S1E10: Not part of the date

We find Y/n, Kazama and Takao at the office with Minami and two teachers sitting across from them as Minami ask the trio.

Minami: Do you three know why you are here?

Kazama: Is it something about that competition yesterday? I mean we didn't know it went that far.

Minami: No its not that.

Y/n: (little nervous) Is it some report of a gaint robot seen hanging around the school? If so I'm sure it was some joke.

Minami: Um no?

Y/n: (thought) Oh thank god.

Kazama: Okay so why bringing us here for?

Minami: It's because the zipper shot incident yesterday.

Y/n: Zipper shot incident? Wait. Do you mean when Takao accidentally shot Kazama on the head with her zipper because her........tight jacket?

Minami: That is correct.

The trio were stunned by this as Minami pick up some papers and goes on to say.

Minami: The jackets have been called attention because of this incidents. Students have been reported trying to copy Takao's zipper move.

Kazama: You gonna be kidding me.

Takao: (nervous) I can't believe I cost this to happen.

Y/n: Now hold on a minute here, why would anyone would want to do something that is stupid?

Minami: Ask these two next to you.

They turn to see two male students with one having a bandages on his head as they wave to the two.

Male students: Sup.

Y/n: Um but they are guys? Not girls?

Minami: Not only girls are copying Takao's move but also guys as well.

Kazama: But why?! Why something so stupid!?

Male student 1: Well I wanna know what it feels to be Takao. Plus you have to admit it, that zipper shot was cool.

Male student 2: (smirk) Maybe the most best thing I've ever seen. We try to do the same.

Y/n: And how did that turn out?

Male students: (tears) Not great.

Y/n: Okay so how many students are they doing this "move?"

Minami: Only a handful. There was one involve around a female student who as a similar chest size as Takao who try to do the same. When the zipper didn't came off she became depressed and drop out of school.

Kazama: All that because her zipper didn't came off!

Takao: That poor girl. Maybe I go there and talk to her.

Y/n: Um maybe a bad idea to do that.

Minami: The lost goes on but we want your opinion about this situation?

Y/n: Well what about we have jackets with different sizes for any student. I mean sure Kazama got hurt but it's not like Takao didn't mean to do it. It was all an accident after all so I guess there is no reason to blame anyone for it right?

Minami: Hhhmm Well I suppose your right. Alright we'll speak to the board about this just get to class.

Once that they leave the office as Y/n leaves with a heavy sigh of relief.

Y/n: (thought) Thank god they didn't find our about Jazz hanging around the school building. That would be a massive problem.

Takao: Hey Y/n.

He stop and turn to Takao as she came up and then she tells him.

Takao: Just wanna say thanks. I thought I'll be in trouble for  doing something bad.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry it was only an accident. Besides this incident will blow away.

Takao: Yeah. Hey are you free this Saturday?

Y/n: Um yeah why?

Takao: (little blush) I was wondering....if you want to hang out with me?

Y/n: (thought) Wait? Is she asking me on a date?! Holy crap I'm not ready for this! What should I say?

Y/n: (little blush) Oh sure. I would love to Takao.

Takao: (blush) Really?! I mean....that's great.

Y/n: (blush) I mean....if you want I can pick you up at your house if you like?

Takao: (blush) You sure?

Y/n: (blush) Sure.

Takao: (blush) Th-That's good. I-I gonna go now. See ya.

She turn and walk off still blushing as Y/n is also blushing as he turn and walk off.


Y/n arrived back home and found his dad on his laptop doingnsome work as Y/n enters and then he called out to him.

Y/n: Hey dad. You busy?

Yuki: Kinda but I can tell something is on your mind. What's happening?

Y/n: Oh well.....I......I.....I'm going on a date with this pretty girl at my school and I wanna know some advice about dating.

Yuki immediately stop working and slowly turn his chair around as he then smiled in joy and tells Y/n.

Yuki: (smile) I thought you never ask. What's her name?

Y/n: Her name is Takao, she's the leader of this real game creation club that I told you and mum about remember?

Yuki: (smile) Oh yeah. Well you came to the right man. When I was your age and in high school all the ladies use to ask me out on a date. I was a bit shy and that is until I met your mother. I nervously ask her out and she told me yes. Here is some advice, first date is sometimes not perfect but that's okay. The first is never a success and never think its the end od the world.

Y/n: Is that it?

Yuki: Well what does she like?

Y/n: As far I can tell she likes video games or any that is games.

Yuki: (smile) A gammer Huh. Well take her somewhere that she likes. I know there is a few game stores downtown that you can take her if you like? Treat her out something to eat and get to know her more.

Y/n: Huh those sound easy enough. Okay I think I'm ready.

Yuki: (smile) That's the spirit my boy! I can tell you and Takao are gonna to be great!

He nervously smile as Y/n heads to his room while Yuki continues on with his work.

(Next day)

Saturday comes around and we see Y/n within Hot Rod in vehicle mods drive up to Takao's House that Takao has given him as he park at the front and wait for her.

Hot Rod: So is this how humans fall in love? Going on dates and that's it?

Y/n: Um yeah. Does Cybertronians go out dates?

Hot Rod: Yeah. You'll be surprised since we don't reproduce like you humans do but we can adopt proto forms as like yoru Earth's children or baby.

Y/n: Huh is there usually weddings?

Hot Rod: Not really. Once a Cybertronian became a couple, that's it.

Y/n: Huh. Weird.

Hot Rod: Trust me, if you live on Cybertron for thousands or millions of years, you'll understand our planet.

Then the door open and Y/n looks over and is stunned of Takao's dress as she say goodbye to her parents and once the door shut she came over to Y/n.

Y/n: (surprised) She's beautiful.

Hot Rod: No kidding. Say....what's with hee chest?

Y/n: (whisper) Ssshh, she's coming.

She came up to the passenger side door and once she open it she climb in and close it.

Takao: (surprised) Wow your car is pretty cool. I've seen the outside of it but never the inside.

Y/n: (little nervous) Um yeah my dad bought it.

Takao: Yeah. You must have a cool dad.

Y/n: (nervously node) Yeah. Um let's go.

She agree and they drive off but unknowing to them we see Barricade watching them as he starts to follow them.

(Sometime later)

They drive down town and there was awkward silence from the two as Takao was looking out of the window while Y/n is driving. Hot Rod noticing this decided to play some rock music which jump the two which Y/n immediately turns it off.

Takao: Did your radio just came on by itself?

Y/n: Um yeah. It sometimes does that. So Takao....how are things?

Takao: Oh yeah know. Same, same.

Y/n: Cool. So....we're going to the game store. What games do you like?

Takao: Well there is this new RPG game I really wanna get. Its super popular.

Y/n: (smile) Cool. I like RPG games as well.

Takao: Cool.

Y/n: So....tell me about your family. How are things with them?

Takao: Well I live with my mum and two sisters.

Y/n: And your dad?

Takao: Oh.....he left us long time ago.

Y/n: Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know.

Takao: Oh no its okay. Just that my father was never around us throughout my childhood. Our mom told us our dad has this important job and then one day....he never came back.

Y/n: Must be hard.

Takao: Yeah. What about your family? What are they like?

Y/n: Well my dad works in a large company, my mother works in a beauty salon, my little brother is in middle school and we have a kitten name Lulu. Here this is Lulu.

He gives her his phone with a picture of Lulu which she reply.

Takao: Aaawww she's so adorable.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. She's shy when it comes to new people though so she might be awkward of you if you come by.

Takao: Makes sense.

Soon Y/n heads to a parking lot and once parked they climb out and they walked to a gaming store. Once inside they browse the games together. While looking through the games Takao can't help but feel nice being near Y/n as she glance over to Y/n and find him very nice and calm.

She quickly look back to looking through the games until she find the game she is looking for. She buys the games and Y/n tells Takao he will catch up which she walk out and she was making her way towards Y/n's car while she thinks to herself.

Takao: (thought) This is actually not bad. He's just so friendly and unlike other guys at school. For once....he's normal.

Her heart skip a beat just thinking of him that is until she heart a police siren behind her and turn to see a police car driving up to her unknowing that is Barricade.

Takao: Um hello? Can I help you?

All of a sudden Barricade transform in front of her as Takao stared up as Barricade completely transform into his bot form as he let's out a chuckle and tells Takao.

Barricade: Your under arrest human. You sentences is death.

Takao drop her bag in complete shock and horror as Barricade pulls out his pistol and aims it at her when Y/n called out to him from behind.

Y/n: Hey!

He turn only to be hit by a brick as Y/n calls out.

Y/n: Leave her alone!

He turn and aims his pistol when suddenly Hot Rod drive over and tripped Barricade over and open both doors.

Y/n: Get in!

Takao is shocked that his car can drive but she quickly gets inside and once both doors as close Hot Rod drives off while Barry also transforms and chase after them.

Takao: (shocked) What is that thing?! Why is it following us?!

Y/n: Um kinda a long story.

Suddenly missiles pass by as Barricade fires missiles at the trio but Hot Rod makes a sharp right which cost Takao to land on top of Y/n withher greast press against his face as Barricade also turn left.

Hot Rod and Barricade race throughout the city until Hot Rod crashes through the open park and immediately stop as the two climb out and run off to hide.

Takao turns back to see Hot Rod transform into his bot form which leaves Takao shocked as they hide behind the tree.

Takao: (shocked) Your car just turn into a robot!

Y/n: Um yeah....I know.

Takao: (shocked).....WHAT?!

Suddenly Barricade break into the park and also transform into his bot form and tackles Hot Rod onto the ground. The two bots were near Takao and Y/n so they move as Hot Rod throws Barricade over and he gets up and pulled out his saw while Barricade pulled out his chained mace and the two brawl while Takao and Y/n rush over to the play park and they get through the tunnel and hide there as they hear the two bots brawl.

Takao: (shocked) You get to tell me you knew about your car being a robot this whole time?!

Y/n: He's a alien robot. Look I didn't want to tell you in fear they will be hunted down. The point meaning the police car is a Decepticon the bad guys and my cars a Autobots the good guys.

Takao: (shocked) Still you didn't tell anyone?!

Y/n: Like is said! They don't to get hunted down by any humans. Trust me, they are good.

Takao: Wait? There's more?!

Suddenly the two bots crash into the play park which Y/n snd Takao crawl out of the tunnel and rush over and hide behind a tree as Hot Rod gets the upper hand and throws Barricade across the park and then he pulled out his bow and fire several shots at Barricade.

Barricade gets shot several times so he transforms into his police car and drive off. Hot Rod watch Barricade drive off and then he turn and walks over to the two as Y/n leaves the tree while Takao stay behind as Hot Rod came over and kneel down.

Y/n: (Turns to Takao) It's okay Takao. He's good. His name is Hot Rod.

Hot Rod: (wave to her) Sup.

She slowly peak out and then slowly walks over to Hot Rod in complete shock that she is meeting an alien from another planet.

Takao: How.....How did this happen?

Y/n: Um what about we explain while we take you home.

Takao:.....Y-Yeah. Sure.

(Short while later)

Night came as we see the trio arriving at Takao's House after Y/n and Hot Rod explain everything and after that Takao was left speechless for a moment.

Takao: So let me get this straight. The Autobots and Decepticons have been fighting a war for a long time on a metal planet called Cybertron. They came here to search for this ancient relic known as the All Spark and you got involve because Hot Rod was taking a power nap?

Hot Rod: Yep. Pretty much.

Takao: Wait. So when you were injured by the 13 devils.....you were actually injured because of the Decepticons?

Y/n: They thought I knew something about the All Spark so that was the reason.

Takao: That would explain a lot. Does your family know or does anyone know?

Y/n: No. No one except for you. I'm sorry if I get you involve into this. You have to understand I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Takao: (surprised) I.....I don't know what to say.

Y/n: Can't blame you. Hey, sorry about our day out. Guess I ruined it.

Takao: I mean....not all first dates ain't perfect. Besides I have a good time with you. Plus you were brave back there. You risk your life just to save me and.....I don't know any guy who could do that.

Y/n: I can't let you get hurt. Besides.....I care for you.

Takao: (blush) So do I.

The two stared at each other and then the two lend in and their lips touched. The two of them kissed for 40 seconds and then stop and look at each other. Takao leaves his car and after staying goodbye to him and Hot Rod she head inro her house and after she went in Y/n couldn't help but blush as he drive off.

Hot Rod: So why did you two drive your faces towards each other?

Y/n: (blush) I.....I'll tell you that in sometime.

Hot Rod is still confused but shrugged as they drive off whole we see Takao looking out of the window as she couldn't believe she did that but it felt nice doing it. Her heart race as she remove herself from the window and heads up to bed.

To be continued.................................................

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