S1E2: They have been awakening

It had been 7 months since Y/n has become the Freedom fighters and quickly he has gain a lot of peoples trust and friendship as he work along side with then in their battle against the Decepticons along with his Valkyrie S.

He has been getting along with many people throughout the months and do jobs such as supplie runs, taking down Decepticon facilities, defending cities and rescuing innocent people.

Y/n hasn't heard anything from his father or Irina since he is still cut off  from Central City. He wanted to go there and see Irina but decided to will be a risk to go there consider how tough their defenses are.

He promised himself that one day he will go there and meet  with Irina and explain to her everything that has happen and perhaps she can help.

For now he is seen hanging out with Tails at the workshop. Valkyrie S is sat down so Tails can do some modification to the mech while Y/n stood near Tails.

Y/n: So is it done?

Tails: Should be done now. Perfect.

Tails use his two tails to slow his drop and rush up to his table with Y/n follow him to the table. Then Tails handed him a watch, he takes it and puts it on.

Y/n: So what did you do to Valkyrie?

Tails: I install a device into the mech which allows you can call on it. It will automatically come to your location and if any enemies would to attack, it will fight back.

Y/n: Nice.

Tails: Wasn't easy to do I though. The technology of Valkyrie S is quite good. Took me 3 months to get it to work.

Y/n: (smile) Well your work has paid off Tails.

Tails: (smile) Thanks.

Y/n: Say Sally wants to know where Sonic is. Any idea where he might be?

Tails: He's probably doing his runs. (Light chuckle) That's Sonic.

Y/n: Sonic really does like to be free and travel a lot.

Sonic: Someone call my name?

They turn to see Sonic standing outside of the workshop. He walks in and both Y/n and Sonic fist pump.

Y/n: (smile) Find anything interesting while on your runs?

Sonic: Actually yeah. There is a mountain with a cave and you would not believe what I've found.

Tails: What is it?

Sonic: (smirk) How's about we go there and I'll show you.

Tails: (smile) Alright then.

Y/n: You told Sally about this?

Sonic: (smirk) Come on it will be quick.

Y/n: Alright but she will be pissed if you don't show up.

Sonic: (smirk) It be fine. Let's go and I'll show you.

Tails: Right, I'll fire up the Tornado.

(Sometime later)

We see the trio touch down near a mountain, they climb out and soon find a cave that Sonic told them. Y/n pulls out his flash light in hand and they enter the cave.

They journey through the cave while Tails and Y/n follow Sonic. Soon they approach a hole viewing to a massive open area with something inside.

The two look down and they are shocked to see a gigantic space ship laying there with an emblem they have never seen.

Tails: (surprised) Wow!

Sonic: Yep. I found this cave so I took a look and I discovered this!

Y/n: (surprised) Look at this thing. It's massive!

Tails: Can this be a Decepticon ship?

Y/n: (spotted the emblem) Nope. Those emblem looks similar but not. Should we look inside?

Sonic: (smirk) That's what I was thinking.

Tails grabs both Y/n and Sonic then use his Tails to glide him and the two over to the ship. Soon they landed on the top of the ship and looking a way inside.

Then Sonic speed over to the front and finds a shattered window. Sonic calls them over and they rush over and they go through the broken window.

They landed inside and Y/n Shin his flash light only to be jumped when he sees a face of a large red robot with a window screen on his chest.

They look around and see many robots laying on the floor lifeless and not moving.

Sonic: Are they dead?

Tails: I don't think so. It looks like they are in sleep mode.

Y/n: So they can wake up anytime?

Tails: Probably not. Perhaps this ship was crashed which cost everyone on board to be damage and gone to sleep mode in order to survive.

Sonic: The bigger question we should be asking is are they good or bad?

Y/n spotted something glowing in the distances. He point it out to Sonic and Tails so they rush over and arrive at a massive computer.

Tails pull out his laptop and plug it in and symbols appear which Tails tells them.

Tails: These symbols are different to Decepticons.

Y/n: But you can decode I right?

Tails: Of course but I might take a while.

Tails types away while Y/n looks back. He stare at all the robots and ask Sonic.

Y/n: What are your thoughts about this?

Sonic: Judging by their appearance they don't seem like a threat. Like that small yellow bot. I think Amy and Cream would like that bot.

Y/n: True. Still we can't be sure. We need to be ready just in case.

Sonic: (smirk) When I haven't been ready.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh I don't know, maybe that one time you were not ready to go onna date with Amy 4 weeks ago.

Sonic: Technical it was not a date, she invited me to have a picnic with Rotor and Antoine.

Y/n: (smirk) Whatever you sa-

Suddenly the lights game on and the screen of the computer came out as the two turn to Tails.

Y/n: What did you do?

Tails: I must have accidentally activated the ships AI.

Sonic: This ship has an AI?

Then they heard something which they turn and sees a ceiling door open and large weapon like device came down. Y/n lifted his assault rifle at it.

However rather it aiming at them it aim at one bot on a chair and fires a blue beam.

The repairs of the bot begins to heal as the trio watched and soon it stopped. The larger bot then came online and begins to leave the chair.

The trio steps back while the larger blue and red robot gets up and once fully up he then spoke.

???: Teletraan 1. What happen to us?

Teletraan 1: Ark critical damage. Crew in stasis Lock after the crash. Begin repairs.

???: Repair all Autobots Teletraan 1.

Teletraan 1: As you comamnd, Optimus Prime.

Y/n: (whisper) Optimus Prime?

Tails: (whisper) Does that mean he's good?

Teletraan 1: Alart! Alart! Introducers detected! Begin elimination!

Then turrets came out of the ceilings and aimed at them. The trio thought they were about to fight then when suddenly Optimus prime spotted them, rushed over and rather attacking them he blocks the turrets aim.

Optimus prime: No! Stand down Teletraan 1! They are not a threat. We do not kill innocent life forms.

With that the turrets gone away and Optimus prime turns to them. The trio are surprised but still they were not sure until Optimus prime tells them.

Optimus prime: You have no reason to be on guard. We are not a threat.

Sonic: So we'll cool?

Optimus prime: Cool?

Y/n: It means we are good?

Optimus prime: Oh in that case yes. My name is Optimus Prime, I am the leader of the Autobots.

Sonic: (smirk) Cool. Names Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. This is my best friend Tails and our other best friend Y/n.

Optimus prime: A pleasure to meet you three.

Then meal heading turrets appear and begin to heal up the Autobots on the bridge and the rest of the Autobots throughout the Ark.

Soon all came online and all slowly begins to get up with some groans.

Jazz: That was not a happy landing.

Ironhide: Yeah. Everyone good?

Bumblebee: I'm good.

Cliffjumper: Same.

Soon all the Autobots gets and turn to Optimus prime. They then noticed Sonic, Tails and Y/n which surprised to see.

Ironhide: Um prime? Who or what are they?

Optimus prime: They will explain us everything but for now we must gather all Autobots and do a head count. Prowl, have all Autobots to meet up at the hanger for a head count.

Prowl: (Salute) Yes prime.

(Somtime later)

They are at in a massive hanger with all Autobots gather as Prowl stood next to Optimus Prime, Y/n, Sonic and Tails. The trio are amazing to see so many and after Prowl check off the last list he tells Optimus prime.

Prowl: Head count complete sir. Everyone is online.

Optimus prime: Thank the all sparks.

Tailgate: (sigh of relief) I was worried we wouldn't make it.

Bulkhead: Told you we will live.

Tracks: So can we talk about those things?

Tracks points at the trio which they all noticed and stare at them.

Windblade: Huh they are small.

Road rage: So what are those things sir? Are they dangerous?

Sonic: (smirk) Please the only the cons sees us as dangerous.

Ratchet: What did you say?

Y/n: He's talking about the Decepticons. We assume you know them?

Brawn: We know them so well. But how do you possibly know them?

Tails: They invaded our planet 5 years ago. They took over the planet and they rule the planet since then.

Ratchet: (shocked) By primus.

Cliffjumper: (angry) Those filthy cons. I'm gonna smash them into scrap metal.

Jazz: Let's all calm down there. Let's not lose our cool.

Sonic: I like this bot.

Bumblebee: How can your race survive the Decepticons attack?

Y/n: It's complicated but disbite that we are not close of getting rid of the cons.

Ironhide: So you havebeen fighting the Decepticons for 5 years? (Smirk) Quiet impressive.

Bulkhead: So what is our next move prime?

Optimus prime: It is clear that this planet needs our help. We cannot allow the Decepticons to rule this planet anymore. We must take the fight to them.

Blaster: Hey Optimus!

Then Blaster came up to Optimus prime and opens up a hologram of a city being attacked by the Decepticons.

Blaster: I've sent out a drone to scout out the area and it looks like that city under attack by the cons.

Sonic: That looks like seaside city.

Y/n: I thought Amy and the Freedom fighters were under control with the Chaotix.

Sonic: They have but looks like the cons got some back up.

Tails: They don't stand a chance. I spotted some heavy Decepticons and seekers. They be overwhelmed.

Optimus prime step forward to see the destruction of the city. He sees all of this and knows they all cannot stand by and let it happen.

Optimus prime: Jetfire, Windblade, and Powerglide, you three will take care of the seekers in the skies.

Jetfire and Windblade, Powerglide: Roger that prime.

Optimus prime: Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Brawn, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz Trailbreak, Hound and Protectobots. You all are with me. As for the rest, stay here and repair as much of the Ark as best you can. Establish communication and get all systems of the Ark back online. We must not allow the Decepticons to cost anymore chaos ans destruction on this peaceful world. Every sanction deserves to be free and freedom is everyone's right. Let us show the Decepticons that the Autobots are never gone!

All the Autobots cheered while Y/n, Sonic and Tails are amazed that disbite them not knowing anything about this planet or the life forms on the planet, they be willing to protect it.

Then there was a shake as the hanger doors open while outside the mountain begins to shake and then a massive hope opens up.

Once did Optimus prime and his team of Autobots step out with Sonic, Y/n and Tails stood next to Optimus prime.

Then Optimus prime points his finger to the destruction of the city and then calls out.

Optimus prime: Autobots, tranform and roll out!

To be continued.....................................................

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