S2E1: The dark zone
We open to a massive forest surrounding by trees and animal life as we see deers, birds, squirrels and other animal life living out a peaceful lives. We see a family od deers arriving by a river and begins to take a drink at the water.
The fishes within the water swam through the river as the whole forest is completely silent and quiet with nothing to disturb them. That is until the father of the deer lifted up his head and looks around as if he heard something. Soon the family of deers run away as three fighter jets fly close to the river. We see the Decepticon logos on them as the three Decepticon fly over the river and soon flies away.
At the other side of the river were two Autobots coming out of the forest which were Sideswipe and Sunstreaker as the two of them came out of from the forest and watched as the three Decepticon jets fly away.
Sunstreaker: Must be close. Come on bro, let's follow them.
Sideswipe: Right behind you bro.
The two of them walk along the river and following the three Decepticon jets. Sideswipe is behind Sunstreaker as the two bots have their guard up for any Decepticons that may appear. The two of them came across a waterfall and they start to climb down.
Sideswipe: What do you think the Decepticons are looking for here?
Sunstreaker: No clue but whatever they are looking can't be good.
Sideswipe: Right. You think it's a Cybertronian relic?
Sunstreaker: Maybe. Whatever they are here for, they surely don't want anyone to find out.
Sideswipe: (smirk) Until now.
Sunstreaker: (smirk) Yep.
The two made it down of the cliff and continuing following the river until we see them walking through the forest as they separated themselves from the river as they are now the dark zone.
There were no sounds of animals or anything which makes them suspicious. Soon Sunstreaker stops Sideswipe after he saw something and the two hide behind each tree. Sideswipe peaks over and sees a Decepticon Guardian as it is patrolling the area and scanning around for any enemy activities.
Sideswipe: (whisper) Looks like the Decepticons really doesn't want anyone to come here to have a picnic.
Sunstreaker: (whisper) Yeah no kidding. Hide.
Sideswipe did as the Guardian scans at where the two of them are hiding. Luckily it didn't see them and it continues on moving. Once it was out of sight the two keep going.
They slowly make their way through the forest and keeping an eye on anymore Decepticon Guardians and soon they arrived at a massive veiw of a massive mountain at front of them along with Decepticon activity at the bottom.
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker lay on their stomach's and Sunstreaker pulls out Cybertronian binocular scanners and looks through. Down below he sees a lot of Decepticon vehicon drones around a dead-end with a few Decepticon diggers digging up the wall while the Vechicon drones secured the area.
Sunstreaker: Looks like Megatron found the Nemesis.
Sideswipe: No kidding. If that's the case where is it now?
Sunstreaker: Not sure. All we know it could be in space or somewhere on the planet.
Sideswipe: If that is true then why shouldn't Megatron use the Nemesis to destroy human cities in the first place?
Sunstreaker: True. Anyways I think that's not a wall I think that's a......entrance.
Sideswipe: What like a door?
Sunstreaker: Guess so. I can see a emblem although it's hard to see.
Sideswipe: Then let's get a closer look then.
Sunstreaker: No. Remember what Optimus told us. Investigate the dark zone, that means look.
Sideswipe: (sigh) Fine let's go before we be spot-
They turn around only to see two Vehicon drones as they aim their weapons at them.
Sideswipe: Scrap.
Then suddenly the two gets kicked off the cliff by a invisible force as Sunstreaker and Sideswipe watch as the two Vehicons fall off the cliff. They turn back and sees Mirage decloak himself and appears in front of the two.
Sideswipe: Mirage, where the All Spark have you been?
Sunstreaker: Yeah you didn't contact us.
Mirage: Sorry I have to lay low due to how many Decepticons are in the area. So....got what we need?
Sunstreaker: Yep. Got it right here. I've just sent the images to Perceptor so he can do his magic.
Mirage: Well what are we waiting for, let's get out of here before those cons will find out we're here.
Sideswipe: (smirk) Relax Mirage they didn't spotted us so we leave before they noticed.
Mirage: Well I hope so. I want to get thid mission over and done with.
Mirage turns and walks away as the two brothers follows behind him.
Sideswipe: (whisper) He's not getting use to this planet isn't he?
Sunstreaker: (whisper) Yeah although it has been 5 months since he first came here to Earth.
Sideswipe: (whisper) No kidding and 7 months since our battle against the Decepticons for the All Spark. Glad the humans are on our side.
Sunstreaker: Yep all thanks to Y/n.
Sideswipe: (light chuckle) Yeah. Say wonder what he is doing?
Sunday just shrugged as the three Autobots leaves the dark zone and returns back to base to report their findings.
It was a bright and sunny day at Fujou High School as we see it repaired and fix after the battle against the Decepticons and life seem to return to normal.....sorta normal. After the Decepticons and Autobots are expose to humanity, the Autobots sign a peace agreement with the government and that the Autobots are allowed to stay on Earth and get to know the humans while assist the humans in battle against the Decepticons.
We cut to the back of the school with a massive crowd od students is gathered and sat down as Wheeljack teaches the students about Cybertronians history and culture as well as the Cybertronians themselves. Behind the Students we see Hot Rod, Arcee, Jazz and Bumblebee with Blaster with Wheeljack as he shoot out a hologram images of Cybertron and other things for Wheeljack to show to the human students.
Wheeljack: As you can see all doors, bridges, roads and structures can change and transform and allowing Cybertronians like us to get to our destination or getting to one place to another.
The students are interested by this and a few questions was asked by the students which Wheeljack answered and explain a bit more until it ended. After this the students enter back into the school as we cut to Y/n at the cafeteria having his lunch while the other students show him with nothing but respect ever since he saved the city from the Decepticons and is viewed as a hero.
Soon Kazama, Ataru, Hiroshi and Yokoshima came over ans sat with Y/n.
Kazama: Boy I'm glad that students class was over that was boring as hell. I thought you said it will be cool?
Y/n: Really? Wheeljack just taught us the history and culture of a high tech alien race that is more advanced then us and you have the nervous to call it boring?
Ataru: I have to admit that is a interesting lore about this robotic aliens. I never know what they are up until now.
Yokoshima: Yeah not to mention your friendship with one of them name Hot Rod right?
Y/n: Yep. He became part of my family. Now I don't have to worry about hiding him from them anymore.
Hiroshi: Yeah my parents would kill me if I hide a gaint alien robot at my garage.
Kazama: Same. So what should we all do after school?
Yokoshima: Oh I know! I got a new film we should watch.
Ataru: a movie night? That sounds like a good idea.
Hiroshi: Sure I'm in.
Kazama: Count me in.
Y/n: Sorry I won't come.
Yokoshima: Why?
Y/n: Well my parents really wants to meet my girlfriend so tonight.
Hiroshi: Oh yeah your girlfriend is Takao right?
Yokoshima: Man your the most luckiest man ever. Did you know other girls start to fall for to ever since you save the city.
Y/n: Yeah I start to noticed that on the second month.
Kazama: Well have fun for tonight.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Have fun with your movie night boys. Maybe next time we hang out.
They agree all awhile we see a female student with a gray twin pony tail like hair as she watches Y/n from the distances and let's out a interesting smirk.
At Y/n's house we see the family having dinner with Takao being there as Yuki asked Takao.
Yuki: So Takao, my son told me your club is going to have some changes is that right?
Takao: (smile) Yeah. Since two clubs work together in our battle against the Decepticons, we figure we set our rivalry aside and form a more better club.
Yuki: (smile) Now that's the spirit.
Kaede: (smile) I hope the club will be more fun.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah with the help of Wheeljack, our club will be ten times better.
Yuki: (smile) Well it's what you deserve after saving the city from the Decepticons. My coworkers and even my boss can't stop talking about my boy being a hero who save the whole city.
Itsuki: (smile) Even the kids at my school is saying how awesome you are.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. You know I couldn't have done it without my friends.
Yuki: (smile) Yep. You too are also a hero Takao as well.
Takao: (smile) I think we are all heroes and we should enjoy the peace we have.
They agree and they continue having their meal and after that we see Itsuki and Lulu interacting with Hot Rod outside as Itsuki sat on Hot Rod shoulder with Itsuki carrying Lulu as the two hang out while Yuki and Kaede watches this as they relax.
While this is happening we see Y/n showing Takao his room and she looks around and sees he has some cool stuff. She then soon finds the Cybertronian suit as she looks at it and said.
Takao: Have you use it?
Y/n: Yeah and let's just say it took me a long time for me to get use to it.
Takao: Really? Was it hard?
Y/n........Sorta hard.
Takao: Huh well it looks pretty nice.
She was about to touch it when Y/n quickly garb her hand and tells her.
Y/n: Best not touch it. Kazama touches it and well....let's just say he was "shocked."
Takao: Oh so only you can wear it.
Y/n: Yeah. This was a gift from Alpha Trion or the memory of him within the All Spark.
Takao: That's strange.
Y/n: Yeah but hey, at least I got a cool suit.
Takao: Yep. So does this make you a super hero?
Y/n: (smirk) Well one thing that a super heroes doesn't do is having everyone to know who you are.
Takao: (giggle) Well.....your my super hero.
The two of them look at each other and then they kissed and begin to make out. They soon collapse onto Y/n's bed as they make love all awhile life seems to be peaceful for Y/n, his family and everyone he cares for as the Autobots will protect humanity and all life from the threats of the Decepticons and whatever plans they are up to as it has been a long time since the Decepticons defeat and they haven't been seen.
At the North Pole we see a snow Vehicle travelling through the harsh winder storm. It soon drive up a hill and soon gets to the stop of the hill. We then see a Decepticons emblem on it as the Decepticon transforms into his bot form and stared at the distances.
Snow Cat at first doesn't see anything but soon the storm clears up and them sees it. In the distances was the crashed Decepticon flag ship, the Nemesis. It looks barely frozen with large holes and cracks as Snow Cat then says in a Russian accent.
Snow Cat: Final. I found it.
He transforms into his vehicle form and then drives towards the crash Nemesis to reunite with Lord Megatron and his Decepticon brothers and sisters.
To be continue....................................................
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