S1E5: Battle of the Chaos Emerald

At the Ark we see Ratchet deploying drones across the area. Soon a large map is display. In the room was Sally, Y/n and Tails standing on a table with Sally impress the size of the ship.

Sally: (surprised) Impressive ship you have.

Ratchet: The Ark was our last hope to leave Cybertron and well....it still is.

Tails: Can I be possible to fly it?

Bulkhead: Without any materials then no, let's just say this ship is grounded.

Then Bulkhead enter the room and approaches Ratchet and ask him while turning to the monitor.

Bulkhead: Got anything doc?

Ratchet: Do detected some energon but they are controlled by the Decepticons. Hold on....there is something else.

Bulkhead: What is it?

Ratchet: I'm detected a mysterious energy coming from a village. Its powerful but I never seen something like this.

Y/n: Could it be a Chaos Emerald?

Sally: Must be.

Bulkhead: Chaos Emerald?

Tails: They are Emeralds that hold incredible power call Chaos energy. There are seven of them and if they are brought together then the user can be unstoppable.

Bulkhead: The cons might want something like that. Where is it at doc?

Ratchet: I told you, at a village. Seems like it is on top of a hill.

Bulkhead: Right. I'll grab some Autobots and we'll head there.

Ratchet: Right. I'll inform Optimus about.

Sally: We'll come with you. You need all the help you can get.

Bulkhead: No offence but how can a princess like you help out?

Y/n: (smirk) Do not underestimate this Princess. Trust me, she isn't afraid for a fight.

Sally: (smirk) Yeah.

Tails: Good luck. I'm gonna head back to my work shop to work on something with Wheeljack.

Bulkhead: Okay. Let's grab a team and roll out.


We see Spiral Hill Village being invaded by a few Decepticons which are Blackout, Shadow Striker, Slipstream, Barricade and Demolisher.

The citizens have no choice but to run and hide as Blackout rip open roofs and look inside only to slam the roof back which cost the hoke to collapse onto the ground.

Slipstream: Find it?

Blackout: Does it look like a found it?

Slipstream: (sigh in annoyance) This is a waste. Why couldn't Eggman sent in his robots to do the job for us.

Shadow Striker: Perhaps it's due to the return of the Autobots. Better safe and sorry.

Slipstream: I suppose but this is a small village. Its gonna take us forever to find it.

Barricade and Demolisher were looking around, costing a mess when Barricade spotted the Mineral museum. He goes over and completely destroyed the front entrance.

We then see a terrified mobian name Jewels hiding underneath her desk. Barricade looks around of all the crystals, shiny stones and everything until he spotted one green Emerald sitting on a display case.

Barricade walks over and was about to grab it when he heard.

???: Hey ugly!

He turn to see a female Mobian name Tangle with three paint cans with are tail holding one as she then leaps up and throws paint cans at him.

Tangle: (smirk) Stay out of my friends museum!

Barricade's face and eyes gets covered by paint as he slowly stumble back. Tangle stretch out her Tail across which Barricade gets tripped on as he then crash onto the ground.

Tangle: (smirk) Wow! Now that's how you take down a gaint robot!

Jewels: Tangle!

Tangle rushes over to check on Jewels and once rush up to her she ask him.

Tangle: You good Jewels?

Jewels: Yes I'm okay, thanks. Why are they here?

Tangle: Bet it has to do with that Emerald.

They turn to Emerald. Tangle takes the Emerald and she along with Jewels rush out of the Museum before Barricade can get up.

Jewels: Maybe you were right of it being a Chaos Emerald. Sorry for not believing in you.

Tangle: (smile) That's alright.

Jewels: What should we do?

Tangle: If they are going after it then we need to take it away so they can leave everyone alone.

Jewels: You think that will work?

Before Tangle can reply Blackout suddenly appear in front of them and then slammed his fits onto the ground and cost the two to fly back and land onto the ground.

The rest of the Decepticons came over with Barricade wipping away the paint off of him as Slipstream picked up the Emerald on the ground.

Slipstream: (smirk) Got it. As for you two.

She then aim her arm blaster at them and was about to blow them up. Suddenly they hear a honking sound follow by Bulkhead ramming Blackout in his vehicle mode and slamming him against a building.

Barricade: Autobots!

Then Prowl came up behind Barricade and tackle him away. Barricade kick him off while Prowl lands on his feet and looks up at Barricade while he gets up.

Barricade: Once I'm done with you, I'm killing that tail girl Mobian!

Prowl: I do not think so.

The two rush at each other and they begin to fight. We cut to Bulkhead pinning Blackout against a building but Blackout flips over Bulkhead which force hij to tranform to his bot form.

Bulkhead: (tranform his hand into a hammer) It's smashing time!

Blackout pulls out both his arm machine gun and open fire at Bulkhead. Bulkhead pulls out his shield and blocks the shots then charge towards him and hits him with his hammer.

He strike at him with his hammer until Blackout catches his hammer and pull out his rotor blades and swings at Bulkhead.

Slipstream, Shadow Striker and Demolisher sees this opportunity and they make their escape.

Tangle: Don't think so!

Jewels: Tangle wait!

Tangle rush over them and stretch out her tail and wrapped Slipstream leg and pulled her which she tripped and drop to the ground.

The Emerald drop out of her hand which Shadow Striker quickly take while Slipstream turns to Tangle and aims her weapon at her.

Suddenly Sally leaps over, revealing her energy wrist blades and came down and stabbed Slipstream on the chest as she yell in pain.

Slipstream: How dare you!

Slipstream lifted her leg which cost Tangle to fling over and collide into Sally. The two slide away while Slipstream gets up and was about to kill them both the Valkyrie S came over and punched Slipstream in the face.

She was sent crashing into a few houses then crash at the other side and fell onto the ground. She lay there while Valkyrie S turns to the two girls.

Y/n: Hey Tangle. Long time no see.

Tangle: (smile) Hi there~!

We cut to Demolisher and Shadow Striker running when they are blocked by Inferno and Road Rage.

Inferno: Okay Decepticons, hand over the Emerald or we have to beat you to get it.

Road Rage: (smirk) And boy you bets believe we beat you two up so bad.

Demolisher: Ha! Like to see you try!

Demolisher charges towards Inferno and the two clash. Shadow Striker throws the Emerald into the air which cost Road Rage to look up while Shadow Striker pull out her rifle and aim at her.

Road Rage looks back and immediately dodges the shot. Road Rage then tranform to her vehicle form and her wings pop out as she flies up into the air.

Shadow Striker sees this and aims up and tries to shoot down Road Rage. She avoided her shots while she continues going up.

Then she tranform to her bot form and grabs the Emerald. Then she came back down which Shadow Striker was abiut to take aim when she realised she is about to be kicked.

She quickly move out of the way just as Road Rage crashes onto the ground. Dust covers her as Shadow Strikers aims at the dust and waiting for the dust to clear up.

However Road Rage launches and tackles Shadow Striker. The two fought while we cut to Inferno and Demolisher fighting in the middle of the village as they strike blows at each other.

Demolisher: I remember we last fought at the battle of Vos. I almost killed you, but at least I took your hand!

Inferno: I'm glad you remember that cause I'm gonna return the favour!

Inferno rushes forward then strike a kick at Demolisher that cost him to be sent off of his feet a bit then Inferno grabs him and then slammed him onto the ground.

Inferno goes for another blow when Demolisher grab his leg and trip him down. Once on the ground Demolisher gets up and turn his right arm into a cannon.

Inferno sees this so he quickly grabs a food cart and throws it at Demolishers face. With this disrespecting he kicked Demolisher in the leg, breaking it as he yells them Inferno gets up, grabs Demolisher and throws him across the village.

He crashed near the entrance just as Slipstream rushes over along with Blackout, Barricade and Shadow Striker.

Slipstream: Decepticons retreat! Retreat!

Slipstream, Shadow and Barricade tranform to theie vehicle modes and drive out with Blackout carrying the injected Demolisher out of Spiral Hill Village.

(Short while later)

First Aid along with Smokescreen and Bluestreak arrive at Spiral Hill Village to aid with the people. First Aid provided medical attention to the injured while the rest along with Y/n help out finding injured while also rebuilding.

Hours gone by and Y/n climb out of Valkyrie S to catch a break only to be hugged by Tangle.

Tangle: (smile) Man it has been a long time since I've seen you! Not to mention that punch was awesome! You gonna let me try on your cool mech someday?

Y/n: (chuckle) Maybe one day.

Tangle: Oh they drop this.

She then handed him an Emerald which he takes and looks at it.

Y/n: Sally and the rest talk about Chaos Emeralds but never get to see one. Kinda cool. Where did you find this?

Tangle: Jewels told me she found it outside of the village. I told her it might be a Chaos Emerald but she ensure me it isn't. Guess whose right.

Y/n: (chuckle) You are for once.

Tangle: Hey I'm always right!.....Well.....most times.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice to see you still have your lovable and hyper going personality self.

Tangle: (smirk) You know me.

Then Jewels and Sally came over with Sally asking.

Sally: (smirk) Please don't tell me you two are flirting aren't they yous?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe we are. You jelly princess?

Sally: (giggle) Don't push it.

Jewels: With all serious we are thankful that you all came. Along with.....the "Autobots?"

Tangle: Yeah can you tell us about those guys?

Y/n: Sure. Long story.

While Y/n is telling them about the Autobots we cut to Bulkhead coming up to First Aid and asking him.

Bulkhead: You good kid?

First Aid: Yeah I'm doing good. Want me to check on your injuries Bulkhead?

Bulkhead: It's fine. Don't want to overwhelm you.

First Aid looks ahead to see all of a destruction which he says.

First Aid: All those lives were lost when the Decepticons first attack on this planet. We were too late to save them.

Bulkhead: Hey, it's not our fault or yours kid. All we need to do is save lives now as best we can. Clear?

First Aid: Right.

Tangle: So what is your name?

They turn to Tangle looking at them both which First Aid was the first to introduce himself.

First Aid: My name is First Aid. I'm a nurse.

Bulkhead: I'm Bulkhead. My skills is fixing stuff and destroying stuff.

First Aid: Which is why Ratchet never trust you in his medical room alone.

Tangle: (smile) Sweet names. Names Tangle. Thanks for the help.

Bulkhead: No problem.

We cut to Y/n, Jewels and Sally as Y/n suddenly gets a radio call from Bonnie. After a bit of conversation he turned to Sally.

Y/n: Sally, Bonnie just contact us. Looks like she got something important for all of us back at Knothole.

Sally: How important?

Y/n: Very important.


We see an Eggman oil factory with both Eggman's badniks patrolling within the factory and Decepticon soldiers patrolling outside.

We then cut to the construucticons in their vehicle modes in the middle of their construction. Then a small robot name Bokkun flies down and gets Scrappers attention.

Bokkun: Hello! Hello!

Scrapper gets easily annoyed so he transform and turns to Bookun.

Scrapper: What do you want pem squeak?! Can't you see we are working for something?

Bokkun: Where is your boss? I got a message for him.

Scrapper: He's obviously inside. Go inside yourself. Now scram!

Bokkun: You could have say it nicely.

Then he flies off while Scrapper just continues working. We cut to inside the base were we see a large Decepticon sipping his container filled with oil while watching through the monitors.

Then a door opene and Bokkun flies into the room.

Bokkun: Mister Overlord sir? I have a message for Eggman.

Overlord: Hm is that so? Must be important to just sent you here. Well then, what is it?

Bokkun: Doctor Eggman must warn you that the Freedom fighters have scouted out this oil factory. He suggested to bring all defences up and be ready for them whenever they arrive.

Overlord just laughs a bit then says.

Overlord: What is the fun of that?

Bokkun: Huh?

Then Overlord leaves his chair and finishes his drink then turned to Bokkun which made him terrified as he have a sinister smile as he tells Bokkun.

Overlord: (sinister smile) Tell Eggman I'm gonna deal with the Freedom fighters and possibly Autobots.....in my own way. (Sinister chuckle)

To be continued...................................................

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