S2E12: The side I'm really on

(Hours ago)

We see Starscream taking Jetfire to somewhere they can talk as Starscream told him something that shocked and confused Jetfire.

Jetfire: (shocked) Megatron has gone corrupt? But.....he told me that the Decepticons are fighting for freedom.

Starscream: Yes at first but as the war drag on, Megatron slowly became insane and did unspeakable acts for the sake of the Decepticons. I along with a select few Decepticons are the only ones that follow the true path of the Decepticons. In fact I have a plan. Once the Star harvester is complete we will attack Megatron and those who follow him and use it to bring Cybertron back to life.

Jetfire: I......I don't know about this. Even if you might be right these are our soldiers. Perhaps we'll try to convince them to switch sides and-

Starscream: It is too late for the rest. Its only up to us to save the true Decepticon cause. What do you say Jetfire, you want to help me?

He lifted his hand towards Jetfire which he stare at him for a moment and then he take Starscreams hand ans shakes on it.

Jetfire: I will. After all what are friends for right?

Starscream: (smile) Indeed.

(Present day)

In the middle of the forest we see Ravage sniffing around searching for the humans but realised he lost them. Jetfire, Grinder and Demolisher arrived catch up to Ravage and sees that Ravage has lost them.

Demolisher: Great we lost them! Now what?

Grinder: Scrap this is going to take us forever to find them.

Demolisher: So what should we do?

Jetfire: Perhaps we split up. We look around and see if we find any clues to where the humans went.

Grinder: Fine, whatever you say.

Demolisher: Don't mess up.

The cons split up and now it is just Jetfire. He begins to walk through the forest and begins to look around. He continues walking all awhile can't help but feel peaceful walking through the forest. He spotted a few birds on a nest feeding the young on a tree which amazed him.

Then he spotted some rabbits hopping around and deers nuzzle their heads. Jetfire is stunned of all of this and keeps moving. He keeps walking through the forest and then he come across a opening and his eyes widen in amazement.

He stood on a hill with a large beautiful veiw of the open field with lakes and more animal life down below as he stares at it in amazement.

Jetfire: (surprised) This is.....so beautiful. This....this isn't like Cybertron at all but.....its so peaceful and-

Suddenly there was a crunch and he look down and sees he stabbed on deer and killed it. He is shocked by this and felt extremely bad for what he did as he kneel down and pick up the dead deer.

Jetfire: I am so so so sorry. Please forgive me little one.

We then see Y/n peaking his head around the corner and sees Jetfire apologising to the deer that he accidentally killed. He is surprised how a Decepticon cared for those that are weak.

He turn to the rest who were also hiding while Shu is still unconscious and look at him. He turn to Jetfire and then he hand over the sphere to Takao and leaves out of hid hiding spot.

Kazama: (whisper) What is he doing?!

Y/n slowly approaches Jetfire while Jetfire didn't notice. Then he snap on a stick which Jetfire turn and the two locked eyes for a moment and then he tried to explain.

Jetfire: I......I didn't mean to. It.....it was small and-

Y/n: It's okay. It was an accident. Everyone's makes mistakes.

Jetfire slowly puts the deer down gently and once he did Y/n felt kinda comfortable approaching Jetfire.

Y/n: Your not like other Decepticons are you?

Jetfire: I.......I'm not too sure anymore. At first they told me they were freedom fighters and then I was told their leader was corrupt. However I feel like the entire Decepticons themselves.......is corrupt.

Y/n: All of them are evil. The Decepticons will not stop at nothing to get what they want. Still....why join them in the first place?

Jetfire then goes on to explain about his past which surprised Y/n and after he tell him his story and reason Y/n reply.

Y/n: Make sense. So....you don't know which side is good or evil.

Jetfire: Indeed. I feel like no one is good and just fighting each other to show who is stronger.

Y/n: That's not true for the Autobots. They fight to protect all life and stood for freedom to all life.

Jetfire: You sure?

Y/n: (smile) Of course. The Autobots are the true good guys.

Jetfire is now conflicted by this and doesn't know what to do. Soon the rest came out which Jetfire is surprise to see more humans come out.

Takao: The Autobots are our friends and you should trust us. The Decepticons are evil and you shouldn't believe what they say.

Jetfire:.....Including Starscream?

Kazama: Especially Starscream! That guy is a lair who backstabs anyone including you! He may have been your friend but he's changed since the last time you seen him.

Jetfire must admit he noticed Starscream has changed after the golden age. He knows Starscream could be good but before he can reply suddenly explosions sent the humans rolling down the hill and land on the ground.

Jetfire stood there in shock and turn to see Demolisher coming out of the forest and walking up to Jetfire.

Jetfire: You could have killed them!

Demolisher: Who cares. They are our enemies after all.

Demolisher walks down the hill while Jetfire follows. The humans slowly get up and was about to escape when Ravage fires a elctro net on them and trapping them.

Akane: Oh now, we're trapped!

Spon Grinder arrived along with Ravage as he immediately called Starscream to report him the good news. Soon Starscream flies over and arrived as he transform into his bit form and walks over next to Demolisher.

Starscream: (smirk) Excellent work. Now you humans, tell me what you have gotten from that castle and we may let you live.

Y/n: Never!

Starscream: Ravage.

Ravage walks over ans scans each one of them. He scans came up empty which disappointed Starscream.

Starscream: What a shame. Well I suppose there is no way of saying this but....you all have to die.

He aim his wrist cannon at them which Jetfire is shocked by this and turn to Starscream.

Jetfire: Starscream please! These are humans.

Starscream: Your point?

Jetfire: My point being that they are no threat to us! Killing them like this not right.

Starscream: We can't allow anyone to stop us, especially the humans. As a friend you must understand me.

Jetfire turn to the humans who were about to die as Starscream was about to fire when suddenly Jetfire lifted Starscream arm into the sky which Starscream fired into the sky.

Enraged, Starscream pushes Jetfire back and aims his weapon at him.

Starscream: Are you malfunctioning!? What are you doing!

Jetfire: Starscream do you have an sympathy towards the humans? They are living creatures like us and we have no right to just blindly executing them.

Starscream: I don't care about the humans or anything! I care about overthrowing Megatron and leafing the Decepticons.

Jetfire: You only care about yourself Starscream. Your not the Starscream I know him as a long time ago!

Starscream: So you refuse to follow me.

Jetfire: I refuse to follow anyone who seeks to destroy the humans and all life on this planet.

Starscream: Then so be it traitor.

He open fire at Jetfire which he gets shot at first but he charge towards Starscream and punches him in the face. Demolisher fires at him from behind and while the Decepticons is distracted he summon his exo suit and his suit appears through the ground bridge and cuts them free.

They immediately escape and Y/n puts on his suit and once on he immediately grabbed Ravage who was about to launch at him and throws him into the forest.

Jetfire gets beaten up by Demolisher only for Y/n to shoot him with rockets. Grinder rush at him and try to grab him but he flies over him and fire his twin machine gun which cost the cons to full back.

Starscream is enrage by this as he immediately flies away. Jetfire breaths heavily and then collapses on both his knees as energon begins to leak out of him.

Just then IronHide and the Autobots arrived and when they transform Inferno, Jazz and Sideswipe aim their weapons at Jetfire which he raised his hand but Y/n gets in front of them.

Y/n: Wait! He saved us! He's not like the other Decepticons.

Inferno: The badge says differently.

Jetfire: Please.....i don't want to fight. I need medical attention....please.

The Autobots weren't sure what to do but then IronHide radios in ratchet.

IronHide: Ratchet, be ready. We're bringing in a wounded.

Sideswipe: IronHide what are you doing?!

Blur: He a Decepticon!

IronHide: Listen! This bot is clearly injured and losing a lot of energon. If we leave hin here we'll be nothing like the cons.

They were hesitated but accepted apart of Mirage who looks completely nervous. Soon the ground bridge open and Hot Rod and Jazz help Jetfire up and carry him through the bridge.

Jetfire: (turn to Y/n) Thank you.

Y/n nodes with a smile as they go through and then Takao rush back up the hill and pick up the sphere and come back down and shows the rest that she got it.

Kanade: (smirk) Smart move to hide that thing in cade we get caught.

Takao: (smile) Thanks.

Shu slowly groans and begins to wake up. He looks around snd then ask them.

Shu: What did I miss while I was out?

Y/n: (smile) A lot man. Come on.

They go through the ground bridge and return to base.


At the Nemesis Megatron roared as he throws Starscream across the room and he slammed against the wall as Megatron yells enrage.

Megatron: (angry) YOU ARE A IDIOT STARSCREAM! Now they may have the only thing that will lead them to the staff!

Starscream: (scared) Lord Megatron please! I was doing this to-

Megatron: Overthrow me? Do you honestly think Grinder and Demolisher will side to the likes of you?! Your such a fool!

He was about beat up Starscream while Starscream begs for his life when Megatronus spoke.

Megatronus: This is actually a good thing.

The room falls silent as they all to Megatronus and they were confused when he explain.

Megatronus: It doesn't matter if we have it or they have it. All we need to do is to wait and unlock the item they have gotten from the castle. Once they managed to open it and have the location of the staff...we'll follow them.

Megatron: But how?

Megatronus: I have sent a few of your Decepticons to spy on a few Autobots and have them to place trackers so we can follow them. Soon they will lead to us to the staff and then....we will complete our goal. Soon....this planet will fall.

To be continued.....................................................

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