S2E3: The strange girl

We see Y/n in the bathroom doing his business and when he is done he washes his hands and then leaves the bathroom and make his way back to his club.

Y/n: Hope they didn't start the game without me. If so I might need to catch up in order for me to win.

He keeps walking back to his club but for some reason he felt like someone was stalking him from behind. He turn around only to see no one so he just shrugged and keeps walking.

Y/n: (thought) Might just be my head. All that fighting against the Decepticons made me a bit worry for one to appear behind me and attack me. Guess I can just shake it off and just-

Then he felt like someone grabbed him and pulled his whole body over as his face was about to hit the floor as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Ah scr-



We see Roka, Takao, Kazama, Chitose and Sakura playing cards on the table. They were just playing as Kazama turn and realised that Y/n hasn't return back his trip to the bathroom yet which he ask.

Kazama: Hey Y/n is taking a long time.

Chitose: Maybe you should go and check up on him. Here is a locker if you want to use it to enter the bathroom.

Kazama: Hey that was a long time ago!

Then the doors open which they all turn as three male teens enter the room with one wearing a hot Rod like jacket smirks and said.

???: (smirk) Well.....what do you think?

Kazama: Um good also who are you?

Hot Rod: It's us! Hot Rod, Jazz and Bumblebee.

Takao: (surprised) Wait what?! How did you three become humans?

Jazz: (smile) This ain't actually our human forms. It's our avatars. Wheeljack give us some upgrades one of which is an upgrade that allow us to spawn in our avatar and allow us to enter small human buildings and explore.

Chitose: So you can now enter buildings without any problem? Sounds useful.

Bumblebee: Wheeljack calls it Holomatter. It maybe cool but there is a limit how far we can use. If we go too far our avatar disappeared. But good thing we are parked right in front of the school.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Yeah so let's enjoy what humans like! Hey Where's Y/n? Hello find this cool.

Kazama: No idea he hasn't come out of the bathroom.

Jazz: Alsways wonder what the bathrooms look like.

Bumblebee: Humans seem to like going there so maybe it's some sort of a spar.

Kazama: No its a place to take a dumb!

Jazz: A dumb? As in taking out the trash?

Kazama: You have been living earth for sometime and you don't know what bathrooms are for?!

Hot Rod: Don't blame us that we're not humans. Cybertronians down have organic things.

Kazama: (sigh) Fine whatever I'm sure Y/n will be back.

Tsutsumi: (enters the room) Guys we may have a problem.

Kazama: What is it this time?

Tsutsumi: I saw Y/n being dragged by Tama.

Chitose: Tama Huh? Been a long while since I heard about her and you said she kidnap him? Well we'll see about that.

Hot Rod:......So I'm I the one whose gonna ask who is this Tama girl?


??? 1: Hey he's not waking up. Usually he'll wake up right about now.

??? 2: That's because you slammed us face onto the floor.

??? 3: You know the boss lady never take anything easy. Besides he's waking up right now.

Slowly Y/n begins to wake up as he slowly let's out a groan and opens his eyes to see four students as he shake his head.

Y/n: And here I thought a Decepticon knock me out and kidnapped me but guess I was wrong. For some reason I'm kinda relieved.

??? 1: Oh look he's awake and to think you are tough.

Y/n: Just because I help out the Autobots and got a alien suit that doesn't mean I'm tough.

Tama: Make sense. By away the names Tama, I'm a student council president.

Azuma: I'm Azuma, I'm Tama's childhood friend.

Naganuma: I'm Naganuma nice to meet you.

Shinsen: And I'm Shinsen but I guess you already know me since we met.

Y/n: Met? When and where?

Shinsen: What are you stupid! I was in that bag competition months ago remember!? I was inside of a robot!

Y/n thinks hard and did remember a locker like robot he seen and then it hit him.

Y/n: Oooohhhh you were inside of the robot. Yeah sorry just didn't know you were in there.

Shinsen: The hell is that suppose to mean!?

Tama: Take it easy barfy to be honest with you I didn't know you were in there.

Shinsen: You too!? What the hell?!

Y/n: So can I ask why you guys kidnapped me?

Tama: Oh that a good question. I need you to lower your friends here.

Y/n: Why?

Tama: Reasons.

Y/n: Okay? Hey wait Tama? Do you happen to be Little Tama?

Tama: Hm?

Y/n: A couple of weeks ago I found a mail outside of the gates that goes by that name. So my guess being your little Tama?

Tama just stared at Y/n for a bit and then she casually said.

Tama: Don't know why but that's kinda hot when you call me like that.

Y/n: (blush) How is that hot!?

Hot Rod: Did somebody say Hot Rod?!

Then the game creation club, Hot Rod, Jazz and Bumblebee enter the classroom with Hot Rod in the lead as Y/n is confused to see the three Autobots as humans.

Y/n: How are you three-?

Hot Rod: (smirk) Let's just say Wheeljack give us some upgrades. So you must be Chitoses childhood rival.

Y/n: Childhood rival?

Jazz: So yeah it turns out Tama here actually knows Chitose since they were kids. Kinda crazy right?

Y/n: Guess that is crazy.

Chitose: So you really want to start a war by taking my man?

Tama: Your man?

She turn to Y/n which is a bit nervous and next thing he knows is that Tama hugs him with his face on her breast as she said.

Tama: Now I think about it he is cute so yeah history mine.

Chitose: You can't just take him as your man?!

Tama: I just did.

Kazama: Is this how we start a war?

Roka: Seems like it.

Jazz: Hey, Hey let's all just calm down here and let's not use violence. Let's be peaceful and let's talk.

Both Tama and Chitose share a glare at each other but seconds later they stop and said.

Tama and Chitose: Okay sure.


Jazz: (smile) Now everyone is calm let's have a nice chat. No need for anyone to fight for some dumb reason I'm I right?

Tama: Guess he's right. What about this, we get to share him and there will be no trouble.

Chitose: Sounds like a good plan. I'm on board.

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Chitose and Tama: You as our boyfriend?


Kazama: Are you kidding me!!!!???

Takao: (blush) Wait but I'm he's my boyfriend!

Tama: That's what i mean. We share him so we won't fight each other.

Takao: (blush) Huh?!

Sakura: (smile) I want to join in!

Minami: Same.

Tsutsumi: That could be fun.

Jazz: (bit surprised) Well as long everyone is happy then that's sorts that problem off the list.

Hot Rod: That's it? I was suspected for something like a epic battle between two rivals.

Bumblebee: At least everyone is happy.

Y/n: (thought) At this point I wish I was still unconscious because this is crazy.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n inside of Hot Rod as they are driving back home as Hot Rod tells Y/n.

Hot Rod: Well that was sure a crazy day wasn't it.

Y/n: Yeah maybe a bit too crazy.

Hot Rod: Well look at the bright side, you'll be the first student to not only made contact with aliens but have many girlfriends.

Y/n: Guess so. Hey any news about Decepticons?

Hot Rod: Well there have been reports of robot aliens being spotted all across the world and some crashing onto earth but it's unknown if they are Autobots or Decepticons.
All we know they could be Nails.

Y/n: Nails?

Hot Rod: It stood for Non-Aligned Indigenous Life-forms. Basically they are Cybertronians that have no legions to any faction but just civilians.

Y/n: Oh make sense. So what happened to the other Cybertronians when the war began?

Hot Rod: Well they use ships to leaves the planet and travel to the stars. They either find planets to rebuild or joined up with other colony planets.

Y/n: You think the war didn't reach any other planets?

Hot Rod: It's hard to say but most likely. All we know fleets od Decepticon ships are out there somewhere fighting their own battle while their leader and his forces are stuck on this planet.

Y/n: So that's the reason why fleets of Decepticon ships haven't shown up on Earth?

Hot Rod: Yeah. There is a lot of dangerous ships that Autobots stay away from. Megatron's fleet is one thing but all were destroyed leaving the Nemesis left before it along with the Ark crashed onto the planet.

Y/n: Say evee figured out where the Ark maybe?

Hot Rod: Who knows but maybe somewhere on the planet but won't matter because we have a new base which the military humans allow us to stay.

Y/n: Oh yeah. Huh....I wonder what is that like.


We see the military base within an island not far from the city. It is a massive base that contains humans and Autobots. We then see a cargo plane making a landing drop and once landed Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Mirage came out and transform into bot forms as another Autobot name Trailbreaker came over to them.

Trailbreaker: Welcome back you three. See that youse are still function.

Sideswipe: Yep still am.

Sunstreaker: Has Perceptor got the images we sent?

Trailbreaker: Yep. Actually he wants you at his lab. I think he wants some questions from the two of you.

Sideswipe: Well if he begins to talk for a very long and boring time, I might go stasis lock.

Sunstreaker: Same but let's see what he wants.

Sideswipe agrees and walks off while Mirage stood there as Trailbreaker turn to him.

Trailbreaker: You alright.

Mirage: Yeah I'm just fine.....I'm just going to take a drive.

He transform into his vehicle mode and drives off. Trailbreaker can tell Mirage is not okay and knows he has been feeling homesick and he really wanted to help him but there was nothing he can do.

Ratchet: I'm sure the kid will be alright.

Then Ratchet walks up Trailbreaker as Trailbreaker said.

Trailbreaker: I understand what he is going through. How he feels have to leave his home or see it dead.

Ratchet: I know.....but we have to move on and keep going. After all we have this planet to protect after all. We can't let this plwnet to fall just like Cybertron.

Trailbreaker: Yeah.......Yeah your right. Just hope he gets better.

Ratchet: I may not be a therapist but I think Mirage needs some time to get use to this planet and finally accept it.

Trailbreaker: Hope so.

Red Alart: (radio) Um Ratchet....I kinda need your help?

Ratchet: (sigh) On my way Red Alart.

He ake his way to Red Alarts location as he enter the hanger and seconds later Ratchet called out for everyone in the base to hear.


Red Alart: (Panic) I'M SORRY!!!!

Trailbreaker: (sigh) This will not end happy for those two.

To be continued.....................................................

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