S1E1: My normal life

We see the planet of earth in the state of the dinosaur years as we zoom down to the planet and we see the dinosaurs walking the earth. Some eating the plant life on trees while soke hunt their prey as things are peaceful for them. Then we return back to space where we suddenly see something massive travelling towards earth.

It start to burn up as the object reach the planets atmosphere and breaking through the clouds. All the dinosaurs all sense the danger and look up to witness the object falling from the sky. The massive object suddenly made a crash onto the surface of the planet, the blast cost a massive explosion that cost all the dinosaurs to be hit amd die as this impact cost a shift within the planet.

We see a crater being made and in the middle of the crater was the massive object but rather then a meteor that crashed onto the planets surface, it was in fact a cube with aliens written around the cube.

(A billion years later)

The sound of an alarm cloak is heard before it is turned off as a young boy leaps out of his bed and let's out a yawn and then stretched his body.

His room was dark so when he opens the blinds, he sees the nice clear skies, birds flying and people walking about in the neighbourhood as we see Y/n L/n looking out of the window as he takes a breath in and out.

He leaves the window to get changed, brush his teeth and the make his way to the kitchen where his family is there. His mother cooking some breakfast while his little brother and father were at the table with his father reading the news paper while his brother drawing. He walk by Lulu their house kittens eating her bowl as Y/n bend down and pet on Lulu which she let out a cute meow.

Kaede: (Turns to see Y/n) Morning Son. Did you sleep well?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and feel a great mood today.

Kaede: (smile) Glad to hear that.

Y/n make his way to the table ans sat down. He looks over to see Itsuki drawing pretty good.

Y/n: (smile) Nice drawing bro.

Istuki: (nervous chuckle) Th-Thanks Big bro.

Yuki: (smile) So Y/n, your gonna be back to school. You ready?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. My friends will be there and heard a lot about this school.

Yuki: Yeah Fujou Academy. That schools has many clubs to choice of. Thinking which club to choice?

Y/n: Not sure but I guess I need to be there and find out.

Yuki: (smile) Well good luck with that.

Kaede: (smile) Here you are boys.

Kaede came over and give them breakfast and they started to dig in. Y/n lives his normal life with his family as they live in a very nice neighbourhood where his father work for a rich company while his mother works as a breauty salon for family actress which make his family as very rich but live out their normal lives.

After they have their breakfast Y/n was about to leave when Yuki stops him.

Yuki: Hold up son.

Y/n: (turn to his father) What's wrong?

Yuki singals him to follow which he did. He lead him to a garage as Yuki opens the the and then turn on the lights to see a very nice and fancy car sitting there which amazed Y/n.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow nice car dad! But, you already have one?

Yuki: (smirk) This ain't for me.

Y/n: For mum? You know she's afraid of fast cars.

Yuki: (chuckle) Not her.

Y/n: Wait.....is this.....mine?

Yuki pulls out the keys to the car and hands him to Y/n which shocks him even more.

Yuki: (smile) A friend of mine told me that he found this car parked near his dealer and since he couldn't find the person who owns it, I offer to take it and now its yours.

Y/n: You sure?

Yuki: (smile) Of course son. I figured this may surprise your friends and get you some girls along the way.

Y/n: (blush) Dad!

Yuki: (chuckle) Just be careful while driving will you?

Y/n: (smile) I will. Thanks dad.

Yuki: (smile) No problem son.

He leaves as Y/n turns to his car as he walk around it. He noticed the symbol in front of it which he thinks it looks cool. He then open the door and climb inside and put on the seat belt on. He grab the wheel, take a deep breath ans says to the car.

Y/n: (smile) Okay then. Let's do this.

The garage doors open and Y/n drive out of the garage and drive off to school.


We see Fujou Academy as Y/n drive his car up to the parking lot and park his car. Many students sees this in surprise as Y/n climb out of his car and then lock it when a voice from behind called out to him.

???: Yo Y/n!

He turn to see Kenji Kazama, Hartshill Nagayama and Yokoshima as Yokoshima called out to Y/n.

Yokoshima: (shocked) Wow man! Is that your car!

Y/n: (smile) Yep. You like it? Pretty cool I'm I right?

Nagayama: (surprised) Very cool man. Where did you get it?

Y/n: (smile) My dad got it for me. Since I did finished my driving test during the break.

Nagayama: Very cool man.

Yoksohima: Yeah!

Kazama: (sigh) Whatever let's get a move on.

They make their way inside and to their class. Kazama and his trio of friends where picked to be called teenager delinquents due to their personality but in reality they are just soke teenagers that Y/n hang out with because he find them to be pretty cool.

As for Y/n, students usually see him just normal like everyone else who his parents are rich but he is a kind student and mind his own business as the teachers likes him due to his intelligence and how he studies harder then everyone else.

Soon break began and we see Y/n walking through the halls and remembering what his father told him about clubs here, he decided to pick out a club to join. He looks up the club board and looks through the clubs listed on the board.

Y/n: (thought) Man this school has many clubs I don't even know which to join. I wonder Kazama and the others would join me? Well, I don't think I won't be interested but then again, if they wanna soften themselves they could join a club. But it's high likely they don't wanna join.

Then he noticed a club that interests him.

Y/n: (thought) Game creation club? Huh. Well I do like playing games, plus i think my little brother would love to play some games. Let's give that one a try.

He make his way to the club and once there he was about to open the door when suddenly the door swing open and Kazama burst out ad he rub pass Y/n.

Y/n: Kazama?! The hell are you-

Kazama: (running) Run away man! Their psychopaths!

He watched him run away while Y/n stood there confused as he says while turning to the room.

Y/n: Wonder what was that about? I mean how bad can this club b-

He then sees four girls with two lifting up the unconscious Yokoshima and Nagayama when they turnnand noticed him poking into the room.

Y/n: Um.....Hi there. Bad timing?

??? 4: Oh look! We got and intruder!

??? 1: No one must know this has happen.

??? 2: (pulls out a teaser) Right, I'm on it.

Y/n: Wow! Wait! I'm not gonna tell anyone about.....what just happened here! I want join your club!

??? 1: Really? You wanna join us?

Y/n: I mean Yeah. You girls make games right? I like games, I can fit well among your group. What do you say?

The girls look at each other and talk to among each other and after a while the small blonde girl approaches him and then tells him.

??? 3: You are welcome to join our club.

Y/n: Cool......does that mean I'm good?

??? 3: Yep.

Y/n: That good. I do not wanna get zapped in electricity. So what's you names?

Roka: I'm Roka, nice to meet you.

Chitose: I'm Chitose, leader of the game creation club.

Minami: I'm Minami. Try not to bother me while I'm sleeping.

Sakura: (smile) That leaves me. Hey, names Sakura, it's very nice to meet you.

Chitose: So what's your name?

Y/n: (smile) I'm Y/n L/n. The guy who escape was my friend Kazama and those two (Points at Yokoshima and Nagayama) They are also my friends. What ever happened to them?

Sakura: (smile) We use our element attacks on them.

Y/n: Element attacks?

Sakura: (smile) Yep! Mine is water!

Chitose: I'm dirt.

Minami: I use electricity.

Roka: I use fire.

Y/n: Huh that's pretty cool. Do I get my own element or what?

Chitose: Well not just yet.

Sakura: (smile) But you can get yours soon.

Y/n: (smile) Okay then. So, where do I sigh up?

Chitose: (hands him a paper) Here. Just sigh here and your official join the club.

Y/n: (smile) Alright then.

He takes it and signs the paper and once that handed to Chitose and then she handed to Minami.

Chitose: All done.

Minami: Thanks. I'll hand this to the office after my nap.

Y/n: Office? Wait, your a teacher?!

Minami: Oh yeah didn't mention I am a teacher.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa! Your just like the other students, I didn't know your a teacher.

Minami: Whatever, gonna take a nap.

Roka: You've now join the club. We meet up four times a week, You must be here at Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds simple enough for me. Well I leave you to.....business, see ya.

He then leaves as Chitose says.

Chitose: He doesn't seem so bad.

Sakura: (smile) I like him! He's very friendly.

Minami: At least we have a new club member.

Chitose: True.

(Hours later)

School ended as we see Y/n tossing his bag into his car and climb inside. He then turns on the car and let's out a sigh.

Y/n: (thought) Looks like I finally join a club. I feel like my school years is gonna be the bes-

Suddenly the radio comes to life all of a sudden and a voice is heard through the radio.

???: (radio) Calling all Autobots! Calling all Autobots! Calling all Autobots.

Y/n: What the?

He turns off the radio but it comes back on. Repeating the message which confused Y/n when suddenly the car speed out of the parking lot and race through the streets.

Y/n: (shocked) Wow! What's going on?! Why is my car moving on its own!

He try to turn the wheel but nothing as the car moves through the streets, turning each way as Y/n try to stop his car but nothing was working. Then the car leaves the city and through the forest as Y/n was about to call the police when suddenly a massive portal open which stun Y/n as he goes through and came out of the other side.

The driver side door open as Y/n was launch out of the car and roll onto the ground. He groans as he slowly gets up and look around to see what looks like massive base within a cave.

Y/n: (shocked) What the-

Then he heard something behind him as he turn and watched as his car splits apart and moved around as his car transforms into a gaint robot as he let out a cheerful cry.

???: Oh yeah! That feels soo good! Wow! Feels good to speed around! Man that was awesome!

Y/n was shocked as the gaint robot turns to him and then kneel down while Y/n quickly move backwards.

Y/n: Stay back!

???: Yo man it's fine. Ain't gonna harm you.

Y/n: Just......what are you? Who are you?

Hot Rod: Yeah this might surprised you huh. Well allow me to introduce myself, the names Hot Rod.

Y/n: Hot Rod? Like a type od vehicle paint job?

Hot Rod: (smile) Something like that but yeah. Nice to meet you!

He pulls out its gaint fist towards him which he looks at it and nthen fist pump it.

Hot Rod: There we go! Now we're friends for life!

Y/n: Huh?

???: Hot Rod!

Then another gaint robot enter the scene but this one was white as he approaches Hot Rod, looks down at Y/n and look back up at Hot Rod.

???: What is this? How many times I you to stay low. (Points at Y/n) Is this staying low!

Hot Rod: (smile) Hey there Ratchet, okay funny story. I was taking a power nap when I woke up to some guys garage. Long story short, I'm not his priority.

Ratchet looks down at Y/n and then let's out a sigh as he turns to the console and type in the coordinates and then opens the portal.

Moments later three cars go through the portal and then the three cars transform into robots at well and they noticed Y/n which surprised them.

??? 1: Who brought a human here?

Ratchet: Hot Rod brought it here.

Rod Hot: (smile) Sup Jazz, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee. Like my new friend.

Cliffjumper: (kneel down in front of Y/n) Huh. I never get to see a human up close.

Bumblebee: Be carful Cliff. I think he's afraid.

Cliffjumper: Yeah, thanks to Hot Rod.

???: What did he do this time?

Then three more robots came into the room and then noticed Y/n there.

??? 2: Awww! He's soo cute!

Female bot picked up Y/n and hug him which made Y/n blushed to be huges by a gaint female robot while the red bot pushed Hot Rod back and barks at him.

??? 1: What did I tell you to stay low! You never listen boy!

Hot Rod: It's cool IronHide, we're buddies now.

??? 3: (approaches Hot Rod) Do you have any idea the most critical rule you have broken. If Optimus finds out about  this!

Hot Rod: (smirk) Relax Prowl it be fine. I mean he kinda owns me.

Prowl: How?

Ratchet: Something that being bought possibly the humans parents.

??? 2: Your lucky Hot Rod.

Hot Rod: (smirk) See your jealous Arcee.

Arcee: (smile) Yeah. Wish I have a human partner.

Ratchet: I am not turning the base into a human day care centre!

Hot Rod: (smirk) Jealous you didn't have a human partner?

Ratchet just ignores him and then reopens the portal when a truck came out as Arcee place Y/n gently down as the truck transforms into a bigger robot and all bots move back as the gaint bot approaches Y/n as he is shocked to see this robot bigger then the rest as the gaint robot look down at him and then he spoke.

Optimus prime: Greetings human. My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. May I ask who you are?

To be continued......................................

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