Secret's Out
The next day everyone was at the scrap yard but Shayna, Knock Out and Starscream. Shayna and Knock Out had gone to a store in Crown City to get food for a Barbeque the human members of the team were planning.
And Starscream was flying around in his jet mode being more careful this time. After his run in with New Mech.
Shayna and Knock Out were on their way back to the scrap yard while listing to music on Knock Out's radio. When all of a sudden a blast hit that just missed them.
"What was that?" Asked Shayna. Then two more shots followed.
"I don't want to scare you Shayna but I think were being shot at." Said Knock Out. As he turned to avoid the blasts that kept being fired at them. That he was sure were form the arm cannon of a Decepticon they hadn't spotted yet.
Knock Out was doing his best to avoid being hit and get out of there to keep Shayna safe. All he could do was flee because he couldn't transform to fight back in the middle of a big city where humans would see. Or with Shayna inside him.
"I need back up!" Knock Out almost screamed into his com-link. "We're under attack!"
Knock out quickly pulled under a bridge where he let Shayna out. "Shayna run." He told her.
"But what about you?" She asked.
"I'll be fine just go and get somewhere safe." Knock Out said to her before driving off to lead whoever was attacking them away form her and Crown City.
Knock Out was taking massive damage but he refused to transform and he saw the Con who was firing on him was in vehicle mode giving chase.
It was a black and gray muscle car. Knock Out was trying to lead it to a nonpopulated area so he could fight back. But Lockdown had other plans and made it next to Knock Out and started ramming him into some rails on the side of the road. And making his alt mode flip over and crash.
Then Lockdown drove over and started shooting him again. Knock Out was waiting for the final blow knowing he couldn't fight back with out blowing their cover.
Then all of a sudden a fighter jet blasted Lockdown away form him with a missile. Knock Out never thought he'd be so glad to see Starscream's alt mode. Which was now plowing into Lockdown.
But his relief suddenly turned into horror when Lockdown transformed in front of a huge crowd of people and hit Starscream so hard it caused him to change too.
"I think we've been hiding in the shadows to long." Hissed Lockdown. As he hit Starscream again.
"He's lost it!" Thought both Starscream and Knock Out.
Knock Out finally transformed and joined the fight since the secret was out there was no point in just laying there.
"I remember you form Cybertron so you survived that beat down I give you." "Guess I should say thank you for the drill." Said Lockdown as he started using it on Knock Out.
Then Starscream rammed Lockdown with his jet mode pushing him away form Knock Out.
Shayna was now watching form the crowd and pulled out her phone to tell the rest of the team what had happened.
When she heard someone behind her and saw a women with a microphone and some men holding a camera. That she realized were reporters.
"Please tell me you aren't recording this." Shayna asked not knowing what to do.
"Recording this we're broadcasting live." "The whole world is going to see this." Said the reporter.
"Oh scrap." Thought Shayna.
Meanwhile at the scrap yard everyone saw what was going down on the news.
"This is horrible!" Bumblebee said to the others. "How are we going to fix this?"
"The important thing right now is we have to help our friends." Said Optimus Prime.
Then they went through the ground bridge Ratchet had opened.
Meanwhile Starscream and Knock Out were still fighting Lockdown. Lockdown was out numbered but far from out matched. He pulled a cheap shot by shooting a bridge with a school bus on it. Luckily no one in the bus was harmed but it was about to fall off the bridge on to the road. and Shayna could hear kids screaming inside.
"There are children in there!" Shayna screamed.
Knock Out ran over and caught the bus and managed to push it back up on the bridge to safety but was now having to hold up the bridge. And Starscream was now fighting Lockdown by himself.
Starscream was holding his own for the most part but Knock Out who was already damaged was struggling to hold up the bridge.
Then a ground bridge opened and Optimus, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Grimlock came through.
Knock Out was glad for Grimlock and Bulkhead to relieve him from holding the bridge.
And they managed to fix it by putting a beam under it. It wasn't a permanent fix but it would hold till a construction team could do some real repairs.
Meanwhile Bumblebee and Optimus were helping Starscream fight Lockdown. And managed to beat him when Starscream took him by surprise with his null ray. Stunning him.
"I believe this belongs to my friend Knock Out." Growled Starscream as he took the drill off Lockdown.
They were about to leave through the ground bridge when suddenly some military tanks showed up and started shooting at them and most of the shots were hitting an already injured Knock Out.
Starscream was mad and aimed his missiles as if he was going to open fire.
"Starscream don't!" Yelled Optimus, Bumblebee and Shayna at once. Then he lowered his missiles and helped Knock Out through the ground bridge. And the others followed.
Later at the scrap yard everyone was talking about how to handle the fact that the whole world knew about the transformers now.
When all of a sudden they hard knocking at the door and then a voice said "open up this is the military."
"No how did they find us?" Asked Bumblebee.
"Ratchet open the ground bridge we all have to get out of here." Said Optimus.
Ratchet opened the ground bridge and all the human members of the team got inside their friend's alt modes and drove through.
They didn't know where they were going but at least they were all staying to gather this time.
Shayna look back through Knock Out's window he was still damaged but it wasn't serious they were the last two to leave through the ground bridge.
Once they were out Megatron and Starscream both stepped forward and shot the ground bridge before it closed so no one could follow them.
One thing was for sure now there was no going back.
To Be Continued.
Yeah that happened. And another cliffhanger for you.
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