S1E12: Us vs them

We find Y/n trapped within a large truck unconscious only to be awaken up by a large bump which cost him to suddenly open his eyes and look around. He sees he find himself at the back of the truck and looks down and see his hands her tied up as he slowly gets up nd look around.

He can feel the truck moving as he approaches the door and ram his shoulder onto the door, trying to get it open but it didn't work.

Y/n: Crap. Where the hell I'm I?

Kazama: Damn I my head.

He quickly spin around and see Kazama, Roka, Chitose, Takao, Minami and Sakura as they all apart of Nimami woke up and soon find themselves at the back of the truck.


Sakura: That or trapped in a truck.


Takao: (scared) What's going on?! Why are we all here?

Chitose: Well this is something.

Y/n: Whatever is going on, it seems like we are takinb somewhere.

Kazama: And where exactly?

Y/n: Not sure.

Y/n: (thought) I would say Decepticons but something isn't right. Hope Hot Rod and the other Autobots is on their way to rescue us.

Suddenly they felt the truck have stopped and hears footsteps coming up the back of the truck. They step back as the sliding door open, nearly blinding them with light as two armed soldiers is revealed as one order them.

Male soldier: Get out of the truck now.

They have weapons so they can no choice but to comply. They leap out of the truck and they realised they are within a military base and at a garage where they store heavily armoured vehicles and trucks.

Kazama: Who are you people?!

Male soldier: All questions will be answered soon enough. Follow us.

They follow the soldiers through the garage and soon onto the hallway as they walk down a long hallway with other soldiers there as Takao is scared but Y/n ensures her with a node that everything will be alright.

Soon they reach a interrogation room as they went inside and once the doors shut they all stood there ad Kazama begins to try to untie the rope.

Takao: What are you doing?

Kazama: Escaping what does it look like? By the team those soldiers come back, we'll be dead.

Takao: But if you escape they might kill you!

Kazama: It's a risk I have to take.

Y/n: Look its dangerous. Whatever is going on I'm sure it might be a mistake. If you do escape then we'll be more guilty then anything.

Kazama: Don't care.

Before he could succeed the doors open and two male agents enter and walk around and sat across from them as Kazama immediately stop when they first came in.

???: I'm sure you know the reason why we captured you all?

Y/n: Look whatever is going on we didn't do anything. We're just students.

Kazama: (slammed the table) Yeah! You got the wrong people you idiots! How's about you ket us go!

Roka: Well we're toast.

???: Don't lie to us kid. We know everything about you and know something that you all may know.

Kazama: What the fact I join a club, is that it? I knew I shouldn't joined.

??? 2: It's not that and none of this isn't about you. (Points at Y/n) It's about you kid.

Y/n: (surprised) Me? Why me?

???: We know you secretly hide a alien Cybertronian.

This made Y/n shocked as he stared at the two agents including Takao however the rest were confused.

Chitose: Alien Cybertronian?

Minami: What is he talking about Y/n?

Y/n: It's nothing. I swear.

???: Don't lie. We already captured your Autobot friend.

Y/n: You mean Hot Rod!?

Kazama: Wait Hot Rod?

Y/n: (thought) Crap!

Kazama: Okay what the hell is going on here! More importantly who are you people!?

Sam: My name is Agent Sam and this is my partner Tucker. We're from the FBI. We know everything about you and the Cybertronian name Hot Rod. (Pull out a file) We have been watching you and we know about it.

He place down a file and slides it across the table as Kazama is the first to open and is shocked to see pictures of Y/n with Hot Rod as tge rest are shocked by this and immediately Kazama yells out to Y/n.


Y/n: Okay, Okay! Fine. He is a alien name Hot Rod. He's a Autobot but I can ensure you that he's good. The Autobots are all good.

Tucker: Not in the eyes of the government.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Takao: And hang on.....you absolutely knew what Cybertronians and Autobots are. But how?

Tucker and Sam look at each other and back to the kids as Sam gets up and tells them.

Sam: Follow us.


The heavy doors open and they step into a large room where scientists and soldiers are there and the two show them something that shocked them.

Y/n: (shocked) Is that?

Sam: Indeed. That's the All Spark.

Y/n: How do you know its name?

Sam: The All Spark attached itself into our computers and all screen to give us all the information about the Cybertronians, the wars and the All Spark it self.

Chitose: So this thing is important to them.

Sakur: All that because of a cube?

Sam: More then just a cube. We also gain more information from the Cybertronians as well.

Y/n: What do you mean?

They soon follow Sam and soon they walk by a large glass case and inside was Nitro Zeus with wires in his head and all across his body and it seems he is in stasis lock as his mind is being drained.

Kazama: (shocked) What is that thing?!

Tucker: That's a Decepticon. The Autobots enemy. We capture him in Africa and downloaded his mind for any information.

Y/n: Is this you going to do to Hot Rod?

Sam: Not yet. Right now he is in contaminated. Not only the All Spark has information but it can also give life to other machinery. Let me show you.

They follow and arrived at a hanger where they are shocked when a tank like Cybertronian walks by and then turns and looks down at them.

Y/n and the others were nervous apart of the agents and then the tank Cybertronian saluted and then walk off as the rest watch him walk away.

Sam: We called it a Brawler. It's one of many vehicles that we given life by the All Spark.

Y/n: They are mutate Cybertronians.

Sam: Guess you can say that. We use the power of the All Spark to give life and build our own army of Cybertronian soldiers ready to go to war.

Y/n: War? Against the Decepticons?

Sam: All of them. Autobots, Decepticons and any alien threats including Cybertronians that came to this planet. They are a threat to humanity and we must destroy them.

Y/n: But you can't! The Autobots are not what you think they are! They're the good guys.

Sam: Good? Evil? It doesn't matter to us. They destroyed their own world so what's to say they do the same to ours. You have to understand kid that there is no good robots or bad robots. Its just us and them.

Y/n: But-!

Male soldier: Sir!

Then a soldier rushes up to the two agents and tells them.

Male soldier: Our scanners has detected something flying towards the base.

Sam: What is it?

Male soldier: Four jets however they don't have any identification.

The soldier hands him a tablet which Sam takes and looks at. Y/n peaks over his shoulder and is shocked to see four jets with Decepticon logos on them.

Y/n: Those are Decepticons.

Sam: What?

Y/n: They must been tracking something to get here. Wait? Their emblems.

Kazama: The heck are you talking about?

Y/n: Both Autobots and Decepticons have trackers within their emblems to track their own ranks. Ratchet told me!

Tucker: Wait, then that mean the Decepticon we have.

Sam: Must have sent his location to them. Damn it! Sound the alarm! Be ready for anything!

Male soldier: Yes sir!

Y/n: You can't fight them alone! Let me call the Autobot, they will help!

Sam: Absolutely not! They are enemies of humanity and we don't have to deal with them both.

Y/n: Your not listening! If the Decepticons finds the All Spark then we are all going to die! The Autobots are the only ones that can help! They're not the bad guys!

Sam: Enough! Tucker take these kids to their prison cells! We can deal with you kids later.

Tucker nodes and take them away as Sam orders the soldiers to be ready for battle. We see the group being taking by Tucker as Kazama just glare at Y/n snd tells him.

Kazama: This is all your fault.

Y/n: My fault? How is this my fault?!

Kazama: If you hadn't met those aliens then none of this will never happen!

Takao: Leave him alone Kazama! It isn't his fault!

Kazama: Oh please you might knew about it since you two are a couple.

Takao:.....Okay yes I found this out but they are really good. You have to understand.

Roka: I'm hungry.

Tucker: You'll have your meals when the situation is done.

Y/n: The situation will not be done. If those Decepticons find the All Spark then all of us are going to die.

Tucker: We have the technology that is capable to stand against any threats.

Y/n: That's not enough. You don't really know the Decepticons. They're not just mindless robots that all they know is war. They're smart, they're clever and they will wipe everyone here before you know it.

Tucker: We'll see about tha-

Suddenly the base shake which cost them to stop and hear distant gunfire and screams down the hallway as they slowly turn and suddenly a soldier was thrown and crash inro the wall.

They hair a robot growl as Tucker pulled out his pistol and aims at the hallway and soon Ravage came around the corner and growls at the group and then charges towards them.

Tucker open fire but the bullets bounce off and then Ravage pinned Tucker onto thr ground as Tucker fight it off while the rest stood there until Y/n quickly grab a fire extinguisher and then hits Ravage in the head, sending it stumbling backwards.

Y/n helps Tucker up and they run away while Ravage classes after them. They run through the hallway and turning corner to corner and soon reach a secured door which Tucker open with his ID card as they rush in and the door is shut ij front of Ravage.

They all catch their breaths until they heard a familiar voice.

???: Took you long enough.

They look over and they see Hot Rod there within a large containment as Y/n rushes over to him.

Y/n: Hot Rod! You okay?

Hot Rod: (smile) Yeah I'm fine. Well except my weapons systems are offline.

He noticed Kazama and the others see him in his robot form so he simply said.

Hot Rod: Sup.

Kazama:........Okay this is something I wish it was a dream.

Then the lights turned off and then turn back on as Y/n realised.

Y/n: Ravage must be shutting down all defences within the base.

Tucker: This isn't good then. If that is out then the base is defenceless.

Y/n: Not for long. (Turn to Hot Rod) Can you sent a distresse message to the Autobots?

Hot Rod: I might but I might need some help.

Y/n: Right.

He walks over to a console but Tucker blocks him.

Tucker: I can't let you do that.

Y/n: You don't really have a choice. If you don't, we all are going to die.

Tucker: My orders are clear.

Kazama: Yeah I rather not be killed by two alien robots.

Y/n: Look this is serious! The Decepticons are just going to use the All Spark to create a massive army to destroy all life on this planet including the Autobots. The Autobots are trying to stop them so earth will be in peace! I don't care what Sam says, there is always good and evil and both Autobots and Decepticons are different. The Decepticons wanted to destroy and kill while the Autobot wanted to protect and fight for freedom! But if you wish to die with your pride then so be it but don't blame me when humanity is dead all because you think that all Cybertronians are evil.

There was intension in the room as both Tucker and Y/n glare at each other while the rest stand there and nervous to see what will happen. Then Tucker pulls out a knife which shocked everyone but Y/n stays calm and then Tucker cuts the rope and releases him.

Tucker: Don't make me regret this.

Y/n: Don't worry, you won't.

Y/n make his way to the controls and Hot Rod helps him and after that it was done.

Hot Rod: Done! Managed to sent a distress singal to the Autobots. They should be here soon.

Kazama: My guts telling me something bad will happen.

Y/n: We just need a lot of luck. Hopefully they will come and I hope they come before the Decepticons find the All Spark.

To be continued............................................

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