Chapter 4
It was cold, bitter cold. The sheer of the wind was quiet but piercing, and the faint glow of menacing red intimidates anyone within its territory. It felt like hours though it might've been minutes, or it could've been hours since that event.
A subtle groan left her dry lips as the throbbing pain emitting from the back of her neck was once again evident. It took a moment before her eyelids fluttered open, and her blurry gaze of a variety of dark colors slowly sharpened to clear images.
Another groan left her lips as she shifted to look up amidst the pain which started to numb. Still, there were dim lights that she had to sit upright to get a good glance at where she is. Her hands on the ground as she hoisted herself in a sitting position. Indeed, despite the carbon-cotton of her uniform, it was still rather chilly.
Both literally and metaphorically.
She couldn't really see, nor locate the origin of these lights, but the cavern walls and mechanical units in certain areas made her look at the opposite direction—indeed, computers littered the area with its gigantic screens and holographic stands, weaponry around. Of course, it didn't take her more than mere seconds to immediately assume her current location.
She remembered what happened the night before—assuming its already the next day, or the night after. It was hard to tell when everything is so dark.
Like any genius in this situation, she checked her communicator watch, it was inactive and broken due to obvious reasons. Thus, she took it off as the metallic pieces are sharp and probably dangerous. Then again, she couldn't check the time given so, and she couldn't feel her phone in one of her pockets. Her blastique was also absent from the scene, so as her steel bullets.
She's defenseless.
But she can fight—if the numbing pain from her neck down to her backside subdues soon.
Light footsteps made her perk and instinctively moved back for a few inches, her gaze shifting hastily to the source. Her instincts and senses were on high alert since her wake, and uncertainty was still evident.
Why was she here? Shouldn't she be in some kind of prison if she was captured by the Numeroz? Why is she in one piece? given that the Numeroz is not as aggressive as their leader, or rather, it could be the opposite.
Still, the footsteps were made known, though the figure was shadowed by the dimmed lights around the cave area. The person wasn't tall, just around her height, yet he wore a mask similar to the one Uno used to wear—but the mask covered only more than half his face, his left eye was visible, and locks of his hair adorned his forehead. Still, what caught the neuro agent's attention was how empty his eye was. It was dark yet at the same time, nothing.
"I apologize, I didn't meant to hit you... that hard." His voice was the same as the guy she heard before, altered by a voice changing device that concealed his auditory identity. His hands clasped together, and his tone was as if he were talking to some stranger with such polite tone.
It somewhat irked Alicia.
"Zero." The only word she muttered out, distaste was evident in her own tone as she slowly lifted herself to stand. Her knees bucked but still, she did her best. "It was a trap all along, wasn't it? you knew we would come back."
"It's a half-true statement, Alicia. The night before was nothing but a warning, however, I didn't expect for you to come back—no, I expected you will, knowing your behavior." He explained, casually walking closer till there was only but a few feet distance between them. "Though might I comment on your performance, you're losing your touch as a neuro."
Insulted, the female gave off a low growl, "Don't talk as if you know me!" she shouted and attempted to pounce on the unknown entity but was taken aback when instead of the boy's face, her hands met with something solid and smooth.
"Oh, I know you, Alicia. Though you should calm yourself down before you harm yourself. You're currently inside a thin cylinder-like prison, a technology produced by M.A.T.A. Of course, which the organization failed to protect its data; I took the liberty to replicate it." he knocked his hand over the cylindrical glass, and a hind of holographic blue emitted the surrounding perimeter.
It was only then did Alicia realized that there was a hindrance between herself and the perpetrator outside of it. She mentally cursed about how she even failed to take notice of it before!
Her fists clenched as she banged on the barely-visible surface which separates them, ripples of light blue waves emanated from her force like water puddles upon surface, yet solid as it were, it was unbreakable from puny force.
The neuro agent merely gave a look of great annoyance, both towards the boy's behavior and to her defenselessness to show such vulnerability in her state. "Just who are you?!" she shouted, her fist repeatedly banging against the cylindrical wall to emphasize her point.
The other male shook his head in reply. "It wouldn't be so fun if I give myself away so easily." He gave off what seemed to be a smile before taking a few steps back for a moment. "How about this, answer one question truthfully from me, and I will answer one question of yours equally truthful." He negotiated, his stance laid back and calm.
It made the neuro agent slightly raise a brow in question. Adverse to her previous demeanor, she stopped out of slight confusion and distrust. Just what game is this boy playing?
"Tell me who you are then—"
"Aren't you going to ask me anything about what you found in my database computer?" he cut her off when she was in the middle of speaking, his hand lifted in emphasis as his laid-back eyes lazily downcast upon the female.
She paused for a moment. "You saw it?" she breathed out, barely audible, yet given the circumstances of location it was well heard.
"Everything, and I must admit that your analyzation skills are greatly at par with what I've thought of you. Good to know that you're still skeptical of suspicious information." He humored, although well aware that the female isn't having any of his antics.
Alicia took in a deep breath before standing still and leaning back on the cylindrical wall, finding no reason to continue her composure knowing that the boy isn't taking her seriously. "Answer both, and I'll answer two of yours." She renegotiated, crossing her arms in turn.
Amused, the boy released a low chuckle. "As expected of you, turning the tables around no matter the situation." He took two steps forward, his hands tucked behind him.
"Well?" Alicia scoffed, "Ask your question." She almost demanded, her fright from earlier leaving as she leaned on the cylindrical surface of her confinement space. She didn't feel the need to be too much in alert, not like she could do anything should the boy decide to do something unwanted. Her eyes just narrowed at his black orb, her own trying so hard to figure out who else could be behind the mask. The hoodie-like cover by his head covering him other than the pseudo-mask he wore, which made it harder to see.
"Tell me, then. What exactly made you come back?" his question was short and simple, his priorities seemed different than the menacing aura he had when they first encountered. However, knowing his ability to apprehend Alicia without any problem despite her elite status, this guy may not be simple. Especially when he is well aware of what Alicia is capable of, and how to apprehend her effectively.
Not even her peers could do that.
The female raised a brow. "To finish my mission, obviously." She answered limitedly, though her eyes scanned the surroundings, figuring out what she could use to escape her confinement.
The boy shook his head. "Oh, a lie I've heard, I don't think I could respond truthfully now."
"Excuse you--?"
"You came back to see me. My appearance puzzled you, did it not? And you were determined to find out who I am before escalating the event to the General." He answered in her steed, crossing his arms with his head shaking slowly in displeasure from her dishonesty.
The neuro agent went silent, slightly taken aback on how accurate he was able to guess her motives. Could he have already known? Was it really that obvious?
"I would've second guessed, but your little snooping confirmed my suspicion otherwise. If you really were keen on finishing the job, you would've planted the explosive—which you never brought in this mission which you weren't authorized to." He continued, one by one did he pointed out in detail of her agendas.
Alicia was getting uneasy with all of this, the boy just guessed everything so accurately—how did he know?
No, how much does he know?
"The computers, why do you have Ali's files in them?" that was the next question that left her lips, different from her initial query which she thought of. However, the matter was mentioned, and here she was, driven with the thirst of reason as she wasn't able to end the journey of her search for information.
Especially, after seeing that camera feed...
"I have many feeds, most recovered, some were corrupted, yet otherwise useful. I don't think there's a need for me to answer other than the obvious fact of monitoring M.A.T.A. from the dark." He replied as if it's the most obvious thing that could be said as an answer, tilting his head to one side for a moment. "Unless... you have other thoughts in mind..."
A sneer was responded, yet no words were let out. Sure, it was obvious, yet at some point...
She was hoping for another answer...
"I suppose its my turn to ask you a question." He shifted his weight from one leg to another, as if in thought. "What do you think I'll do to you now?" his question was generic, yet it was uncertain whether it had a dangerous glint lingering in his tone.
She was at a pause; indeed it was too broad that anything could be done. She didn't want to assume; however, she really doesn't know why and what he wants. The other agents aren't around, their presence are absent. He probably let them go, just like how he was lenient enough to let them free during the first time around without much of trouble.
However, why did he take her instead? Was it because she was separated from them? Did she find something that made it unfavorable to let her go? Was that possibly why she was held captive?
But for what purpose? It doesn't look like he'll be harming her, but it is also a great question as to why he's acting like this. He's talking to her as if they weren't in such situation wherein, she is imprisoned and he is the captor, yet he's playing around with words.
"It's because I saw something I wasn't supposed to, wasn't it?" she assumed, though she was certain to have not seen sensitive information that could jeopardize her safety. Surely, its not the security feed of Ali's last words... was it? it wasn't that suspicious file, nor a folder filled with contents under his name, right? Or does it have something to do with the file being unlockable by the declaration of her name being the password?
"Maybe, maybe not. Did it not cross your mind that I might've purposely lured you to see what you've found? Or were you too distracted that it disabled you from accurately analyzing the situation?" he clicked his tongue for a moment, seemingly dissatisfied. "Oh well, all facts will be revealed, but I'm not saying that what I assumed is what I did. Otherwise, I would've stopped them from interfering with you."
Given his points, he did have a plausible resort. Maybe, he wanted her to see what was in those data, but if he did, then why did he allowed the fight to break out? Given that his authority seemed to be quite important that even Dos refused to fight further after the boy spoke.
Just... who exactly is he? What kind of game is he doing?
"You're turn, though I may not guarantee a truthful response given you lied a moment ago." He spoke once again after watching the female's confused yet taken aback expression.
It took around a few seconds before she shook her head, leaned forward and placed both her hands by the cylindrical wall of her confinement, ripples of light blue lights emitted from her touch like disturbances on stale water. "Who are you, exactly? How did you know all of this..." her questioned seemed like a demand at the latter part, her eyes slightly narrowed as she maintained eye-contact, hoping to see something that could give a hint. Oh, it seemed so familiar that she couldn't recall if she's seen him before.
"Me?" he lets out a chuckle. "Take a guess, I'm sure you already have an idea, I'm making this too obvious already." He responded, lifting his hand to let his fingertips touch the surface of his mask.
"You know so much about me and my way of thinking, I assume that you've been with M.A.T.A. before." She sneered. "Then might you be a traitor?"
"Traitor?" he lets out a small laugh. "I've been called many names before, but definitely not a traitor." He took two steps forward once more, only but three feet separating them both including the cylindrical glass wall.
"Then what do you expect for me to call you? A spy?" she retorted back, frustration slowly making itself known as time drags by. It was becoming tedious, and her patience is running thin.
"You can call me..." he trailed off and held onto his mask, a click of a sound left the solid piece before he took ahold of it completely. Slowly, he descended his hand to lower his mask which he wore, revealing several locks of dark hair, and his other eye which was hidden from the mask was visible. He smiled after fully removing his mask and set the voice-changing induced contraption aside.
"... Ali."
"What?" that was the only thing that left Alicia's thin lips as her eyes widened in disbelief. Her hands were almost pushing on the cylindrical wall that the ripples emitted repeatedly from the pressure. "You're joking... right? He's dead—"
"Dead? I'm offended, I know you disliked my presence for years but isn't that too harsh?" his smile didn't fade, the smile that never changed, the smile that was almost the same as the last smile she remembered before the unformidable event. "As you can see, I am very much alive."
The neuro agent was in silence, her disbelief left her immobile with shock. Her knees buckled where she didn't bother standing still, leading to her legs giving out, leaving her to fall back in a sitting position on the ground from the space where she could access. Her eyes were glued to the ground, taking a moment before she lifted her gaze to look at him again, blinking to ensure that she wasn't just hallucinating—but its real, he's real.
The boy, revealing himself to be the former tekno agent that long disappeared from the organization, took a few steps forward until he is right in front of the cylindrical wall which was made out of invisible yet solid holographic material. He knelt down on one knee to easily be at eye-to-eye with the female.
"Why aren't you saying anything? It disappoints me." He humored, tilting his head for a moment, seemingly like the harmless boy she met those years ago, but now, seemed to be engulfed in sheer pretense. "Alicia, say something."
"How..." she couldn't take her eyes off of him. No wonder he was all too familiar! He was the boy she long tried to find for so long! The boy that darkened their world after that unforgiveable event. "How did you—"
"Survive? I'm a natural at that. I was able to leave through another shuttle, but do you have any idea on what I did after?" he gave another smile before slowly shifting it into a cynical frown, his eyes downcast and once again—empty. "I heard everything, the truth behind the Protocol Gegas incident at the tower all those years ago with Djin." The name was like venom, his reaction to saying that name made him click his tongue in an unexplained tune.
"So, you joined them? Instead of coming back, you decided to join them?!" her anger overlapped her shock in no time, she was fuming yet her body didn't seem to respond from the residual pain that remains until now.
"I did, I found purpose after uncovering the dark secrets long covered by M.A.T.A., I finally understood Agent Rizwan's reason of turning back, everything is clear—while you are still left in the dark by the very same organization you trusted." He shifted to stand back onto his feet, his expression filled with unexplained anger, nothingness, though it had a hint of sadness. "I really didn't want to involve you, really. However, given your personality? You wont stop at nothing until you find answers."
"You don't understand!—you're being blinded by them! You know exactly what Djin did!" Alicia, given that she still has power within her vocal chords and her sense of reality keeping her sane. "I don't know what exactly they told you, or what the Numeroz tried to imply, but this is simply absurd—"
"You and your fancy words, you long shaped me to be an agent deemed acceptable for M.A.T.A., but you aren't hearing me at all. No, rather, you were manipulating me to believe you all this time." He gave her somewhat of a downcast glare, the playful and laid-back demeanor from earlier leaving its final trace from existence. "The power that M.A.T.A. holds needs to be suppressed, you don't know what lengths did M.A.T.A. go through to come out as a hero when they were no different than those savage traitors that we both hate."
"Are you even hearing yourself?! You're going against the very principle which we held onto for so long since you joined!—"
"I have my own mind, and I promised Djin I'd make things right. I'm sorry you got involved, and I can assure you that you will remain unscathed given our past friendship. However, I can't let M.A.T.A. wallow in glory after their betrayal towards Djin." He began speaking calmly after he gathered his sentence, yet it was clear in his eyes that he has his uncertainties. "The initiation of Protocol Gegas was unrighteous, and I don't want anyone else to fall victim to that protocol, that's why I'm doing this. I want to reform M.A.T.A. and eliminate these occurrences for good."
The female gave him an unsatisfied look of his reasoning. "Have you forgotten about M.A.T.A.'s good side? Sacrifices are meant to be made—"
"Oh? Like how they almost initiated that very protocol against you?" Ali paused her mid-sentence as he kept his stance. "If it weren't for me, they would've had no trouble ending you." He reminded her, though it sounded more like a warning instead.
Alicia was at a loss of words, unknown of what else to say to convince the boy otherwise. Still, she found it hard to believe that the boy was alive all this time—but he isn't who he used to be, assuming the position of an enemy they long tried to eliminate for so long. It was no wonder that the Numeroz were able to spend the days undetected by M.A.T.A., Ali was there to provide aid.
For what? A reason this... petty?
"I want to make a change; I want to set things right. To reform M.A.T.A. and cut away all the rotting parts of the organization through the Numeroz. Believe me, I know that Djin's wrongdoings are beyond forgivable, but think about where this all began, and you might understand me." He turned away, hands behind his back as he stood upright. "To do this, I need control over M.A.T.A.'s mainframe, but I wont use it for personal interest."
"What does that have to do with me? What exactly is my purpose for being here?" she questioned, seeing that the boy is finished with his words. She found his ideals to be... somewhat understandable but his method of doing so is what infuriates the female. This isn't legally ethical!
"Good question, and it so happens that your query will be answered in a short while." He spoke in reply before walking over to a nearby table and once again picked up the mask he wore earlier. He wore it, locking the ends so that it stays on him, the voice changer installed taking effect also. "I won't suggest that you speak, no one would hear you given the holographic material's insulating components." He added before walking over to where the computer was.
The female agent arched a brow in question, though it all faded when the boy began typing on the computer, and a transmission feed appeared. Her eyes widened when the person on the other side was none other than...
The General.
"It's been hours—we can't just sit back and wait!" Iman paced back and forth the room, worry painted over her expression as her hands nervously fiddled along her fingers.
The other two constituents of the room, being a certain Inviso agent and a tekno agent, remained in silence at the comfort of their own corners of the living quarters. However, the atmosphere given the current problem at hand is not at all pleasant.
"We won't be able to do anything if we panic, so please, sit down and let's think of a solution." The boy in red pushed his glass up by his eyes properly, though his expression was not as bright. "It's concerning enough that they let us go so easily—but not Alicia. I'm starting to have second thoughts about this..." he trailed off, his gaze looming from the female, then onto the other male in the room.
The other male clicked his tongue in frustration. "I've told you already, I can make a quick trip back there, grab her, then come back here as if nothing happened. Have you forgotten that I'm an Inviso? Busting someone out is my specialty!" he spoke in haste, darting his keen eyes towards the two who still awaited his response.
Khai nearly gritted his teeth in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose for the nth time since they woke up a few hours ago.
Apparently, they were once again at the rendezvous point when they awoke, but it was the break of dawn by then, and they were able to leave without any other agents questioning about the absence of their supposed neuro member.
"I've already told you as well that it's not that simple. If you choose to intrude for the sake of 'retrieving' our missing member, then we'd most likely walk onto a lion's den with open arms! Can't you get that through your thick, empty head?! You'll just put us into more trouble!" Khai repeated just what he mentioned a while ago, all in which the Inviso agent refused to acknowledge.
"For the record, Mr. I-Know-It-All, we ARE already in grave trouble, so we speak! What more would we be if we try to fix it? What? We're just going to sit here and wait?" the Inviso agent ranted out, his hands balling into fists, his previous composure now changed into one of frustration. "If you're so smart then think of a solution for once!" he followed, standing upright.
The kombat agent in the room warily glanced at both males, unsure on what else to say, between two opinions, she is unsure on which side she'll stand on.
At one point, if they choose to report the matter to the higher ups—then they'll be in serious trouble for proceeding with unauthorized operations. However, if ever they did decide to conceal the incident and attempt to fix it themselves as Rudy continuously recommended—who knows what could happen.
At situations like this, the higher ups are much more knowledgeable in strategizing such. This is the reason why a neuro agent exists, as without them would only sow discord upon teams without proper guidance from a true leader.
Thus, such arguments like these occur.
"Enough already, Alicia might be fine as we speak. Who knows if she'll just appear here in a few hours? Give it some time, and if nothing happens in a few hours then..." she trailed off, her eyes lightly shifting from the tekno agent, then towards the Inviso. "... We'll just have to ask for help." She ended before turning to leave.
This meeting has been unfruitful from the beginning, yet they couldn't discuss it out in the open to begin with.
Do note that this operational task was not authorized to begin with, but wasn't it Alicia's idea in the first place to conceal the matter? Wasn't it her idea to reveal the hidden perpetrator before actually bringing intel to the organization?
Unknown of the reasons, they still followed. Even if they didn't intended it, they're involved already.
Both options leads to serious consequences either way, one of which they'll have to face in the near future.
Unless they count on the very small probability of a miracle for Alicia to simply appear out of nowhere, safe and sound.
Though it's very much unlikely.
"Very well, we'll just see what happens later." Khai surrendered in reply before being the first to leave the room.
The metallic doors both opened in sync upon his exit, leaving him no other words as the doors soon closed after.
Upon Khai's exit, his expression was darkened by unexplainable emotion. For once—he doesn't know what to do. His helplessness without a proper neuro agent to decide was beyond his capacity to think. In the end, this was why he wasn't a neuro to begin with, he's only intellectually capable of suggesting, but not in taking the lead.
As his relevantly hasted steps proceeded to take him farther down the hallways, down to where the supposed laboratories for the tekno pillar is, eyes and ears loomed in places they didn't know.
Just adjacent to the wall on the opposite side of the door, behind the corner of the connecting hall stood a man dressed in blue, his bulky figure being hard to hide, yet was agile to be left unnoticed.
His cap fixated by his head, and curls resided down behind his head beneath his headwear, yet what strikes the most was his narrowed eyes.
His footsteps were light despite his size, only waiting for the tekno agent to pass before he himself went the same direction as the former. The area connected to the path towards the general building where the General was supposedly situated in his aforementioned meetings. One of which was the common briefing room he uses the most, and it so happens that he is in a transmission with no one at the moment.
The man hesitated for a moment, uncertain of what he's heard earlier from the three younger agents. Still, he straightened his composure and approached the General. "General..." he spoke lowly, being cautious as to not disturb the General should he have other agendas ongoing.
The man turned to face the agent, raising a brow with crossed arms. "What is it, Agent Bakar?"
The man—being Agent Bakar, hesitated by adverting his gaze before meeting the eyes of the General once more. "It's about Alicia, she's..."
"... She's in trouble."
She nearly shouted—probably for the reason that her father sees her this helpless, or to ask for help—yet she didn't for the obvious reason that her voice will be unheard. A bluish hue waved through the holographic cylindrical wall which might've been to block her from the outside.
She could hear them, but they definitely won't hear her.
The General seemed enraged after seeing the view on Alicia's side—the female being missing for quite sometime now, only for them to receive a transmission where she is in fact, held captive.
The boy, the perpetrator of it all simply stood in front of the monitors with his hands casually behind his back in such a manner. "Good evening, General." He even greeted, his mask altering his voice, including to how he is perceived.
The General could only click his tongue in grave annoyance. "State your identity, and then your purpose." His words were like metal falling onto cement, hard and solid. His eyes had his brows narrowed as he occasionally glanced at the neuro agent at the back, before directing his gaze towards the unfamiliar boy at the front-center.
"Straight to the point, never faltering, I see." Ali—under the guise of Zero, lifted his gaze to directly look into the eyes of the General. "You may call me Zero, for now. I don't need to explain any details, I believe. I have one of your agents, and she'll be staying with me for some time." He trailed off, glancing back at Alicia who seemed to look unamused with his words, yet he too didn't falter to it.
"You established this transmission, so you must have a purpose. Tell me and I might reconsider." The General spoke, as calm as he could though his expression gave it away. He knew that surrendering to the Numeroz will always be a bad thing, but that's his daughter. Either way, he'll end up thinking of a solution to avoid the costs and consequences of what could be decided upon.
Zero cleared his throat before glancing back at the General. "I propose a trade, if you may." A small smile could've been seen behind his mask, though his eyes were empty and cynical. "I'll offer you the safety of your agent; Alicia Kheng, in exchange for the core chip that enables access to M.A.T.A.'s database framework. I demand absolute control over the framework itself." He laid out his terms, and what he wants in return. He could hear how Alicia was faintly banging against the holographic cylindrical walls of her imprisonment, but he paid no attention to it.
"Absurd! What makes you think we'll hand it over that easily?! Even the old Uno couldn't get his hands on it on an absolute level, so, what makes you think I'll comply to your ridiculous demands!?" the General began shouting, enraged with the boy after hearing about his so-called 'trade demands', almost forgetting Alicia mid-way.
"You can choose to decline, of course. However..." he turned his back on the General and slowly made paces to walk forth towards the imprisonment where Alicia was trapped inside in silence. His eyes were sharp as he casted an apologetic glance for a moment before his cynical expression returned as he faced the General. "Should you decide to reject the trade offer that I proposed, then I wouldn't guarantee the safety of your agent. Rather, I don't believe she'll be able to go back at all... in one piece..."
Zero's threats were like venom, making Alicia's eyes widened—almost believing that Ali was actually serious about it!—is she really going to be some kind of bargaining chip? Is this exactly why she was imprisoned here without the others?
Is Ali intending to... kill her? Should M.A.T.A. refuse to follow? Then isn't this another Protocol Gegas scenario?
Will they actually adhere to his requests?
The General was fuming, his teeth visually grinding. It was evident that he was at a loss on what to say or do, knowing that the safety of his daughter would then be compromised if ever he refused. But then again, by prioritizing the safety of his daughter, he'll be risking the safety of all Cyberaya and M.A.T.A. itself to enemies he long loathed.
For once, he felt... unsure.
"Don't fret, I'm not as cruel as you think." Zero decided to end the piercing silence as he made three steps forward towards the monitor. "A week, I'll generously give you one week to decide on whether or not to accept my proposal. By the end of the week or before so, I expect a response from your side. Do remember not to do anything that will cause me to do something you'll all regret." His final words were like venom from a snake's slithering tongue, the threat menacing enough to make the neuro agent and the General to be rendered in silence.
The faint sound of banging could be heard as an action being done repeatedly by the neuro agent, but it wasn't audible enough for the General to hear. He could see Alicia trying to say something, but no sound left the barrier of a holographic wall, the holographic wall itself being very much transparent that it was difficult to see its existence if not for the bluish ripples resulting as feedback from her impacts.
Once again, Zero made a faint chuckle. "It's up to you, General of M.A.T.A., to give me full and absolute access and control over M.A.T.A. and its framework, or to initiate the infamous Protocol Gegas upon one of your most valuable young agent. I'll be awaiting your response." He gave his low, cynical smile resembling some kind of smirk before eventually breaking the transmission line in which he used to communicate with the General. The screens went black as the monitors were shut down completely, and no longer could the General see, nor hear what's going on.
The General was infuriated that he bashed his fist onto the control module of the briefing room. Cracks and small debris appeared and fell on the ground while his hand—molded to fists—bruised upon impact. Electrical currents could be seen visibly, yet he seemed to be unaffected at all.
At the far side of the room stood Agent Bakar, concerned as he approached the General and tried to provide aid with his supposed injury, yet the General beckoned for him to step back.
"General..." the agent spoke lowly, concern written on his face, yet his concern was mixed with worry for the female agent that was caught in the enemy's grasp.
Zero... either a new member, or an existing and hidden member that they were never aware of. Something gives them the feeling that this new villain shouldn't be taken lightly. Especially now that he is threatening them with the life of another person, something that Djin—as Uno, would probably refuse to do as much as possible.
To trap them, lock them up and hold them prisoners or hostages, he might. But never would he intend to threat the life of the other, or to make serious acts that showcases the cruel side of agony.
The General took the time to calm down, yet anger was still evident, yet at the same time... fear.
Under his command, M.A.T.A. will follow, as he is the General directly under the Chief Pillar Leaders. Such matter—he dares not to let the Chief Pillar Leaders know, nor to let them find out about it, leading to his discretion whether or not to follow.
He has only two possible choices, one is to save Alicia and risk the safety of both M.A.T.A. and Cyberaya, or he would initiate the taboo of a protocol, protect the organization and Cyberaya, but lose one of his most valuable and competent agents—his daughter.
He would've cursed a word; this wouldn't have happened if only Alicia and her team remained in the sidelines like they were supposed to. None of this would've had happened if they only refrained from engaging in unnecessary and unauthorized missions.
None of this would've happened if only Alicia disclosed the appearance of a new yet mysterious entity among the Numeroz. Yes, he knew that someone else was there, and he is also aware that his daughter knew of it all—yet chose not to speak of it...
"Agent Bakar... get the mentors and Agent Rizwan..." he spoke after calming down, his other hand rubbing his knuckles to soothe the bruising pain caused by his angered burst.
The bulky agent immediately complied and left in haste, immediately out to comply with the task at hand, though uncertainty clearly lingered.
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