S1E2: A guardian and friend

We see Y/n standing within a secret bass where gaint robots known as the Autobots stood around him and looking down at him while their leader, Optimus prime also looks at him, waiting for his response as he clear his throat and then said.

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n. Tell me.....what....are you all? You all not from here aren't you?

Optimus prime: No. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron.

Y/n: So....you all are aliens?

IronHide: Guess you can say that but to us, the humans are the aliens.

Y/n: Good point there. So if you all are aliens from another planet, the are you all here?

Optimus prime: In search for an ancient relic that was lost for billions of years called the All Spark and find it before the Decepticons find it first.

Y/n: The who now?

Hot Rod: They are Cybertronians like us but evil and want to take over the universe.

Jazz: They are lead by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. We have been fighting against the Decepticons for a very long time.

Optimus prime: But without the All Spark our planet dies so I gather as many Autobots I can to the Ark and our mission was to find the All Spark and return it to Cybertron. Unfortunately Megatron and his Decepticons tailed us and before long, both our ships where heavily damaged and we crashed landed here, on Earth. We believe that the All Spark is here.

Ratchet: We took Earth vehicle forms to disguise ourselves so the humans won't discovered us but it appears one (Turns to Hot Rod) May have failed to listen that.

Hot Rod: Hey you told me I cannot transform into my bot form until I'm at the base and I stuck by that rule. Just that he was inside of me when Optimus called us.

Prowl: Good job on that Hot Rod.

Y/n: So are the Decepticons also here on Earth?

Optimus prime: Yes and they may be on the hunt for the All Spark just like us. However our search is seems difficult. We have no luck finding the All Spark and we do not know the location of it what so ever.

Bumblebee: Yeah and who knows how long until the Decepticons find it first.

Prowl: There has to be a way to gain an advantage.

Hot Rod: Wait! What about Y/n can help us?!

Y/n: (shocked) Huh?!

They all turn to Hot Rod as IronHide just shake his head while he mutters to himself.

IronHide: (mutter) Hot Rod.

Hot Rod: Wait! I know what you all gonna say but hear me out! The humans have doors that is too small for us to go through but he can be fit enough to go through! Plus, he can gain access to the humans data very easily without Blaster hacking into their information. Plus I'm kinda his property so I have no choice but to tag along right?

The Autobots look at each other as Optimus prime thinks about the idea and then turns to Y/n.

Optimus prime: This may not be your war but for the sake of this planet and ours. Will you help us locating the All Spark?

Y/n is surprised and sees all eyes were on him as he thinks about this. He knows this is extremely dangerous but he sees them and since their planet needs life, he has a feeling to do anything he can to help them so he said.

Y/n: Sure, I'll help as best i can.

Hot Rod smiled while some Autobots were unsure especially Ratchet while Optimus prime turns to Hot Rod and tells him.

Optimus prime: Hot Rod I'm placing you as this humans guardian. Protect him in anyway you can.

Hot Rod: (salute) Won't let you down prime!

Optimus prime: (Turns to ratchet) Ratchet, active the ground bridge for Y/n and Hot Rod.

Ratchet nodes while he opene q ground bridge for them as Hot Rod transforms into his vehicle form and Y/n climb inside and shut the door.

Arcee: (smile) Come back anytime!

Y/n nervously waves to them and then they go through the ground bridge. After Ratchet closes the ground badge another bot named Wheeljack enters and looks at everyone and then asked.

Wheeljack: What did I miss?

(Next day)

It was another day at Fujou Academy where we see Y/n at the back of the school thinking about last night as he couldn't believe he met real life gaint robot aliens from out of space. He was lost to his thoughts when someone hit him at the back of the head.

Y/n: Ow!

Kazama: Hey! I'm talking to you! Why did you join that crazy club!?

Y/n: I thought it will be fun. Besides what's the problem of me joining a club? You know, you should also join a club or better yet join with me, that way you might learn a thing or two.

Kazama: (angry) There is no way I'm joining that stupid club, your out of your mind!

Y/n: Fine but don't come to me when your acting board.

Nagayama: Um guys?

They turn to Nagayama and Yokoshima who are just standing there and looking at the two and then ask.

Nagayama: What are you two talking about?

Y/n: The game creation club? You know, the same people that knock you guys out?

Yokoshima: No idea what are you talking about dude.

Nagayama: Yeah but that's good for you I guess.

Y/n and Kazama: (thought) Damn they really don't remember.

Kazama: Say where we're you last night? I try to call you but you didn't answer.

Y/n: Oh....I was.....I was in the bathroom. Yeah, I was in the bathroom while you were calling me.

Kazama: Oh okay then.

He let's out a sigh of relief but feels bad of lying to his friends but he can't let them know he just hang out with gaint alien robots from another planet, especially his car is one of them.

???: KAZAMA!!!!

Suddenly a short blonde hair dude tackles Kazama to the ground which made Y/n step back as the short blonde student shakes Kazama while asking.

???: Are you okay?! I heard what happened to you! Where did I hurt?! What did they do to you?!

Y/n: Um he's fine? No need to panic like that.

He then shot Y/n a glare which kinda made him jump a bit and then he ask.

???: Who are you?

Y/n: (thought) That's the first thing you gonna say to me?!

Yokoshima: Well, Well, what is vice president doing here?

Ataru: You know I hate when you call me that. Call me Ataru or Acchan like back of the day. We were beasties since elementary school.

Y/n: Huh so you guys know him before you met me?

Nagayama: Yeah. (Turn to Ataru) By away this is Y/n, we met him when we first came to this school.

Ataru: Ah I heard your father works in a rich company and your a student who owns that fancy vehicle at the parking lot.

Y/n: Um yeah. So what brings you here?

Kazama: Yeah and you better give me some answers.

Ataru: Well I heard you encounter Chitose Karasuyama if I am not mistaken.

Y/n: Oh yeah she seems.....nice. i even join the club.

Ataru: Then I feel pity on you young man.

Y/n: Huh, why?

Ataru: It is a dangerous place. I'm not speaking to the club to say but Chitose is a different story. You can't trust a girl like her.

Y/n: Why?

Kazama: Yeah she's a dirt freak, so what?

Ataru: So what?! She's happen to be Fujou Academy's student body president.

There was a moment of silence until Kazama barks at Y/n.


Y/n: Don't blame me! I didn't know she was! (Turns to Ataru) And even if she is, so what?

Ataru: Well she's happen to be the 15th student body president and between her shrewd political maneuvering and animal magntism, she's got the whole school even the faculty eating right out of her hands. She's so powerful so implacable that the heavenly kings, the two brothers and the band of 14 devils all went into hiding.

Y/n: Dude you sounded like she's a witch or a monster. But I'm surprised there has been gangs here before us.

Ataru: Yes and so me and Chitose became sworn rivals and I will fight her till the bitter end.

Y/n:.......Kinda a bit dramatic much don't you think?

Yokoshima: Still I wanna see some action!

Nagayama: Yeah same here.

Chitose: Don't you forget about me!

Then they all look up and see Chitose poking her head out of the window as both Ataru and Kazama shocked that she heard their conversation.

Y/n: How long have you been listening us?

Chitose: A long time actually. Just you all know, this is the girls locker room.

They were kindw embarrassed while Chitose looks at them and said.

Chitose: Guys we got us some boyer's.

Y/n: (thought) "Boyer's?" Is that a thing?

Kazama: Well jokes on you we're down here and the locker room are on the second floor where you are!

Chitose: Oh please you all can do it if you work together.

Y/n: (thought) Wait?! Is she trying to encourage us to climb onto the second floor?! Well we ain't that dumb to fall for that.

He turn to see the boys thinking about it which Y/n was dumbfounded by this.

Y/n: Are you all seriously thinking of doing it!

Kazama: Of course not! Why do you think of that!?

Y/n: Oh I don't know, maybe because you all were slient all of a sudden and maybe thinking about it?!

Chitose: Man you boys are hopeless working together. Get out of here before I drop a piano on you.

Y/n: Your not serious, right?

Kazama: You gonna use your Earth powers of something?

Chitose: No. Just my spit.

Then a spot drizzle out of her mouth which gross them however Ataru calls out while sticking his tongue out.

Ataru: Well i can just catch it with my tongue!

Y/n and Kazama: That's gross dude!

They argue down below while Chitose was dumbfounded by all of this and then leaves the window for a moment and came back but sticking out a locker which they sees this.

Kazama: (shocked) Oh crap, shit just got real!

Y/n: Run away!

Both Y/n and Kazama run but turn when Ataru isn't moving.

Y/n: Yo move! If that thing falls, it will kill you!

Ataru: I will not run away! I will stand my ground and save the reputation of my friends!

Kazama: Ataru, what in the hell.

Then Yokoshima and Nagayama where inspired by hid bravery and join in. Then they stack on top to each other and begin their battle as Ataru grabs the bottom of the locker and pushing through the window while Chitose holding the top of the locker and pushing it out of the window.

Both Kazama and Y/n stand by and see this happening as this gose on for a bit until Ataru called out to the two.

Ataru: You two! Help us!

Y/n: Yeah no thanks. I'm gonna sit myself back.

Kazama: (sigh) Fine. Let's do this.

Y/n is shocked as Kazama rushes over, leaps up in the air and then kick the locker through the locker room as Ataru and Kazama were inside. Yokoshima and Nagayama smiled of victory however Y/n points out.

Y/n: Wait. You fo realise they are inside the girls locker room, right?

Then second later girls screamed inside which Y/n, Yokoshima and Nagayama all bell while Ataru and Kazama get in trouble.

(Sometime later)

We see Hot Rod taking Y/n home as Y/n tells Hot Rod what happened which made him laugh.

Hot Rod: Hahahahahahah! Oh by primus that was funny! What happened to those two after that?

Y/n: They got suspended for kicking the women's locker room and in the room while the girls were changing.

Hot Rod: Ha! Man who knew humans are funny at times.

Y/n: Yeah you could say that.

Then suddenly Y/n heard something that sounded like a jet engine and looks around. He poke out of the window to see a jet in the distances.

Y/n: Is that a jet?

Hot Rod sees this and immediately speed things up which made Y/n sat back down as Hot Rod speed through the streets while the jet follows and we see a Decepticon logo on the missiles as it fires and explosion blow up behind them.

Y/n: Why is the airforce is attacking us?!

Hot Rod: That's not the airforce!

Y/n: Then who?

Soon Hot Rod turn onto a construction site where Hot Rod stops and opens the driver side door as Y/n exit out.

Hot Rod: I'll go and try lower him away, you go and hide!

Y/n: Right!

Hot Rod speeds off while Y/n sees the jet coming and heads off to hide. He then hide within a large plumbing pipes qs he ducks down and listens. The sound of the jet engine gets closer and closer until he hears it transform and then there was silence. Y/n was breathing as he look at both sides and was about to poke out to see if its gone.

Then suddenly the plumbing pipe moved and it made him slide down and the rolled onto the dirt floor as he look up and was met by a gaint robot as he tosses the plumbing pipe away and turns to face Y/n as he smirked and asked.

???: (smirk) Dide you think you can hide?

To be continued..................................

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