S1E8: Love rival? (Part 1)

At the Autobot base we see all the Autobots gathered as Ratchet has detected a strange singal coming at Australia as they see the singal.

Arcee: So any idea what it might be?

Ratchet: Not sure. Whatever it might be is ancient.

Prowl: Whatever it is may hold a threat if the Decepticons have it.

Ratchet: Agree. Optimus?

Optimus Prime: If the Decepticons discover this weapon, then it maybe the end of us and all of humans on the planet. Ratchet active the Ground bridge.

Ratchet node and active it while Hot Rod race inside the base and then transform into his bot form.

Hot Rod: Yahoo! Let's go and kick some Decepticon butt.

Ratchet: (turn to Hot Rod) And where do you think your going?

Hot Rod: The mission of course! Been a while since I've been to other side of the world so let's do this!

IronHide: What about Y/n?

Hot Rod: Relax I have it under control. Jazz is covering him while I can go with you guys. Come on, please?

Optimus prime: If you wish to join, then you have my permission.

Hot Rod: (smile) Yes!

Optimus prime: Bumblebee, Hoist, IronHide and Hound, you four are with me and Hot Rod. The rest stay here until our return.

Ratchet: Understood.

Soon the ground bridge open as Optimus prime, Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Hoist, IronHide and Hound gather at the entrance of the ground bridge.

Optimus prime: Autobots, transform and roll out!

They transform into their vehicle forms and drive up to the ground bridge and go through the ground bridge and to their location.


We see Y/n at school and he arrived at his club but as he open the door the only thing he sees is Roka pushing a book shelf towards another male student who is pushing it towards her while Sakura is cheering them on.

Minami is taking a nap and Chitose is writing up the scores ontonthe board and it seems that Roka is winning as he approach Kazama and ask him.

Y/n: So what's going on?

Kazama: It's a long story.

???: (smile) Ah so your also a new member. It is nice to-

Then Roka pushed the shelf hard and it slammed him into the wall.

Y/n: Um is he okay?

Chitose: Hello be fine. (Writing a score for Roka) Another score for Roka again.

Minami: (barely waking up) Finally some sleep.

Kazama: Aren't you a teacher?! Why are you allowing this?!

Y/n: So who is this guy?

Sakura: (smile) Oh he's our old member of our club.

Y/n: Wait as in he is apart of our club?

Chitose: Yep. His name is Hachi Shio.

Y/n: Wait back up there! Hanchi Shio? Where did I hear that name- Oh wait! (Turn to Hanchi) Your father owns a company that branch out to other companies all across this country.

Hanchi: (Pushes the shelf away) I see you recognise my father's business. Yes my father does own a company, I I school to keep an eye of his business and now I'm back I can finally be reunited with my love.

Y/n: Love?

Roka: He means me.

Y/n: Huh?

Chitose: In the past he was upsets with Roka due to her cute appearances and many others.

Y/n: Huh so you have a crush on Roka?

Hanchi: (smile) Indeed.

Y/n: Huh. Well because Kazama and Roka would be a interesting due.

Kazama: Yeah.........Wait, WHAT?!

Y/n: (panic) Just saying man! Besides I say due, not a couple.

Kazama: Don't say it like that you idiot!

Hanchi: So you too have a crush towards dear Roka I'm I correct?

Kazama: (quickly turn to Hanchi) Hell no!

Hanchi: (smile) I understand. This only means one thing. On this day Kazama, we are Love rivals.

Kazama: No way!

Y/n: I mean have screw things up big time.

Chitose: (smirk) Pretty much but hey, it's pretty funny.

Sakura: (smile) Yeah.

Minami: Hey can you keep it down, I'm trying to get some sleep.

Y/n: Sorry.

(Short while later)

We see Jazz in his vehicle form kinda getting board so he decided to pop some human music and transform into his bot form to see Y/n.

He slowly and quietly walk around the school, trying to be carful to not being detected and soon he poke his head around and see a crowd of students gathered around a stage where they hold a competition to see who can be the best of the best.

We see many contestants on the stage while Y/n and Funabori were standing at the sidelines as the audience.

Funabori: So you don't want to take part of this?

Y/n: Nah I'm good. Besides the prize is......kinda odd to have.

Funabori: Really? What's the prize?

Y/n: Um....Well you see-

Tsutsumi: Welcome all and all to this year's competition! This is where we see who is the best student of Fujou High school! Not only that but whoever win will get!

Then she reveals a bag that Roka always carries as she goes on to say.

Tsutsumi: You will get this bag!


Tsutsumi: That was made by Funabori!

Seconds later they burst into cheers while Y/n sighs and said.

Y/n: Yeah that's the prize. No offence but if my found that type of bag and I told her that you clean it, she might think I'm a creep.

Funabori: Oh I understand. So whose taking part?

Y/n: Well quite a lot actually but I see Kazama, Roka and Hanchi taking part and......Takao?

He sees her hunched down all nervous like which he called out to her.

Y/n: Hey Takao! Is something wrong?

Takao: (nervous) Its......Its my chest.

Y/n and Funabori: Chest?

Then the two realised her jacket is a bit small so she couldn't zip it up which made Tsumuri and Chitose jealous as they cried out.

Tsumuri: Stop showing off Takao!

Chitose: Yeah! Zip that up!

Y/n: (thought) Maybe I go and ask the gym teacher of a new jacket?

However Takao manages to zip her jacket and after that everyone cheered seeing that she has done it.

Y/n: (thought) Or never mind. Well better get my lunch out and enjoy the show.

Jazz sees it going on in the distances as he finds this interesting and decided to watch the show.


We see Optimus prime, Hot Rod, IronHide, Bumblebee, Hoist and Hound driving through the dirt road of Africa as they drive by some animals like elephants, lions, tigers and other animals.

Soon they reach what seems like a mine as they parked outside od the mine.

Optimus prime: Hoist, Hound, see what you can find inside. We'll cover you.

Hound: Roger that sir.

The two drive on through while Optimus and the others transform into their bot form. Hot Rod is amazed the beauty of Africa and the animals near them.

Hot Rod: (surprised) Wow! Look at this place. An open land with no city's or towns. This is really nice.

Bumblebee: (smile) Yeah. This place is nice.

IronHide: Hey, focus. We need to be on guard, especially you Hot Rod. Try not to race around.

Hot Rod: Fine, Fine I promise I won't race.

IronHide: Good.

It wasn't long for Hound and Hoist to return and once out they transform and show them what they found.

Hot Rod: So what is it? Looks junk to me.

Hoist: It's not junk. It's the most dangerous relic in all of Cybertron. A spark Extractor.

Hot Rod: A Spark Extractor? I have a feeling this one is no good right?

IronHide: Does it sound good?

Hoist: A spark Extractor is use to extract sparks from Cybertronians, killing them just by throwing at it like a grenade. It's a dangerous relic that we must be carful.

Optimus prime: Understood. Noe let's return back to base before-

IronHide: (noticed something) Optimus. We might have company.

They all turn to see something flying towards them. Two planes are seen flying towards and one helicopter. They fire missiles at them which IronHide gets in front and turn his body into steal strong material that blocks the missiles and protect his team.

Then the three Decepticons transform into their bit forms and then crash landed onto the ground as three Decepticons stood up straight and look at the Autobots.

Astrotrain: (smirk) Well, Well, Well, if ain't the Autobots.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Say where is your leader? Afraid to fight us?

Blackout: He has other things to take of off. Megatron trusts us to retrieve the relic you have pulled.

Lugnut: Yes! So handed over or face the might of Lord Megatron, our Lord and master will crush the pathetic Autobots like you all.

Astrotrain: Um (whispers to Blackout) Why did you bring this guy?

Blackout: (whisper) I didn't. I thought you did?

Astrotrain: (whisper) Why would I bring this weirdo. (Talk normal) It doesn't matter. Hand over the relic or we will give you pain.

Optimus prime: We will not. However if you wish to live, I suggest you leave.

Astrotrain: (smirk) Oh really? Well what about no.

Astrotrain pulled out his weapon and blast Optimus prime with it, sending him flying but he land on his feet and slide backwards as he slowly gets up and pulled out his weapon including Hot Rod, Bumblebee and IronHide.

Optimus prime: Hound, Hoist take the relic away here.

Hound: What about you guys?

Hot Rod: (smile) We got this.

With that Hound and Hoist transform and drive away while Lugnut active his boosters and flies after them only to be punched in the air by IronHide.

Lugnut crashes hard onto the ground while IronHide land on his feet and then rushes towards him qnd the two fight.

Blackout and Astrotrain make their way towards Optimus, Bumblebee and Hot Rod as they open fire and the battle begin.

We cut to Hound and Hoist racing through the road and trying to find a hidden area when suddenly there was a explosion that knocks Hoist off the road and slide down a hill.

Hound: Hoist!

Hound transforms and leap down while we see a tank driving up as Hound slides down near Hoist and he rushes up to him ans seeing his leg is broken.

Hoist: I'm not gonna make it. Take the relic, go without me.

Hound: No way! An Autobot never leaves another behind.

He drags Hoist behind the rock for cover and once that Hound pokes up to see a tank driving up the edge of the cliff. He then transforms into his bot form and looks down at the canyon for them.

Treadshot can see trails of energon that leaves the to a rock up ahead. Then Nitro Zeus flies down and transform into his bot form as he rush up to Treadshot and ask him.

Nitro Zeus: Where are they my brother.

Treadshot: (Points at the rock) Behind that rock. You take air, I'll take ground.

Nitro Zeus: Hahaha! Good thinking. Time to crush some bos.

Treadshot: Well keep the relic intact Nitro.

He agree as he active his boosters and hover over the canyon while Treadshot leaps off and landed into the canyon. He make his say towards the rock as Hoist couldn't do nothing while Hound ready his weapons.

Treadshot pulled out his arm machine gun qnd when he sees Hound leaping out of the rock he open fire but the shots go through of him.

Treadshot: Hologram.

Hound: Take this you Decepticon scum!

Hound throws a grenade at Treadshots feet which he took cover as the grenade go off. Hound pokes out with his machine gun and fires at where Treadshot is at. However Hound takes cover as Nitro Zeus is shooting at him from above.

Hound: Scrap! They have us pinned!

Hoist:.....There is only one way.

Then Hoist showed Hound the spark Extractor and tells him.

Hoist: If they want a taste of this power......then they shall get it.

To be continued..............................................

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