Sarah yelled. "I know a tracking spell." The pony helping me said. "wait, what's your name?" I asked. her ears flattened. "you don't remember me?" She said. "we've only been here for a couple days. How would we-" Sarah started but I cut her off because a name popped in my head. "crystal?" I asked. She smiled. "yep!" "I knew you sounded familiar!" I said. "but, why are you here?" Sarah asked. "I realized you three we're missing a couple days ago so I quickly froze time in the human world them went through the portal in my room. You know, the closet I tell you three to stay out of." She said. She quickly went on before we could stop her. "I asked apple jack if there was any new ponys and she said more 'humans' fell from the sky. Then I ran into you guys." She said. "wait, then what's you talent? You really aren't the best drawer." Sarah said. "I'm a rare gem finder. I find the gems and draw plans up for them. And I'm better at drawing with magic than with hands." She said. "ah, crystal. Nice to see you again." A stallion said,coming up to us. "oh, hello Moon bear." Crystal said. Twinkle and rainbow we're behind him. "we got twilight. Did you get apple jack yet?" Rainbow asked. "we were going there when twinkle came up to us." Crystal said. "I can go get her and you guys can start looking." Twinkle said. "go ahead twinkle. We need to hurry, fluttershy should be back in a couple hours." Moon said. We all noded. Crystal quickly showed sarah how to do a regular tracking spell then me, crystal and rainbow went in one group and Moon and Sarah went in there group and twinkle would join them after getting apple jack to help Laura. This was going to be fun! Not.

Someone's energetic! And you got a long chapter, as promised. Stupid Wattpad deleted some of it! I was really mad! Wattpad, watch out. One more delete on my book and I'll *censered words* understand? Bye! Oh, and IM NOW IN THIS BOOK! Yay!

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