~ four ~

Thursday,  June 18th, 2020, 10:30 am

-Jaden Hossler-

I was sat next to Addy as we were riding to the studio when I get a text.

Swype House

Party at the Hype House, Friday at 10

Who the fuck throws a party on a Thursday night

Dumbass read the text again

"Stupid" I say smacking the back of Anthonys head.

"What am I missing" Addy asks from beside me.

"Party at the hype house tomorrow night" Josh says as he focuses on the road.

"Are you texting and driving" Addy asks Josh who is sat in the drivers seat. 

"Nope" Josh says throwing his phone onto Anthony's lap

"You going to the party tomorrow" Anthony asks looking at Addy.

"Probably, uhh . . . Probably not, cause I can't bring Ashton and I'm scared I'll have another seizure or pass out and yeah" Addy says as we pull up to the studio she goes too.

"Then go with me and I'll stick with you the whole night" I offer.

"I'll think about it" Addy replies grabbing her bag and letting Ashton out of the car as we walk to the front door.

"Adeline" a women says when we walk in.

"Hey Darcy" Addy says going and hugging her.

"Hi Ashton I got you a present" Darcy says going behind the counter and grabbing a big dog bone.

"And this is why you're his favorite one here. Everyone else just gives him pets" Addy says laughing.

"And who might these young gentlemen be" Darcy asks looking at us.

"Jaden, Josh, and Anthony, my new friends" I say laughing.

"Crees que una de ellas está caliente" Darcy says saying you think on of them is hot in Spanish. 

" tal vez" she replies saying maybe.

I hope it's me.

"You know Spanish" Anthony asks.

"High school did me a favor" Addy replies as we start walking down a hallway.

"Room 2 is free" Darcy yells from the front desk.

"What song you gonna Dance too" Anthony asks as a girl walks into the room.

"Line" the girl yells running over to her.

"Kalani" Line squeals.

"Darcy wants to know if you wanna be in the photo shoot we are having today? She says she as some extra outfits for you too" Kalani says

"Sure" Addy replies as she looks at us an I can't help but laugh. "What's so funny Hossler"

"Uhh Nothing" I say as Ashton walks and sits by the door.

"Guys this is Kalani" Addy says "I'll be back, I got to go let Ashton go potty"

She walks out with the pup trailing behind her.

"Were you the one simping over her on Instagram" Kalani asks pointing at me.

"Yes he was" Anthony replies as I jump on him. 

"What did I miss" Addy says as I'm sat ontop of Anthony.

"I asked if he was the one simping and Anthony said yes so he jumped on him. Which only means one thing. He likes you" Kalani states factually.

"You ready for pictures girls" Darcy says walking into the studio with clothes in hand headed over to Addy. "You pick whatever one you want"

x x x x x

"I am covered in this stuff, and I wasn't even in the photo shoot" I groan as we hop in the car.

"Yeah I was not expecting that when I thought I was going to the studio sorry it was boring" Addy says as we hop in the car, Ashton sitting on our laps.

"Wanna drop me off at my place?" Line asks as we agree "gotta get some decent sleep if I'm going to that party with you tomorrow"

"So you are going?" Anthony asks shock written all over his face.

"Only if you promise to stick with me the whole night and not let me get to drunk drunk" Addy says as Josh, Anthony, and I grin.

Soon enough we pull up at her apartment and she gets out with Ashton and waves goodbye.

"We will pick you up at 9:30" I yell as she nods as she makes her way inside the apartment complex.

x x x x x

Casey.Oswald, jadenhossler, joshrichards, jlo, jamescharles, and 56,910 others liked this post.

Mad.line - had a fun time today with the Dance Family

And yes I do ballet sometimes 👉👈

📷 Isaacluna

Isaccluna - you should come round more often
-Mad.line - just might have too

Jadenhossler - still finding that stuff everywhere and I've changed outfits twice
-Mad.line - 😂
-jadenhossler- is not funny
-Mad.line - it kinda is bud

User93 - where's Lincoln
-user792 - I think they broke up like three months ago

Jlo - omg I love this photo so much
- Mad.line - miss you
-jlo- we need to hangout soon boo

NickAustin - you coming to the party?
-Mad.line - maybe
-nickaustin- well if you do I hope to meet you 🥺
-casey.Oswald - Madison you got some explaining to do.

Petroutv- hope to see you at the party

x x x x x

Thursday, June 18th, 2020, 6:30 pm

-Madison Adeline Morris-

"Hey bitch" Casey says emerging from the depths of her bedroom.

"How was class?" I ask as she plops her ass down on the couch beside me.

"Boring as fuck" Casey groans leaning her head over the back of the couch.

"You should go to that party tomorrow with Jaden, the boys and I" I suggest.

"You mean your boyfriend" she says laughing.

I wish

"Line has a boyfriend, Line has a boyfriend" Casey chants throughout the apartment.

"Lord help my soul" I groan from my seat as she pops her head around the corner.

"Bitch theirs no helping you" she laughs walking back into the laundry room.

"We should go shopping tomorrow for dresses then" I say as she comes back out with a basket of clothes for us to fold together.

We literally share clothes so.

x x x x x

Friday, June 19th, 2020, 10:30 am

"Get your lazy scrawny ass up we are going to the mall" Casey yells smacking me with a pillow.

"Bitch you did not just call me scrawny" I groan rolling out of bed. Quite literally too.

"Your gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that shit" Casey whines smacking me with the pillow again. "Wear this"

I get dressed into the outfit before realizing what she even handed me.

"You tryn to make me look like a sluty" I ask as she drags me out of my room to the kitchen where she has McDonald's on the table and Ashton eating his breakfast.

"Babe you are a slut" Casey says as we both laugh hysterically. No she's not being mean that's just how our friendship is. We can make rude comments and know not to take it to heart if you know what I'm saying. "Now eat so we can go to the mall"

x x x x x

"Casey you'd look hot in this" I say holding up an outfit for her to look at.

"I likey" she squeals taking it from me to head to the dressing room when my phone goes off.

Incoming FaceTime from Jaden 🤮
Accept or decline

"What's up" I ask as I sit on a bench outside the dressing room.

"Wanted to know if you wanted to go get dinner with the boys before the party," Jaden asks rubbing the back of his head. 

"What do you think" Casey says walking back out.

"You look hot" I remark.

"Why thank you" Jaden says as Casey and I laugh or asses of in the middle of the store earning looks from other customers.

"Hi I'm Casey the best friend, you hurt her I break all your bones" Casey says going back into the changing room.

"So what are you wearing to the party" Jaden asks a grin on his face.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I laugh as he pouts.

"I wanna know how many guys I'm gonna have to fend off for hitting on you" he whines.

"Why do you care so much" I ask immediately regretting asking him that.

"Cause I like you" he replies being straight forward.

"At least he's straight forward and to the point right" Casey says throwing an arm around my shoulder as we walk to the cashier.

"Talk in a bit ok" I say as Jaden and I hang up and I can't help but smile.

x x x x x

8:30 pm ish

"You look hot" Casey says walking into my room in her dress when the doorbell goes off.

"I'll get it" Casey says walking out of my room to let me finish getting ready.

"You never said your new friends were so hot like fuck" she groans back flopping into my bed.

"Ones fresh out of a relationship, that's Josh, Anthony is in a relationship with Avani, Bryce and Addison, Stan Braddison, and Griffin is part of Grixie, not sure if they are official yet and those are the only friends I know enough about to say for sure if they are or aren't in a relationship" I say finishing up my makeup.

"Took y'all long enough" Anthony groans from his spot on the couch.

"Your such a baby" Casey says as I roll my eyes.

"Were are we going for food?" I ask sitting beside Jaden on the futon.

"Olive Garden" Josh replies coming inside from the balcony we have, Well it's not really a balcony since we live on ground level.

"Ok who wants to ride with Line" Casey asks.

"Me" Jaden says with a grin on his face as we walk out to the parking structure next door.

"You do not own a Jeep, you seemed more like the Subaru type" Josh laughs.

"I'm offended" I say pretending to be hurt.

x x x x x

9:30 pm

We were headed to to the Hype House and I was nervous and Jaden could tell.

"What's got you so nervous?" Jaden asks as we pull up and he parks the car.

"I haven't been to a party since Lincoln and I were together, and yeah I'm fine let's just go in" I say starting to gather my things when Jaden grabs hold of my wrists to get me to look at him.

"Let's go have fun, and I'll make sure you don't get too drunk, and let's forget about that asshole who's missing out on you" Jaden says as we hop out of the car and head for the house.

"Name" a guy at the door asks.

"Jaden Hossler and Madison Morris" Jaden says as they guy nods and goes down his list before nodding again and letting us through and into the house.

I look around and feel so out of place as we head up the stairs to the main part of the party Jaden with his hand on the small of my back the whole time.

"Wanna go get a drink" he asks as I nod in agreement as we walk into the kitchen.

"Omg hi sister" James sqeals coming over to give me a hug.

"Hey James" I say taking the glass Jaden has poured for me and taking a small sip of it.

"Hey guys" A guy says coming up to us with a group.

"Who are they" I whisper into Jadens ear.

"Guys this is Madison Morris, but she likes for people to call her Adeline, Line, or Addy" Jaden says as I wave to the group.

"I'm Tayler" a tall muscular guy says with a small smile.

"I'm Ondreaz" a different one says.

"I'm Patrick the dumb one" Patrick says as a few other people walk over.

"Kouvr meet" Jaden says before being interrupted by the girl.

"I know who she is and she's hotter in person dude" Kouvr says and I can't help but laugh.

"Let's go dance" another girl says dragging Kouvr and I to the dance floor. "I'm Mia"

x x x x x

I'm five drinks in and hella tipsy.

"Yo you good babe" a voice says from behind me.

I'd recognize the voice of him anywhere.

"I'm not your girlfriend fuck off" I say spinning on my heel to face him.

I don't remember loosing my shoes but ohh well.

"Come on Morris you know you miss me, and I love you babe" Lincoln says pushing me up against a wall.

"Get off her" I hear someone say as Lincoln turns to face them.

"Bryce wheres Jaden" I ask as Lincoln turns back to me.

"I see you move on fast" Lincoln snarls.

"You really wanna do this here and drunk" I yell as the music dies down after people notice the commotion.

"Do What Babe" Lincoln laughs pushing me back up against the wall.

"Fuck you" I say as he puts his hand around my throat.

"Test me again you already know what happens babe" Lincoln snarls.

"Do it then Lincoln hit me in front of all of these people. Show them who you really are, huh, come on Lincoln, hit me. You know you wanna" I yell in his face

"Woah there buddy" Josh yells as he try's to pull Lincoln off me as Jaden runs over to us and grabs me out of Lincoln's grasp before Bryce socks him in the face.

"Your the one who cheated on me, cheated on me the day I found out I had leukemia so fuck you and go to Hell I've moved on you bitch, can't you just let me be happy you man whore all I wanna do is be happy" I scream as tears run down my cheeks as Jaden pulls me into his chest.

Lincoln stands up blood dripping from his nose which he wipes it  with his dress shirt as Thomas and a few others push their way through the crowd.

"Get out of here and don't ever come back Link, I swear to god you've changed." Thomas says as security escorts Lincoln out as he walks over to Jaden, Bryce, Josh, and I. "You ok?"

"I'm going home" I say wiping the tears away.

"I'll call an Uber" Thomas says as he goes to do so as I walk out of the house to the pool area for air.

"Wait up" Jaden says running up to me outside.

"What do you want" I say turning around as he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't by your side" he whispers into my ear.

"I got to go" I say as I head back into the house and out the front door.

Jadenhossler, mad.line, Casey.oswald, jamescharles, K0uvr, petroutv, and 56,027 others liked this post.

Brycehall - met the girl everyone's been talking about finally in person 👉👈

👥 mad.line

Casey.oswald - I left early so y'all got some fuckn explaining to do or I might throw hands
-brycehall - ask Jaden

Jadenhossler - she's my best friend first.
-Casey.oswald - suck my big toe what did you do to her?
-jadenhossler- I didn't do shit
-mad.line- exactly, you DIDN'T do shit

User479 - TikTokroom where you at we got tea

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xxx0bleh0xxx ily

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