S2E10: The capture of the king
Knock out: Rise ans shine your highnesses.
Souichirou begins to wake up and when he does wake up he find himself within a metal box like cage with blue energy shield surrounding him as he stood up straight and sees what seems like a massive room where Knock Out is there and after seeing him alive he smirks.
Knock Out: (smirk) Enjoy your nap? Good. Because what are we about to do to you, you never want to wake up ever again.
Souichirou just smirk with confidence with no sign of fear as he stood up straight and tells Knock Out.
Souichirou: (smirk) Do your best. I'm not gonna tell you anything.
Knock Out: (smirk) Whatever you say.
Knock Out leaves the cell just as Jetfire walk up to Knock Out which Knock Out ask.
Knock Out: Where have you been?
Jetfire: Exploring the planet. There is a lot of interesting things this planet have. Wonderful views, amazing cities and-
Knock Out: No need to tell me your vacation. Since now your back keep an eye on this prisoner.
Jetfire: You know I'm not a guard.
Knock Out: Just do your job.
Jetfire: R-Right. What about you?
Knock out: I'll be informing Megatron about our guest. Treat "him" well. He's royalty after all.
Knock Out leaves while Jetfire is curious so he enter the room and is surprised to see a human. Souichirou looks over to see Jetfire as Jetfire bows to show respect.
Jetfire: Greetings. My name is Jetfire.
Souichirou: Huh you respect me?
Jetfire: Of course. If your royalty then we have to show our respect to those who lead their people on this planet.
Souichirou: Well your other friend was not so respectful.
Jetfire: I don't think he never shows respect to anyone. Especially Starscream.
Souichirou: (light chuckle) Your not bad. I suspected all Decepticons to be evil.
Jetfire: We're not evil. That's what the Autobots told you.
Souichirou: What do you mean?
Jetfire: The Autobots trick the humans on earth to believing that we are here to take over the planet but in reality they wanted to take over the planet. We're freedom fighters, fighting to protect this planet from harm.
Souichirou: And who told you this?
Jetfire: Megatron.
Souichirou: I see. I hate to break this to you but he's lying. The Autobots are the good guys, not the Decepticons.
Jetfire: That's not true! Cybertron fell because of the Autobots. It was the reason why the war began.
Souichirou: According to the information I've read. The Decepticons began the war and kill Cybertron.
Jetfire: That's can't be right.
Souichirou: Tell me this, haven't you gone out and see the world?
Jetfire: Yes.
Souichirou: Notice anything that hints that the Autobots is taking over the planet?
Souichirou: Then the Decepticons are the evil. They even attack my children just so they can distract the Autobots while they captured me.
Jetfire: That......That can't be true. Your making things up! I won't listen to any of your lies.
Jetfire turns and was about to leave the room when Souichirou simply said.
Souichirou: Then keep an eye on it. See what the Decepticons are like and coke back if you wanted to talk more.
Jetfire stood there for a moment thinking and then leaving the room and leaving Souichirou to his cell.
We cut to Megatron and Megatronus at the bridge where Soundwave and Starscream are in the room as Megatronus says to Megatron.
Megatronus: I must say Megatron I am impress of your team of combiners. Such amazing power.
Megatron: It is shame I didn't order Devastator to crush the Royal families children.
Megatronus: That would be satisfying. However it will be worth it once we activate the star harvester and drain this plant's sun.
Starscream: Not to disturb your conversation here but I have a feeling we needed to find some what of a key to activate it.
Megatron: For once Starscream you have a point. The Star Harvester needed something to activate correct?
Megatronus: Correct unfortunate it was taking away by the Knights od Cybertron after I was defeated and must have hide it somewhere on this planet.
Starscream: And what would this be?
Megatronus lifted his hand and open a hologram of a staff as Megatronus says.
Megatronus: This is the staff of the star. This key is use to activate the star harvester. This Staff is the only key we need to activate it.
Starscream: And the location of the actual Star harvester it self?
Megatronus: I have already sent in your team od combiners to the location where the Star harvester is so they can repair it as soon as possible.
Starscream: Oh so now your taking the orders around here. Let's not forget I'm Megatron's second in command and you have no right telling us what to do.
Megatronus: Don't make me laugh. Your pathetic and weak. Although you have a clever mind in the end your a coward.
Starscream: (mad) How dare you! Lord Megatron will you allow him to insulate me like this!?
Megatron: (smirk) Perhaps.
Starscream: (angry) I cannot believe this! I'm out of here!
Then Starscream storms off as Megatronus ask Megatron.
Megatronus: Tell me, why do you keep him around if he is so pathetic and will betray you.
Megatron: Starscream maybe a fool but he has his use.
Megatronus: True. For now we should look for the staff.
Megatron: Indeed.
We then cut to Starscream walking down the hall with anger in his face when Jetfire walk pass him and Starscream had an idea as he calls out to Jetfire.
Starscream: Jetfire my old friend. How is your stay?
Jetfire: I-It's good Starscream. Thanks for asking.
Starscream: Good because I wanted to tell you something.....in private.
Jetfire: Sure? What is it?
Starscream: (smirk) Let's say I'm gonna tell you....the truth about Lord Megatron.
At the Autobot base we see the Sakurada family along with Y/n, Takao, Kazama, Tama, Chitose, Minami, Sakura and Reku as Optimus prime, Hot Rod and Perceptor are in the room and after they spoke with Souichirou's royal butler Optimus prime turn to the Sakurada family.
Optimus prime: I wanted to apologise for your father's capture.
Shu: Don't blame yourself. You did your best.
Teru: Yeah! It's those Decepticons who are in fault here!
Y/n: What do we do?
Perceptor: For now nothing. Now we know that Megatronus has return and planning to use the Star Harvester to drain the star and kill all life on this planet.
Teru: We can't let that happen!
Kanade: Calm down Teru.
Aoi: I hope father will be okay.
Satsuki: Your father is a strong man. He would never allow the Decepticons to torment him. Right now we can hope that he can be found.
Y/n: We needed to stop the Decepticons from using he Star harvester.
Kazama: But that thing is like a thousands of years old right? That junk probably won't work.
Hot Rod: Yeah but the Constructicons will repair it.
Reku: Even if that's true they needed a ket to activate it right?
Optimus prime: Key?
Reku: This is just like the beginning of a fantasy video game. A villains have the king or queen and they needed them to find a macguffin to complete their goal.
Kazama: That's only in a game! This is real life!
Chitose: No this is just like a video.
Sakura: Same.
Kazama: You two are so dumb!
Akane: Like a staff?
They all turn to Akane who hides behind Kanade while she sighs and then Aoi realise what she ment and explains.
Aoi: I know what you mean! Father has a library at his castle and there was one book called "The Titans of the Knights." Shu can you get that?
Shu nodes and teleported away and then appears woth the book in hand and hands it over to Aoi as she opens looks through the pictures.
Kazama: Wait isn't that a children's book.
Aoi: (giggle) Maybe. Our dad sometimes read this when we were kids. Here.
She turn the book around and shows a picture of a evil king welding a staff as Perceptor scans the image and looks through all the staff until he finds one.
Perceptor: "The staff of the star." This must be the thing they needed to activate it.
Hot Rod: So what happened to the staff?
Aoi: According to the story in the end of the people the knights took the staff and hide it somewhere so it can't be found.
Hot Rod: So there is no hope that we can find it?
Perceptor: Maybe not. Your father must have something that shows the location of the staff. If we find it somehow maybe we locate it and get the staff.
Optimus prime: In that case I'll leave you with the investigating along side Prowl.
Perceptor: Understood.
Optimus prime: For now we must keep an eye on any Decepticon activity and see if we can capture one so we can locate their base so we can rescue Souichirou.
Satsuki: Do what you have to do. Meanwhile we'll try to live our normal lives as best we can.
Kazama: Good luck with that.
Takao hits Kazama with hee elbow as a sign to not be rude while Y/n says.
Y/n: I'm related to the knight that saved your kingdom thousands of years ago. My ancestor was a hero and was the one who defeated Megatronus. Now he has return and it is now up to me to stop him. Don't worry Sakurada family, I will save your father and stop Megatronus before he succeeds his plan.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Let's not forget about us! The Autobots have your back.
Takao: (smile) Including us.
Satsuki: (smile) Thanj you all. You all are a great help to us.
Misaki: (smile) Yeah your the best Y/n.
Hikari: (smile) You sound like a great hero and it makes me fall for you even more.
Y/n blushes a bit when Haruka stsp up and ask.
Haruka: If you don't mind but would it be fine if I assist Perceptor on this investigating. I believe I might be useful with your investigation of where the staff is.
Optimus prime: If you wish to help then you are welcome.
Perceptor: (smile) It will be great having a little bit of help. However Prowl might refuse.
Haruka: True but I'll proof him that I can help.
Perceptor: Very well then.
Then Wheeljack enters and tells Optimus prime.
Wheeljack: Since you lost most of your weapon during your fight against Megatronus I figure I give you some upgrades that would can increase your chances of winning.
Optimus prime: Good. I needed a lot of training so I can outmatch against Megatronus.
Perceptor: Sounds like a plan. For now you all needed to head home. It will be dark soon.
Y/n: Right. (Yawn) I could use some rest right about now.
Hot Rod: (smile) Same. Let's roll.
And so they leave the room to rest up apart od Perceptor who stay at the lab and investigate the possible locations to where the staff is kept or find out where the Decepticons base is so they can attempt to rescue Souichirou.
To be continued................................................
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