S1E9: A path of freedom
(50 millions of years ago)
Within the depths of Cybertron we see Cybertronians being force to dig for energon by their masters. They are exhausted as they kept mining and transporting the energon through the tunnels.
Then one Cybertronian couldn't take it anymore and collapse onto his knees. Two guards approaches him and kicked the Cybertronian on the face.
Cybertronian guard: Get up and keep worker!
Cybertronian minor: Please! I beg of you! I can't take this anymore.
Cybertronian guard 2: Are you disobeying orders!
He pulls out his spare and approaches minor. The minor couldn't do anything to defend himself when suddenly another Cybertronian punched the guard in the face.
The minor sees a hand lend out to him which he takes and a young and familiar Cybertronian helps him up. The two stare at each other then one guard barks at him.
Cybertronian guard: D-16! How dare you! You will die for this!
D-16 turn to the guards with no fear in his eyes and tells them.
D-16: Do whatever you wish to me, but never to any other minors. One day someone will come and free us from this slavery. Just you wait.
Cybertronian guard 2: Oh so your a follower of the Primes, huh?! Well allow me to sent you to them!
D-16: Do it. I'm not gonna back down without a fight.
Before a Brawl would to happen a explosion cost everyone to turn. Seconds later Cybertrons elite guards storm in and open fire at the guards.
The Cybertronian guard return fire which is when D-16 turn to his minors and call out.
D-16: This is our chance! A chance to be free at long last! Assist the Elite Guard! Freedom is waiting!
The minors grab any tools of minor equipment they can find and use them to beat up the guards. They aided the Elite guards in their battle and once they were defeated the Elite Guard bring them to the surface.
D-16 and the rest of the minors walk through the tunnels until they were hit by blinding light as they leave the mines and arrive to the surface. The minors all cheered while D-16 is amazed to reach the surface as he looks around.
???: You there.
He turn around and is amazed to see a prime approaching him. In a soft tone he kneel down to D-16's level and ask him.
???: One of my Elite Guard captains told me how you lead your minors against the guards. I am impress young bot.
D-16: Thank you sir. Even though all the minors lost hope on the Primes.....I would keep my hope up no matter what.
???: That take courage young bot. What is your name?
D-16: D-16.
???: You were not giving an actual name?
D-16: They see us as workers. We'll expendable.
???:....Not to me.
Then he rose up and turn to the minors as he introduce himself to everyone.
Sental Prime: My name is Sential Prime! In the past I was like you all....work in the mines for energon by our overlords and warlords. But your days of mining for energon has come to a end! Together we will bring a bright future for Cybertron. A future that we can build, together as one.
He then rasied his fist into the air and call out.
Sential Prime: Till all are one!
Follow by the minors and the Elite guards as they all chant together. Even D-16 join as he rasied his fist as they chant together.
(30 million years later)
Cybertron is now at peace and has move from the dark days of Cybertron to the golden age of Cybertron. Cities are build across Cybertron and a council is formed to stale Cybertron lead by Sental Prime.
We then cut ti D-16 walking through the halls of the capital building in Iacon when he sees Sential Prime looking at the window and seeing the parade down below.
D-16 walks over ans stood next to Sential Prime which Sential Prime then spoke.
Sential Prime: Ah D-16, what brings you here?
D-16: My apologies for disturbing you Sential Prime.
Sential Prime: (light chuckle) Your alright.
D-16: Sir may I ask you a question?
Sential Prime: Ask away.
D-16: I was wondering about the other Primes. I heard about them but never know much about them. All I know they were once legendary and powerful beings.
Sential prime: Indeed they are. Follow me.
He follows Sential Prime and the two enter the archives. D-16 was not sure he should be here since it is off limits to those who are not within the council or working in the capital.
Then Sential Prime walks over to a table and it lights up and it reveals a hologram of the 13 Primes.
Sential Prime: The 13 Primes were created by Primus himself to defend Cybertron. Each Primes have powers like no other and many forge their relics that is still needed to be find till this day.
D-16: Incredible!
Sential Prime: Your familiar to one Prime. Megatronus Prime. He was the best Prime that has ever lived. Disbite his rebellion nature he cares deeply with us follow Primes and will keep on fighting till the very end.
D-16 approaches closer to Megatronus Prime. He is fascinated by him which Sential Prime tells him.
Sential Prime: You have been troubling finding a real name for yourself aren't you?
D-16: Indeed. There are so many times that doesn't fit right for me.
Sential Prime: Hmm. What about......Megatron.
D-16: Megatron?
Sential Prime: Indeed. It is short fo Megatronus which I can tell you are interested with and "tron" is from neutron.
D-16: You.....you don't mind if I can use his name as my own?
Sential Prime gently place his hand onto his shoulder then tells him.
Sential Prime: It is your discussion.
He thinks about it for a moment. He glance over to Megatronus Prime and accepts his new name as "Megatron."
(20 million years later)
At Kaon we hear the crowds cheering as we see a stadium filled with Cybertronians as we see one Cybertronian with a spear in hand. He holds his spear tightly as he stare at his target.
Then he rushes forward and throws his spear. The spear flies through and the spear stabbed onto a line with the highest number. The crowd cheered as the Cybertronian cheered.
Other sports are being played for the citizens of Kaon to watch. Among them we Megatron along with his friend name Orion Pax who isn't enjoying it compared to Megatron.
Once it is over the two left together as Megatron tells Orion Pax.
Megatron: (smile) Was that fun?! Man Dragstrip was fast.
Orion Pax: Sure he was.
Megatron: Come on Pax. You need to get out of the archives for a while and enjoy, have some fun.
Orion Pax: Listen Megatron all of this is just so pathetic and pointless. We are a high society with technology that is beyond any beings tech and we are just wasting away with all of this.
Megatron: Come on Pax don't be like that. Sential Prime has no reason to invade other planets across the galaxy.
Orion Pax: We are becoming weak Megatron. Weak. How long until one day an alien race would attack Cybertron and quickly take over. We need a powerful leader, not a leaded who is pathetic.
Orion Pax then splits off while Megatron tries to call out for him.
Megatron: Pax wait!
Orion Pax: By away, thanks for the invite. It was a waste of time.
Orion Pax then soon disappear within the crowd while Megatron stood there alone with sadness in his face.
(15 million years later)
Rumours begin to spread all across Cybertron about a rise of a regime known as "The Autobots." Many Cybertrons join this regime and vost terrorist attacks, kidnapping, assassin and many more crimes.
We then cut to the capital building where we see Megatron rushing through the halls searching for Sential Prime. Then he burst into the room and finds Sential Prime as he rushes over to him.
Megatron: Sential Prime! The Autobots! The Autobots are planning to kill you!
Sential Prime: What?! How can you be sure?
Megatron: Me and Soundwave snuck into one of the Autobots hide outs and find plans to assassinated you. They already kill the council now they are coming to kill you.
Sential Prime thinks about this for a moment then he gets up and approaches Megatron. He kneel down and tells him.
Sential Prime: Listen to me Megatron. I entrusted you with this responsibility because I know you can.
Megatron: Wh-What is it?
Then Sential Primes chest begins to open and when it did a light came out of his chest. Megatron stare at it to see a relic within Sential Primes chest.
Sential Prime: This is the Matrix of Leadership. Aftee the Primes were gone, all their knowledge and wisdom was stored within this relic. Primus gifted me this to became a prime. He also warned me of a rise of a powerful army which would resulted the Matric becoming corrupt. I entrust you, Megatron to protect it at all cost.
Sential Prime then hands the Matrix to Megatron. He takes it as he then looks at the relic in his hand then turns to Sential Prime.
Megatron: What about you?
Sential Prime: My time as a prime is done. But never fear Megatron. One day, a new Prime will rise and use the power of the Matric to light our darkness hour.
Suddenly there was violent shake follow by a explosion which they realise they have come. Suddenly the door burst open and Autobot soldiers charge in and open fire at them.
Sential Prime shields Megatron with his body then he pulls out his sword and begins cutting them down. Megatron stays down while he noticed a fusion cannon mounted on the wall.
Sential Prime takes on all the Autobot troopers and soon all were killed. Sential Prime looks around while one was behind him and he was about to shoot when a blast kills him.
Sential Prime turn to see Megatron with the fusion cannon on his arm.
Megatron: Apologies Sental Prime.
Sential Prime: No it is okay. In fact that was once Megatronus Primes old fusion cannon.
Megatron: Huh....cool. Still we should go.
Sential Prime: No. You must go. I will-
Suddenly a large blast goes through Sential Primes chest. Megatron is shocked as Sential Prime collapse on his knees. Then Orion Pax enter with a cannon in hand.
Megatron sees him and goes to attack him but Sential Prime tells him.
Sential Prime: No! Go! Leave! Do not look back! Run!
Megatron hesitate at first. He didn't want to leave Sential Prime but he knows that the Matrix of Leadership is important for the future of Cybertron so he turn and runs off.
More Autobot soldiers came in and Orion Pax order them to chase after him which they did. He then drop his cannon and approaches Sential Prime as he collapse onto the floor and rolled over.
He face the ceiling while Orion Pax approaches him and begins to mock him.
Orion Pax: Weak. Your just a weak Prime. Once I have the Matrix of Leadership and become a prime. I will show Cybertron what a true Prime is all about.
Sential Prime: You will never have the Matrix of Leadership. You are filled with evil and darkness. None will not follow you.
Orion Pax: They will. They all will.
He then picks up Sential Primes sword then stabbed him into his spark chamber. Sential Prime gaps for a bit then he goes offline.
Once Sential Prime is dead the Autobot soldiers came back and tells Orion Pax.
Autobot soldier: Sir he got away.
Orion Pax growls in anger but looks at Sential Primes body then tells his soldiers.
Orion Pax: Take him to Ratchet, Hoist and Perceptor. Stop down his body and have my "new" body ready when I arrive.
Autobot soldier: Of course Lord Orion Pax.
Orion Pax: (smirk) No. I'm no longer Orion Pax.
He then turns to them with a sinister smile as he tells them.
Optimus prime: Call me.....Optimus prime.
Then Iacon is taking over by the Autobot Regime with many cheering through the streets. Outside of the council building we see Optimus prime with a new body made out of Sential Primes body as he rasied his fist and call out.
Optimus prime: Till all are gone!
Autobots: Till all are gone! Till all are gone! Till all are gone!
Outside of Iacon we see Megatron and many other Cybertronians who have escape from Iacon stare at the city and one by one they turn away. Megatron still holds the Matrix of leader in hand and knows he will not give up. He turn and walks away with determination in his eyes as he plans to take the fight to the Autobots and free Cybertron from theie evil.
(Present day)
Back on Earth we see Megatron sat on a hill with Y/n as he finishes his story. Y/n is stunned by his story as he is lost to his words then he ask Megatron.
Y/n: And you still have the Matrix?
Megatron: I do. I kept it within a secured vault till a new Prime is born.
Y/n: Why couldn't you use it to become a prime?
Megatron: I'm only a follower. I have no desire to be a prime.
Y/n: I see. Well we should head in and check on everyone.
Megatron: Agree.
Y/n turns to leaves while Megatron gets up. He glance up at the stares for a moment. He felt like Sential Prime is watching over them. He then turn and heads back inside the base to check on everyone else.
To be continued..................................................
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