S1E16: Battle for the All Spark (Part 3) (Season 1 final)

Y/n slowly starts to wake up and once he did he find himself looking at the stars above him as he slowly sat up and look around. All around him is nothing but metal with a metal city in the distance. He sees no one around him but himself as he gets up and looks around for anyone but no such luck.

???: Well this is a surprise to be sure.

He turns around only to look up at a cloaked Cybertronian looking down at him with two blue eyes shown over his hood as he then kneel down in front of him and then ask him.

???: Who are you human?

Y/n:......I-I'm Y/n L/n. And who are you?

???: I am the memory and spark that was installed into the All Spark after my death. I was the original guardian of the All Spark and all the knowledge of the Cybertronians histories. They call me by many names.....but my name still stands.

He then remove his hood, revealing his face as he looks at Y/n while he sees the Cybertronian to what seems like a wise old man like Cybertronian.

Alpha Trion: I am Alpha Trion, keeper and guardian of the All Spark and the knowledge that contains within it.

Y/n: So....I'm I dead?

Alpha Trion: No. Your mind is linked to the All Spark which is you are holding while you are unconscious.

Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?! But I'm not a Cybertronian.

Alpha Trion: I know. The All Spark works in mysterious ways but hold power like no other. But with that power would fall into the wrong hands. For example....Megatron.

Suddenly they were teleported into the city where everything is in purple flames and in front of them was an army of Decepticons all chanting to Megatrons name all while Megatron sits on a throne with the All Spaek in hand as he laughs as he holds one of the most powerful thing in the universe.

Alpha Trion: Optimus made the right decision to banish the All Spark off Cybertron but with the cost of Cybertron. Without the All Spark, Cybertron will die.

Y/n: And that's why they are on earth. To find it and bring Cybertron to life.

Alpha Trion: Indeed however it will be a difficult task to do. They have been gone for so long and Cybertron is nothing more but a dead planet.

Then everything changed to a empty and dead world with no signs of life all around them which leaves Y/n awful to see their world dead.

Y/n: This is terrible.

Alpha Trion: Indeed. When humanity first found the All Spark and use it to make their army, I fear humanity will use the All Sparks power to kill all the Cybertronians and put an end to our race once and for all. Humans are shown to be the most selfish and savage humans......however that's when you hold the All Spark and see through your memories.

Y/n: My memories?

Alpha Trion: Indeed. You shown to care those around you. Care for the weak, done selfless acts and show love to those around you. You show complete trust to the Cybertronians and help the Autobots the best way you can. You force humans to side with the Autobots to face a common enemy and done whatever you can to protect the All Spark, even by means risking your life. The primes who visited Earth said that humans are shown to be selfish, savages, cowardly and most disrespectful race they haven't met. Of course there was some that is not but seeing your acts boys......it really has surprised us.

Y/n: Us?

Then everyone became white and several ancient Cybertronian fugues appear around them with their eyes looking down at Y/n leaving him amazed.

Alpha Trion: Your heroic actions surprise all of us. Disbite you being a human you be willing to help others disbite your human origins. I believe that you have a destiny that will change the universe forever.

Then Alpha Trion summon a staff out of nowhere and then tapped it as sparks of electricity appear on his staff.

Alpha Trion: For your actions of protecting the All Spark and those around you, I granted you a gift.

Then Alpha Trion shot Y/n with the bolt of electricity as everything became all covered in white as Alpha Trion granted him a gift.


We see Y/n's unconscious body while we see Optimus Prime and Megatron battling in the streets within the city as Megatron land some punches at Optimus prime and then tosses him across the street. Optimus prime hits the ground but gets up and pulls out his energon axe and charges towards him.

He swing his axe at him but Megatron blocks it with his shield and then he slammed his head onto Optimus primes head.

Megatron: This is where you will die prime! Here in this pathetic rock world called Earth! Once I have the All Spark, I will rule Cybertron and the whole universe!

Megatron pushes Optimus Prime back and he tosses his energon chained mace at him that hits Optimus prime in the chest. Megatron walks towards him when suddenly he gets shot by Hound as he fire his machine gun.

Hound: I don't think so Megatron!

Megatron turn to Hound but then IronHide tackle him from behind and started punching him and then Bumblebee, Jazz and Hot Rod arrived and open fire. Hot Rod noticed Y/n unconscious body so he gets mad and rushes over and punches Megatron in the face.

Hot Rod: That was for Y/n!

Megatron gets really mad, so mad in fact he grabbed IronHide by the arm and throws him towards Hot Rod which the two clash.

Megatron then fire his fusion cannon at Jazz and Bumblebee which they get to cover while Houmd tackled Megatron and slammed him into a building. Houndanike his shoulder cannon at Megatron but Megatron rips it off and kicked Hound back.

Hound stumbled backwards and he turns only for Megatron to pull out his sword and swing it at Hound. Optimus prime, IronHide, Jazz, Bumblebee and Hot Rod have their jaws dropped as Hounds head landed near while Hounds body collapses onto the ground.

IronHide: HOUND! NO!

Optimus prime couldn't believe this as one of his troops is killed. He slowly forms a fist and then he charges foward towards Megatron and punches him in the face. He let out a  mighty roar as he starts beaten up Megatron with all of hid might.

Optimus prime slammed Megatron into another building and beat him some more until Megatron grabs his fist. He gets up while he squeezes on his fist as he stood up and says with a smirk.

Megatron: (smirk) I rise, you fall.

Megatron strike his fist at Optimus primes chest as parts came flying out while Optimus prime let's out a cry of pain as he collapses onto the ground with a large open wound on his chest.

Soon the other Optimus prime, the military and the game creation club arrived only to see Megatron standing over the critical injured Optimus prime. Other Decepticons are seen standing on top of buildings or around corners as Megatron pulls out his sword and tells everyone around him.

Megatron: On this day! I Megatron rule this planet and on this day.....the Autobots shall fall!

He raise his sword into the air over Optimus prime and no one can't do anything but watch as Optimus prime sees his life has come to an end as he gets ready to rejoin Hounds and others in the Well of the All Sparks.

But then something hits Megatron from behind and he turn to see a missile which gose off and he immediately stumble away and look around to see who done it.

???: Hey over here bucket head!

He turn to see Y/n now awake but now wearing what seems like a Cybertronian armor from the parts all around him as he stared at Megatron while holding up the All Spark.

Y/n: You want this? Well come at me then.

He place the All Spark onto his back and after that Megatron smirked, thinking this will be easy and then he fired his fusion cannon at him. He gets hit but when the smoke clears away Megatron and the others is shocked to see he pulled a engery shield to block the shot.

Megatron: (shocked) Impossible!

Megatron fire a few more but Y/n blocks it and even dodges it. Boosters appear at the back of his feet as he rushes towards Megatron. Megatron pulls out his sword and mace and gets ready but he slides between his legs and then he boosted himself up and pulled out two engery blades and stab them both onto Megatrons back.

Megatron let's out a groan as he moves around, trying to get him off but he keeps stabbing him and then he leaps off and fire several missiles that hits Megatron.

Megatron stumbled backwards while Y/n land on his feet. He then fire twin machine guns on his wrist as bullets keeps hitting on him which made Megatron even more mad and he roared while he charge towards him.

He slammed his fist onto Y/n while everyone gasp in shock but then Megatron is shocked when Y/n is not only alive but lifting his fist. Once that he turn his arm into a rail gun and charges up. He fired which sent Megatron flying back and crash into a building.

Megatron slowly gets up and he charges towards Y/n once more but he leaps up into the air and then he sucker punched Megatron in the face. This cost Megatron to be sent flying back and he crashed through a building and at the other side of the street.

His jaw was broken and he was badly hurt as he slowly sat up and sees Y/n standing strong with the All Spark still on his back. Megatron couldn't believe he is beaten by some insect little human. He slowly gets up and after seeing this was a lost cost, he singal his forces to retreat and thus they did.

They all leave the city and once all Decepticons are gone everyone begins to cheer. Y/n turns to Optimus prime who is still badly injured and approaches him.

Optimus prime: Y/n I'm sorry.....but I'm afraid you are too late to save me.

Y/n: Not on my watch.

He touch Optimus prime chest and the All Spark on his back begins to glow as Optimus prime open wounds begins to heal as Optimus primes parts came flying and starts to reassemble and soon Optimus prime is all healed leaving him dumbstruck to see that Y/n is given not only the suit but the powers of the All Spark.

Optimus prime: Thank you. I shall not forget this moment.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

???: Son!

He turns around to see his family rushing over and then they all hugged him. They hugged him soo hard that Y/n was about to lose some air but they let go.

Yuki: We just saw you and there is nothing to disturb how much we are proud of you!

Kaede: (tears) We were so worried about you but when we saw you fighting to defend your friends, we can't believe how brave you are. Oh son! We are so so so so proud of you!

Itsuki: (smile) You were awesome bro! You were like an actual super hero!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks and I'm glad you all are safe.

The four of them hugged as everyone is glad that the battle is over all thanks the combining might of humans and Autobots.

(5 weeks later)

The city is seen in the state of rebuilding after the battle and thanks to Megatrons broadcasting to the whole world, the whole planet now knows the existence of alien life so Optimus prime address the citizens and the government of the Decepticon threat and thus a task for between Autobots and Human military are in the words to combat against Decepticon threats.

While that is going on news about Y/n's heroic act is spread like wild fire. It shocked the world that Y/n, a human battled and defeated the leader of the Decepticons and he became famous around his community and in school.

On a cliff side we see Y/n and Hot Rod looking at the sunset as Hot Rod tells Y/n.

Hot Rod: So I guess we no longer have to keep our secrets from anyone anymore.

Y/n: (smile) Yep.

Hot Rod: (sigh) Look I'm sorry for getting you involved into this. I should have-

Y/n: (smile) It's alright. I guess.....it was my destiny to help an alien race from an endless war. And maybe it was our destiny to be friends.

Hot Rod smiled and Y/n lifted up his fist to Hot Rod so Hot Rod bend down and fist pumped Y/n.

Hot Rod: (smile) Ready to head home?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. Let's roll.

Hot Rod transforms into his vehicle form and once Y/n climbs inside they headed home.

Optimus prime: (message) Although we are born in two completely different worlds, the battle we face shows that both two different race can exist together as one to face a common enemy. With the humans help, the All Spark has been found and a chance of restoration Cybertron is high but.....with the threat of Megatron and his Decepticon army still among on this, we feel that is is our responsibility to stay at Earth and help the humans just like they helped us. My name is Optimus prime and I sent this message to any Autobots within the stars. Come to Earth and together.....we will bring peace to the universe and end this war......together.


At the large open lake where the Bermuda Triangle is located, we see a heavy storm waving around and roaring thunder above. However deep underwater, in the middle of the Bermude Triangle we see what seemed to be a gaint Cybertronian ancient ship.

We cut to inside the ship to see parts fallen apart, water dripping off of ceilings and no life to be found.....however deep within the ship is a massive door and inside the door was totally darkness but then two red eyes is shown follow by a mysterious and deep dark voice is heard.

???: This prison shall not keep me in here for long. I will return and my vengeance apon my brothers......will come. The Fallen.....shall rise.....again.

To be continue in season 2.................................................

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