S1E4: Old friends

We see Hot Rod taking Y/n a tour around the base and they soon enter the workshop that is filled with Cybertronian equipment and gears for the Autobots to use in battle. Working on the table we see a lone Autobot working on something when he turns see Hot Rod as Hot Rod set Y/n on the table.

Hot Rod: (smile) Yo Hoist! How are things here?!

Hoist: Oh hello there Hot Rod. Come to play one of our gears again?

Hot Rod: Oh come on Hoist no one didn't die.

Hoist: Yes while half of the forest was burned and the humans still have no idea how it happened.

Hot Rod: Yeah but anyways have you met Y/n? Our new human allie?

Hoist turns to Y/n which peeks his interest as he approaches him and then he scan him.

Hoist: How interesting. You know I've seen human in TV of them making amazing machinery. Tell me human, what do you create?

Y/n:....Um right now I'm trying to create games?

Hoist: Aaah very interesting. Still humanity are very intelligent race. Creating space travel, open portals and-

Y/n: Wow there! Those things aren't real? Where did you get all of that?

Hoist: From TV. The humans show footages of humanity creating such technology and saving their planet many times.

Y/n: Um yeah those are just made up.

Hoist: Huh?

Y/n: Yeah it's an act that we make to entertain other people across the world. It's all made up.

Hoist: Oh how depressing.

Y/n: (smile) It's not really.

Then the doors open and two Autobots enter the room and approaches the group.

Hot Rod: (smile) Sideswipe, Sunstreaker see you two came back from your scouting mission.

Sideswipe: (smile) Yeah, good to see you here. (Noticed Y/n) Whose he?

Hot Rod: (smile) This is Y/n, Y/n this is Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, they're the twins of the Autobots.

Y/n: Twins? As in they are brothers?

Sunstreaker: (smile) Yep. Although I'm the older and more handsome one than my little bro.

Sideswipe: (smirk) You wish Sunstreaker.

Y/n: But you two are robots? Not to sound rude but how is I possible for Cybertronians to have siblings.

Sideswipe: It's our spark. We're not related the way you humans have. We both share a half of a spark. Not only that but we can feel and think. For example.

He then punched Sideswipe on the shoulder which also hurts Sunstreaker a bit as well.

Sunstreaker: See. Whenever he feels, I feel. Whenever he thinks, I think.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's cool.

Sideswipe: (smirk) Trust me, there is a lot of things we can do which you humans can't.

Y/n: Huh well there is another thing I was thinking. Arcee is a female right yet Cybertronians can't reproduce so what is the point of female Cybertronians?

Arcee: That's very good question.

Then Arcee enters the room and then goes on to explain.

Arcee: That is true that female and male Cybertronians can't reproduce but that's we were made as a proto form.

Y/n: So like a prototype Cybertronian?

Arcee: (smile) You got it! Anyways just like how humans can't control what to make of their babies, we come out randomly in any shape, size and gender we are. Sure its weird to have female Cybertronians but on the plus side we can move around more quickly, we can slide through tide spaces and some can be small enough to go through things unlike other big Cybertronians can't.

Y/n: So is there more female Cybertronians out there?

Arcee: Hope so. Moonracer and Chromia were my best friends back on Cybertron during the war. Last time I saw them they escape Cybertron before i escape. Just hope they are okay.

Y/n: I'm sure they will be fine. Never lose your hopes.

Arcee: (smile) Thanks. Humans are truly kind.

Hoist: Well I'm gonna get back to work so I suggest you all leave.

Hot Rod: Roger that Hoist.

He pick up Y/n and they leave and once they left Hoist sighs and gets back to work.

(Next day)

Y/n arrived to school and we see him at the game creation club with now Kazama there as he join the club.

Chitose: Now we have another new member to the club which is Kazama, it is time we talk about ideas about Fujou Academy freedom festival.

Kazama: Wait you have a part of the festival.

Roka, Chitose, Sakura and Minami: Of course, we are the game creation club.

Kazama: Right. Silly me.

Y/n: Say speaking of that this may sound a bit crazy but there was this girl who-

Suddenly theie door opens and they turn to see Takao as she enters the club.

Kazama: Oh crap! It's her!

Chitose: Wait? You both know this girl?

Y/n: Yeah it was kinda crazy.

Chitose: (smirk) Crazy like hee chest.

Y/n: (blush) What no! Nothing like that at all!

Takao: Your still the same as always Chitose. Well you may now have some new members, I'm just gonna let you know that I will shut down your club.

Chitose: Or what?

Takao: I......I.......

She try to say something but fall silent as Y/n sees she not good at threating them.

Chitose: (pulls out some dirt) Seems like we have to teach you a lesson!

Sakura: (pull out her water bottle) Get her!

Takao: Wait!

They start to attack her with dirt and water as Kazama and Y/n watch this happen and soon Takao was on the ground while Roka came up to her.

Roka: You okay Takao?

She reach her hand to her but Takao slap it away which surprised Roka and Y/n.

Takao: Don't touch me traitor. You made a mistake by joining this club.

She then gets up and leaves the room and once she was gone Y/n asked the other girls.

Y/n: What was that about?

Chitose: Well a while back Roka used to be a club member of Takao however she did some weird things which leads to the other club members not wanted to talk to her. Soon I offer her to create our own club and that was it.

Kazama: Okay but she's made because of that?

Chitose: That......and I buried her club members.

Kazama: (shocked) What the hell?!

Chitose: Oh don't act like that they were fine but they did quiet her club so they can stay away from us.

Y/n: Wait? Where is Takao's club?

Chitose: Only five classrooms down. You did know that right?


Sakura: (smile) Huh, you must be blind.

Y/n: How was I suppose to know!

Chitose: But anyways that why we are enemies to Takao's club.

Y/n: I see. But wait, you were the one that buried her club members so how come she's mad at Roka instead of you?

Sakura: (smile) He has a point.

Roka: Because we were once friends until I told her I join another rgame creation club. Since then she rather stay as far from me as she can rather then talking to me.

Kazama: Guess that make sense. So are we done yet, i didn't came back to school from suspension only to sit here and talk.

Chitose: Man your rude. At least Y/n isn't as rude as you.

Y/n: Thanks.....I think.

Kazama: Oh shut up!

Minami: Can all be quiet, I'm trying to get some sleep.

Kazama: Why are you sleeping?! Aren't you a teacher?! Damn it, I regret joining here!

Y/n: Well at least I'm not alone.

Kazama: (sigh) I hate you man.

He smiled and soon after school ended and we see Y/n walking up to Hot Rod when he noticed Takao there and looking at him in his vehicle form. He approaches her and then he clear his throat which surprised Takao as she turns to see him.

Takao: Oh. It's you.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Takao. See your interested with my ride.

Takao: Hold on! I was not interested of anything I was just walking by and saw this car! I didn't know you froze this type of car.

Y/n: (smile) Can't blame you. My father give me this car as a gift.

Takao: Huh.....it looks nice. (Turns around) Anyways goodbye.

Y/n: Wait Takao!

Takao: (Turns to him) What?

Y/n: I know our club may have taking your name and make their own club, but is it really necessary to hate them just because they wanna create their own club? Can you two make peace?

Takao: There never be peace between the two of us. The fake game creation club took our name and create their own club. They were about to shit down until you showed up and joined.

Y/n: Okay to be honest with you I have seen some red flags when I join but to be far I didn't know. But still it not like they are doing this just to mess with you or your club members. They just done it for fun. I mean I have a little brother who likes games and I want my little brother to introduce him to games I made in this club. I mean, they maybe weird and a bit extreme but they do have a good heart.

Takao doesn't say nothing for a moment and then Y/n sighs and says.

Y/n: Look how's about I check out your club. I can meet your other club members and show them that we are nice and mean no harm to your other club and maybe when the  festival comes around, we can work together to create a good game, what do you say?

Takao:.....(sigh) Okay fine but be there as soon as possible! If I find out your not there then I will not forgive you, got it!

Y/n: (smile) Got it.

The Takao turns away and was about to leave but then Y/n said.

Y/n: (smile) Still it's very nice to meet you Takao and i hope I can introduce the rest of your club tomorrow.

Then her heart skip a beat which she doesn't know why as she stood there for a moment and then reply.

Takao: Thank you......goodbye now.

She then walk off as Y/n watch her go as Hot Rod then spoke.

Hot Rod: How serious does club members are?

Y/n: Maybe a bit too serious.

Hot Rod: Right. Well ready to head home?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.

He climb inside of Hot Rod and then they drove off home. While driving home Y/n spotted muscle teenage walking by and drinking his soda when he stop and stared at Y/n sho is driving by.

Hot Rod: Know that guy?

Y/n: No I don't. Must be jealous of you.

Hot Rod: (chuckle) Maybe.

They disappeared around the corner while the teenager crush his soda and walk off. We then see him entering a abandon warehouse where we see the band of 14 devils ha go out as one of their members approaches the boss.

14 devil member: I spotted the kid driving his car that has that symbolo on the front of the car. You'll think that's him Odawara?

Odawara sat there and then he gets up and then turns to the darkness and ask.

Odawara: What do you think?

Suddenly head lights turn on as a dark blue jeeb came driving out of the darkness and it shows the Decepticon logo on it he transforms in front of them and then he tells them his allies.

Soundwave: Target; Y/n L/n confirmed. Objective; Capture for information. Bring him.....alive.

To be continued...................................................

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