Chapter 2

Approximately an hour before midnight, the sky was covered with a sheet of darkness, clouds barely visible amidst the inked void. The starless night shone with only the bright yet luminescent hue of the full moon basking the city in the night's embrace of rest and sleep.

Very few were out and about in their own business on the darkened streets, some were employees of the late shift, while some were out at night with friends. The harbor was at peace, an unusual occurrence yet not more would anyone want than the absence of raid in the area. However, the situation is relatively different near the outskirts where in an off-limit zone near a forest lays a warehouse meant to provide shelter to stocks meant for sale, an area just a few steps away from the harbor being in view. Two figures could be seen, standing as the moonlight shadowed their figures, casting the same shadows on the ground. One of the said figure wore an attire adorned with red and black, a small robot situated by his feet, arms crossed as he examined the perimeter via holographic camera feeds taken from his dispatched drones. On the other hand, the other was a female, sitting by a nearby rock which accommodated her stature, her blue uniform adorned with a yellow shawl connected to a dagger dart. She was quiet, only observing the situation by ear.

A series of footsteps caused both the figures to look towards the direction of the sound, finding no urgency to get their weapons out as the footsteps were familiar, lending them ease.

"Apologies for my tardiness, the General gave several instructions." The Neuro agent of the team stopped in her tracks as she spoke, her outfit of yellow and black adorned by her signature green scarf darkened by the night's hue, her features shadowed by the moonlight. "I trust that you have received the coordinates, Khai?"

The figure in red pushed his glasses properly situated by his eyes before tossing onto the ground—a circular device, where upon impact led for a holographic 3D projection to appear on the spot.

On cue, the entire scale of the 3D projection of the location was presented, Alicia walked three steps forward to examine the coordinates and the exact location as visualized. "Before we plant the explosive, we need to ensure that there is no one else inside. The General want these fugitives alive by all means, understand?" she questioned, her eyes shifting from the map and towards the other two in the area. She needn't to look for the fourth member missing from the scene, she is well aware that he is around—hiding, but surely listening.



Alicia gave a nod after acknowledging the unanimous response of the other two before using her right hand to manipulate the angles of the holographic map, zooming forth to where the possible entrances are. "We'll split up in investigation. Khai, you will have to monitor the perimeter and disable any possible traps and security measures. By doing so, Rudy will sneak in from the ventilation system situated at the back. I will find an opening at the front. Iman, stay outside with Khai to eliminate possible robotic enemy entities should they be alarmed, serve as back-up should Rudy and I become unreachable." She elaborated the thorough plan of action as she occasionally pointed to various areas on the map.

She glanced up at the two figures who listened intently, both nodding in acknowledgement of their aforementioned task. A slight shuffling of leaves from trees above gave Alicia the confirmation that Rudy indeed understood and is probably proceeding forth with the task assigned to him. He may be hot tempered and hard to get along with, but when duty calls, he will follow with utmost effort and obedience.

Khai stayed behind with Iman to switch off the holographic device while also using R.O.—the robotic entity as his companion—to begin accessing the surveillance and security measures of the area. Alicia stood in waiting until Khai gave her the go signal that she could go in.

The waiting took only a few minutes before she took on stance and sprinted towards the warehouse itself, her footsteps thumping lightly onto the dirt pavement, silenced by the withered grass upon her soles. The act of her movement synchronized with her speed allowed her to move in rapid paces without needing to worry about what noise she could produce. If given the chance, she could pass off as a fairly competitive Inviso agent, but her strategic nature knows no bounds leading to her status as a Neuro.

She made a small drift to quietly cease her movement, right in front of the entrance of the aforementioned warehouse. The door was metallic, it was closed, a passcode panel visible at the wall just near the door serves as the control module for entry. The young neuro agent opened the panel shaft to see what needs to be done, and a series of buttons resembling a number pad was presented. She double-tapped her earpiece of a communicator. "Khai, there's a pin requirement for entry." She glanced around for any other entrances but found nothing other than the front door as the bigger gate for large inventory was sealed shut.

It took a moment before Khai responded, "1520" he mentioned, prompting Alicia to type the exact number combination on the number pad.

Just as expected, the light turned green and entry was permitted, the door opened ajar with a small creak, Alicia had to open the door wider by a small perimeter, large enough to fit her frame.

The interior of the warehouse was fairly genetic, similar to the numerous bases infiltrated by M.A.T.A., the reddish hue of the interior serves as Uno's mark, a trademark that never fails to make Alicia hiss in annoyance.

"If there are Azurium crystals here, I'll just have Iman take them out." She mumbled to herself, taking out her signature blastique and casually walked forth to investigate the deeper areas of the warehouse, her guard up and secured.

There were computers and wirings littering one side of the warehouse, and giant machineries resembling mechadroids stationed inactive over the wide space from the inside. Weaponries and metallic boxes adorned any empty space, yet debris still littered the ground. Still, anything else seems to be a brief resemblance of the Numeroz' old base at that cave they found before.

"Alicia, can you hear me?" Alicia paused upon her earpiece being activated, a low voice speaking from the other end of the communication line.

"I'm in, I'm currently at the control room yet there's no one here, but system is online." Rudy reported from the communication device equipped by the agents.

Alicia only hummed as she managed to open a hidden entryway leading down below, a basement perhaps. "Gather as much essential intel as you could, contact me immediately if you caught sight of any of the Numeroz." She replied, pressing her earpiece on a specific pattern to end the connection, which helps her focus on the task at hand. The stairway down was relatively dark, but not dark enough to incapacitate her line of sight. She headed down in slow and quiet steps, seeing a faint hue of light at the bottom leading to a hall. From there, by the end of the small hall was a hue of azure. It didn't take a genius to figure out what it was.

Thus, she tapped on her earpiece once more, "Khai, I found the Azurium, there's a room full of it. I require assistance to get them back to H.Q." Alicia spoke before ending the communication line, she didn't need to wait for any response as she approached the area. Indeed, at least five boxes full of containers which were contained with adequately-sized Azurium crystals. It would take a whole team to move all of these out, but considering the risks, perhaps Khai and Iman could lend a hand.

Still, a question lingered onto Alicia's mind, why? Why so many of them? Where could they get all of these undetected?

And why they allowed such resource to reach this quantity, leading for them to potentially get caught?

Oh, she knew alright, she knew this could be a potential trap, she didn't mention this since she wasn't all that certain. However, the absence of the Numeroz as mentioned by Rudy just made her uneased, like as if they're watching from the shadows, which explains their absence.

She pursed her lips in thought as her keen eyes gazed at the crystals in containers, organized in boxes. The blue hue was bright enough to illuminate the area, casting its light to reflect on any surface it could reach.

But there's something she couldn't shake off no matter what she does, something is definitely wrong here.

Before she could actually perform any form of action, a loud thump could be heard from the surface above, making her get into a combat stance, guard up and ready whenever. In haste, she tapped on her earpiece. "Rudy? Is everything alright with you? Hello? Rudy?" she tried contacting the Inviso agent only to get no response, she tried contacting both Khai and Iman but just the same as before, nothing. She nearly cursed under her breath as she took one last look towards the crystals before eventually turning back to dash back up the stairs.

She didn't want to think negatively, but given the circumstances, it could be possible that they encountered the Numeroz.

By the time she managed to get back to the starting point of her exploration inside the warehouse, a scene which she couldn't fathom met her.

Iman was thrown onto the other side of the warehouse, crashing onto inactive droids after the impulsive impact of a large mechadroid. Khai was behind a metallic table that has been flipped over for cover, controlling R.O. with his watch as the small robot tried to hack into the large mechadroid to end its rampage. Rudy, being the Inviso of the team, should've been efficiently fighting one-on-one with a familiar face, Dos, but was down on the ground unconscious in front of her.

The neuro agent nearly cursed a word before taking out a series of steel balls resembling bullets, aiming towards the woman in black and purple, but the woman managed to narrowly dodge the projectiles. It was still unknown to Alicia on how this fight broke out without anyone alerting her, or even if they did, what prevented them from doing so?

The thought was no longer of concern at the moment as she lunged forward, dodging the needle-like projectiles sent on her way from Dos, the other two agents being kept at bay with the Mechadroid and of course, Trez. Many inactive droids smashed against another as the fight continued on, numerous debris and sparks coming from damaged wiring decorated the once- stale flooring. Alicia managed to lure Dos away from Rudy, giving Iman enough time to come over and grab the unconscious team member and bring him somewhere safer.

"Been a while, I see you still haven't improved your close-range techniques." The woman in black and purple taunted lowly, jabbing her arm down to stab the shorter female with her signature stix, but the neuro agent dodged, bent her knee and used her other leg to swipe across the floor in a full diameter angle. Dos immediately took notice and released the female from her hold, jumping just a few steps away to evade being tripped down by Alicia.

The female in yellow and black took ahold of her blastique and shot numerous bullets towards Dos, trying to at least land a hit but Dos was fast, speed and stealth being one of her strongest traits. Keeping Dos at bay was not a difficult task but defeating her before the fight gets tedious is the main struggle.

The young neuro placed her arms in a cross formation to deflect the damage sent as Dos delivered several punches her way. However, the woman in black and purple sent a hard kick down her midsection which Alicia was unable to comprehend, causing her frame to be plummeted to the wall just behind her. Dos took out her shock stix and prepared to stab it down the shorter female when an ominous voice appeared.

"That's enough." Said the mysterious figure, voice low and menacing as a result from a voice changer. Everyone paused and gazed at this particular figure, Iman protecting Rudy's unconscious form while Khai was in a close-range battle with Trez but was pitifully grabbed and apprehended.

Alicia was of no exception, her gaze was a bit hazy given the impact from Dos, her eyes focused on that figure.

There stood a boy, similar in height with hers. He wore a mask similar to Uno's signature one, but designs differ, yet the red and menacing lines remained. His suit was of pitch black and gray, the same menacing lines of red emanating from sears and joints of his suit. There was very little that could be seen to identify who he is, and none of them are certain.

"Zero..." Dos mumbled under her breath, eyes narrowed though went back to her usual stance, her hands gripping the shock stix that was oh, so close to impaling the younger female.

"They're not worth the time and effort, Dos. Throw out unnecessary guests, yet I want no blood to smear tonight." He commanded, lifting his hand where his glove was of metal, the familiar red linings adorned his palm, and the light of it glowed menacingly brighter.

Suddenly, the mechadroids which were previously bashed to pieces began rebuilding themselves from the tiny microchips which they were infested with. The visors of the robots glowed a dangerous hue of bright red before they lunged forward.

It all happened too fast that Alicia failed to comprehend on what was happening, Khai was knocked out cold with Trez leaving the warehouse, Iman was grabbed by one of the mechadroids along with Rudy, all of which leaving the warehouse. This leaves for Alicia who instantly tried to scoot backwards to maintain distance from the mechadroid which was inching forward, fist pulled back to prepare in attacking should Alicia dare make sudden moves.

Alicia clearly showed signs of retaliating just by her eyes, she knew she should've planted the explosive earlier on, but leaving the explosive to detonate in the presence of the Azurium crystals will do severe damage instead, so she couldn't dare to. Still, she suddenly rolled to the side, grabbed her blastique which was knocked out of her hands earlier, using a special type of bullet and aiming straight at the mechadroid's visors, the bullet plunging forth and instantly releasing somewhat of an EMP wave, draining power from the mechanical entity and making it collapse immediately without its power source.

Dos was taken aback, taking out her shock stix and lunged forth for an attack yet she stopped.

It made Alicia question as well as to why the female assailant suddenly ceased her movements, but all those disappeared when she felt a gush of wind behind her, making her instincts yell at her in alarm.

"You should've cooperated when I was nice." The darkened voice of the mysterious figure spoke from behind.

Before Alicia could've turned around to attack or even had time to comprehend on what happened, pain coursed through her body in an instant from the back of her neck down to her spine. Her mind went hazy and blank as she slipped into unconsciousness from the attack from behind, only hearing his voice of disappointment before she lost all sense of reality and was greeted by darkness.

"You never changed."


"Alicia, wake up."

"Give her time, whatever happened back there must've took a toll on her."

"Exactly, we need to know what just happened, she's not this easy to fall."

"On most circumstances, yes, but this is different, Agent Rizwan."

Noise from two distinct voices stirred the female in black and yellow awake—like blurred sounds suppressed by water. She kept still for a moment before bringing her eyes to open, slowly fluttering them awake. Her vision was blurred, but she could clearly make out the hazy image of Agent Rizwan and Agent Bakar, both seemed engrossed in their prior conversation to notice her awakening.

The bright lights of the room blinded her for a moment, causing her to inwardly hiss from the visual sting and close them once more, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light by small blinking.

The back of her neck felt sore, her body felt heavy, and a growing headache formed, doubled by the distinct chattering nearby. Alicia involuntarily released a low groan of annoyance, catching the attention of the two adults almost immediately.

"Alicia, are you alright? Where does it hurt? Just what happened back there!?" Agent Bakar placed his hands on the bedsheets and nearly threatened to shake the female for answers, but Agent Rizwan prevented so.

Agent Rizwan merely eyes him. "And here I thought I was the inconsiderate one." He mumbled before crossing his arms and facing Alicia. "How are you feeling, though?"

The neuro agent simply blinked a few times before sighing, gazing over the monochrome agent in turn. "Sore, like something hit me at the back." She replied honestly, just observing her surroundings before trying to move. She was able to, good to know that she isn't paralyzed. She slowly sat up with the help of Bakar, moving her head a bit while easing the soreness at the back of her neck with her right hand. "Where are the others?"

Agent Bakar went to get a glass of water which was on one of the tabletops in the room. "Oh, you mean Khai, Iman, and Rudy? They're at the other medical room, though I assume they're awake by now."

"I see..." Alicia limitedly replied, her eyes narrowing off at a distance as she tried to recall the events that transpired previously. It was hazy, and until now she's trying to remember, but images flashed only for a brief moment in her head, repeating that same scene. "That guy..."

Agent Rizwan perked at her latter words. "What guy? Can you tell us what happened to you?" he questioned, only to get silence in reply.

"Where did you find us?" she asked a question back, at least to see if there's anything else she's forgetting, which she is certain that Agent Rizwan might say.

The older agent closed his eyes for a moment in thought. "Agent Bakar and I succeeded in planting the explosives on the other two locations with our respective teams—I went solo. I was tasked to collect the mission reports from both you and Agent Bakar, but you were strangely unreachable. Given your location which I've tracked from your communicator, I found you and your team unconscious by the rendezvous point." He uncrossed his arms, letting them dangle to his sides. "I called for back up to get you four to safety. As for what happened, I'm not at all certain, that's why I'm asking you."

It took a moment before Alicia could comprehend, more images flashing past her mind that she's slowly grasping on what transpired. "I remember now. There was something strange with the location assigned to me, there were significant quantities of Azurium in the area. So, I went against to planting the explosives as by doing so—will only cause unnecessary damages to the perimeter, as the crystals are lethally explosive. We had an encounter with Dos and Trez but..." she trailed off, biting her lower lip in brief hesitation as her hands slowly curled to fists, gripping the bedsheets.

Agent Rizwan raised a brow at that. "But...?" he urged for Alicia's continuation of her narrative, finding great interest in what she has to say—given her previous words too.

Alicia just gave a firm look towards the older again. "Nothing, that's all." She blurted out, yet her eyes remained stoic until she gazed down at her hands once again. She feels odd about what happened that she didn't mention about the whole mysterious guy phenomena. She may be mistaken; she may be seeing things. She best talk to her teammates and confirm what she saw before saying anything to Agent Rizwan and Agent Bakar. "They probably knocked us out and left us there."

Agent Bakar wasn't convinced. "But you mentioned about a guy—"

"I was confused for a moment, Agent Bakar, the guy was Trez and that's it." she cut him off without enabling him to say anything further, making the older agent close his mouth.

The two adults shared a look with each other before Agent Rizwan released a sigh of defeat. "Get some rest, we'll come back later to check up on you. However, as soon as you're certain that your brief recovery is proceeded with, you should meet with the General." He spoke before giving a nod to one of the tekno agents nearby who was handling the medical bay and turned to leave.

As the two adults left, Alicia was left to stare blankly at her curled hands into fists. Zero... that's what Dos called him, right? Alicia was certain that she didn't misheard it. Could there be a possibility that a new member of the Numeroz arose? If so, why Zero? Is he an old member? A member before... Uno?

Disregarding the logic of counting, the young tekno didn't know what else to say other than her brief assumption. Best she thinks of this later when she managed to talk to her teammates.

It was complicated to talk to the attending Tekno into releasing her without the necessary formalities, it took quite a lot of convincing without the unnecessary urge to threaten the staff. When she was successful, she took her belongings which was in a box at the nearby desk. Her communicator, her earpiece, her blastique—and her phone. She tapped twice to open her phone, checking for notifications but what met her was a wallpaper she long ago had set. It was a picture of her and... Ali.

She could vaguely remember when this was taken, just a few days before her birthday, the young tekno deliberately 'forced' her to take a photo together at a local restaurant. Although others were present as well, this was the only photo she found worth keeping.

She stared at the photo solemnly for a few seconds before switching the device off and placing her phone at one of her side pockets. Without further ado, she went over to the other medical bay rooms, one which was shared by her three previous companions. From there, she gazed at each and every one of them, seems like they're okay, with Khai and Iman standing by a bedside where Rudy laid. It seems that Rudy had quite a few injuries, given how he'd been fighting since he found something was off.

Or so she thought.

"Good to see you're alright." She spoke towards them, no one specific in particular.

The three agents immediately shifted their gaze towards the neuro agent who approached them in small strides. Iman gave a smile, "Glad to see you're awake!" she jeered with a smile.

Khai on the other hand, pushed his glasses properly by his eyes. "Indeed, out of all of us, I expected it to be you who will last fall." His remark made his own expression sullen with seriousness. "However, we can't ignore the question at hand; just what happened back there?" he questioned, focusing his gaze solely on their leader of the team.

Alicia casted her gaze away for a moment before looking back at all three of them who had their focus on her. "Zero, that's the name Dos mumbled which I've heard." She began, giving each one of them a certain look. "Sound any familiar?"

The monochrome agent in the room shook his head. "Thought they start at one, but I didn't know there was someone before that." He admitted, slowly sitting up, though his arms were bandaged. "That night when I was in the control room, I found a file named "Cero", it was passcode protected, and hacking isn't my main suit. I failed to notice that Dos was there..."

"So, it was Dos who launched the attack?" the neuro agent questioned, inching nearer to the monochrome agent in great interest. "Then I assume you asked for back-up from Iman and Khai, but not me?" she added, finding it odd even though she gave the order, she should still be informed at least, right? As the one leading the team, they should've notified her.

"I was barely able to comprehend as well, and before I knew it, a fight broke out. I don't know why or how did my signal not reach you." Rudy admitted, clicking his tongue in annoyance, since he should be able to defeat Dos by himself, or at least be at par enough to remain standing.

It just went haywire when those giant mechadroids began functioning, as human he is still vulnerable going against multiple, metallic entities.

"It's like something was controlling what was at sight, our communicators no longer functioned since the fight broke out." Iman added, taking a took over at Khai who merely nodded in agreement.

"I see..." she sighed and looked at them straight. "The general will later brief us of what happened back there and why we failed to plant the explosive; I'll explain about that part. However, until we figure things out for certain, let's not mention about... Zero..." she spoke lowly, her eyes narrowing sharp as she eyed her fellow team mates with serious intent.

The tension in the room was vividly filled with melancholy, bathing the scenario with sheer discomfort. Luckily, tekno agents began entering the room as Alicia turned to face the doorway, not without taking a small glance at her team. "I'll be at the briefing room, as I believe the General wont begin without us all. Remember what I said." She sternly motioned before eventually leaving the room, with the three agents eying each other with great uncertainty.

Footsteps adorned the resounding pavement of metallic flooring, the tapping of her heels echoed throughout the walls of the hallway. Her expression solid with sheer indifference, her focus straightforward without at all, a care for those who look her way. That has been a behavior she exhibited once, and until now she remains within herself since that very night.

She paused by the front of a metallic door, the scanners verifying her identity before the metallic doors slid open. A gush of wind passed her from the friction, yet she remained unfazed. Up front was Agent Rizwan and Agent Bakar, another Tekno agent whom she could care less to know was managing the transmission. There showed the screen where the General's physical appearance was displayed, he was eyeing the people in the room until his gaze landed on the newcomer of the area, his daughter.

"You're awake." He commented briefly as the first interaction they've had today, his brows relaxed upon seeing his daughter in a not-so-dangerous state.

Alicia gave a nod, rubbing the back of her neck as it was still sore from whatever damage she took. "I'm fine, General. My team is undergoing final inspection at the Medical Bay before they proceed here." She replied, knowing that as she initially mentioned, she doesn't need any last-minute assurance.

"While waiting, I require at least your summary of the occurrence. Present me your reason as to why you failed to implant the explosive on that base assigned to you?" the General questioned after a moment of concern, remaining keen to his obligations as the General.

The neuro agent indifferently looked up at the man, "Azurium levels indicates the presence of Azurium crystals present, causing an explosion in the area will only cause unnecessary and unruly damage on the area. Thus, will result in unwanted attention from neighboring areas, compromising the mission as well as the presence of M.A.T.A." she explained, feeling the gaze of Agent Rizwan and Agent Bakar straight at her. "It is also unknown whether there are hostages or people in general in the area. Causing explosions with people present, may they be enemies or not, is against M.A.T.A.'s protocols under Cause of Action – Unnecessary Casualties."

The General released a low hum in acknowledgement. "Justification valid, you did the most plausible resort." He gave a small praise behind his statement, nodding before glancing to look at Agent Rizwan and Agent Bakar. "What about you two? Status report." He shifted his attention away from his daughter briefly.

"Task accomplished, General. The bases assigned to both of us are now erased from existence. We have already submitted a written report about the required details for documentation." Agent Rizwan answered in reply as to no longer waste any more time.

As the conversation goes, Alicia was absent-minded, her gaze in a blank stare as the voices dulled and blurred around her. Her thoughts were focused on one question; just who was Zero?

She would've thought that she misheard it, knowing that her team definitely failed to hear so, or they are agreeing with her under the pretext that they believe she is always right?

She doesn't know whether or not, to simply shrug it off or to trust her allies with what she heard. For the first time since the days passed, she felt hesitant, unsure, and unsettled. She could be wrong, right? There could be a chance that she is simply anxious, right? Or was Dos referring so something else?

But no, they saw him, they saw that guy addressed by Dos, they saw him in a mask, they were unable to see or to identify that guy's identity.

If she wants to provide plausible information, then best she finds thorough information or evidence before making that information known to the General. The worse part, that unknown individual could be a grave threat to Cyberaya, they could be—the new leader of the Numeroz.

If ever that's the case, then could it be that... they're in grave danger? Since not ordinary villains can lead the Numeroz, because if so, then Dos should've been the one in lead, right? Or Jenny.

She doesn't know anymore, the information coursing, analyzing, and assessing through her mind is giving her a headache.

She closed her eyes, clenching her teeth as the headache was growing, making her hold a hand over her head in an attempt to ease the pain. Was it due to the impact? Was it due to her anxiousness? Was she overwhelmed? Or was she thinking too much that she needs to give her head a break?

"Agent Alicia? Are you alright?"

She doesn't know what might happen in the future, was her decision even precise to begin with? Was she certain that letting them go was a good resolve? If they were evil as they're known to be, why did they leave her team back to square one? And how would the Numeroz know where the rendezvous point is? How could they have known about that when the information is only disseminated to agents tasked here? It doesn't make sense...

"Agent Alicia? Hello?"


"Agent Alicia!"

The neuro agent snapped out of her thoughts and glanced around the area in haste, all eyes were on her, and her own team was already there, looking at her with concern. The voice calling to her, it seems to be belonging to Agent Rizwan, whose hand was already at her shoulder, giving it a light nudge.

"A-Apologies, I was lost in thought." She adverted her gaze in embarrassment, unwilling to meet eyes with anyone. Her hand moved from her head to rub the back of her sore neck instead. A habit she managed to sadly, pick up from her late friend, Ali.

"If you're unwell, stay at the Medical Bay and receive medical attention." The General commanded, yet there was worry in his voice as well. He knows how strong his daughter is as an agent, not even having cement and debris fall onto her will bring her down for too long. This situation was... strange indeed, he couldn't help but worry despite his daughter's strength.

"I'm fine, please, proceed with the briefing and I will await further instructions." She dismissed the idea and went back to her usual stance, hands at her sides and eyes indifferently serious.

Agent Rizwan exchanged glances with Agent Bakar, then by the General as the man in the transmission cleared his throat.

"Very well, the site will be under investigation two days later, and I believe that it is best to assign the mentors to this specific location while your team is recuperating, Alicia. I request that you refrain from involving yourself from this task. Should there be any information helpful for us to better assess the situation, or something we should be wary of, please inform me now." He narrowed his eyes to look directly at his daughter who seemed to be maintaining her stance despite the obvious unnatural actions she's making, which includes her unnatural act of flexing and clenching her fingers.

Alicia felt how her teammates were looking at her for a response. "No, I could vaguely remember." She replied monotonously. "I accept the instructions; however, I do request that—if given the allowance, I would like to partake in missions surrounding the location." She followed.

Agent Rizwan gave her a sideways glance. "Agent Alicia, for the sake of your health and safety, allow the mentors to take care of this." He spoke lowly, though with no effort to be discreet.

Yet Alicia could give not a single care. "General, I await your response."

Agent Bakar began feeling anxious about this, there's something about Alicia that unsettles him. Just like when Ali was still under his supervision, this is the motions of someone who knows something that others do not. He saw this behavior many times on Ali before, which rubbed off of his teammates, and Alicia is no exception.

Something was definitely up.

"Agent Alicia..." the General trailed off before releasing a heavy sigh. He knew that his daughter was hard to convince, her stubbornness has doubled since she met Ali. "I will contact you in two days' time." He ended, giving a nod towards the tekno agent who has been silent all along and ended the transmission.

Without further ado, Alicia no longer spent another second, turned around, and walked out as the doors slid open automatically upon her exit, leaving for the agents left behind to render themselves silent. The Tekno agent maneuvering the transmission earlier also excused themselves to leave, and soon, the other young agents left as well. What was left was the adult agents who once again, shared a glance.

They both shared the same thought; something was definitely odd.

"She knows something, doesn't she?" Agent Bakar asked once they assured that they were both alone in the room. "She and Ali—they have the same motions when they're hiding something." He breathed out in thought.

Agent Rizwan only remained quiet, for now. "Whatever it may be." He then turned to walk out the room, the doors automatically opening at his exit, his expression narrowed.

"I will find out." 

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