S1E13: Decepticon victories
We see Megatron, Barricade, Knockout, Blackout, Blitzwing, Astrotrain, Treadshot, Shatter and Dropkick making their way to the military base where the All Spark is being kept as we see them in their vehicle forms. They see the military base up ahead and they are close when we see soldiers blocking their path with heavily armored vehicles within machine guns at top and heavily armed weapons.
The Decepticons stop and stood in front of them as they have their weapons at the ready as they aim their guns. There was just silence as they look at the vehicles when suddenly all of them transform as Megatron ans his Decepticons transform and once in theie bot forms they look down at the soldiers and just laughed.
Megatron: Is this the best that humanity has. What a waste of men.
He then aimed his arm cannon and fired his arm cannon that immediately wipe out the soldiers blocking their way. They make their way towards the base and once there the soldiers begin to open fire at them. Brawlers in their tank modes open fire but they move out of the way and open fire.
The soldiers get blown up and the Brawlers don't stand a chance. One soldier ready his rocket launcher and fired at Megatron which he catches the small rocket and hold it until the rocket blows up. Megatron was not phase by this and fires his fusion cannon.
Blitzwing makes his way to one of the hangers and rip open the doors and begins to fire his machine gun at the soldiers, killing all of them within and wiping them out within the hanger.
Then a Brawler grabs him from behind but Blitzwing easily get it off him and turn around and finish it off with one shot.
Blitzwing: Huh so they learn how to use the All Spark and yet their new creations fail. What a waste.
Knockout make his way to the power generator and stabbed his electro staff into the generator and cost a explosion that cuts out the power and security within the base.
The Decepticons were taking care the base when military jets fly by them and firing missiles at them. They were turning around for another run when suddenly Starscream and his seekers came out of nowhere and open fire at them.
They try to dodge but they were immediately blown up and killed as Starscream and his seekers fly towards the base. Barricade destroy bases defences along with Blackout as Starscream and his seekers transform into their bot form and land on the run way.
Starscream: (smirk) Is this what these humans have? It was far too easy.
Megatron: For once Starscream I agree. These humans weapons are not enough to stop us from getting the All Spark.
Then Soundwave show himself as he approaches Megatron.
Soundwave: Lord Megatron, I have the Insecticons to enter the base and get the All Spaek.
Astrotrain: Is it wise to trust them?
Blackout: Yeah I bet they're just gonna take the All Spark and run off.
Soundwave: I've sent out Ravage and Lazerbeak to keep an eye on them.
Megatron: Good. Now let us clear this base from any humans. They will not stop us, nobody will not stop the Decepticons!
They cheered while we see Sam hiding within a hanger and seeing that the situation is worse so he make his way inside the base and do what he should have done a long time ago.
We see Y/n and everyone else as Hot Rod have his weapons systems back and was let free.
Y/n: So much guess being we need to head to where the All Spark is?
Hot Rod: Yeah. Judging all that rumbling and explosions from outside, I think the Decepticons are here.
Kazama: Absolutely.
Roka: Hey gaint robot!
Hot Rod: Names Hot Rod kid.
Roka: Do you find it unconscious when in your vehicle form people are inside of you?
Hot Rod: Not really.
Kazama: That's sorta creepy to ask?!
Tucker: I've gain access to the bases maps. All you have to do is to head to where the All Spark is and make sure the Decepticons will not have it. Here I'm opening the path to it.
Then a larger door opens for Hot Rod and the rest to go through. Once open Tucker cock his pistol so Y/n ask.
Y/n: What about you?
Tucker: Someone has to distract them. I'll keep them busy while you all get to the All Spark. Good luck ans stay safe.
They node and they leave the room while Tucker opens the door they came in through and disappeared from sight. They all make their way through the hallway and keeping their guard up for anything.
Soon they arrived what seems like a storage room which was massive. Hot Rod check the map and says.
Hot Rod: Looks like there is a door at the other side.
Y/n: Let's go then.
They begin their journey and during their walk Kazama tells Y/n.
Kazama: This is really a bad idea. You really sure you can trust him?
Y/n: Of course. He saved my life and Takao. The Autobots aren't bad if you get to know them.
Kazama: Whatever you say.
Chitose: So what can "Hot Rod" do besides transforming?
Y/n: He can use fire.
Hot Rod: Yep. That's why they call me Hot Rod.
Sakura: (smile) Ooohh that's very hot!
Chitose: (smirk) Agree. Although I find Y/n already Hot.
Y/n: (blush) Huh?
This made Takao jealous when suddenly they're heard something drop ans seconds later something crawling. Hot Rod pulls out his bow and looks around. They look around and after a while there was nothing.
Then Y/n had a feeling to look up and when he did he immediately called out.
Y/n: Above us!
They immediately look up and then Kickback drop down and land on Hot Rod as he struggles to get Kickback off. Kickback try to eat him but Hot Rod pushes back and immediately throws Kickback away.
Soon Bombshell and Sharpnel show themselves and charges towards them.
Y/n: Run!
The humans begin to run while Hot Rod battles Sharpnel as Bombshell transform into his bot form and chases after Y/n and the others. They run through the storage room with Bombshell chasing them from behind as he ready his arm gun but they immediately turn to the left and immediately there was a huge explosion behind them.
They soon hide inside a cargo container and they stay completely silent. They stay in there in as they hear Bombshells large footsteps as they all don't move and just stood there like statues.
We see Bombshell outside and searching for them until he turn to a cargo container. Inside they all stood there and not even thinking of saying anything and after a while of long silence they think they are in a clear.
Suddenly the ceiling ripped open and Bombshell looks inside and says.
Bombshell: I see you~!
Kazama steps back and accidentally kick something and turns to see what seems like a high tech weapon. He picks it up as Bombshell rips more of the ceiling and walls until it is completely open. Just before Bombshell can reach them Kazama actives the weapon ans he aims it at Bombshell and the weapon fired a large beam that hits Bombshell in the arm.
His arm got blown off as Bombshell stumbled backwards and looks down at them as they all turn to Kazama with the weapon as he looks at the weapon in surprise but this surprise turn into confidence as he barks out.
Kazama: Yeah! Get back you ugly thing! If you don't want to get shot then don't mess with me!
Bombshell wants to kill them but seeing that he might use it again decided to retreat and once gone Kazama smirks and let's out a yell.
Kazama: (smirk) Hell yeah! Man this feels good! Whoo!
Y/n: (smile) Nice dude. Mind I have a look.
Kazama: Nope! Finders keepers!
Y/n just chuckled and soon Hot Rod finds them and approaches them.
Hot Rod: You all okay?
Y/n: Yeah we're good. You?
Hot Rod: Some scratches but all good. Come on, we're not far to the All Spark.
They agree and they leave the storage room and arrived at the All Spark. Once inside they immediately see Sam placing a nuke inside the room and was about to arm it when Y/n called out to him.
Y/n: What are you doing?!
Sam draws out his pistol and aims it at them which they immediately stop.
Sam: Something I should've done a long time. The Decepticons has wipe out the military forces so in order to protect humanity, I have to destroy it.
Y/n: But you'll destroy their only hope of bringing Cybertron back to life.
Sam: They shouldn't have thought of that before they invaded Earth.
Hot Rod: Look I know you didn't want our war to be spread to your home, I get it. But we didn't have a choice. The All Spark was here and we came here so we can take it back to Cybertron so we can bring back our home.
Takao: That's right! You can trust the Autobots, they're not evil!
Sam: Shut it! I have to do this for the sake of humanity!
Y/n: Do you honestly think destroying can solve anything. The Decepticons will get even more angry and attack Earth full on while the Autobots will abandon their trust on us. True that will not be the case but there will be others that dislike humanity because of what your about to do. Please Sam.....don't go through with it and give us the All Spark.
Sam still have his pistol aimed at them and wasn't sure but before he can decide a round of bullets came by and hits Sam as he falls as Hot Rod covers Y/n and the rest as Laserbeak came down and open fires at them and after that he flies around and sending out the location of the All Spark.
Seconds later the whole room begins to shake ans suddenly Megatron crashing through the ceiling and lands into the room. Megatron turns and sees the All Spark and he approaches it and looks at it.
Megatron: Finally! After all these years....the All Spark is finally mine.
He touches the All Spark and immediately it begins to shrink and Shrink until it is small enough for Megatron to hold.
He begins to turn to leave but Hot Rod fired a shot that hit Megatrons shoulder.
Hot Rod: Your not going anywhere with that Megatron.
He turn to see Hot Rod aiming his bow at him as Megatron just simply said.
Megatron: Such a heroic nonsense.
He then turn and fire his fusion cannon that hits Hot Rod and sent him flying and crashing into a wall.
Y/n: Hot Rod!
Megatron: Remember this humans. The Decepticons are now your masters and with this.....your planet shall be ours. Glory to the Decepticons!
He then boosted himself out of the room just as the whole room begins to collapse. Hot Rod slowly gets up and they all leave the room however Y/n noticed Sam is still alive but too injured to walk.
Y/n races over, lifted up Sam and they leave the room together just as whole room collapse and crashes as they all escape and head to the surface to stop the Decepticons before they will leave with the All Spark in Megatrons hands
To be continued.............................................
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