S2E4: The ancient ruins

We see the image of the entrance placed within a monitor located within Perceptors lab along with chemicals and other scientific stuff as we see Perceptor looking at the monitor and behind him we're Sunstreaker and Sideswipe as Perceptor turns to the two of them.

Perceptor: It's quite interesting. These writings on the walls is very ancient.

Sunstreaker: Can you make it out?

Perceptor: No unfortunately but whatever it is, it might be something very important that we cannot allow the Decepticons to find out. I need to speak with Optimus at ones.

Sunstreaker: He's at a meeting with the other human generals.

Perceptor: Ah then that's where I should go.

Perceptor leaves the lab and once he is gone Sideswipe and Sunstreaker look around of Perceptors stuff and then Sunstreaker turns to Sideswipe and said.

Sunstreaker: Wanna touch his stuff?

Sideswipe: (smirk) Heck yeah.

We then cut to Optimus prime within a large room with five generals and a government agent name Shuji as Shuji head a large monitor mounted on the wall behind him as he opens a screen of a image of multiple Vechicon drones as he then ask.

Shuji: So what are these soldiers? We gotten reports of multiple of these mysterious Decepticon troops spotted within some parts of the world.

Optimus prime: These are the Decepticons Vechicon drones army.

Shuji: Drones? As in they are not living Cybertronians?

Optimus prime: Not exactly. These drones contain the sparks of injured Decepticon soldiers during the war on Cybertron. During the war Decepticon soldiers were ones like us, recruited to fight as soldiers. However when they are close to death their sparks were removed from their original bodies and stored within the Decepticons ships. Within these ships contains a small factory where they can install sparks within these Vechicon bodies and given them life. The term "Drones" does not mean they are not lifeless beings. But means there is a endless army of them.

Shuji: I see. So are these drones as well?

Then the screen shows the constructicons being seen and before Optimus could say Perceptor walk in ans said.

Perceptor: They are not drones but rather a team or combiners called the Constructicons.

Shuji: Excuse me but this is a meeting.

Optimus prime: It is okay. Perceptor please father explain to them what they are.

Perceptor: (smile) Of course. The Constructicons are a team of combiner that combine and form into Devastator. Devastator himself is a powerful Decepticon combiner and reported to be gaint then other combiners.

Male general 1: Like your Protectobots?

Perceptor: Yes but unlike the Protectbots they were once normal Cybertronians until Shockwave created them. He studied the ancient text of Nexus Prime to create somewhat of a copy versions of Enigma of Combinations. We copy the information and made our own combiners but left out some to make the combiners more easier to control. The Constructicons are the first successful test of a combiner and although successful he is unstable so that is why Shockwave created two other combiners that are slightly unstable then our own team of combiners.

Shuji: I see. So what brings you here?

Perceptor: Well it's because of the dark zone that Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and Mirage came back from. Whatever that entrance maybe it could hold something that we should not allow the Decepticons find out.

Optimus prime: Understood. I'll gather a small Autobot team so we can clear the area.

Shuji: Along with the military.

Optimus prime: We all due respect I do not want to risk the life of your troops during battle.

Shuji: We agree that Autobots and the military will battle along side each other in battle against the Decepticons. This is still our home Optimus and we won't be sitting back.

Optimus prime: I understand. (Turns to Perceptor) Contact Smokescreen, Inferno, Ironhide and Trailbreaker to meet us at the Ground bridge. You'll come with us.

Perceptor: Understood sir.


At the dark zone we see Jetfire looking at the ancient texts and using the data pad to encrypt them. Starscream walks over and stood next to him as Jetfire tells him.

Jetfire: (smile) This is just like the old days on Cybertron.

Starscream: Yes it was simpler times before the war.

Jetfire: Yeah. Well anyways I managed to encrypt most of the text and it seems we needed a prime to open this door.

Starscream: Can we blow it open?

Jetfire: Too risky. If we blow open the door who knows what's behind it. Could be high explosions in there or maybe a trap.

Starscream: So there is no way to open it?

Jetfire: Unless we have a prime with us.

Starscream: Scrap.

Soundwave can be seen with lazerbeak on his arm as he stroke his chin when he detected something. He turn tonthe forest and suddenly a fire truck burst out and immediately transform into his bot form.

Soundwave: Autobots!

Inferno: That's right and here's a little present!

He lifted up his hand gun and fired and killed a Vechicon drone. Soon the other Autobots arrive along with the human military as they begin their attack. The Vechicons open fire at them as Jetfire quickly get into cover as bolts fly by and get behind cover.

A group of Vechicons gets close until a car flies over and crashes down and then drives around, knocking down other Vechicons onto the floor as Starscream sees and open fire at him.

The car dodges and soon transforms and kicks Starscream in the chest and sending him flying and crashing into the wall as Smokescreen gets up and said with a smirk.

Smokescreen: (smirk) You like that screamer! Bet you do!

Suddenly Vechicons begin to fire at Smokescreen when IronHide came over and blocks the bolts with his shield and then charges foward and ram them. He then pulled out his hammer and begins smashing them apart.

IronHide: Watch your surroundings Smokescreen!

Smokescreen: (smirk) Whatever you say.

IronHide: (thoughts) He's just like Hot Rod.

He then swap his melee weapons to his twin shotguns and begins shooting at the Vechicons. The military soldiers uses grenade launches to take out the Vechicons. One throws a grenade in front of them and the grenade gose off. fortunately the soldiers are being protected by an energy dorm shield by Trailbreaker as he covers them.

Trailbreaker deploy drones out of his back and the drones deployed engery shields in front of the Autobots as cover as they take out the Vechicons as Starscream gets up and calls out.

Starscream: Decepticons! Retreat!

Starscream transforms and flies away with Jetfire following behind as the rest of the Vechicons all retreated and the battle is won.

Smokescreen: Ha! Take that you Decepticons scum! We won!

Optimus prime: Good job everyone. The dark zone is now ours for the taking.

IronHide: Say where is Perceptor?

Perceptor: Right behind you.

Perceptor came over to them and after seeing he is alright the military soldiers stayed outside while the Autobots gather around at the entrance as Perceptor encrypts the writing.

Perceptor: It looks like only a prime can enter.

IronHide: You know what to do prime.

Optimus nodes and approaches the door and suddenly the ground begins to shake and a green beam shot out and scans Optimus. While scanning the Matrix within his chest begins to glow and once the scanning is done the door slowly open, revealing a long dark hallway.

Optimus, Perceptor and IronHide heaf inside while Smokescreen, Trailbreaker and Inferno stay outside with the human soldiers as they walk down the hallway. It wasn't long until they come across a door which opens, revealing a large room with tubs and in there were multicoloured chemicals as they walk by and look around.

IronHide: What are these things?

Perceptor: Whatever is in these chemicals, I suggest we don't drink them.

IronHide: No need to tell me twice.

They reach at the far end where a door opens in front of them and revealing what looks like a command room with ancient swords and other ancient weapons as they walk in and they look around.

Perceptor walks up to the control console and push some buttons and then a hologram screen opens and it opens to an emblem which shocks Perceptor.

Perceptor: (shocked) This belong to the Knights of Cybertron.

IronHide: Wait you mean knights that serve the primes as their armies millions of years ago?

Perceptor: (shocked) Yes! But why is there some here?

Optimus prime: This could hold the information that we need.

Perceptor: Right. Let me see I can-

Then the hologram changes to a human Knight raising a sword into the air with a cape with the Knights of Cybertron emblem on it. Perceptor looks at the blade and immediately recognised it.

Perceptor: That's the Talisman. A legendary sword that can be only be given to the most honourable Knights. It also said to lead the Knights of Cybertron in case one of the primes have fallen.

Optimus prime: But now I is welded by a human. Who is this human?

Perceptor: Hhhmmm Well this is interesting. His name is Seriya L/n. He is Y/n ancestor.

IronHide: (shocked) Wait you get to tell me Y/n ancestor knew the Cybertronians?!

Perceptor: It seems so. Although there isn't much information about him however.......there is this.

Then Perceptor opens a large map of Earth with a red dot pointing at what looks like the middle of Bermuda Trangle.

IronHide: What's this?

Perceptor: It's showing us something.

IronHide: But what for?

Then Optimus had a strange feeling as he looks at the coordination and was suddenly sees visions of a evil being that could destroy earth. Optimus then turns to Perceptor and tells him.

Optimus prime: Deleat the location at ones. We cannot let the Decepticons know about it.

Perceptor: Sure thing.

Perceptor goes to delete it all awhile we see Lazerbeak hiding within the darkness and scanning the location and once done he flies away. Perceptor deleted the location all awhile Lazerbeak exit the door and leaves the area as we see Soundwave waiting for Lazerbeak on top of a hill.

Lazerbeak arrived and enters Soundwave chest and once that Soundwave opens a ground bridge and goes through as the ground bridge closes once he is through.


It was the middle of the night within what seems like a castle ad we then see something running down the hallway and soon reach the throne room as the person burst open the door and rush up to his king.

Male served: Sire! Sire! It's him! Both Autobots and Decepticons discovered his location!

The king sat on his throne in silence for a moment snd then said.

???: Then the time has come. Go and find Y/n L/n at once.

Male served: Yes Sire.

He turns and leaves the throne room as the king gets up and opens a secret door next to his throne cheer and then climbs down the stone steps with a torch in hand. Once at the bottom he walk by Knight statues as he walks over and then stops. He looks at whatever he is looking at ans said.

???: He'll be free soon but when that comes....your descendant will finish.....what you started.

We then see an ancient coffin standing on a slab with a flag with the Knights of Cybertron emblem on it as it hang over the coffin as the king stared at the Coffin and knows the time will come that a new Knight will rise and defeat the great evil that will threatening all life on planet Earth.

To be continued.................................................

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