S1E3: Two friends paths change

(A few hours before Y/n and his group met the Decepticons)

At Night City we see a black amd yellow car driving through the streets of Night City. This car is actually Goldbug doing his usual drive in his vehicle mode.

He sighs with boredom until he spotted an attractive woman walking by. Goldbug honkhis horn while driving by which gets her attention. She gives him the bird while Goldbug let's out a chuckle.

GoldBug: Totally gonna make her as my sex slav-

Suddenly he pump into a Night City police officer then seconds later protesters make a run for it which annoyed Goldbug.

Goldbug: Hey, out of my way you assholes!

In the distances where the Protesters are running off, we see both teens name Luke ans David watching the Chaos then David tells Luke.

David: Come on man, shows over. Let's get to school

David walk away while Luke follow with. They walk through the street with Luke asking David.

Luke: Where is your uniform?

David: My mum forgot to pay for the drying machine.

Luke: Was she tired?

David: You saw her on the news?

Luke: Yeah. She seem to get working hard then ever.

David: No kidding.

The two walk pass an alleyway which Luke stop to see a few thugs beating up a person for money. David pulls Luke away then Luke ask David.

Luke: David, are you tired of all of this?

David: What do you mean?

Luke: This cycle of corruption, violence and unjustice within this city. Don't you wish to change something better?

David: Not really. Look you'll either be a nobody in Night city or go down as legend.

Luke: Yeah but those who became legends would die in the end like Johnny Silverhand or become monsters like Adam Smasher. I know I'm maybe quiet people I just can't take this anymore. Aren't you tired of this?

The two arrive at the footsteps of Arasaka Academy as David place a hand on Luke's shoulder and tells him.

David: Look I don't wish to be rude because we are good friends but you just don't understand Night City as I do. Where someone tries to do good for this city, they would be ended up dead or became the thing they are against. It has been some week since you moved to this city but best to stay low and try not to cost too much trouble.


David: (smile) We'll still good, right Luke?

Luke: (smile) Yeah. We are.

The two fist pump then go into Arasaka Academy to attend their classes. Due to Luke not having Cyberware, he goes to a classroom for those who don't have Cyberware.

Luke answers many brilliant questions by his professor and after the class ended we see the Professor talking to Luke alone about his work.

Male professor: (smile) Very good Luke. Your work is very impressive.

Luke: (smile) Thank you sir. Sir.....can I ask you something?

Male professor: (smile) Of course. Ask away.

Luke:.........Night City is a city where legends are born.....but it also born with corruption and cruelty. I've seen news and learn from history that wars have been fought and lives have been lost. From their wars and battles comes out of corruption. Well.....what I am trying to ask is......can there ever be peace?

The professor take a long pause for a moment as he thinks for a moment. Then he place his hand onto Luke's shoulder as he gets up and walks him over to the window with the veiw of Night City.

Male professor: Tell me Luke, what do you see?

Luke takes a hard look through the veiw of Night City then he tells his professor.

Luke: I see destruction, misery, chaos, corruption, greed, violence, suffering, grief and........hopeless.

Male professor: Those who came to Night City seek to became legends. However little did they know, they will also lead to destruction and chaos to those around it. Gangs, corporations, streets kids and even nobody's would seek to be legends but only lead to destruction and more corruption.

Luke: I see.

Male professor: However. When I first met you, I see something different. All these students talk about getting Cyberwares but you only care about changing the city. Tell me Luke....why did you come here?

Luke: My parents used to tell me so much things that has changed throughout the years. How wars erupted, environment disturbances, lives lost and our the government basically just give up and allow corporations to take over or those who have power. I wanted to change ans I figure Night City would be a good start. I'll get to know those who are suffering and maybe find solutions ti change Night City.

Male professor: You wishing to be involve with politics?

Luke: If it means changing the world for the good of the world....then yes.

Male professor: Let me give you an advice Luke and I'm not saying this cause I don't have faith with your ideals. Your ideals are great but let me say this. Never let power, money and fame get over in your head. You may not seem to be the type to do those things but this is Night City.

Luke: Do not worry sir. My mind is nothing but brilliant ways to change Night City and the world. I'll study more and get better.

Male professor: (smile) I appreciate your encouragement. You may go now.

Luke left the classroom and walk down the halls only to be blocked by Katsou ans his three friends.

Katsou: Well, well, well. If ain't David good friend. Where are you going?

Luke: It's none of your concern Katsou. I'm just midning my own business.

Katsou: Is that so? Well David fuck things up in our class.

Luke: What do you mean?

Katsou: Why should we tell you? Not only your an outcast but your not a Cyberware user like us.

Luke: Just because I don't have Cyberware, that doesn't mean I can achieve great things.

Katsou: (smirk) Is that so? Look, you'll be best that you qns David leave this school. I don't care your family owns a company and your rich, your friends with a low class so your no better than him.

Luke: And I'm proud to be friends with him. I don't see David because of his place, I see him as a person. The reason why you allow to treat others with such disrespect is because your father is rich. The difference between you and me is because I don't allow money to blind me and let compassion in.

He was about to walk pass Katsou when he grab his arm, slowly squeezing Luke's arm as Katsou tells him.

Katsou: You better watch your mouth Luke. I'll make my father get the principle to get you and David expelled. You be best to treat me with respect.

The other students look over, waiting for a fight to erupted. However Luke gets Katsou's hand off of his shoulder. Rather to walk away, Luke begins to make a speech to the students who can hear him.

Luke: I came to this school to learn about the world and work hard to change it. The reason I make friends with David is because he is a good person. A young man that was unfortunately live a rough life unlike me. I felt sorry for that and sorry to those who have to sleep in alleyways with no where else to live and being bullied and killed by the police or gangs. You all came to this school not to learn, but to one day overthrow your mothers and fathers from powers business so you can have all of their riches. You all should be ashame. I wanted to change Night City to benefit those who are unfortunate like David. A chance to finally have the happiness that they needed the most. I will not use violence to get what I want.....rather....I will use my intelligence to change Night City.

Katsou: (angry) Will you just shut thr fuck up!

Luke: Then punch me then? I will punch back.

Katsou: Are you serious? Your just so weak.

Luke: No. I refuse to fight because that isn't right. I'm not the person to use violence as a solution. The true way to defeat your enemy.....is to simply walk away. Which I'm gonna do right now.

Then Luke begins to walk away leaving the students speechless while Katsou really wants to beat him up to death but he just stomps off.

Soon Luke walk outside and pulls up his phone and calls David. It rang a few times then David answered.

Luke: Hey David. What happen in clas-

David: (phone) Luke! Please help!

Luke: David?! What's wrong?

David: (phone) We.....We got caught in a gang shoot out at the highway........then.....we got flipped over and my mum....my mum is laying on the street in front of me!

Luke: What about Trauma Team? Have they came?

David: (phone) Yeah but they left my mum to die. Luke.....please help her. Please!

Luke stay calm and immediately hung up and dial someone then the phone answered.

Luke: This is Luke Vanmaele. Yes, its an emergency.

(Hours later)

Luke's close people managed to recover both David and his mother and take them somewhere to recover. Luckily David's mother is stable but is in a coma while David gets patched up.

Luke came by the visit him and David thank Luke for getting someone to save his mother. After that Luke decided to take a stroll near the shore outside of Night City.

He looks at the city in the distances, upset that Trauma Team, the people that are suppose to save lives would rather save their "clients" then everyone.

Luke: (thought) They only care about money. This city is corrupt and I must change it. I jusy hope David's mother will recover soon. I hope.

He begins to walk away when he suddenly spotted something at the corner of his eye.

He looks up and panic to see something falling and it was coming towards Luke. He quickly move out of the way just as the object crashes onto the ground.

Luke take deep breaths as he looks over and is sees it looks like a gaint pod. Luke walks towards the pod and sees that it is alien.

Amazed he taps on it ans suddenly it begins to open. Then Luke sees what is inside and that behing an alien tech glove.

Luke looks at it then walks over to it and grabs it. He looks at the glove then immediately it attaches onto Luke's hand which Luke tries to take it off but it was stuck.

Luke: What is this?

Then headlights shine behind Luke as he turn to see a black and yellow car drive up to him. Then immediately tranform into a large bot which stunned Luke as Goldbug stood over him.

Goldbug: Hey! Get your filthy hands off the pod!

He goes to slap him away but Luke goes to block it. Then the glove begins to glow then a shield was formed. Goldbug kicked on the shield which immediately hurt as he leap by while grabbing his foot.

Luke looks at the alien shield then Goldbug pulls out his gun.

Goldbug: That's it! Your dead!

He was about to shoot him when they hear sirens then Barricade launch himself into the sky, transform into his bot form then kicked Goldbug in the face.

Goldbug rolled away while Barricade points his gun as Goldbug and calls out.

Barricade: Goldbug, in the name of the Decepticons and to Cybertron. You are under arrest for killing innocent bots and humans, kidnapping female humans, reckless driving, hit and run, destruction of property and all 1278 crimes. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will-

Goldbug: Oh will you shut up!

Goldbug opens fire at Barricade but he rolled out of the way. Luke was about to be hit when Barricade pulled him to cover and place him knock to him.

Luke: You saved me?

Barricade: Of course citizen. As the officer of Cybertron, I have a duty to protect and service those who are needed. Now stay here while I'll deal with this criminal.

Then Barricade rolled out of cover while he fire at Goldbug. Goldbug moves to dodge the incoming shots while Barricade keeps firing.

Goldbug was about to shoot when Barricade fire his shot at the sand in front of Goldbug which blinds him for a moment. When Goldbug can see Barricade came up and punches Goldbug in the face.

Goldbug fly back then splash into the water. Barricade looks at Goldbug and after he sees that he is down, he begins to walk away however Goldbug slowly gets up and aims his gun at Barricade.

Luke: Look out!

Then a large cannon appear on Luke's shoulder and then fire a stun round that stunned Goldbug then he goes uncomfortable.

Barricade is surprised by this as he turn to Luke then approache him. He kneel down in front of him and ask him.

Barricade: How did you do that?

Luke show him the glove as Barricade looks at it with surprise. He turn to the unconscious Goldbug, then back ti Luke.

Barricade: Come with me. I know a place where you can be safe.


We see David at home all alone as he sat on the floor. Katsou then call him to mock him and show no sympathy towards his mother which angers David more.

He then looks over to his mothers yellow jacket, in it was a special Cyberware gear known as sandevistan. He stare it for a moment then he gets up, place the sandevistan into a plastic bag then head to his fixer.

Once there he stood in front of his door, showing gum the Sandevistan then tells him.

David: I want this to be fused here. High time I chromed the fuck up.

Both David and Luke paths has changed.......but in different ways.

To be continued................................................

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