S1E6: Extreme car chase

We see Y/n, Lucy, Jeanne, Luke, Aylssa and a unconscious David within Soundwave in hid vehicle mode driving through the highway all awhile Y/n have many questions.

Y/n: Okay so let get this straight. (Points to Lucy) Maine wanted David because his mother is Maines suppler and one of which is a military grade Sandevistan chrome right?

Lucy: That's right.

Y/n: Okay. (Turn to Luke) And you go to school with him and he is your friend?

Luke: Uh y-yeah.

Jeanne: Why didn't you tell us?

Luke: No one didn't ask!

Y/n: Okay so we just bring him to Maine and thats it?

Lucy: Yep. Job will be done.

Soundwave: Have a feeling I will not easy since we fought an Autobot.

Suddenly lights hits on them that were coming from outside. Aylssa looks out and to her shock sees Max-Tac following them. Drop ships were above as one stick out and open fire at them.

Aylssa: Shit! Max-Tac is on us!

Lucy: We need to lose them! We can't lowee them back to our hide out.

Soundwave: You all need to hang on!

Immediately Soundwave turn left to drive down a Road then drives through Japan Town. Soundwave speeds through the streets while everyone holds on.

There was a road block up ahead as Night Citu police officers open fire at them. They all get down while Soundwave generate a sound blast that knocks them back as he then drives by.

Soon drones appear and begin shooting at them while Soundwave tries to avoid them.

Soundwave: We need to shoot them down!

Aylssa: Got it. Y/n help out.

She tosses him a rifle and the two poor out of the windows and open fire at the drones. They took down a few drones but more shows up.

Y/n: They just sending in more!

Aylssa: We need a EMP grenade!

Y/n: Do we have one?

Aylssa: Unfortunately no!

Luke then glance at the glove then he focus his best. Soon the ancient relic begins to glow and creates a EMP grenade.

Luke: Here catch.

He tosses one to Aylssa who is surprised but he throws it and many drones gone offline. Soundwave turn left which Aylssa and Y/n go back in then sees another road block but bigger.

Soundwave: Everyone hold on!

Lucy: Um what are you doing?

Soundwave: Just hang on!

He keeps speeding towards the road block then just as they were about to clash, Soundwave generate a blast below him that sent him and the rest flying.

Y/n and the rest were all off of theie seat while they are flying into the air. Then seconds later they crash at the other side and continue to speed off.

Jeanne: (Shocked) HOLY SHIT! That was awesome! Let's do it again!

Soundwave: I think we might have lost them.

Goldbug: SOUNDWAVE!!!

Suddenly Golbug appears behind them and chases after them.

Luke: Oh no.

Y/n: Goldbug?

Luke: Yep.

Then Goldbug pull out two machine guns on both side then open fire at them. Soundwave tried to avoided the shots. Goldbug shots also hits some people who were minding their own business and costing more destruction.

Y/n: We gonna get him off of us!

Lucy: Give me a second.

Y/n: Better hurry.

Lucy gets to hacking while Goldbug gets closer and closer to them. Then Lucy waits for it as they are coming up to a four line with traffic lights.

As soon they drive pass Lucy turns the traffic lights from red to green and all cars begins drive pass. Goldbug sees this and tries to stop but he soon crashes into traffic.

He tranform into his bot form and crashed onto the ground. Goldbug slowly looks over to see them getting away and he slammed his fist onto the road.

He gets up only getting shot by the driver as he turn and glare at him. He shot shooting then a second later Goldbug stomps his foot onto him.

Once done he turns back to where they went, growled then walk away to come up a plan to get his revenge.


They arrive back where Maine and the rest are waiting. Soundwave stop and let then out before he tranform and collapse onto his knees which Knockout rushes over and help him up.

Knockout: What happen to you?

Soundwave: Letter just say, a crazy party.

Knockout: Well let me patch you up. Barricade I might need some assistance.

Barricade: Of course doc.

The two of them carrying Soundwave somewhere to get patched up while they hand over David to Maine ans his gang.

Y/n: We got David. Now will you work with us and help us?

Maine: Well you brought him back in one piece. Alright then, we'll help.

Jeanne: (smirk) Thanks cause we are not gonna do that again.

Maine: I can tell.

(Short while later)

We see many of people having a small partying with Jeanne  ans Aylssa joining in while Knockout and Barricade are repairing Soundwave.

Y/n sat alone with a drink in hand. He stare at it for a moment then he drinks it.

???: Hey enjoying the party?

Then a very young girl came over and sat next to him.

Rebecca: (smile) Names Rebecca. Heard your an Anti-Cyberware protesters leader.

Y/n: Yep that would be me. Got a problem?

Rebecca: Not at all. So....alien robots. That must be cool.

Y/n: There is more. Megatron is theie leader.

Rebecca: Megatron huh? Cool name.

Y/n then noticed Lucy among the crowd and she noticed him. She give him a smile which cost Y/n to blush a little then just node back to her.

Rebecca: (smirk) You have a crush on her do you?

Y/n: (blush) What?! No! I just giving a node from early with the traffic.

Rebecca: Whatever you say. How where is your other friend?

Y/n: Luke? With your leader and David. Both he ans David know each other.

Rebecca: Well that's gonna be awkward would it.

Y/n: Yeah. Pretty much.

???: So your name is Y/n?

He turn to see David with Luke and Maine as Y/n gets up and reply.

Y/n: Yeah. Look if it is about earlier then I-

David: Look I don't give a crap about that. What I wanted to know if what Luke told me is all true. About alien robots secretary ruling earth.

Y/n: Yes and they planted a chip within cyberware so cyberware users can go cybersychos.

David: (shocked) Holy shit.

Luke: The corporations is also behind all of this but that is why we are forming a rebellion to fight back. This is only the beginning.

David: You think this will be enough?

Y/n: Well not yet but soon once everyone knows the truth then we have an army to rise and rebuild the city to something perfect.

David: And what? You planning to get rid all cyberware tech?

Y/n: Yes! Cyberware is dangerous and it will bring chaos if it is still being use.

David: The people will not like that and will riot.

Y/n: Hey! It's either let cyberware tech still being use and we have more rampaging psychopaths running around the city or get ride of the tech so everyone will be safe.

The two stare at each other with intense until Luke gets in between them and calms them down.

Luke: Okay let's just take a easy for a moment here alright. I think tonight is giving us stress so how's about we head odd for the night.

David and Y/n: Fine.

The two walk off while Luke just sighs while Rebecca just said.

Rebecca: I can tell they are not gonna get along well.

Luke: Yeah I noticed.

(Next day)

Luke arrive to Arasaka Academy and was making to his class when he was called to the principals office. Thinking I is about David he heads over and then we see him at the principals office where the principal name Pawel Sasko sat across from his desk and tells Luke.

Pawel: I wish to talk about the incident that happen at David class.

Luke: Yeah. It is about David conflict with a student which I witnessed.

Pawel: We saw but apparently Mister Katsuo claim that you told David Martinez to beat him up because of earlier.

Luke: (shocked) What?! I did not told David to beat him up! Even though he is a bully, I would never use violence or never told anyone to use violence! Sir you have to believe me.

Pawel: I wanted to but his father demands that if David would refuse to apologise then he along with Luke would be expelled from this academy.

Luke: (shocked) This is unfair! I've shown nothing but good for this school and every teacher respected me! Please sir.

Pawel: I'm sorry but we have to keep our image clean. We can't allow trouble makers in our school.

Luke: But you can't!

Pawel: That's enough. I'm sorry but I afraid you have to leave.

Shocked by this injustice he wanted to argue but he leaves the office and soon leave the academy. He is disappointing of the injuries of Night City. Then he look over to see Y/n as he walked up to him.

Y/n: You good?

Luke: Yeah. I got expelled. This isn't fair.

Y/n: That principals is a suck up to the greedy corporations. Once we expose them to who they are and their alliance with the Autobots.....then everything will change.

Luke: I hope so. So....what now?

Y/n: Now we go and visit Dr Henri Arkeville and ask him some questions.

Luke: Cool. So where do you think he's at?

Y/n: Let's just say.....pretty far away from the city.

(Short while later)

The two arrive at a small cabin far away from Night City. There were robot farmers planting and watering the plants.

The two walk up to the door and Y/n knock on the door. Seconds later the door open and Henri Arkeville opens the door and sees Y/n.

Henri: (smile) Ah Y/n! Where have you been?

Y/n: (smile) Hey Henri. How are things?

Henri: Pretty good, pretty good. Whose your new friend?

Y/n: This is Luke.

Luke: (smile) Greetings sir.

Henri: (smile) Nice to meet you. Come on in, come on in.

The two then walk in then after that Henri closes the door behind them. The place was filled with tech as Luke is amazed while Y/n turn to Henri.

Y/n: Hey can we ask some questions?

Henri: Sure what is it?

Y/n: Your job as part of Arasaka.

Henri: (little nervous) Why do you need to know that?

Y/n: Well.....it is a very long story.

To be continued...................................

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