S1E1: What I fight for
Y/n stood in the middle of the road with pistol in hand while looking at the eyes of a gaint metal robot who is looking down at him while holding a dead woman. He then give him a sinister smile while tears begin to form as he is filled with rage and anger.
???: Well, what are you waiting for? Shoot.
Everything around him turns red with only he and the gaint robot completely black as tears of anger begins to form while taking aggressive breath and then squeeze the trigger.
Immediately Y/n woke up from his nightmare with sweat and heavy deep breaths. He sat up from his bed taking it all in as he then sigh to himself while placing his hand onto his face.
He then remove the blanket and climb out of bed and move to his closest to put on his G.U.N uniform on him. While getting changed he heard a moan as a very attractive blonde woman sat up from bed and letting out a yawn.
She glance over at Y/n then smirked then tells him in a sexxy tone.
Irina: (smirk) Good morning captain. See your up and ready for today aren't you?
Y/n: (smirk) Yep. Big day today. G.U.N is finally gonna finish their most latest project yet, and I'm going to be piloting it.
Irina: (smirk) Project Valkyrie. Heard that mech is one of most high tech mech suits that has ever to be made. Question being would it stand a chance?
Y/n: They did the mech suit is capable to stand a chance against any heavy hitters. They run some tests and the results shown that it is stronger than any robot.
Irina: (smirk) And your going to be the one to pilot it. Lucky you.
Y/n: (smirk) Just like I'm lucky that i have your
Irina giggle then once he is done change Irina came over and then pinned him to the wall and the two begin to make out. They let out soft moans as they made out and aftee that they stop and look at each other with Y/n gently touching hee cheek.
Y/n: (smirk) Your one attractive agent aren't you~?
Irina: (smirk) And your my badass captain.
He let out a chuckle and the two were about to continue making out when Y/n phone begins to ring. He walks over and sees it's from command.
Y/n: Looks like my transport is waiting for me. (Puts the phone in his pocket and turn to Irina) When I get back, let's celebrate with a nice place. I was thinking that France restaurant we can go to.
Irina: (smirk) You always treat me with something good. Keep this up and you may spoil me.
Y/n: (light chuckle) I'll see you later.
He kiss her on the lips and once that he head out. He then step outside and meet up with two G.U.N soldiers at his home.
G.U.N soldier: Captain. Are you ready?
Y/n: Yep I'm ready. Take me there.
G.U.N soldier: (Salute) Yes sir.
He climb into the back of the transport vehicle and then ride off. We then pan out of central city to see a wall that is surrounding Central City along with cannons and special scanners to keep away from the enemy.
Insisted the city we see poster of warnings for the people to be aware of any vehicles that is suspicious and to report any suspicious activity to G.U.N.
The citizens are living in their mostly normal lives. G.U.N soldiers patrol the streets either by walking or by vehicle. The vehicle that Y/n is on is seen driving through the street.
Y/n flips on the news within the vehicle as the news is played.
News person (TV): It have been 5 years since the invasion of Evil alien robots known as the Decepticons. 5 years ago theie leader name Megatron, begin their assault apon the planet and took the livew of many people. His actions was not along as their human allie, Dr Ivo Robotnik aided the Decepticons to take over the planet and now the planet is under control by the Decepticons. Central City is the only city that is still standing after the attack and G.U.N promise to defeat this threat and take back the planet.
G.U.N driver: Must be an honour.
Y/n: Hm?
G.U.N driver: You testing our Project Valkyrie. Bet your father is proud.
Y/n: Yeah.........I hope.
Soon he arrive through the dates of G.U.N Military base and once there the vehicle stop at a hanger. Y/n climb onto ans looks at the hanger for a moment. He then enters and sees his father, General Hank L/n in the middle of speaking with Professor Isaac Sumdac when Y/n interrupt.
Y/n: Hey dad.
Hank: (turn to Y/n) It's General captain and Salute when I'm in the room.
Y/n: Sorry....Sir.
Isaac: Ah you arrive just in time! Allow me to show you are completed project. Behold! Valkyrie S!
Then head light shine on the gaint mech suit which amazed Y/n to see it finished.
Y/n: (amazed) Looks really cool Isaac.
Isaac: (smile) I'm pleased you like it. It has energy shields, long range communication, thrusters of flight, motion sensors, night vision along with thermal vision and a heads up display with health and ammo counter.
Hank: Will it stand against any Decepticons?
Isaac: Oh yes of course it can sir. The mech suit was carful suspected after researchers brought back dead Decepticon soldiers and studying everything we know about them aftee downloading their memories.
Hank: Good. You ready captain?
Y/n: Yes da- I mean yes sir General.
Hank: Good. I'm sanding you on a mission to destroy one of the Robotnik's factories. On end which is the factory at Green Hill. You'll be sent there along with G.U.N forces to destroy it.
Y/n: Yes sir.
Isaac: General may I go now? I need to be home to check on my daughter. In case she is-
Hank: You may go professor.
Isaac: Thank you General.
Isaac left and once he is gone it is just Y/n and Hank.
Y/n: Dad.
Hank: It's General.
Y/n: No. I'm not speaking with General Hank anymore. I'm speaking with my dad. My dad. We need to talk.
Hank: There is nothing to talk about son. Be ready, you'll be deploying at 1700.
Y/n: Dad please can we talk? We haven't spoken for 5 years. We haven't spoken ever since-
Hank: (angry) CAPTAIN!
Y/n falls silent for a moment while Hank just glare at him for a moment while Y/n have a disappointed face as he lowee his head then tells him.
Y/n: I-I get ready sir.
Hank: Good. Get the job done.
He then walk away leaving Y/n along in the hanger feeling abandon once again. He look at the Valkyrie S then gets ready to be deployed.
(Sometime later)
We see Green Hill which looks peaceful and normal for a moment, that was until a G.U.N helicopters fly over head.
They fly over Green Hill then we see the Valkyrie S flying along side them as we cut to Y/n inside as he spotted the factory.
Y/n: Target confirmed. Ground team, await in the air while I clear the ground.
G.U.N ground team: (radio) Yes sir.
Then the Valkyrie S dives down and soon it crashes behind the factories gates. Alarms begins to blurr as Valkyrie S stood up ans scans around. Seconds later vehicles out of the factory and circle around him.
Then the vehicles tranform into Decepticon soldiers as they all aim theie weapons at Valkyrie S.
Decepticon soldier: Hands up! Don't move!
Y/n: Okay cons. Let's play.
Then one Decepticon soldier with a sword rushes forward and goes to land a swing. Then Valkyrie S catches his blade then kicks him away.
Then he turn and use the same blade the stab another Decepticon soldier then punches another in the face. A few cons with guns was about to shoot when Valkyrie S pulled out an Automatic shot gun out of its back and fired qt the few cons.
More Decepticons appear behind him as they begin to shoot at him so Valkyrie S swaps it with its rifle and open fire at them.
Many Decepticons soldiers gets shot then one tackle Valkyrie S against the factory. The two struggle for a moment then Valkyrie S pulled out a sword and slice the con in half.
He collapse with his body cut to half while Valkyrie S stood over him. Seeing the factory cleared Y/n sitting the ground team to drop down and they did so.
Once they landed down the ground team begins to planet explosions around the factory while Y/n still within his Valkyrie S stand guard.
G.U.N ground team leader: Bombs are set.
Y/n: Right. Let's-
Then he noticed something at the cornor of his eye. He looks through the window and to his shock sees people inside. Mobians and humans inside with some have robotic limbs and some were worse.
Y/n: Hold it! There is still people inside.
G.U.N ground team leader: Sir we have orders to blow this factory up.
Y/n: But there is still people inside. Get them out now.
G.U.N ground team leader: But the enemy may got the singal that one of the factories is attacked. We need to go before-
Y/n: I don't care! Get them out!
Hank: (radio) This is General Hank! What are you doing captain?! You are stalling time!
Y/n: There is civilians inside the factory.
Hank: (radio) We know.
Y/n:......What do you mean we know? Are you saying you knew there are people inside?
Hank: (radio) We have no time to evacuate all of them out captain. If we do, the cons will come and the operation will be ruined. Sacrifices has to be made.
Y/n: Sacrifices?! Wee can't be doing this?! Killing innocent people is wrong!
Hank: (radio) Wake up captain! This is war! We either take down their factories while Sacrificing innocent people, or we risk losing this war! Do as I told you captain! Learn to accept it.
Y/n is stunned for a moment. He glance back through the window to now see people looking at him now. Many are very young.
The G.UN soldier who has the detonator was about to pull it when Valkyrie S grabbed him and lifted him up in the air. Everyone is shocked by this as Valkyrie S lifted him up.
Y/n: Drop. The. Detonator.
The G.U.N soldier drops it immediately which landed onto the ground. Valkyrie S steps on it then he set him down. Seeing this theh begin to run away.
Once gone Y/n tells his father.
Y/n: I'm sorry but I refuse to allow innocent the die.
Hank: (radio).......Then you are a traitor to G.U.N captain. Your no longer welcome back to Central City. Consider yourself banished.
Then the coms get cut off. Y/n's hand begins to shake with tears in his eyes as he then let's out a yell which cannot be heard outside of Valkyrie S.
Then Y/n is seen out of his Valkyrie S as he gets everyone out of the factory. They all thank him while walking pass while Y/n just nodes.
???: Thank you for saving us.
He turn to see a female green bird Mobian as she approaches him while Y/n tells her.
Y/n: No problem.
???: Are you a G.U.N soldier?
Y/n: Used to. Not anymore.
???: Oh.....I'm sorry.
Y/n: It's fine. Now need to find somewhere to lay low for a while.
???: I think I know one place we can go.
Y/n: Really?
???: Yeah and with that mech suit you have. It will help us for sure.
Y/n: Well guess I have no choice. By away, what's your name?
Tekno: Oh sorry names Tekno. I was captured not so long ago and ended up here.
Y/n: Huh. Cool name. Well, show me the way.
Tekno: Right.
After hours of walking he along with tekno and the citizens arrive at Knothole. The gates open while Y/n climbs out of his mech and stepping forward was a blue hedgehog and a squirrel girl mobians.
Tekno: (rushes over and hugs them both) Sonic! Sally!
Sonic: (surprised) Tekno! Your alive!
Sally:(surprised) We thought we never see you again. How did you escape?
Tekno: Got a little help.
They turn to see Y/n and Valkyrie S. He waves to them then short while later we see Valkyrie S stood outside of a workshop owned by Tails. Tails stood with amazement of Valkyrie S while Y/n explain to the trio what happen.
Sonic: Man being betrayed by G.U.N especially by your dad is not cool.
Y/n: My dad has been through a lot. We both lost someone we care for by the cons. My father was never the same aftee that.
Sally: I'm so sorry for that. We appreciate your action and thank you for bring back Tekno and other civilians safely.
Y/n: No problem. So what is this group?
Sonic: (smile) We are the Freedom fighters. We are one of many resistance fighting against the cons and Eggman.
Y/n: Eggman?
Sally: He's talking about Ivo.
Y/n: Oh. (Chuckle) Nice one. Hey wait, your name is Sonic right? We have reports about you at Central City. Your quite famous.
Sonic: (smirk) Hear that Sal. I'm famous.
Sally: Yeah, Yeah. We are fighting to protect qnd restore this world and we can use all the help we can get. Including your help. With your mech suit, we can save more lives.
Y/n:.......I always wanted to save lives. If you guys are fighting to bring freedom and justice, then I'm in.
Sally: (lend out her hand) Then welcome to the Freedom fighters.
Y/n grah her hand and they shake it as Y/n is accepted into the Freedom fighters.
Back at the factory we see the Lord of the Decepticons arriving at the factory and look around the aftermath.
Megatron: Soundwave, anything you find?
Then Soundwave approaches Megatron and informs him his findings.
Soundwave: My scans show that the Decepticons soldiers was attacked by a singal individual. It appears the Decepticons soldiers was destroyed by something that is powerful.
???: Can it be the Autobots?
Then Starscream walks up next to Megatron as he goes on to explain.
Starscream: They must have return somehow and now they are making their move to stop your rule.
Megatron: Do not be a fool Starscream. I believe we are facing much more than just a lone Autobot.
Then Megatron turn and begins to walk away but then stop for a moment and tells the two.
Megatron: If the Autobots do return then we will wipe them out. None will not stop us......no one will.
Megatron begins to walk away as we then cut to a known location with mountains. However one od the mountains have a cave as we enter inside the cave only to see something massive within the mountain which is a gaint ship that holds a key to defeat the Decepticons and bring freedom and peace to Mobius.
To be continued..................................................
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