S2E11: The castle of the past
At the Sakurada House hold there was a knock at the door so Shu heads over to see who it is and then he opens the door and is met with Y/n, Kazama, Takao and Ataru.
Y/n: Hey Shu are you guys busy?
Shu: Not really but whats up?
Y/n: Well I think we might know where to find the staff.
Shu is surprised but he allowance them in and soon everyone is gathered as Ataru puts his laptop onto the table and turns it on as he goes on to explain.
Ataru: I've look up the history about Seriya L/n and at first there wasn't much to be found however I did come across this image.
He shows an image to what seems like an abandon castle on a hill as they look at it.
Kanade: So is this where the staff is being kept?
Y/n: It's possible but if not then it must have something in there that can help us.
Teru: Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go over here and find it!
Shu: Your staying. This could be dangerous.
Teru: Oh come on!
Y/n: You coming with us Shu?
Shu: Of course.
Kanade: Well imcoming as well.
Akane: I.....I wanna come as well.
Kanade: You sure about this?
Akane isn't sure herself but she can't sit at home and do nothing so she nodded to Kanade.
Y/n: Okay. Hot Rod, Jazz, Mirage, Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Inferno are waiting for us outside. Thanks yo Blaster he managed to give us the location of that place.
Kazama: Although I have a feeling things may turn out bad.
Takao: Well you jinxed it.
Kazama: Damn it!
Y/n: Okay guys. Let's go and find thst staff!
(Hours later)
Y/n, Kazama, Ataru, Takao, Shu, Akane, and Kanade along with Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Mirage, Smokescreen and Inferno as they drive through the dart road and after a while of driving they arrived at a hill and a path to the castle.
They exit out and look up at the hill as the bots transform and Hot Rod was the first to say.
Hot Rod: Huh I'm surprised that didn't fell.
Inferno: Must be one tough castle. So we're going up there?
Kazama: Looks like it. Unless your afraid of heights?
Inferno: (smirk) Please if anyone is afraid of heights it would be Red Alart.
Kazama: True.
They begin to climb up the hill. While walking Y/n hangs back and walks next to Akane as he ask her.
Y/n: You alright?
Akane: Yeah.
Y/n: You know it's brave of you wanted to come with us.
Akane: Th-Thanks. Its just.....I feel nervous when I comes to large groups of people. Especially those I don't know.
Y/n: Oh....Well maybe one day I can invite you to a board game with our club?
Akane: (little blush) R-Really?! I-I mean I would love to b-but.....I don't know.
Y/n: (smile) It be fun. Besides it might help your socialising with people.
Akane agree and soon they arrive up to the castle. They go through the gate and look around. Everything is in ruin and not been touched for years.
Smokescreen: Man this is just like the ruin buildings back on Cybertron.
Hot Rod: Yeah but more dusty.
Bumblebee walks over to the entrance to the castle and kneels down and tells Y/n snd the rest of the humans.
Bumblebee: We'll guard outside while you guys go in.
Y/n: Right.
Kanade: Here take these.
Then Kanade summons headset flash lights which they put on and make their way over and enter inside. They turn on their flash lights and shine it around to see armor standing at attention but rusting away, rugs torn and some paintings were either fallen or ripped.
The place was empty and creepy so they walk through the halls.
Ataru: (little scared) M-Maybe it was a bad idea to come here don't you think?
Kazama: Dude don't be a scary cat!
Kanade: Man look at this place. This place must been here for a long time.
Shu: No kidding. Its kinda like our castle.
Kanade: Yeah.
They keep moving as they look around for anything until Y/n was about to walk by a door only to stop and turn to the door which seem to be open a bit.
He walks over and pushes the door open and shine around. It looked like a liberty as he step in. He look around only to immediately stop when he looks up and was met with a large statue of a Knight that looked Cybertronian.
He was startled a bit but clams down and looks across of him and sees a table. He walks over and soon the rest came back and found Y/n in the room.
Y/n had a sudden feeling to touch it and so he place his hand onto the table. Suddenly it transformed which made him stumble back as the table transformed into formed into the Knights of Cybertron emblem.
The eyes light up and shot out as a hologram figure of a knight looking down at them but was looking at Y/n.
Kazama: Is that his ancestor?
Kanade: No doubt about it. This must be a message.
Seriya: (hologram message) My name is Seriya L/n, if you are hearing this message then it means that The Fallen as return and plans to destroy this planet. He plans to drain our sun by using the star harvester. Fortunately the Knights od Cybertron took the only thing to activate it which is a staff called The Staff of the star. But I fear The Fallen will find I somehow. If my descendant is hearing this then you are this planets only hope. I give you a map, a map to the Knights od Cybertron. I started this and now....it is up to you to finish it.
The hologram message ends and suddenly the large statue comes to life and begins to move. This made Ataru scream in fear and hide behind Kazama.
Kazama: Hey! Get off of my back!
The statue knight kneels down and lifted its massive fist towards Y/n. They were a bit nervous but then yhe fist open to reveal a sphere. Y/n takes it and the gaint statue stood back up and goes back of being a statue once more.
Y/n looks at the sphere as Kazama ask.
Kazama: That's it? All this for a sphere?! You git to be kidding me!
Y/n: I don't think this is the just a sphere. I think this is some sort of a puzzle.
Takao: But why?
Kanade: Don't matter. We have it so we should get out of here.
Y/n: Right let's go.
They all begin to leave the castle and once they made it outside they meet up with Hot Rod and the rest as they transform into their vehicle modes and they climb onto each vehicle and the Autobots drive off.
In Hot Rod was Y/n, Kazama, Takao and Ataru as Y/n contacts Optimus Prime which he answers.
Optimus prime: (radio) Optimus Prime here. How may I help you Y/n?
Y/n: Optimus we got a map to the staff. We're making our way back to you now.
Optimus prime: (radio) Copy that. I'll sent over Blurr, IronHide, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker to company you.
Hot Rod: Don't worry Optimus, we got this in the-
Suddenly there was a explosion which Hot Rod quickly turn and soon multiple explosions as the bots move quickly to avoid and quickly stop.
They soon see Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Jetfire, Sideways flying over along with Demolisher as he break throw the trees and Grinder as the two bots transform.
Hot Rod: Okay never mind we need some company.
Y/n, Takao, Kazama, Ataru, Shu, Akane and Kanade exit out of the bots as they immediately transform and pulled out their weapons.
Starscream and his seekers transform into their bot forms and lands in front of the bots as Starscream smirks and said.
Starscream: (smirk) Did we interrupt your trip Autobots?
Hot Rod: Pretty much.
Starscream: Did you really think I haven't noticed you while flying through the sky? Pathetic! You must have cone here for something important. It will be wise for you to hand it over.
Hot Rod: Go to the junk yard!
We see Y/n snd the rest hiding behind the tree and then Y/n realised something and give the spere to Shu.
Y/n: Take this and get out of here.
Shu: Wait no way!
Y/n: You have to. You can teleport back to your home and give this to Prowl and he'll five it to Optimus.
Shu:......Okay. Be saf-
Suddenly he gets shocked by electricity and falls to the ground and dropping the sphere. They sees Ravage growling at them along with Soundwave as he stare at them.
The Autobots were caught off guard which is when Starscream shoots fist and nearly shot Jazz but he dodges. The Autobots open fire at the Decepticons as Kanade and Akane try to wake Shu up but he wasn't responding.
Y/n looks over to see Ravage rushing towards them.
Y/n: Kazama, Ataru lift up Shu and run!
The two of them pick up Shu and they begin to run away deeper to the forest as Ravage chases after them.
Starscream: Jetfire! Grinder! Demolisher! Go after them! Don't let them escape!
The three agree and they go with Ravage to chase after the humans. Bumblebee and Mirage take on Soundwave and things didn't go well for Hot Rod, Inferno and Smokescreen as they started to get outnumbered but just then a ground bridge open and Blurr rush out and kicks Starscream and sent him flying and dashes over to Hot Rod.
Blurr: (smirk) Didn't see that coming Huh Hot Rod?
Hot Rod: (smirk) Welcome to the party Blurr.
Soon Sideswipe and Sunstreaker came out follow by IronHide as he pulled out his twin cannons each on his hands as he said.
IronHide: Let's scrap some Decepticons.
The Autobots begin to battle against the Decepticons all awhile Y/n and his friend run through the forest with Ravage chasing them while Jetfire, Grinder and Demolisher is following Ravage through the forest.
Jetfire stops for a moment and turns back to the battle and remembered something that Starscream told him before they came here. He thinks that this is treason but Starscream is his old friend and thus he has to trust him.
He turns and catches up with the two Decepticons as they hunt down the humans so they can have whatever they got.
To be continued..................................................
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