S2E16: A fortress within the mountain
Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Jazz, Arcee, Mirage, Y/n, Kazama, Akane, Takao, Roka and Tama enter Perceptors lab for good news. They see Perceptor along side Hoist and Wheeljack as Perceptor turn to them and then tells them.
Perceptor: You arrive just in time! Okay I have some good news and some bad news. Good news I've managed to open the relic that you all recover and managed to open it!
Hot Rod: (smile) Awesome! And bad news?
Perceptor: Bad news the location is risky.
Perceptor took out the relic and then turn shuffle it around and then it begins to glow and opens a large circular hologram of Earth with a singal dot pointing at Asia.
Perceptor: It seems the Knights of Cybertron has took it to a mountain called Mount Everest, the most tallest mountain in all of Earth.
Kazama: You got to be kidding me! That place is a death sentence to anyone who dares to go there!
Y/n: But that's where the staff is. We have no choice but to go there.
Takao: But it will be freezing.
Tama: I heard we can keep ourselves warm if we hug each other.
Tama, Takao and Akane look at Y/n as he noticed the stares.
Y/n: What?
Wheeljack: Lucky I've created a suit that keep humans warm and have endless supply of oxygen.
Wheeljack walks over and pushes a button as a small wall opens to reveal five suits with window like helmets as they look at them.
Wheeljack: These suits can work for both cold environment and space walking. You'll feel like nothing but warmth and nice air.
Kazama: Kick ass! Do they have some cool weapons?
Wheeljack: I did add some wrist lasers and boosters.
Kazama: Damn.
Hoist: We didn't bothering making a suit for you Y/n since you have your own.
Y/n: (smile) Understandable.
Bumblebee: So what should we search for?
Perceptor: Anything that seems out of place.
Roka: But it is a gaint mountain surrounded by other mountains? How can we find something that is out of place?
Perceptor: Just search something that isn't made out of rocks.
Kazama: Sure, that would be easy.
Jazz: (smile) Well let's suit up and let's get going! We got a staff to recover!
Y/n: Yeah, let's do this.
(Sometime later)
A ground bridge opens with the Autobots going first as they step onto the snow and then the humans with theie suits. The ground bridge closes and they look up only to see a gaint mountain of Mount Everest.
Bumblebee: (surprised) Now that's a big mountain.
Arcee: Well it can't be that bad right?
Kazama: Just lucky you bots are robots and don't freeze up.
Hot Rod: Actually we can die from freezing to death but it doesn't seem like a snow storm so we should be fine.
Mirage: And you may have jinxed us. Let's go.
They begin to make their climb of Mount Everest. They walked up as Y/n and the rest feel fine and their oxygen is good while the bots are also fine but are amazed how the veiw is as they keep climbing.
Arcee: (surprised) Wow look at this veiw! Has any humans climb up here?
Takao: Um yeah a few but they never came back to share it.
Arcee: Oh.......
Bumblebee: So what are we suppose to look for?
Jazz: Probably search anything that seems out of place.
They keep walking while looking around but there was nothing that seems out of place. They soon reach a point where there is a flat area they can take a break.
They were about to take a break when Y/n look down and noticed something. He kneel down and wipe away the snow and then he call out.
Y/n: Hey guys, take a look of this.
They came over and they came around and see a metal floor. With this they begin to wipe away from the snow but it took them forever so Hot Rod calls out.
Hot Rod: Everyone stay back.
They did so and Hot Rod shoots flames to melt the snow. After what seems like 3 and a half minutes he was done. They see the knights od Cybertron emblem on it along with a line crack.
Arcee: This must be a landing pad.
Mirage: So how do we get in?
Y/n kneel down and touch and suddenly it cracks open which made everyone step back as the entrance opens and soon it was fully open. They look down seeing a large hole.
Y/n: Seems like we're going down.
Arcee: You guys go while me and Mirage stay up here.
Hot Rod: Understood. Let's go!
Hot Rod, Jazz and Bumblebee leaps down while the humans use their boosters to decent down with Akane just use her powers as they decent. Soon they land onto the ground and look around to see the place completely empty and dark.
The bots turned on their head lights while the humans turn on their night visions on their helmets and walk along the massive hallway.
Kazama: (amazed) Man look at this place!
Roka: (amazed This is like the entrance to a final boss.
Takao: (amazed) I have a feeling this isn't any normal base.
Tama: More like a fortress.
They soon come across a large door which Jazz and Hot Rod force the door to open and once open. They step inside and they are even more amazed to enter a massive room with a gaint statue of a Cybertronian Knight raising his blade into the air while holding a shield that has the Knights of Cybertron emblem on it.
They look around and seeing it must be the the main hall of the fortess. They see other doors that lead them to different hallways or to rooms.
Hot Rod checks one and inside was the armoury. He walks in and picked up a sword which was nothing until he pushes a button and it burst into flames.
Hot Rod: Heck yeah! I'm keeping this!
He place it onto his back and look around while Bumblebee also enter and look around the armoury when he quickly catches a hammer.
Hot Rod: Here! Bet that will break a Decepticons knees.
Bumblebee: I'll say.
He keeps it while Y/n and the rest look around. Soon they enter a room filled with stasis pods. Some where empty while some have something inside.
Jazz looks through the glass to see a red Cybertronian Knight.
Kazama: Are they alive?
Jazz: Not sure but probably be a bad idea to wake them up.
Jazz knocks at the pod and suddenly it begins to open. They step back a little as they watch the pod open. Jazz walks over to the bot and looks in close.
At first it seems lifeless when suddenly it came on and grabs Jazz by the neck which startled them as the red Cybertronian Knight climbs out of the pod while holding Jazz by the neck.
???: You have dare to enter here! I will kill you!
Jazz: Not so friendly!
Kazama: Hey jerk!
Then Kazama shoots his laser at the Knight which he turn to the humans which Kazama realised his mistake.
Kazama: Oh shit.
The Cybertronian Knight throws Jazz away and walks over and goes to punch them when Y/n gets in front of them. Y/n shut his eyes but nothing happen so he open his eyes and sees the fist was close to them.
The Cybertronian Knight pulls back and stare at Y/n for a moment. Then he scanned him and then does something and while this Hot Rod and Bumblebee arrive to fight but Y/n stops them.
???: You. Your Seriya descendant! (Immediately bows) Please forgive me, I have no idea.
Y/n: Um your okay man. I mean we shouldn't have woke you up.
???: (gets up) No. I believe you woke me up because Megatronus is free.
Hot Rod: You knew?
???: No but we believed that one day he will be free one day. That is why we hide the staff here at our fortress.
Bumblebee: So this is a fortress.
Jazz: (gets up) Well nice meeting you. Got a name?
Stormreign: My name is Stormreign. I am Seiryas most loyal and trusted friend.
Y/n: So you were close to my ancestor?
Stormreign: Of course. He was the greatest warrior we have ever seen. The most brilliant and caring human.
Bumblebee: (smile) That's cool.
Stormreign: Cool?
Hot Rod: It means it's pretty good that you two get along especially towards both Cybertronian and humans.
Stormreign: I see. How long was I gone for?
Kazama: Years. Basically you have been sleeping for probably thousands of years.
Akane: Megatronus has my father and we need to staff so Megatronus will not use it to activate the star harvester.
Stormreign: I see. Then come with me, I will guide you to it.
Hot Rod: Cool, lead the way.
Stormreign nodes and leaves the room with them behind. Then he noticed the armoury is open so he ask.
Stormreign: Did one of you been to the armoury?
Hot Rod: Yeah me and Bee and we borrow your weapons.
Bumblebee: Sorry. We can take them back.
Stormreign: No need, keep them. I bet you'll use them in battle.
Hot Rod: (smile) Awesome!
They continue to follow Stormreign as they go through the door and go deeper to the fortress.
Outside we see Mirage and Arcee standing around and getting a bit bored when Arcee turn to Mirage and then noticed something on his back.
Arcee: What's that on your back?
Mirage: What?
She walks over and took it out. The two look at it and then Arcee realised.
Arcee: It's a tracker!
Mirage: Oh scrap!
???: Indeed it is!
Then Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp and Slipstream fly over them and then transform and land across of them.
The two pull out their weapons when suddenly they were shot and immediately turn into ice as Snow cat appear as the Decepticons look down of the hole.
Snow Cat: Seems like a long way down.
Thundercracker: So whose going down there?
Starscream: Well as the second in command I need to stay up here and guard the prisoners.
Skywarp: You just want to stay up here just so you'll be safe.
Starscream: Don't be silly. I can go down but I believe someone should stay up here and guard the prisoner and I think it would me-
Then slipstream kicks him from behind which cost him to lose balance and then he fell off the hole as he screamed all the way down until he crashed onto the ground.
Slipstream: If he's dead then Megatron will promote me.
Starscream: (down the hole) I hate you so much.
Slipstream: Scrap, so much for that promotion.
To be continued......................................................
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