S2E17: The Trail awaits

We see Stormreign guides the group deep to the fortress. They soon go through an empty cell which Kazama take a glance at one of them and sees nothing inside.

Kazama: Hey Red Knight, what was inside of these cells?

Stormreign: Dangerous creatures that we kept for a long time. The cell you're looking at contains a white beast. Must have escaped and must have managed to get outside.

Akane: This place is huge. How close are we to the staff?

Stormreign: We are close. We kept it deep within the fortress so none will not have it. Especially Megatronus.

Jazz: Well let's just get it before someone or something finds it first.

After a while of walking they finally arrive at a massive door with the Knights of Cybertrons emblem on the door as Stormreign pulls down the lever and the door begins to open.

However they were stunned to see a fog in front of them. Soon the door fully opens and they were abiut to go in when Stormreign stops them.

Stormreign: Y/n is allow to enter. You all must remain here.

Bumblebee: Why?

Stormreign: Seriya told us to never allow anyone to enter unless it is one of his descendant. Y/n will get the stuff but I must warn you, the halls will test you to see what you are and if you are worthy to take the staff.

Tama: So what? We just let Y/n go alone?

Takao: Yeah I would agree.

Y/n: There is no other choice. We need that staff in order to stop Megatronus plans and save the world. I'll be fine, don't you all worry.

With that he goes through the door and watch him walk down the halls as the door behind him begins to close and soon the doors are completely shut.

Y/n turns back to the door but focused on the mission and keeps walking. He walk down the long and dark hallways on his own and can't help but find it to be creepy being all alone.

He kept walking until all of a sudden fog roll in and soon he was covered by fog. He stop and look around only for the fog to turn everything around him completely white

???: Y/n......Y/n.

He then turn and noticed a figure standing in front of him. Y/n was a bit nervous at first but then the figure gets closer and then Y/n sees a young man wearing Knight armor with his face similar to his.

Y/n: Are you Seriya L/n? My ancestor?

Seriya: Yes, I am. Although I am not alive.

Y/n: So are you a ghost?

Seriya: It depends.

Y/n: So why are you here?

Seriya: I'm here because of you. You've shown to be similar to me but with one thing.

Y/n: What's that?

Seriya: You don't believe that yourself is a hero.

Y/n:......I feel like I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and I feel like I might mess up.

Seriya: Do not doubt yourself Y/n. After all, you don't have to be a best hero. If you have a pure of heart and determination to fight for those you can't protect, then you are a hero. You may not noticed that you already are a hero. You've always have been since you were young.

Thenthe fog changes to a playground which Y/n recognise as the playground that he and his little brother played when they were young. He even see him and Itsuki playing at the sand pit.

Y/n: I remember this.

Seriya: Yes. This is the first moment of your life that you shown to have a good heart.

Then Y/n's younger self sees another child wonder off out of the park and approaching a road. His young self sees a incoming car so he rushes over while the child step onto the road and gets in front of the car.

The driver panic and tries to stop the car but he wa stoo late but that when Y/n's young self arrive just in time and pulled the child away.

The mother of the child rushed over and hug her child while thanking Y/n's young self for saving her child's life. Y/n sees this and said.

Y/n: I mean that was one time.

Seriya: Is it? Let's see another one.

Then everything changes to a small garage store were Y/n sees himself a bit older now and was getting some snacks. Then a thug enter and hold up a gun at the employee and bark at her for the money.

Y/n sees himself watching this happening but rather than hiding away or running out of the store he picks up something hard and sneak over to the thug from behind.

Once close he knocks the thug out and he falls to the ground unconscious and then he kicks the gun away while the employee calls the police. Then it changes to the police taking the thug away while the employee thanks Y/n's self.

Seriya: You see, you've shown to do the right thing even if you may not see it as heroic. You have a good heart and have a strong determination to help others. Not to mention to help the Cybertronians disbite not even human. It just shows that even if you don't see yourself as a hero, you still have a good heart.

Then everything changes to white and then Y/n turns to Seriya and ask him.

Y/n: So what were you like before you were a legend?

Seriya: (light chuckle) Unlike you my life was hard. I live in a rough life, my parents never loved me, my friends abandon me and no one in my town never liked me. I could have become evil and choose destruction.......but.....I choose to be someone that protects innocent lives.

Y/n: Why?

Seriya: Because it is was the right thing to do. Just because my rough life choose to protect others so no one will not suffer the suffering as I have. After that I met the Knights od Cybertron and help them to defeat Megatronus.

Y/n: I see.

Seriya: We're don't have to call ourselves hero's. Other can but to ourselves.....we just be good people who do the right thing. Remember Y/n, never see yourself as some incredible hero, see yourself as you. Be yourself and do things that you think is right.

Y/n:......Okay.....I won't fail you.

Seriya: (smile) I know you won't. I know you'll do the right thing.

With that Seriya fates away and soon the fog goes away with him and once the fog was gone Y/n find himself standing in front of a large door. He walks over and touch it with his hand and then the door begins to open.

Then he sees the staff in the middle of a large room as Y/n rushes over and takes the staff. He stare at it for a moment and he left.

He make his way back to the large door and then the door opens and the rest turn and sees Y/n back sith the staff in hand.

Hot Rod: (smile) Alright you got the staff!

Kazama: So now what?

???: Now you'll hand it over to me!

They turn to see Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp aiming at them. Stormreign draws out his sword while Jazz, Bumblebee and Hot Rod draw out their weapons at them.

Stormreign: You are not welcome here followers of Megatronus!

Skywarp: (surprised) Wow! Is that one of the Knights of Cybertron?

Thundercracker: Looks like it.

Starscream: Shut up! You, hand over the staff now!

Y/n: You want it? You have get pass us.

Starscream: (smirk) I have a better idea. Skywarp!

He then vanishe only to teleport behind Y/n and he grab him and take the staff.

Y/n: No!

He pulls out his cannons and was about to fire but Skywarp drops him to the ground and then the three seekers transform and fly away.

Jazz: They're getting away!

Stormreign: We must not allow them to escape!

Hot Rod: Let's roll!


Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp made it out and once out they tranform into their bot forms and turn to the hole.

Starscream: Thundercracker, let's seal them up once and for all!

Thundercracker: On it!

???: I can't let you do that Starscream!

The three turn and to Starscream shock sees Jetfire with Slipstream and Snow cat laying on the ground unconscious while Arcee and Mirage were free and standing behind Jetfire.

Starscream: (shocked) Jetfire?! How?!

Jetfire: After their medics Ratchet and First Aid healed me, I ask them about Y/n and they told me where they are so i fly away. I guess I made it just in time.

Starscream: Then it is too late to join back. I promise we will forget the incident and go back to once it was, what do you say?

Starscream lifted his hand over to Jetfire but Jetfire had enough and tells Starscream.

Jetfire: No. I've see that the Decepticons are the true evil, not the Autobots!

Starscream: You can't do this! I order you to-

Jetfire: I no longer follow your orders Starscream.

He then grab his Decepticon emblem and rips it off of him and throws it aside. He then pulled out an Autobot emblem given to him by Optimus prime and place it onto his chest.

Then hie entire paint begins to changed from black and purple to now white and red and his eyes also change from red to blue.

Jetfire: I'm now an Autobot!

Starscream is upset by this but the hears Hot Rod and the rest coming so he tells Thundercracker and Skywarp.

Starscream: Decepticons we have what we came for, let's get of here!

They transform into jets and they fly away and soon disappear from the clouds. Soon Hot Rod and the rest climb out and they are surprised to see Jetfire with an Autobot emblem on him.

Bumblebee: (surprised) Jetfire?!

Jazz: (smirk) Well this is a surprise.

Kazama: So is he good?

Jetfire: Indeed. I'll be willing to help in anyway I can.

Takao: They got away with the staff.

Kazama: Well we're screwed.

Y/n: No. We can't give up. We won't rest until we stop Megatronus and his plans. We just need to find the Star harvester.

Jetfire: (smile) Lucky for all of you. I know where it is.

To be continued..................................................

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