S2E15: Rescue, protect and battle

We see Y/n within Inferno in his fire truck mode as both Inferno and Red Alart are driving to the Protectobots base to work with them for a bit. While driving to their base Inferno sighs and says.

Inferno: I can't believe Optimus assigned us on rescue duty. I'm maybe a fire truck but that doesn't mean I'm a rescuebot.

Y/n: And you hate saving people?

Inferno: It's not that I'm just more favour in large battles against the Decepticons, not staying back and rescue some humans. I should be fighting some cons.

Y/n: (smile) Maybe next time you'll join the rest in battle.

Inferno: Hope so.

Y/n: Are you alright Red Alart? You seem quiet?

Red Alart: I'm just worry about if we cist an accident while driving to their base. I worry that if we even cost one singal crash it would be a embarrassing.

Y/n: We're not gonna crash and besides we're almost there.

Soon they arrive at a fire station which they go through. At first it looks normal but then a platform they were on begins to decent down.

The lift continues to go down until it show the veiw of a massive underground base for the Protectobots as we see them doing their usual stuff.

Once the lift made it to the ground Y/n climbs out and both Inferno and Red Alart transform info their bot form. Then Groove walks over and greets them.

Groove: Welcome to the Protectobots base. Optimus prime inform us you'll be here to work with us for a bit.

Inferno: Yeah.

Red Alart: Can I ask a question? Is this work going to be hard?

Groove: It might but with team work I'm sure we can pull it off. Anyways Hot Spot should be waiting for us at the command centre, follow me.

They follow Groove and soon walks up to Hot Spot talking to First Aid when they approach the two.

Groove: Hot Spot, Inferno and Red Alart is here to work with us for a but.

Hot Spot: Perfect and I see you came with them Y/n?

Y/n: Figure I'll come over and visit you guys. Hope you don't mind.

Hot Spot: Of course. First Aid will you?

First Aid: Of course. As you may know this is our base and our duty is to respond to emergencies and rescue lives. During the golden days of Cybertron the Protectobots was formed to protect the streets and rescue lives. Originally there were a lot of members but when the war began there was now five of us. Some are still out there somewhere while some are dead.

Inferno: Not only that but you five can combine into Defensor thanks to the technology that the Decepticons to create their own combiners.

Hot Spot: Yeah. We are the first combiner so we must be together at all times in case there is a huge threat.

Y/n: So that's why you guys stick together at all times?

Hot Spot: That is right. In case there is a threat we need to stick together and never separate at all times.

Red Alart: That's gonna be hard.

First Aid: Not really. After all we have a base of our own so it won't be that hard.

Inferno: So what now? Because I'm getting bored right now.

Hot Spot: We just hang out here until there is a emergency.

After he start that the computers alarted them of a rescue which everyone gathered and turn on the screen ans sees a massive crash at the freeway.

First Aid: Looks like a massive car crash at the freeway. Emergency force are on their way.

Hot Spot: Right, we should help them. Protectobots let's roll to the rescue!

They all tranform into vehicles with Y/n summoning his Cybertronian suit and they head out.


They arrive at the crash site, the bots tranform and looks at the situation and then Hot Spot gives out the orders.

Hot Spot: Streetwise, Groove, Red Alart, close off this road. First Aid help out the wounded, Blades be our eyes and Spot anything you see. Inferno and Y/n are with me. Let's go.

Soon the ambulance, police and fire fighters arrive as they aid the bots. Streetwise, Groove and Red Alart block the roads so cars, Blades flies over head in his rescue helicopter form and Hot Spot, Inferno and Y/n begin getting people out of the car.

Some have some injuries but not serious injuries while some couldn't get out. One struggle to get out so Y/n walks over and begins to cut the door open with his laser.

Once done the door drops to the ground and Y/n helps the guy out of his car and take him to First Aid where he is treating the injured.

Random guy: Thanks, I owe you?

Y/n: Can you tell me what happen?

Random Guy: Not sure. One minute I was driving and then the next I was knocked out.

Y/n: Well you're going to be fine.

He takes him to First Aid along with the ambulance as they begin to treat the injured. We see Hot Spot and Inferno in the middle of helping humans when Blades radios them.

Blades: (radio) Hot Spot I think I know what cost the crash. I see what seems like an oil truck near Streetwise, Groove and Red Alart.

Hot Spot: We're on our way.

Hot Spot and Inferno make their way over and while walking Inferno ask Hot Spot.

Inferno: Do you not get bored of this?

Hot Spot: Get bored of what?

Inferno: This rescue stuff? I don't understand why anyone would take this instead of battling some Decepticons. It just seems a waste.

Hot Spot:.......(light chuckle) You know....you kinda remind me or myself.

Inferno: Huh?

Hot Spot: At first I never understand why any bot would take this job, that was until I understand why. Being part od the rescue force is more than just taking part of a war. While the Autobots is fighting the Decepticons....whose gonna help those who are in trouble. That is why we exist. Without us, lives would be lost.

Inferno: But I'm not a Protectobot like you.

Hot Spot: Just because your not doesn't mean you can't save lives. Sometimes not even the rescue bots can't be the only bots saving lives.

Soon they arrive where Blades is and once there they see the oil truck. Hot Spot was about to walk over until Inferno stopped him.

Inferno: Wait.....something isn't right.

Hot Spot: What is?

Inferno looks at the truck and then noticed there isn't a driver on board. Hot Spot noticed and suddenly the oil truck transform into a Vechicon.

Inferno: Decepticon!

Inferno pulled out his gun and was about to shoot ahdn Hot Spot immediately lower his weapon.

Hot Spot: Stop! See those two tanks on his shoulders. A singal shot would make a massive explosion and kill everyone here.

Inferno: Then what should we do?

Hot Spot: We need to be careful. He may try to detonate if we get close.

They slowly move back while the Vechicon stood there for a moment and then opens his chest to reveal a counter on it. He then ousted a button and the counter begins to count down.

Inferno: Scrap! That Vechicon is going to kill everyone.

Hot Spot: Not unless we evacuate everyone.

Inferno: Why can't we just shoot him in the head?

Hot Spot: Too risky. We can't be sure that if we kill the Vechicon would cost a explosion. Right now we just need to evacuate every human here.

Inferno agrees and they begin to do so. They get the humans off of theie vehicles and evacuating them away from the Vechicon. Things are going well until Inferno sees a group of humans stuck and near the Vechicon.

The Vechicon spotted the humans so he bend down and pick up their car which cost them to scream. Inferno watch as the vehicle moves them off the edge and taunt Inferno to get closer.

Inferno glares at the Vechicon knowing it just wants him to get close so he can blow up along with him in it. But he couldn't leave the humans to their deaths.

He tries to fome up with a plan and then he come up with one. He slowly walks over to the Vechicon which Hot Spot sees and called out to him.

Hot Spot: Inferno no!

He slowly walks over to the Vechicon while the Vechicon had been waiting for. He gets closer and closer, just before the Vechicon would detonate Inferno let's out a loud horn that cist the Vechicon to move back and then Inferno rush over and punches the Vechicon in the face.

This cost him to drop the car fill with humans as they screamed only for Inferno to catch them. He pull them away from the edge and then set them down and rip the door open.

They ran away while Inferno turn to the Vechicon who's slowly getting up. Inferno rush at him and begins to beat up the Vechicon. He punches him while the Vechicon tries to fight back but Inferno was quick and land some quick blows.

He lands a punch that cost the Vechicon to crash onto the ground. Inferno walks over and grabs the panel and rips it out and then digs his hand into the Vechicons chest and crush his spark.

This kills the Vechicon and once dead Inferno stood up and let's out a sigh as Hot Spot walks over.

Hot Spot: Nice work.

Inferno: Thanks. Is every human save?

Hot Spot: Yeah. First Aid, Y/n and Blades are taking them to the hospital along with the ambulance. Guess now we just have to clean up here. Unless you wish to join back with the bots, you're free to do that. I'll inform Optimus about you and Red Alart's work.

Hot Spot walks away while Inferno thinks about it for a moment and then he turn and call out to him.

Inferno: Hey Hot Spot?

Hot Spot stop an turn to him.

Inferno: I think i would like to stay with you guys for a bit. Until there is some cons to beat.

Hot Spot: (chuckle) Sure thing.

Inferno and Hot Spot help out clearing up the freeway and once that is done they tranform and return back to base as Inferno stay with the Protectobots for a bit until he is being called to battle some Decepticons.

To be continued.......................................................

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