S3E1: Chaos at Brooklyn
At the Brooklyn bridge we see a long traffic. Some drivers are honking their horns out of impatients as they are trying to get to work or home. Among them was a large black and grey truck with a trailer as it wait among the other vehicles.
There were also four sports cars among the traffic with one hitting the back of the drivers car which he poke his head out and yell at the driver inside.
Male driver: Hey! Stop doing that!
The sports car did not say nothing and then hit his car once again. Enrage he grabs a drink and throws it at the sports car.
Male driver: Eat shit!
He put his head back into the car, little does he know there was no driver inside of the sport car. We then cut to the truck having a view and sees two agents waving around scanners while walking up towards the truck.
Male agent 1: Wanna grab something to eat after this?
Male agent 2: Why not. The pizza's here is good.
Male agent 1: Yeah. Hey check out this one.
They approach the truck and look at it. While the other agent is looking at the truck the second agent lifted up his device onto the truck and it begins to beep.
At the same time his friend spotted something and is shocked to see a Decepticon emblem.
Male agent 1: Oh shit.
Suddenly the truck begins to tranform which the two agent quickly make a run for it while the truck continues transforms into his bot form.
The drivers gone silent and stare at the massive robot as he looks down at them. He then smirked then stomp his foot onto a car, blowing the car up.
This cost everyone to get out of theie vehicles and make a run for it.
Motormaster: Stunticons! Let's have some fun here.
Breakdown transformers and swing his hammer at a few cars, smashing them and flip over the cars. Dead End and Wildrider tranform and begin shooting at the vehicles and costing a few people to fall off the bridge.
One driver tries to get away but was grabbed and picked up by Drag Strip. He turn the car towards him and he stare at the man who throw a drink at him.
Drag Strip: Hope you swim human!
Then he throws the car off the bridge as the driver screams in fear, thinking he is going to die when suddenly he was caught by Jetfire who fly under the bridge and catch the vehicle.
Motormaster sees this then hears honking and looks over to see Ironhide, Arcee, Prowl, Hot Rod and Sideswipe in their Vehicle modes.
Then they tranforms to their bot forms and they aim their weapons at the Stunticons.
Prowl: Stunticons, in the name of the Autobots and the humans of this planet, you are all under arrest. We can take this the easy way and surrender.
Ironhide: Or we do this the hard way.
Motormaster: (smirk) What do you think Autobots! Catch!
He then picks up a car with a family inside and throws them towards them. Ironhide quickly rushes over and catches the car.
He set the car down then turn to the Stunticons.
Ironhide: Your choice punks.
Then Ironhide charges towards Motormaster and lands a punch at him. The two fight while Arcee and Hot Rod opens fire at Dead End and Wildrider which they return fire.
Hot Rod: Let's make this quick con's, I'm gonna be late for something.
Arcee: (smirk) We'll make things quick Hot Rod.
Sideswipe: Yeah besides it's always next year.
Sideswipe charges towards Drag Strip which he tries to open fire at him but Sideswipe dodges and kicks Drag Strip in the face.
Breakdown charges towards Sideswipe and swing his hammer at him but he quickly pulls out his twin swords and blocks his strike.
Breakdown: I'm gonna enjoy breaking you down bot!
Sideswipe: Sorry to disappoint!
He then move Breakdown away then he kicks him away. Drag Strip rushes towards him and was about to fire at him but Sideswipe transforms and drives over and trip Drag Strip over.
He accidentally shots at Breakdown then Sideswipe tranform and stabbed his sword onto his arm, pinning his down.
Breakdown slowly gets up only he felt a tap behind him so he turn and sees Hot Rod as he strikes a punch and knocking him out.
Dead End: Boss we need to get out of here!
Motormaster: Fine!
He dodges Ironhides punches then he grab his arm and tosses him off the bridge. Motormaster, Dead End and Wildrider tranform into their vehicle forms and drive into the city.
Ironhide was about to splash into the water but Jetfire catched him.
Ironhide: Thanks Jetfire.
Jetfire: Looks like the Stunticons are entering the city. They will hurt humans.
Ironhide: Team 2 this is Ironhide, three Stunticons are entering the city. Give them hell.
???: (radio) You know it Ironhide.
We see the three remaining Stunticons driving through the city, costing destruction as they burst through cars out of their way and nearly running over a few people.
Dead End: Looks like we lost them.
Motormaster: Let's keep moving! We gonna get a safe location to contact Lord Megatron.
Wildrider: Stupid Autobots. I want to beat the scrap the next time I see any of them.
Suddenly an off road vehicle crashes thr right side of Wildrider and the two of them begin to tranform. Wildrider lands hard onto the ground while Dead End and Motormaster leave him while the other bot tranforms and then land on his feet.
Brawn: (smirk) Guess you have to scrap me!
Wildrider gets up ane charges you Brawn as the two begin to fight. Disbite Brawn being small he's stronger than Wildrider as he land some hard blows to Wildrider.
Wildrider tackle him to the ground as they roll through the street but Brawn kicks him across and Wildrider slammed into a police station which shattered the windows.
(Funny cameo scene) (Time: 0:11 to 0:19)
Wildrider lays there beaten up and leaking energon as Brawn approaches him and place stasis cuffs on Wildrider.
Brawn: Got Brawn. Anyone gonna get the other two?
We then cut back to Dead End and Motormaster keep going when an force field blocks in their way. Motor breaks through but Dead End tranforms, trying to avoid the force field but crashes into the force field.
Trailbreaker came out and place stasis cuffs on him. The last member was Motormaster as he keeps driving but when he turns a corner he sees Optimus prime across from him in his truck mode.
The two of them stare at each other readying their engines as they keep looking at each other. Then the two speed towards each other. They kept driving towards each other not even thinking about moving out of the way.
The two were getting closer and closer until they collide. Both of them crash into each other and they tranform into their bot forms as Motormaster yells then lands hard onto the ground.
Optimus Prime was off of his feet but he lands on his feet. He look sovee to see Motormaster unconscious. The rest of the Autobots came over as Optimus prime shake his head.
Prowl: You good sir?
Optimus Prime: Indeed Prowl. But next time I'm not doing that again.
Optimus prime approaches Motormaster and place stasis cuffs on him. Iron Hide, Arcee, Trailbreaker and Brawn have the rest od the captured Stunticons as Optimus prime radios to base.
Optimus prime: Base this is Optimus prime. The Stunticons have been captured. We require a ground bridge.
We see the Autobots new base called New Iacon or Autobot city for the humans.
The city is made to be similar to Iacon back on Cybertron and is constructed to be the main HQ for the Autobots. We cut to the ground bridge where the ground bridge opens and Optimus prime and his Autobot came out with the captured Stunticons.
Then five Autotroopers came over as they hand over the Stunticons to the Autotroopers.
Optimus prime: Take the Stunticons to their holding cell. Make sure they will not escape.
Autotrooper: (salute) Will do sir.
The Autotrooper took the Stunticons away then Hot Rod came up to Optimus prime.
Hot Rod: Hey Optimus, is it cool if I can go? I mean not ti be rude I mean I'm just gonna be a bit late.
Optimus prime: Your clear to go Hot Rod.
Hot Rod: Yes!
He tranform and drives off while Jetfire came up to Optimus prime and ask him.
Jetfire: Wonder what is he so late for?
Optimus prime: I believe today is a special day for Y/n.
Jetfire: Really? What is it?
Hot Rod speeds through the streets as he take glances at the time he has and soon he speeds through Y/n's neighbourhood then arrive at his house. He tranform into his bot form and looks at the time.
Hot Rod: (smile) Just in time.
???: Where have you been?!
Then Takao came out as Hot Rod tells her.
Hot Rod: Sorry there was a mission but I'm here now. Where is he?
Takao: His parents are just taking him at the back, come on!
Hot Rod: Right!
They go to the back while we cut to Y/n's parents taking his outside for something important. Theu slide open the door and Y/n step out while he ask them.
Y/n: So what's in the back that is impo-
Everyone: Surprised!
They jump in surprise to see everyone there including Hot Rod with snacks, gifts and birthday decorations since today is Y/n's birthday.
Y/n: (smile) Oh you guys!
Yuki: (smile) Happy Birthday. 19 years old now, one more year and you can drink alcohol.
Kaede: Honey!
Yuki: (smirk) What? Just saying.
Everyone laughs then Kazama and his gang came over.
Kazama: (smirk) Happy Birthday man. How does that feel?
Y/n: (smile) Feels the same. Not gonna change, not even a bit. Still thanks for coming.
Hiroshi: (smile) Hey your apart of us. We got your back.
Yokoshima: (smile) Yeah besides your mum makes the best foods.
Yuki: (giggle) Thank you.
Then he looks over to Hot Rod as the two fist pump.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks for coming man.
Hot Rod: (smile) Hey, I'm your guardian. I'm always here for you.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. You sure do.
To be continued....................................................
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