S2E5: Meeting the Royal King

Screams can be heard as we see a building that is up in flames. Fire can be seen within he building as most windows burst as flames pour out. Everyone down at the streets stares at this while fire fighters arrived to try to control the population as fire trucks came along with ambulance.

They soon see tones of people trapped on the roof of the building as well as some climbing out of the windows and hanging as they wave for help. One guy who is waving suddenly tripped and fell. Everyone scream as the man fell and was about to hit the ground when suddenly Jazz drives over, leaps into the air while he transforms into his bot form and catches the man and lands on the ground.

Jazz: That was sure close there.

He set the man down who is relieved but soon more and more people begin to fall but Hot Rod, Bumblebee and Arcee came and catch fallen people. One female fell and the bots have their hands filled but Y/n swoop in while wearing his Cybertronian suit and catch her.

He set her down gently as she thank Y/n which he smile and he blasted off and flies inside to rescue anyone that is trapped inside while the Hot Rod and the rest keeps the humans safe until Jazz sees five emergency vehicles that had the Autobot emblems on them.

Jazz: (smile) Looks like rescue has arrived.

The bots transform as they arrive on the scene as they see this and their leader Hot Spot takes commands to his team.

Hot Spot: First Aid attend to the humans injuries! Blades transform and rescue the humans that are trapped on the roof. Streetwise, Groove and I will aid the bots to catch any humans that fall. Let's move Protectobots!

Blades transform into hid helicopter form and flies over the roof and drops down a rope which they begin to climb. Y/n carries the people outside and give them to First Aid as he attends them while the rest of the Protectobots help Hot Rod to catch the humans as the fire fighters take out the flames.

Soon the fire has been taking care off as Hot Rod approaches Hot Spot and Groove.

Hot Rod: What took you guys so long?

Hot Spot: Let's just say we need to get use our way through the city.

Groove: At least you guys came to the rescue.

Hot Rod: (smile) We're were in the neighbourhood so we figure why not.

Then Y/n flies over and land on his feet as he took a sigh of relief.

Y/n: That's everyone.

Hot Spot: Nice work. You really have use that suit more then battling Decepticons.

Y/n: Well since the Decepticons haven't been around for sometime I figure I use it for hero work.

Groove: Can't blame you.

Then Streetwise walks over and explain what happened.

Streetwise: Looks like one of the humans apartments have a gas leak.

Hot Spot: (turn to First Aid) First Aid any casualty?

First Aid: Nothing too serious. They will be fine. (Walks over to the group) They'll be taking to the hospital for treatment.

Hot Spot: Go with them. They need the best doctor within the team.

First Aid: On it.

First Aid transform into his vehicle of a ambulance and he drives off along with the rest.

Y/n: Huh since when First Aid is an expert of human bodies?

Hot Spot: Every since we first arrived here on Earth. He might be the first Cybertronian to learn how a human body works.

Streetwise: I thought Ratchet was the first since he has been here on Earth longer then us.

Y/n: Yeah but he isn't interested looking up human biology or all that.

Hot Rod: (smile) That's Ratchet.

Bumblebee: Hey Y/n.

Then Bumblebee walks over with three agents as Bumblebee says.

Bumblebee: These agents wanted to see you.

Male agent 1: Are you Y/n L/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

He pulls out a letter and hand it to Y/n and then said.

Male agent 1: You have been invited to see the King.

The agents then walk over after Y/n took it as Jazz ans Arcee walks over as Y/n opens the letter.

Jazz: What was that about?

Arcee: And who is a king?

Y/n: A king is a male ruler of an independent state. Kings are like leaders but lead a small area like a city.

He pulls out a note and he reads through it and while reading he is surprised.

Hot Rod: What is it?

Y/n: (surprised) I'm invited to meet the King of the Sakurada family!

Bumblebee: Who?

Y/n: (surprised) They're one of the most famous royal family. They are well respected by many. Their kingdom isn't that far from here but why does the kin wanted to see me?

Hot Rod: (smirk) Well one way to find out. Let's go and meet him.

Hot Spot: Well wish you all good luck and stay safe.

Streetwise: And Hot Rod if I got a report that you have been speeding then you'll lose your T-Cog for 2 weeks.

Hot Rod: (nervous) Sure thing Streetwise. Okay let's roll.

(Hours later)

Hot Rod, Jazz, Bumblebee and Arcee arrived at the kingdom that looks natural and nice as they drive through the streets. Y/n sits within Hot Rod as they soon arrived at the castle as they cross the bridge and reach the gate. The gates slowly open in front of them and soon they drive on in and park.

Y/n gets out and looks around with amazement as Hot Rod, Jazz, Bumblebee and Arcee transform to their bot forms and look around.

Arcee: (surprised) Wow this place is amazing.

Jazz: (surprised) Yeah. I'm telling you humans art and buildings are pretty cool.

Bumblebee: So this is where a king lives?

???: Indeed and it is very nice to meet you Y/n.

They all turn to see a man on top of the steps as he walk down the steps and once at the bottom he approaches Y/n and he reaches out his hand to him.

Souichirou: (smile) My name is Souichirou Sakurada, I am the king of this land. Its a pleasure to meet you and your friends.

Y/n: (shakes Souichirou hand) Nice to meet you. Hey wait how do you know my name?

Souichirou: (smile) Don't take things the wrong way or anything but I've been watching you for sometime.

Hot Rod: (whisper) Creepy much.

Jazz: But why?

Souichirou: Well for good reason. Come inside and I can explain everything.

Y/n: Sure.

He goes with Souichirou as the bots transform and summon their avatars as they follow them behind. Soon they walk down the hallways of the castle as the bots are amazed about the interior of the castle while Souichirou begins to say.

Souichirou: Tell me Y/n...do you know anything about your ancestor?

Y/n: My ancestor? Not really why?

Souichirou: (smile) Well what if I tell you that your ancestor is a heroic Knight who saved this land and the world from a powerful and dangerous threat?

Y/n: (surprised) Wait really?!

Souichirou: (smile) Indeed and was aides by gaint titains that are like your Autobot friends.

Jazz: Wait? You get to tell me there were Cybertronians here before us?! How?

Souichirou stops by a painting as he pulls down a torch and then the painting begins to open. They are amazed and follow Souichirou inside as they see within thr room were relics of ancient knights such as armor and weapons.

One thing that catches the Autobots off guard is the table in the middle that had a the Knights of Cybertron emblem in the middle as Souichirou places his hand onto the table.

Jazz: (shocked) So the Knights of Cybertron were here on Earth?

Souichirou: Indeed.

Y/n: Who are they?

Bumblebee: They are Knights that serve the primes as warriors and were the first generation of Cybertronians. But how is some on Earth?

Souichirou: Allow me to tell you this story. Long ago before technology there was the area of Knights. This land was once filled with kingdoms with their own kings and Queens. All was in peace until one day everything would change. A being from the sky crashes onto the surface of the planet. This being was a gaint and heavy armored and his power was outmatch to many. All kingdoms immediate treat him as a god and he begins using his follows to construct a tower. It is said that this tower is use to drain life apon a sun in order to feed their god. He is known as "The Fallen."

Hot Rod: Sounds villain like.

Souichirou: (light chuckle) No kidding. The Fallen use his follow to raid villages, burn their homes, kill and slaughter so those who refuse to join will join. One by one kingdoms either fall or join The Fallen and this Kingdom was next. My ancestor tried his best to lead his warriors against The Fallens followers but they were wipped. All hope was lost until one knight appear from the hills as he raised his sword into the air, an army of gaint Knights came down and battle the Fallens followers and defend my ancestors kingdom. This knight was your ancestor, Seriya L/n. He battled the Fallen in a one v one and the battle was rough but in the end he defeated The Fallen and won the battle. The Knights of Cybertron took The Fallen and take him somewhere so he can never escape and harm human life and your ancestor was a hero who not only saves this kingdom but possibly the world.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow! So my ancestor was a hero?

Souichirou: (smile) Indeed. He knew the existence of the Cybertronians and kept his promises to them to keep their secrets safe so he sacrifice his own history so their secrets will be safe.

Y/n: So....why are you telling me this now?

Souichirou: Because I believe The Fallen will soon to return and a new knight must rise to end the evil of the Fallen once and for all. (Place a hand onto his shoulder) You might be the only one that could save the world from the return of the Fallen.

Y/n is stunned by this as he turn to the table as he looks at it and then places his hand onto the table. The thought about his ancestor being some legendary hero is surprising for him as Souichirou smiles and then said

Souichirou: (smile) But let's not worry about that right now. We have plenty of time to get ready when that comes.

Y/n: So what now?

Souichirou: I know. What about I introduce my family to your family.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait really?

Souichirou: (smile) Why not? I figure we can introduce each others families and get to know each other more. What do you say?

Y/n: Sure.....I mean I'll give my parents a call and tell them what's happening.

Souichirou: (smile) Great! I can't wait.


We see Yuki and Kaede sitting on the couch with Lulu on Kaede's lap as they sat there relaxing together when Yuki got a phone call from Y/n which they put him on speaker.

Yuki: (smile) Hey son, how are things?

Y/n: (phone) Pretty good dad but um.....before I tell you can you two not freak out.

Kaede: Um sure honey.

Yuki: (smile) Yeah I mean we have an alien robot living with our home as part of the family, I'm sure whatever you'll tell us it won't freak us out.

Y/n: (phone) Okay so Souichirou who is a King of the Sakurada family wanted to come by to our place to meet his family tomorrow. Its a long story but he along with his family are coming here to meet us.

Yuki and Kaede:...............

Y/n: (phone) Um....hello? Mom....Dad? Are you the-

Yuki and Kaede: (freaking out) THE ROYAL FAMILY IS COMING HERE TO VISIT US!!!!!!???????

Y/n: (phone) I knew you'll freak out about this.

To be continued.....................................................

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