S1E5: Face the Soundwave
We find Y/n standing in front of Takao's game creation club as he promised her to check out her club and try to get along with the club members. He was kinda nervous since the last time he met them they were kinda scary but he took a deep breath and them knock on the class room. Seconds gone by and soon the classroom door open and Takao is there.
Y/n: (nervous smile) Hey Takao, here to check out your club.
Takao: Oh you kept your promise.
Y/n: I mean of course, not a guy who breaks promises.
Takao: I see.
She looks around to see if the fake game creation club isn't around and then pulled Y/n into the classroom and shut the door. Y/n enters the classroom and is amazed how bigger their club is then his club.
Y/n: (smile) You have a nice club. A lot bigger then ours.
Takao: Whatever.
???: Oh hey there!
Then a young girl came up to him but to his confusion she is wearing a male school uniform.
Y/n: Um you know your wearing a dude school uniform right?
???: Huh?
Takao: You idiot. He's not a girl, he's a a guy name Sakuragaoka.
Y/n: (surprised) Oh! Sorry I didn't know. The first time we met you were wearing a cloak.
Sakuragaoka: (smile) Nah that's alright I can't really much blame you. So your from the fake game creation club and aren't you the guy with that cool car? Must be very cool to drive one of those.
Y/n: (smile) Yep he is a really cool car.
Sakuragaoka and Takao: He?
Y/n: (panic) I mean a fast cars are male right so I figured I can given him a gender right?
Sakuragaoka and Takao:.......Right.
???: Oh, do we have a gust?
Then two other club members came over with one another female student with glasses while the other a very large muscle male student which Y/n is a bit nervous.
Tsutsumi: (smirk) Well aren't you cute. Names Tsutsumi and this is Yamada.
He then approach Y/n as he stood over him while Y/n is shaking, thinking he might break him but then he reach out his hand while given him a nice smile.
Yamada: (smile) Hello there, its nice to meet you.
Y/n: (thought) He's soo friendly?!
Takao: Don't let his large size worry you, he's actually one of the most kindest students in our club.
Y/n: Oh. (Takes his hand and the two shake) Nice to meet you bro. (Let's go) So what is your club gonna do for the festival tomorrow?
Takao: Like we ever gonna tell yo-
Tsutsumi: We're trying to develop a game for people to play.
Takao: Don't tell our enemy our plan!
Tsutsumi: However it doesn't seem to work. We try to reset but it still won't work.
Y/n: Huh let me see.
They allow him disbite Takao refusing but either was he goes onto the computer and looks at the problem and after a while he tells them.
Y/n: I see the problem. Here, let me fix it.
Sakuragaoka: (surprised) Huh I never know your a computer geek?
Y/n: (small smirk) Not actually. It happened to me a while back when I try to make my own game. My dad help me and show me the problem. This is similar. And......done.
It was fixed which surprised them as he turns to them.
Y/n: Maybe next time try not downloading too much into the programming otherwise it might glitch out.
Tsutsumi: (smirk) Well your a smart cute boy.
Yamada: (smike) Thanks man.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
He turns to Takao while Takao blush a bit and then he pushed him out of the class.
Takao: Okay you see enough, Goodbye.
Y/n: Hey wai-
But the door is shut as Y/n just sigh and head off down the school hallway.
At the Autobot base we see Y/n looking through the text messages from his club, reminding him about the festival tomorrow and telling him they will defeat the real game creation club. Y/n just sighs when Blaster came up to him.
Blaster: (smile) Hey there Y/n. Why the sad face?
Y/n: Oh nothing. Just that there is two game creation club that is battling each other although they share a similar goal. I don't understand why they fight each other so much.
Blaster: Ah, they're like rivals.
Y/n: Yeah.
Blaster: (smile) Well if I was in your shoes, I would get them all together and start a party do they can be together qnd become friends.
Y/n: You seem to know how to bring people together.
Blaster: (smile) You kidding. Nothing can bring them together with the power of music. Your humans music shows that any human can be together and be friends.
Y/n: (chuckle) Your kinda like Hot Rod with a care free attitude.
Blaster: (smile) He maybe reckless but he knows how to make friends.
Hot Rod: (smirk) You got that right Blaster.
Then Hot Rod came up to them when Ratchet walked up to the monitors as Y/n asked the two.
Y/n: Ratchet doesn't seem like the type to go out.
Blaster: (smirk) That's just old Ratchet. He never gets out, he spend his time in the base, working on soke projects with Hoist and Wheeljack. He also repairing Autobots after battles. He's always a grumpy bot.
Ratchet: You know I can hear you perfectly fine right?
Blaster: (chuckle) Sorry doc.
Ratchet: Don't call me doc.
Blaster: (shrugged) Whatever you say sunshine.
Ratchet groans while Y/n looks around and ask.
Y/n: Where's Optimus?
Blaster: Scouting out with Bumblebee and Cliffjumper in the search for more Autobots. Who knows they might be here at earth.
Y/n: You'll think there is still some out there?
Hot Rod: Hope so. Anyways let's get you home, tomorrow is the festival which i can't wait.
Y/n: (smile) Right.
Hot Rod transforms as Y/n climb inside as Ratchet opens the ground bridge and they drive on through as Ratchet close down the ground bridge after that.
Ratchet: Finally some peace of quiet.
Blaster: Yeah.....maybe a bit too quiet.
He then put on some music and started to dance while Ratchet stood there as he sighs in frustration.
(Next day)
We see the festival within Fujou Academy as we see people coming in and try out the activities and games that the students made for the festival. We then see Y/n and Kazama finishing up making a cardboard fortress that is based on q fantasy video game for people to replay inside.
Y/n: (smile) All done. Thanks for the help Kazama.
Kazama: Like i have a choice. You sure this will gain people's attention?
Y/n: (smile) Sure it will. I figured why playing a fantasy game if you can be in the fantasy game as a character. I think it would be a good idea for people to try.
Kazama: Well I hope your right.
Chitose: Hey! Will you two stop talking, we have some work to do.
They turn to see Chitose wearing a rabbit tight suit while holding out a sign.
Kazama: What's with the suite?
Chitose: What? Guys love girls wearing a bunnie suit.
Kazama: No they don't!
Chitose: (smirk) Well Y/n likes it, right~?
Y/n: (little blush) Why asking me?!
Yuki: Hey son!
Then Y/n's parents came over as Itsuki rush over to the cardboard fortress in an amazement.
Itsuki: (surprised) Wow this is huge! You made this big bro?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing little bro.
Itsuki: (smile) Hey dad, can we go in? Please?
Yuki: (chuckle) Sure thing. I can play the role as a villain and we have a epic battle.
The two head inside to have fun while kaede came up to Y/n and tells him.
Kaede: (smile) I'm so proud of you for your hard work.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks mum.
Chitose: Hey you must be Y/n's mother. Your son is pretty friendly.
Kaede: (smile) Thank you and I love your outfit, its really cute.
Chitose: (smirk) Thanks. I think it will suit you as well.
Kaede: (smile) Oh my your right. I be very cute with that.
Kazama: She's not phase how sexual the outfit is?!
Y/n: Yeah my mother has a positive look at things.
Sakura: There you are!
Then Sakura came up with two paint cans as she hands them to Y/n and tells him.
Sakura: (smile) Can you take then to the storage room around back. I need to help Roka with a fee things.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
Sakura: Oh Kazama we need your help as well.
Kazama: Okay let's go.
Y/n heads off to place the paint cans around back. He opened the storage door and place them somewhere safe and not in the way.
Y/n: There, done.
???: Hey you.
He turns around to see three muscle guys and before Y/n could reply he gets punched in the guts and then drops onto thr ground as he is out cold as they drag him away without anyone knowing.
(Hours later)
The festival came to an end and everyone was leaving but there was a problem. Both the real and fake game creation club as well as Y/n'x parents noticed that Y/n hasn't shown up. Kazama check the storage room and doesn't seem him there.
Panic set in as Yuki speaks to the principal but there was nothing he could do as Yuki leaves the principals office as Kaede came up to him in worry.
Kaede: What did they say?
Yuki: Without any leads on what happened to him, there is nothing he can do. Our best bet is to call the police.
Kaede: (panic) Oh god. Our boy must be in serious danger. What if we can't see him.
She then started to cry but Yuki hugged her.
Yuki: Don't worry we'll find him. I promise.
Everyone was worried even Takao who is worried. We cut to Hot Rod still parked as he noticed this and then he drives out of the parking lot and race through the street.
Hot Rod: Ratchet we have a situation. Y/n is missing, you think the Decepticons could have him?
Ratchet: (radio) Maybe. Hold on, I'll have Blaster get access to Y/n's phone so we can track him. And......yes! We got him! He's at the abandon warehouse. I'll bring back up.
Hot Rod: No time. I can't let his family and friends sad. I'm going in hard.
Ratchet: (radio) Don't be reckless Hot Rod! Wait-
He hangs up and speeds off to rescue Y/n.
We see Y/n slowly opening his eyes and once he is awake he find himself having upside on with chains around him as he sees the band of 13 devil as he struggle to escape but no use.
Y/n: What do you all want from me?!
Then footsteps is heard and he looks up and Soundwave approaches him as he is faced to face with him.
Soundwave: Tell us human, where is the Allspark.
Y/n: How should I know?!
Then Soundwave summon a tentacle out of his body they come up to Y/n and then he was shocked with electricity as he scream in pain. Soundwave pulls away the tentacle and ask him again.
Soundwave: The Allspark. Where is it?
Y/n: If I know where it is, I will never tell you!
Soundwave: Wrong answer.
He was shocked in electricity once more as Y/n yells in pain. This kept going for a while as the band of 13 devils were impress how strong Y/n is as Soundwave demands.
Soundwave: Talk human, or I will kill you.
Y/n was breathing heavily with some burns from the electricity is shown on his clothes and face as he slowly loos up at Soundwave and refuse. Soundwave just pulled out a blaster and aims it at Y/n.
Soundwave: Then you are no use to us.
Before he could kill him Hot Rod came burning through the wall and ram Soundwave away as Hot Rod transforms inro his bot form and aim both his arm cannons at the band of 13 devils and Soundwave who is slowly getting up.
Hot Rod: Don't move Decepticon. Your finish.
Soundwave: (gets up) I object.
Then Hot Rod turns to see Shatter, Barricade and Dropkick as he can see that he is indeed surrounded as he calls back Ratchet.
Hot Rod: Hey Ratchet, I know i may have hang up earlier butjust wanna know. When will backup will arrive?
To be continued.............................
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