Rock Climbing (19)
Universe: AU made by me and UltraMagnusTFP mixed with Prime and G1 and Bayverse Mirage
Characters: Optimus Prime, Prowl, Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, Mirage, Hound, Sunstreaker, and Cliffjumper. And more.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Warnings: Transformers foul language and mental health issues are briefly touched on
Plot: Three bots with a foul attitude are sent on a outdoors trip with a friendly mech to set them right.
Inspired by photo above.
A dimly lit rec room was barely occupied due to the early time of the morning. It was warm, the heater running on low during the autumn as well as brewed energon to be warmed just right without it exploding.
A comfortably heated energon mug sat in a dark servo with a mech hunched over it. Mirage was alone in the room and he did not mind it.
His soldiers instincts never died down and his audials twitched at each movement the Ark would make. But it was better than Autobots inside making a ruckus so early.
Mirage didn't have his next shift for another two hours but he enjoyed the peace and quiet. It was warm, welcoming, and calm. The rec room was huge and he sat in the far corner, watching the doorway occasionally. No one would ever come in at this time but he did always check.
He was a private mech. He didn't want interruptions to his peace.
Though, when golden armor suddenly was seen, he didn't make any movements to get up and leave.
Mirage watched the golden twin make his way across the room to get himself some energon. Their blue optics were bright in the dark room but dimmed at seeing each other almost if they were thinking 'Ugh, people'.
Mirage sighed and began sipping on his warm energon that was halfway empty. His optics followed Sunstreaker as he finished making his energon and walked to the complete opposite side of the room. He set down his mug and relaxed at the movement.
Sunstreaker sat down and kicked his pedes up on the table as he began sipping his mug, his optics darting across the room and staring down Mirage. Mirage ignored and looked away.
It was almost a silent challenge to get Mirage to leave yet the mech kept ignoring the signs.
Sunstreaker would never start a fight over something so silly. It would be ridiculous but then again, Mirage knew he would fight over simple wax.
Before the two could say anything, Ultra Magnus entered and he paused in his steps. He rose an optic ridge at their seating, feeling the tension.
"It is quite early, but is sitting on different sides of the room necessary? Should I worry about you two rough housing and send you both to do some wrecker work?" The large blue mech rumbled with a confused gaze.
"No sir. I was just leaving." Mirage said firmly as he stood, making no optic contact as he left the room swiftly.
Sunstreaker grunted as the Second in Command looked his way questionably. "We're introverts, leave us alone." He spat irritatably.
Ultra Magnus felt anger spike in him immediately at the attitude the mech threw at him but understanding patience quickly replaced it. He wandered to the mugs, grabbing him a low grade drink, glancing his way. He was an introvert himself but would never challenge another mech for quiet space. He hummed to himself, "So does the anger come with the introversion or shall I come up with it on my own?" He mused.
Sunstreaker glared, his navy optics during violet for a moment. "Shut up."
"Or am I safe to assume that anger is only in the morning and has no correlation with being an introvert?" Ultra Magnus asked sarcastically as he ignored his comment even though he wanted to scold him right then.
"What do you want?" Sunstreaker sighed, rubbing his forehelm in annoyance.
Ultra Magnus amusement died away then. "I want an attitude readjustment by the next time I see you or there are consequences on how you speak to a superior." He said sternly and then began leaving with his mug. Sunstreaker rolled his optics and began leaving with a dark cloud following just behind.
Around this time of morning, most bots were up and groggy. Bots were either getting ready to go to bed from night shifts or were getting up for their day shifts.
No one was a morning bot.
Except Bumblebee.
He was the most energetic little being of the Ark, ready to start his day.
He always got his recommended amount of sleep from Ratchet and always was happy to see his friends.
So here the young mechling was, walking to the schedule to see where he would have his shift today when Cliffjumper came from around the corner and bumped into him, dropping his stack of datapads.
"Bumblebee!" Cliffjumper snapped in irritation. "Watch where your going!" He glared as he knelt to pick them up.
Bumblebee blinked and knelt down as well. "I'm sorry Cliffjumper, it was an accident." He whirled quietly, his wings shifting downward as he helped gather the datapads. "Who's are these for?" He asked.
"I'm Prowls personal messenger for today because he caught me yelling at Sunstreaker yesterday cause his stupid twin pranked me." Cliffjumper vented as he stood holding his stack. Bumblebee stood and put his pile on top.
"What? Why? You had every right to be upset." Bumblebee beeped with a confused look.
"I...well...did more than yell too." Cliffjumper said quietly, sheepish. Bumblebee smiled a bit and nodded as the bruises on his face suddenly made more sense.
"Well good luck with that." Bumblebee whirled and went up to the board, crossing his arms as he looked over the schedule. Cliffjumper grunted and walked off.
Bumblebees optics scanned down the list to his name and he lifted a digit to find the date and shift.
Bumblebee, East Wing gaurd shift at 7:00am until 10:00am.
Bumblebee, Training at 12:00pm until 14:00pm.
Bumblebee, East Wing gaurd shift at 16:00pm until 20:00pm.
Bumblebee sighed. "Looks like a gaurd day." He grumbled, not truly happy about it but glad he had breaks in between to talk to others. As he turned around he ran right into a red chest.
Optimus Prime was standing close looking over the board as well, having snuck out of nowhere. Bumblebee stepped back and smiled.
"Sorry, Optimus." He beeped.
"Do not worry." Optimus smiled kindly as he stared down at him. "I noticed your conversation with Cliffjumper. He seemed quite irrtated, didn't he?" He asked as he set his servos on his blue hips.
Bumblebee shrugged. "He's always angry. I just ignore it." He said gently.
Optimus hummed. "Always?" He looked at him. "You're close with the minibots, do you know why Cliffjumper is always so irritable?" He asked with growing concern for the small red soldier.
"No, I have no idea. He has a lot of pride though. Maybe it is cause he thinks he's weak because he is small." Bumblebee frowned. "I can't really think of anything else. I mean the twins always make fun of the minibots and myself." He sighed.
Optimus frowned at that. "I'll need to fix that then. Thank you Bumblebee." He said gently.
Bumblebee nodded and hugged the mech briefly before leaving.
Optimus smiled watching the young scout leave before looking back at the board. He squinted his optics a bit to find what Cliffjumper was doing today.
Cliffjumper, errand runner from 6:00am to 12:00pm.
Cliffjumper, washrack cleaning and floor cleaning 14:00pm.
Cliffjumper, West wing gaurd shift at 16:00pm until 23:00pm
Optimus snorted to himself. Prowl really didn't mess around.
He looked to his right hearing heavy pedesteps and saw Ultra Magnus heading his way.
"You would not believe my day." The blue mech spoke with sarcasm. Optimus smirked a bit at that.
"Try me." Optimus told him gently, amused. Ultra Magnus sighed heavily, stopping in front of him to cross his arms.
"I broke up three fights from Sunstreaker and two fights from Mirage. Oh then, when I was stopping Sunstreaker, he continued to argue why I was ordering him to stop. So now, I have to file that and give that to Head of Regulations, Prowl, so he can fix Sunstreakers schedule so he can have consequences to his actions. I'll be writing those files all day and have to do my own errands later today. I'm going to be up all night because of that son of a glitch." Ultra Magnus ranted sourly, growling as he thought about the incidents. "And don't get me started on the pranks Sideswipe pulled today. Let's just say Ironhide and Ratchet aren't happy bots." He added with a grunt.
Optimus Prime frowned and looked at the schedule. "Sunstreaker and Cliffjumper have caused fights a lot. I think that needs to change." He grumbled. "Don't give those written files to Prowl first. I have a better idea." He said with a small smile.
"You think this will work? What if Hound gets corrupted instead?" Ultra Magnus asked with a snort. Optimus chuckled softly and shook his helm.
"No, he won't. Bumblebee and Hound are the most punctual, kind, and outstanding bots in this base. Bumblebee is too young and sensitive to handle these three. It has to be Hound." Prowl informed looking over the reports.
Optimus was silent, looking at the door, listening to pede steps heading their way. He watched it open slowly.
Hound glanced in and suddenly became nervous seeing the three in commands.
"Uh, sirs? Am I in trouble?" Hound asked worriedly as he entered slowly.
"No, not at all. Sit." Optimus gestured to one of the chairs around their table for usual meetings with the different departments. Hound nodded slowly and walked in, his gaze awkwardly staring at the table as he sat down at the large table. His servos folded together and sat in his lap, feeling awkward.
"So, if I'm not in trouble then what am I doing here?" Hound asked quietly. Prowl looked at Optimus who sat back in his chair.
"Due to your excellent experience in camping. You are going to be a leader and an inspiration to some other... less enthusiastic bots here. You will be leading a camping trip with three mechs," Optimus began. Hound's optics lit up.
Hound loved to camp. Especially on Earth. It was so quiet and the views were amazing. He couldn't wait to show other bots camping could be fun.
Hound then paused his excitement.
"What three mechs?" Hound asked with a frown.
"Sunstreaker, Cliffjumper, and Mirage." Ultra Magnus spoke up then. Hound's spark sank. It was the dreadful trio.
"You've got to be joking. They'll murder each other in their sleep and I am not responsible for it or their happiness." Hound said firmly, his blue optics dimming with disappointment. "I can't handle those three. I bet none of you could!" He glared.
"It was approved by Rung. He thinks its a great idea and rather than forcing them into therapy which they spend most of their time in silence, the great outdoors for four days sounds much better." Prowl said as he slid a datapad to Hound.
Hound internally groaned. Four days!? They wouldn't make an hour!
"Well that sounds great and all but I have shifts and training-"
"We changed your schedule. You're going soldier." Ultra Magnus said sternly. Hound sighed and looked at the door as it opened. The three mechs were there.
"You wanted to see us?" Cliffjumper frowned.
"Yes, come in." Optimus spoke up, watching the three enter. Sunstreaker shoved Cliffjumper out of his way so he could sit at the seat farthest from the three commanders. Cliffjumper mumbled an angry curse to him as he found another seat, glaring at the golden warrior.
Hound took the datapad and groaned aloud. Why him?
DAY 1 02:00 am
"Oh come on, this is fun isn't it?" Hound flashed a smile to the blue mech who looked away. They were leaving the Ark with large backpacks on their back, filled with camping gear they couldn't put in their subspace.
"This is not what I would call fun." Mirage growled.
"Why? Cause your paint might get messed up, Sunstreaker?" Cliffjumper snickered. Mirage sent a glare to the minibot, annoyed by his insult as Sunstreaker curled his fists.
"No. This is just not what I consider as enjoyable." He growled back. Hound, desperate to stopped the increasing conflict since they had be told to go on this trip, began changing the subject to something more positive.
"Isn't there anything you think you'd find nice out here?" Hound asked with a small frown but hope in his optics, stopping to show him the forest and rivers they had ahead. Mirage looked around silently with his optics. Cliffjumper waited as the mech pondered to find anything positive about the trip.
"I...suppose the view is going to be nice." Mirage muttered as he stared at the mountain in the distance. They were heading for a mountain just past two dense forests with a river in the middle. They would head there, do some rock climbing to the top, sleep there then head back.
"Alright femmes, enough of this dumb talk. Let's just head there and get back." Sunstreaker snapped as he pushed past them, trudging into the woods ahead. Hound smiled a bit.
"That's the spirit!"
"Can it, Hound. No one asked." Sunstreaker grunted from ahead. Hound sighed and followed the three walking ahead.
DAY 1 06:00 am
The sun was starting to rise and through the trees it made a glowing blue and yellow effect. The ground was wet and dewy from last nights rain which made dirt and grass stick into their pedes. Birds began to chirp as they started to wake and a cool breeze welcomed them as they were getting deeper into the woods.
"My pedes are disgusting with this organic filth." Sunstreaker complained, more annoyed than before. "When we get to a river, I'm washing them." He said firmly.
"Oh you think your pedes are the issue cause they don't look pretty? My back is killing me from this stupid backpack!" Cliffjumper protested as Mirage just rolled his optics.
"Oh quit your whining. It's your fault you over packed and-." Mirage was cut off as Hound growled.
"Shut it! Everyone just shut it!" Hound snapped. "Sunstreaker, suck it up, you knew we were going on this trip. Cliffjumper, it's great to be prepared, and Mirage, quit being!" Hound glared at them all.
Sunstreaker smirked a bit. "I've never heard you yell before." He said in amusement.
"Yeah well, it hurt my throat so I don't want to do it again do just...stop." Hound huffed and walked ahead, taking out the map and looking ahead. "We should be coming across a river by..." Hound paused to think. "Late afternoon." He said gently.
"What is the point of this? So all of the bots at base can have quiet time and we can get out of their way? Because it feels like it. We are walking for two days, sleeping on a mountain, then walking back. Were going to be exhausted as well as covered with dirt and grime." Mirage complained angrily, his optics brightening. "Its ridiculous! I swear the next time Ultra Magnus signs me up to do something as stupid as this just because I don't like bots I'll-." Mirage then went off in Italian, cursing away.
Cliffjumper snorted as they walked, listening to Mirage rant. "What's the deal with that anyway? I mean Sunshine over there and I have fights all the time. You're just quiet." He said gently.
Mirage grunted as he paused his venting. "Because I one time talked to him about an experience on a battlefield. He got concerned and has been pushing me nonstop to see Rung. I see Rung two times a week and I don't say a word. So, he pushed me to come along on the trip because I only get out when I have to." Mirage sighed heavily.
The walk got silent at that. What Mirage was going through, the other two felt immensely. They never spoke up like Mirage did.
Hound suddenly stared at the others, watching how their anger went to understanding. They were silent, not willing to answer back.
"That sucks." Hound spoke up quietly. "But maybe it will help more than you guys think. Nature...nature away from the others...its nice. You don't get in that headspace you get in at base." Hound explained quietly.
Still no one said anything.
DAY 1 17:00pm
It was very dark and the headlights on their chest had been turned on. Hound was leading them up to the sound of rushing water. He stopped suddenly as his pedes almost slipped.
He looked down and found water running over his pedes and relaxed. "Were a quarter of the way there." He announced but the bots grumbled.
"Great, were not even half way and we have to cross a river the size of a half a mile to get to the other side. In the dark no less." Cliffjumper complained, annoyed.
"These aren't rapids but they can easily turn into some. We need to cross while we can." Hound said and stepped in the water, swaying a little from the rush of the water and the slippery rocks.
"Or...maybe it's better to wait until morning. We should see what were doing." Hound said but a golden warrior ignored.
Sunstreaker frowned at it before walking in, walking and walking until the water was up to his neck. "Don't get pulled in the stream. I'm saving no one." He told them seriously as he began walking across.
Mirage sighed and followed as well. Cliffjumper stood still, frowning. He saw how high the water was and knew he couldn't walk across. He would need help.
Hound looked back as he walked and frowned. "Its okay, Cliff. You can get in. The water is slow." He said gently, trying to reassure him.
"I'm not scared, idoit!" Cliffjumper snapped instantly, not wanting to hurt his pride. "I'm just not tall enough to walk."
"So swim." Sunstreaker called back like it was obvious, annoyed by the red minibot.
"Only Seaspray knows how to swim, Sunstreaker." Cliffjumper deadpanned. Hound thought for a moment before walking back.
"I'll help you. Just get in and you can hang onto me. I'll bring you across." Hound told him gently. Cliffjumper hesitated before nodding, walking in and grabbing onto his arm, floating soon as Hound pulled him across.
Sunstreaker scowled as he led them across. "I say we stop for the night once across. Water is in out joints and we need to spend the night drying so we won't rust." He told them seriously.
Mirage nodded in silent agreement. His pedes could use the rest too.
As they were nearing halfway, a large object came from the side to Hound and Cliffjumper. A large tree smashed into them and sent them under. Mirage instantly turned at the sound of splashing and his optics widened. "Sunstreaker!" He shouted to get his attention as he began rushing to the two mechs that now seemed unconscious.
Sunstreaker whipped around and cursed under his breath, rushing back as well. Mirage grabbed Hound and began trying to wake him as Sunstreaker went after Cliffjumper who was floating downstream.
Sunstreaker tried to swim after him and grabbed ahold of a horn on the red mechs helm but it snapped off. Sunstreaker growled and swam faster and grabbed his shoulder, desperately trying to stop their journey down the river. He looked back and saw Mirage and Hound were gaining distance on them.
The golden warrior who was well known for his skill and his strength was exhausted but tried getting to shore. Though, the stream seemed to pick up and he found himself headed for rapids. The mech began slapping at Cliffjumper to wake him ad he tried trudging the rest of the way across the river. "Wake up!" He snapped though he didn't wake.
Sunstreaker narrowed his optics and began trudging harder but saw the large rocks getting closer and closer.
This was going to hurt.
DAY 2 06:00am
Both parties were exhausted. Mirage and Hound were laying down across the river where they managed to cross. They both lost Sunstreaker and Cliffjumper but on top of that, Mirage was concerned their guide had processor damage. He attempted comming Ratchet but all he heard was static.
"Great," Mirage mumbled to himself. He rubbed his face, trying to think of this whole situation as a mission. He was usually on solo missions but he tried to think of that in the worst scenario.
I lost communications, navigations is compromised, the team is split, possibly three members are injuried, and it's only day two.
My odds sound great.
Mirage sighed and stood, drying more of his joints, which what he was doing all night. He had to dry everything in his backpack to use a dry towel to dry himself off. Hound was still under so he began drying him too.
"Come on Hound, we gotta keep moving bud." Mirage muttered with a frown. "We need to find the others then head back." He said quietly.
Hound had no response.
Mirage sighed and subspaced the towel. He put on both of their bags then began lifting Hound up over his shoulder. His knees trembled a bit as he tried to sustain the weight of it all. He wasn't much a built mech but he didn't really have a choice. He began walking down the side of the river where Sunstreaker and Cliffjumper went, his pedes stamping into the wet dirt in determination.
He was going to find them and then they were going home.
Cliffjumper groaned as he began waking, his helm aching terribly. He went to grab it then felt a horn missing. His optics shot open and he jolted seeing he was curled up and protected by Sunstreakers dense frame. He pushed him off and saw his horn in the mechs servo. He frowned as his optics trained up seeing bright energon out of the corner of his optics.
Sunstreaker had suffered massive damage. There were slashes and gashes all over his back, helm, and arms. Cliffjumper had no scratches except a dent on his helm.
The mech had protected him.
Cliffjumper immediately tried his link to comm base but there was no response but static. He sighed and began going through his bag that was tossed aside, taking out a medical kit to begin treating Sunstreakers wounds. As he opened the white kit, Sunstreakers optics snapped open.
"Touch me and you die." The warrior growled. Cliffjumper blinked, not seeing him wake.
"You have injuries." He said seriously. Sunstreaker grunted and began sitting up.
"Its nothing I can't handle." He said and snatched the kit from Cliffjumper. He began treating his wounds on his arms himself.
Cliffjumper sighed and leaned against his backpack. "Now what? Find the others?"
"Mirage is probably looking for us. It's best the stay put." Sunstreaker told him calmly as he worked.
"How do we know?" Cliffjumper looked at him. Sunstreaker didn't look back.
"Mirage probably made it across with Hound better than we did because I had to chase your aft down in rapids." Sunstreaker grumbled sourly. "Mirage knows how to handle these situations. I'm sure he is on his way."
Cliffjumper grunted and crossed his arms, staring up at the sky. He watched birds fly about as he listened to the water still go down the stream. He was silent, letting the frontliner work. He then hummed and snorted.
"Its safe to assume were heading back then?"
"Well we need to check you and Hounds injuries. Their more important." Sunstreaker gave him a look. "A processor injury can show a variety of symptoms at a variety of times." Sunstreaker told him. "We truly won't know until a medic looks you both over."
"And what about you?" Cliffjumper then asked, frowning.
"What about me? These are simple scratches with simple fixes." Sunstreaker scoffed and began putting away the kit once he was done. Cliffjumper grunted.
"Ratchet wouldn't like that kind of talk."
"Well Ratchet knows triage but that doesn't mean he has to like it." Sunstreaker shrugged and laid down, placing his servos behind his helm as he looked up at the sky. They both fell silent as they began to dry off in the morning sun.
Sunstreakers optics stared at the clouds. He wondered if he could reach through to his twin to alert medics. He didn't need Cliffjumper and Hound collapsing on their way. He hummed before trying it as Cliffjumper jolted up at a noise. He looked to their right and stood with his fists clenched. He soon saw Mirage get into their view, looking drained and he set Hound down.
"Someone else has to take him." Mirage panted, letting himself lay down. Sunstreaker looked over, nodding briefly.
"I will." He said calmly and closed his optics. "I contacted Sideswipe. The medics are on their way. We need to get moving. The quicker we see them the quicker Hound can get medical attention."
"Right," Cliffjumper sighed. "I can take your bag Sunstreaker." He offered as he stood, grabbing his and Sunstreakers.
"And I can take Hounds and my own." Mirage spoke up.
Sunstreaker nodded, his optic ridges furrowing together. He laid still for a moment, waiting then slowly opened his optics as he stood with a grunt of pain. He waited for the pain to become bearable before crouching down and taking Hound over his shoulder.
Mirage then looked at the river. "Let's just walk straight back. Sideswipe should be leading the medics right?" He asked Sunstreaker. The golden warrior shrugged lightly, making his way into the river. He staggered a little as he started walking across. He winced but when he got to neck level he relaxed as Hounds wieght felt like a blanket instead of a boulder.
Mirage looked at Cliffjumper worriedly before the two began following.
The medbay was warm and fairly empty except for the four mechs now residing inside along with the medics. Ratchet was performing on surgery on Hound, the mech sustaining massive head trauma from the log. The others were resting on berths.
First Aid was welding the rest of Sunstreakers wounds, the golden mech half asleep on his anterior. Sideswipe sat beside him, watching over his brother with worry.
Mirage was silent, feeling extremely sore on his protoform as Cliffjumper was sleeping. Mirage looked over at Sunstreaker then looked at Sideswipe.
Sideswipe felt his gaze and looked at him. "What were you guys doing in the woods anyway?" He frowned. Sunstreaker was never an outdoors mech unless he had to be.
"The in commands sent us out on a camping trip. Hoping to brighten us." Mirage grunted.
Sideswipe smirked in amusement. "I'd like to see them do that and have Prowler and Magnus come back with smiles." He chuckled then glanced at his brother. "That would never have worked." He said softly, sighing.
"Well, it didn't brighten us up but it did kinda understand each other a little better I guess. I mean now I know Cliffjumper can be more than an aft. Same with Sunstreaker. I never realized Sunstreaker was more than just a sour mech. He cares but just...has his own way and..." he paused as Sideswipe nodded in understanding.
"Yeah. I know." He sighed, looking away. "I know."
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