Chapter 5

Silence prevailed since the transmission was long cut off, it was difficult to decipher between day and night in the area which they reside in. the light from the end of the cave was sealed off with a constructive barrier, and only the menacing hue of red engulfed the relatively dimmed-lighted cave.

The hollow silence continued as the familiar neuro agent kept seated at where she was. Though, this time, the holographic cylindrical imprisonment where she was in was partly visible, reminding her of how she's going to remain there regardless of what she says.

A sigh left her lips as she leaned her back against the holographic wall with her knees pulled up to her chest. She could barely tell the time, there wasn't a clock visible in her view, and her devices and gadgets are absent from her possession. Only the slow blinking of the monitor lights being on standby was what she could see that actually changes—she's going to end up crazy if this keeps up. It was assumed that several hours must have passed after her frequently vocal attempts in trying to convince the former tekno agent otherwise that revenge is not about doing something as evil as in the degree of the perpetrator who caused it. Still, the boy's ears were closed, and they were obviously not going to listen to someone like her, a captive under his grasp. M.A.T.A. still has three days more to decide on what they'll do, but she no longer hoped for it positively.

However, footsteps from behind came audible in her ears, being in ringing silence for hours led her senses to rise, but she didn't react nor falter to it.

She already know who would bother.

"Do you want something to eat?" Ali questioned as he stood just a few feet away from her imprisonment, his mask removed and by the table nearby when needed. "You haven't spoken for several hours."

Instead of a response, what Ali received was pure silence, her back turned to face him, and unspoken dread flourished in the atmosphere. From there, he released another sigh. "Why do you have to be so difficult? It won't do you good—"

"Do me good? As if you could decipher the difference between good and bad. Assuming that you don't, then you have no right to tell me otherwise on what's good for me." She spoke lowly, her mouth was getting dry from the hours passed, her voice was a bit raspy, and great disappointment was evident from her physique.

"Do you think I wanted you involved in this? I gave you a graceful exit, I allowed you and your team to return without the complication of an encounter. However, what exactly did you do?" he stepped closer, bringing his enclosed fist to make contact lightly with the holographic enclosure, ripples of blue emitting from his impact visible. "You're deliberately begging for trouble! I already did you a favor by keeping you here, I don't know what the other Numeroz would do if they catch you over and over again, I couldn't have that." He bit his lower lip for a moment, containing himself from saying something that he'll later on regret.

The female simply kept her gaze away, knees tucked to her chest as she hugged them, her chin resting on her knees. In her mind, it was Ali's fault for not revealing his identity to her, leading to her determination to know.

But what else could she say otherwise? She can't blame the boy—she even long thought he was dead.

But does that mean... he purposely wanted to hint out his identity through the camera logs? And files... of himself?

"Just cooperate with me, please. This will be over before you know it, and you know well that I'm not like Uno—"

"You say that so many times, but your actions speaks otherwise." She cut him off, her voice in a monotone with almost little to no emotion. Her eyes were closed as she felt herself being at ease in this position.

"Can't you just give me a chance to show it then?" he nearly hissed in reply, his fist clenching as it laid rested on the holographic wall. "Weren't you even... concerned of me? Of what happened to me for the past few months? Of what I have been through?" he questioned, unable to contain himself anymore than to speak freely as his heart and mind allows.

It took a while before the neuro agent tilted her head slightly, giving him a subtle side-glance before facing forward once again. "Do I have to know? Wouldn't you want to know what happened after you disappeared?" she questioned back, her voice low and nonchalant as she simply kept her gaze on the inactive monitors at the far front where the cavern walls were.

The former tekno agent sighed, losing his composure of brief grievance before taking a step away from her cylindrical prison. "I know what happened—I was watching from time to time. Believe me, I didn't like what I was seeing, but what choice do I have? I've been low profile for months until your team decided to intrude..." he looked down, his eyes downcast as his expression became unexplainable with unintended sorrow. "When I saw you... I wanted to reach out so bad but—I couldn't. It was the last straw for me when you reappeared again, and I knew you wouldn't stop."

The neuro agent clicked her tongue. "So, do you intend to make me feel bad? Because you're doing an inadequate job." She spoke lowly, lightly pushing a strand of her hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear during so. "Tell me about your side after that incident, whether I believe it or not will depend on your sincerity." She followed, shifting her gaze away from the wall to glance directly at the former tekno agent who seemed to be left in silence.

"If I tell you..." he then lifted his gaze to meet eyes with the female. "Would you understand me? See me as the old Ali who used to be your teammate?" his eyes—though empty, still had a sense of hope in them, like a candle flicking in the dark void.

"The only Ali I knew is the one who would never join the opposing entity." She shifted in her sitting position, moving to face him properly with her legs folded in an Indian-seating position. "The only Ali I knew wouldn't leave me aside..." her voice was eerie with distaste, but her eyes tell otherwise—she was longing. For the days she hoped that Ali would disappear in her life was much more bearable than the days where she couldn't see him at all, and still, she would endlessly question if he will ever come back for a beating.

He did, but she couldn't see Ali in him, he's changed.

For some reason, she should be overjoyed—emotional, rather, to find out about his return on being alive. But instead, she felt like she's talking to a stranger.


"Just hear me out, like you always do." He took the liberty to take a few steps back and settled to sit down on the ground similarly to Alicia, even though there was a chair.

The female raised a brow but said nothing otherwise.

The former tekno took a deep breath at first. "That day, my turning point began when I was in override mode..."


Bright light fazed the young tekno as his subconscious succumbed to the willpower of I.R.I.S., the device that led to his loss of complete control over his mind and actions. Though in this scenario, his own subconscious lived through an array of land with technical blue, light couldn't be deciphered for where it came from, yet this place was what he knew all too well.

The I.R.I.S. dimension.

Though as he thought he was alone, he paused upon hearing a subtle grunt. When he turned around, the area of blue was fading , and on the opposite side were arrays of light red. A man stood on that particular side of the I.R.I.S. dimension—the corrupted side of the device.

The young tekno took a stand. "Uno!" he hissed, unsure on what the man was doing here—though he could vaguely remember how the battle prior to this encounter involved the battle between two entities, one with I.R.I.S.'s control, and the other was controlling I.R.I.S.

The controlled and the willing, they thought.

The man simply held his face up to his mask, clicking the locks and allowing the device to fall from his face, and onto his hands. "Cease your panic, we won't be able to do anything as long as I.R.I.S. is continuing with the battle outside." He casually reasoned and tossed the mask aside, the metallic piece tumbling away in a matter of moments, but its movements were barely audible.

Ali was uncertain, but indeed, the man would probably not do anything rash.

This wasn't the first time he saw Uno's scarred face—Djin, the abandoned Inviso Pillar Leader—he long knew about it, at the same time, he didn't expected the rumors to be true. He was able to get such information from Agent Rizwan during his initial days in M.A.T.A., just before he stepped foot into the academy.

The man looked down at the shorter boy for a moment. "I've long wanted to ask this to you, Ali." He began, not inching from his spot, yet his expression firm that kept the boy's gaze towards his way. "Why are you trying so hard to defend M.A.T.A.?" he asked, crossing his arms despite his brooding stance.

The young tekno—unsure but released a breath for a moment. "I'm helping them to defend Cyberaya from people like you!" he replied, almost in haste, already uncomfortable of the fact that the man is here—with him, but how?

The only access in the I.R.I.S. dimension is when the wielder lost control over his mind and body, but wasn't Uno—Djin, rather, in control himself?

"I'm not sure if you've figured it out yet, but we are currently sharing the consciousness domain of I.R.I.S., there is no use thinking, because I could hear it." he stated as if it was the most obvious fact there is. "However, seeing as you are unable to control override mode, you won't be able to hear my thoughts. I'm here because I willingly gave full control to I.R.I.S., because I wanted to talk to you." He continued, taking two steps forward to get closer to the young agent.

"Listen well, believe me when I tell you that the monster that I became now—was the sole result of the betrayal which M.A.T.A. caused me." His eyes then became slightly downcast. "I'm sure you're aware of the protocol that was used on me a very long time ago, correct?" he wanted to ensure something before proceeding forward.

The young tekno was hesitant, daring not to think of anything after having found out that his thoughts were being read. "Protocol Gegas... the protocol of—"

"Abandoning everyone and everything just to ensure the accomplishment of the mission, even if it were team members." His expression became one of sorrow and evident hurt. "There was hope that day, Ali—believe me. They didn't have to leave me behind, I could've been saved when Zain was only at arm's reach, but they left me anyways. However, there is another story behind that."

"Another... story?" the young tekno inched forward for a moment but remained in his zone of the I.R.I.S. dimension. "What story?" his curiosity piqued, telling him to see what the man has to say—or rather, what he doesn't know.

The man went silent for a moment after. "I was the only pillar leader that's actively against the abandonment of Project I.R.I.S." he felt bitter at the remembrance of that one afternoon in the training simulation, though it was a very long time ago, the time when Zain still lacked his white locks of hair. "An accident occurred involving the I.R.I.S. device, and the other pillar leaders were determined to shut down and abandon the project completely for the safety of everyone—but I believed that it could still be saved. After all, I.R.I.S. is a significant advancement for human technology—it would be a waste if we don't keep trying." He elaborated, following how the conversation—persuasion, rather, of keeping the project alive ended in brief argumentation. He was found guilty of using and working on the project despite the memo of abandoning it.

Since then, the adverse loathe between them solidified, and they never even spoke a word to each other again.

"But... what does that have to do with the protocol?" still, the young tekno wasn't able to grasp the point. The fight between Agent Zain and Djin deepened that Ali was unaware of what's happening with the higher ups. Rather, things like this are best kept private, and naturally, no one should be able to know.

But still, Djin told Ali about it, what does it have to do with the said protocol?

"What happened during that mission was not a haste implementation of the protocol, but a well-enacted plot to eliminate me." His expression now gloomed to hatred as his hands clenched to fists. "That mission was an excuse to let Zain get what he wants—he's too eager to abandon the project that he orchestrated a way to remove me as his hindrance under the preface of a heroic sacrifice. This scar is the very reminder of that day, one I will never forget." He pointed to his face, an evident scar that made him look oh, so menacing, actually had a story behind it, that story that engraved into his chest.

"I don't want the corruption within that organization to continue, to silence all those who tried to speak. This is why I'm doing this. If I want to reform the world into something better with justice, then I need to start with the very root of this all." He gave a meaningful look towards the young tekno, hoping that he'll at least understand. "If you've known this sooner, you might not regard me as an enemy, Ali. My methods may be brutal, but I had no choice." He added.

The young tekno was puzzled—unsure of what to think. The story reminded him so much of... Agent Rizwan's vague words when he turned against M.A.T.A.—wait, is this why Agent Rizwan rebelled against M.A.T.A. a few weeks prior to this event?

"Yes, I've told Rizwan everything when we encountered that night in M.A.T.A.'s safehouse. He has been by my side all this time, understanding what I've been through, and sharing the same goal as I." he gave somewhat of a small smile before inching closer to the young tekno, just a few feet away from the line that separates their areas of consciousness in the I.R.I.S. dimension. "Now that you've heard my story, the decision is up to you." He then took a step back, standing still as the I.R.I.S. dimension on his side began to glitch.

It didn't take long before he glitched out and disappeared, the other side of the I.R.I.S. dimension slowly fades black to its blue domain. The tekno agent was left alone in his own thoughts after so, sorting whatever was said to him.


"It took a while before I got into my senses, I passed out when my energy depleted. However, when I woke up, I was just behind a wall, near the place where Agent Zain and Djin were facing off..." he released a sigh, as if a weight long kept was released from his chest. "A few moments before the explosion, I gave him my answer."

Alicia was quiet, having heard of Ali's side of the story. That last part was the very scene she saw in the camera feeds on the monitor, the moment he decided who to believe. It's no doubt that the answer was obvious.

He chose to believe.

"I was able to survive the explosion by joining the Numeroz, where Jenny already prepared an emergency escape pod for us. However, we weren't able to save Djin, but I promised him to end M.A.T.A.'s twisted ways should I get the chance to." He then gave her a faint smile after so. "I took up the identity as his adoptive son, hence Zero, my codename." He flexed his fingers a bit to relax them after his constant constraint on his hands.

"You could've written a book about it if you're that keen to detail." She mumbled under her breath, conflicted on whether to agree or not. If ever what Djin said to Ali was true, then M.A.T.A. does have a cruel side within. However, the crimes done by Djin weights far more than the 'façade' enacted by the pillar leaders a long time ago. She herself saw the danger in the potential of I.R.I.S., leading her to somewhat agree that shutting down the project was a good resort.

But what comes after that?

"I don't know if you're humoring me, but I won't comment on that." He gave another smile despite his earlier demeanor. "You haven't eaten for hours, come with me." He walked over to the monitors where the control panel was, tapping on several control commands before the holographic cylindrical walls detached from its place and slowly descended down the small allocation on the floor, allowing it to deactivate and hide itself beneath the ground like a descending tube. The holographic walls probably ascended up from the same spot prior to her capture two days ago.

The neuro agent was taken aback by the move. "Why are you—"

"I trust that you won't just run away, but even if you do—there's really no way out. I've made sure to remove all possible exits so don't even bother." He reminded before clasping his hands together. "Come with me, I won't do anything to harm you."

The neuro agent—despite being conflicted a moment ago, eventually released a low sigh in reply. Surely, the former tekno wouldn't play cat and mouse with her, right?

In the end, she chose to stand up and follow the former tekno agent, seeing that resisting further will only do her no good at all.

Upon her movement, footsteps were heard, which made her pause to look at her right to see a woman in black and purple walk forth—her expression wasn't very pleased. It was evident that she isn't fond of seeing the neuro agent here, and the same could be applied by Alicia.

Ali eyed the female for a moment, eye-contact maintaining, but it seems as if they're communicating through it. It took a moment before he released a sigh and glanced back at Alicia. "Could you excuse me for a moment? Its important." He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke, looking to be a bit conflicted.

The neuro agent read that very well, nodding before walking off to the opposite direction, an area deeper within the cave-like area. To where? She doesn't know. If she's lucky, she might attain important information, or to contact M.A.T.A.

Or better yet, get her weaponry.

Pearl black eyes watched as the neuro agent walked off calmly, as if she were still in M.A.T.A.'s territory. It has always been a question of Ali on how the female managed to remain in her composure in almost all possible situations.

He gave a sigh before glancing back towards Uno's most trusted right hand. "What do you need that's so important that it couldn't wait until later?" there was a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

He was already making progress into getting the female to trust him even just a little bit, and what moment they had was ruined by the one and only.

The older female looked very much unamused. "I apologize for ruining you 'moment' then, but this cannot wait." Something in her tone was sharp that made Ali silence himself. "We need to talk about your decisions." She implied and faced the direction on where the neuro agent went earlier.

The former tekno agent raised a brow. "What about my decisions?" he clearly wasn't one bit interested on how the woman would judge him, since this wasn't the first time—and surely, won't be the last.

"I'm being serious." She implied, her brows furrowing in annoyance. "I ask if you are really sure that your decisions are feasible to begin with—"

"I don't see what's wrong with my decision, Dos. If anything, this has been the best." He waved it off as if it was nothing, totally invalidating Dos' words. "Even if M.A.T.A. were to be cruel, they wont sit still and wait. We have the upper hand here; you should be pleased."

"That's the point of it. Unlike you, Uno never willingly took someone as hostage! You don't know what trouble you're getting into—even the Numeroz knows their boundaries!" it was clear that Dos was unhappy with the young agent's decision, yet it was obvious that he wasn't one to care about it.

"I have my own plans, best you stick with it and listen well if you still know what's good for us. I gave them a chance to turn back and run, but they willingly returned. As long as M.A.T.A. is unable to know my identity, I'll win." His gaze downcast as his eyes once again—were cynical.

Dos could only render herself silent at the boy's remark, she knew that the Ali she fought against with before is different from the Ali she's faced with now. She began to contemplate whether this was a good thing or not—or if this is even the best resort.

This... wasn't Ali at all.

It was Zero.

"You really think I'd hurt her? You saw how much I was holding back during those encounters, and what I did was only the bare minimum of what I can inflict as damage." He shook his head to brush away the thought. "Dos, we've been lying low for months now, we've finally had the chance to strike back—and with I.R.I.S., we won't be pushed back." The young tekno furrowed his brows together as his hand lightly grazed on the I.R.I.S. device which was just in one of his pockets.

The woman only adverted her gaze. "Don't get your personal emotions get in the way of our success, then. I know well on how much she means to you, but don't forget our true objective." She spoke lowly, her eyes narrowed as she turned to walk away without another word more.

Ali merely clicked his tongue and closed his eyes in an attempt to fully calm himself—his conversations with the woman rarely go well, and most of which ends up in argument.

Though it reminded him of the other member of the Numeroz that has been lying too low—Agent Rizwan.

Funnily enough, he still doesn't know that Ali survived. Though he did prepare an escape route with Jenny, but he never got the chance to see the other passenger that entered.

Due to his conflicted decisions on whether or not to side with M.A.T.A., or the Numeroz, he was still confused. Thus, the rest never revealed that Ali was with them all this time—though he was aware of a new member behind the mask.

Wonder what his reaction will be should he find out about it? would he be surprised? Bewildered? Though, it seems that his connection to the Numeroz was thinning, and he is slowly becoming more of an independent identity which sides with no one.

He might instead, endanger the Numeroz.

In the meantime, M.A.T.A. has yet to provide a response on what they'll do, and two days has already passed since Ali last communicated with them via the transmission—those two days passed very quickly, they barely comprehended it.

But only three days are left before the end of the week, but just what would they decide on in the end?

Either which one, he has no plans on doing something he'll long regret.

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