S3E6: Do you accept your fate, yes?

At the orbit of Earth an alien space craft makes its way into the planet and soon enters Earth's atmosphere. We then cut to inside the space craft where we see someone sat at the cockpit and pushing on some buttons.

The space craft activities its cloak once it breaks through the clouds and dives down into a large city and find somewhere to land while being close to somewhere.

The space craft lands into a small forest and once landed a ramp drops down and an armor person walks out of the space craft.

He scan around the forest then opens up a hologram that shows a red dot which is close to him. He then goes to the location where his target is at.


We see Hot Rod in his vehicle mode parked in front of Sam, Alex, and Clover's home which is in the Beverly Hills Villa. Inside the home the girls show Y/n, the avatar of Hot Rod, Kazama and Takao around the place while the four are amazed.

Kazama: Huh there is no way you can't afford something like thos.

Takao: (smile) This is incredible. Feels like I'm living ina rich persons home.

Clover: (smile) I know! It's like a dream home that came to reality.

Y/n: Gonna say I'm sorta jealous you place. I mean I still live with my parents.

Hot Rod: No kidding. Still this place is a cool place to kick in.

Sam: So you guys want any refreshments?

They accept then minutes they hang around the living room as the girls talk about their previous missions, one of which is how they met and Woohp.

Kazama: (shocked) Wow, wow, wow! Your telling us that your first mission involves you three going into space?!

Takao: And fight a guy with a weird hair style?

Sam: It may sound hard to believe but it's true.

Alex: But it was the start of our job as Woohp agents.

Hot Rod: Man while we have our own crazy adventures, you three have even more crazy adventures.

Y/n: Still they must be really cool adventures.

Clover: Not really. Most adventures have me be messy 9r smelly.

Kazama: Well yeah that's what being an agent is a about.

Clover: Rude much.

Alex: (smile) So what sort of games have your club made?

Takao: A lot of games. Most were actually good ideas by the Autobots.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Wheeljack is the best.

Takao: But there are games that we might not use.

Alex: Like what?

Y/n: Um adult board games which were not our idea but our club members ideas.

Kazama: Yeah best not to ask.

Clover, Sam and Alex: Okay?

Clover: (smile) Well glad we can hang out without going on some missions. Especially with you Y/n.

She winks at him while he blushes a bit. Takao just shake her head while Hot Rod was about to chuckle when suddenly he suddenly disappeared.

Alex: Where did Hot Rod go?

Y/n: Huh no idea. I'll go and check.

He leaves the house and walks up to Hot Rod's vehicle mode. He try calling him but he wasn't responding. That's when he noticed a small device on his hood. He was abiut to take it off when he heard.

???: I rather not do that if I were you.

He quickly turn around to see an armor figure standing behind him who looked like a sci fi devil like Bounty hunter as he then tells him.

Y/n: What did you do to him?

???: Do not worry that device immediately puts him in stasis lock. Call it your humans version of a sleeping dart.

Y/n: "Human'? Are you a Cybertronian?

Death's head: No. Although I am machine I am no Cybertronian. The names Death's head. I am a Freelance Peace-Keeping agent.

Y/n: So your a good guy? You don't look like someone who wants to protect the galaxy.

Death's Head: Perhaps. But is that important to know, yes?

Y/n: Huh? Okay? Well why are you here?

Then Death's Head shows him a hologram of Y/n's Bounty and the large amount while Death's Head goes on to say.

Death's Head: Is this your Bounty, yes? Must be a large amount for someone like you.

Y/n: Did the Decepticons place a Bounty on me?

Death's Head: Smart but I suppose it is obvious, yes?

Y/n: Well can we talk about this?

Death's Head: Sorry. Its just business.

Y/n: Afraid you say that.

Then Death's Head charges towards Y/n and swing his axe at him but immediately his suit appear behind and he equipped it on just as he blocks Death's Head strike.

Death's Head: That must be your suit, yes?

Y/n: What is with "yes" in the end of questions?

Death's Head: Do you not like it, yes?

Then Y/n pushes him away then takes flight and flies over Death's Head. Then he activated his boosters and flies up and struck Y/n in the face.

He flies back and the two begin to fight all awhile Kazama and the rest came out and sees Y/n fighting Death's Head.

Alex: Who is that?

Sam: Should we help him?

Kazama: Don't worry I think he'll be fine.

Y/n struck at Death's Head which he spin around then turns back and fire missiles at Y/n. He deployed his energy shield and blocks the missiles.

Then one missile hits Y/n and he was sent flying towards a house across from them.

Kazama: Okay he might need some help.

We then cut to the house were we see Mandy on the couch typing then she called out to her mom.

Mandy: Mom when is my new clothes gonna be here?! I need to go on a date with my boyfriend in 5 minutes!

Mandy's mother: It will be here soon.

Mandy: Aaaahhh! This is the worse! Can this day get any worse.

Suddenly Y/n crashes through the ceiling and crashes onto the living room while Mandy scream. Then Y/n slowly gets up then looks over to see Mandy.

Y/n: Um I suggest you get out of here.

Mandy: Don't tell me what to do! You ruined my perfect hair for my date!

Y/n: whoa, you really are an ass-

Suddenly Death's Head crushes through and slammed Y/n onto the floor. Death's Head have Y/n's head pinned to the ground with axe arm in hand.

Suddenly a pillow hits him by Mandy which she begins to bark at them both.

Mandy: You boys get out of here or I'll call the police.

Death's Head then looks up at Mandy then ask her.

Death's Head: Want to lose an arm, yes?

Mandy gets scared and runs away while Y/n elbow him off of him then he kicks him away. Y/n pulled out his twin rail gun and fire a shot.

The shot sent Death's Head crashing through a window and back onto the street. He then gets up while he equips his hook and launch it towards Y/n.

He pulled him out of the house and then punched him in the face. Y/n lay on the floor while Death's Head stood over him and repkace his hook hand with a saw hand.

Y/n: So you just install any weapons or gadgets onto your arm like that?

Death's Head: I am a cyborg so yes. Anyways ready to lose your head, yes?

The saw begins to spin and he was about to cut his head when a wire wrapped around his arm and he was pulled by Clover.

Clover: Ew I really totally dislike your taste of style.

Death's Head just simply slice off the wire only for another to wrap around his leg follow by another. He drop to the ground and pulled by Sam and Alex.

Death's Head was abiut to cut them when Y/n aims his arm machine gun at his head.

Y/n: So, car to surrender, yes?

Death's Head stays silent then his legs popped off which cost the two girls to fall back. Then Death's Head takes flight then fires a blast that sent Y/n flying back.

Death's Head flies over Y/n and was abiyt to attack when a sound of police is heard in the distances.

Death's Head: Your lucky this time Y/n. But i will return to complete my job. Goodbye for now.

Then he flies away to a small forest then moments later a space craft is seen lifting off and soon takes off far away while the rest breath a sigh.


At New Iacon Ratchet finally gets the device off of Hot Rod and he immediately tranform and looks around in a panic.

Hot Rod: What just happen?

Ratchet: You were place in stasis Lock.

Hot Rod: By who?

Y/n: Someone name Death's Head.

Ratchet: I believe I know that name. He's a Bounty hunter although he doesn't like the term of "Bounty hunter". According to some he's a interesting person since he takes on jobs for business. Not for revenge or sport.

Sam: And since he is a cyborg he can swap out any limbs to anything.

Alex: That's some Bounty hunter.

Y/n: I think he might be the only one. If the cons place a Bounty on me then what's to say all Bounty hunters may go after me?

Ratchet: Perhaps although it may be some on earth that want your head. My advice is to be carful.

Sam: (smile) Don't worry, Woohp will protect you and everyone you care for until your Bounty is gone.

Clover: (smile) Yeah and you'll have me to protect. I mean us to protect you.

Y/n: Thanks. I'm starting to think my life is gonna get even more harder.

Clover: Welcome to my world.

Ratchet: And mine.

Hot Rod leaps off the bed only to stumble and crashes into a few equipment which Ratchet calls out.

Ratchet: Hot Rod! I needed that!


At New York City we see an hotel apartment building where Y/n's Bounty on the wall within a room. Then a hand takes it out and looks at the Bounty as the figure then spoke.

???: Get your gears up people. Time for us to get rich.

Then we see five eyes looking at Y/n's Bounty as all of them gets ready to go after Y/n for the money.

To be continued........................................................

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