S1E14: Dance, Dance until you drop dead
Soundwave along with his cassettes were listening to sick raps from Soundwaves chest. Soundwave lends back and listening to the music just chilling when he hears beeping coming from the computer.
Soundwave glances over to the computer to see a message. He check to see it contains a virus or anything dangerous but after seeing that it is clean, Soundwave opens it and sees only a set of coordinations along with the world's "Help."
Soundwave stops the music and looks closely at the message then contacts Megatron. Short after Megatron walks in and ask Soundwave while walking towards him.
Megatron: What seems to be the problem Soundwave?
Soundwave: See for yourself megs.
Megatron turns to the monitor to see the set of coordinations and the message.
Megatron: What does this mean?
Soundwave: My guess someone is sending us an SOS.
Megatron: A Decepticon perhaps?
Soundwave: Not sure. But I can pin point where the coordinations is at and see what's there.
Megatron: You'll do that.
Starscream: What seem to be the problem?
Starscream walks in along with Y/n, David, Luke, Maine and the rest of the humans. They approach the two as Soundwave explains.
Soundwave: I was just chilling when a message pops up with a set of coordinations and someone calling for help.
Starscream: Any idea where the coordinations leads us?
Soundwave: Give me a second........got it, it looks like the coordinations is at Dogtown.
Y/n: Dogtown?! Clearly this is a trap.
Luke: What's dogtown?
David: One od the most dangerous places in Night City. Reason being.....its a combat zone. Mostly abandon, half destroyed, crime ridden areas of unban sprawl. Dogtown is a destructive place to be.
Rebecca: (smirk) But fun.
Maine: Y/n might be right. It does sound like a trap.
Lucy: If we even step info that area, we'll be killed for sure.
Starscream: But what if this is a Decepticon that is captured. At least we can go there and investigate it.
Megatron: I do agree with you Starscream but if what they are saying is true, then we can't risk it.
Starscream: I know but if we don't do something about it we may lose a fellow Decepticon.
Megatron: Very well then. Soundwave would you be fine going to Dogtown to investigate the singa?
Soundwave: You betcha.
Y/n: I'll go with him.
Luke: Same here!
Maine: Me and my crew will join in.
Lee: Me too.
Jeanne: (sigh) Guess I'll go woth as well.
Aylssa: Me too. I've been to Dogtown during my time at NCPD, I know ways to avoid trouble.
Megatron: Right. Me and the rest will be on standby if you need any back up. Be safe and come back alive.
The group arrive at Dogtown as we see Y/n, Jeanne, Aylssa, Luke ame Lucy inside of Soundwave while Maine and the rest were in their vehicle.
While driving they can hear gunfire in the distances and explosions as well as buildings collapsing.
Soundwave: This is just like the cities we fought on Cybertron.
Y/n: So how close are we?
Soundwave: Should be close.
Luke: Can it be a Decepticon?
Soundwave: Hopefully, we are looking forward for some backup. Many Decepticons were scattered across the galaxy so hopefully this Decepticon will help us.
Rebecca: (radio) What if its an Autobot?
Y/n: Either this is a trap or an Autobot wants to switch sides. Either way we need to be on guard.
Luke: I mean if an Autobot wants to join us then we should give him or her a chance.
Y/n: Still, we need to be focus.
Maine: (radio) Shit. Heard many things that gone on at Dogtown but would never imagine coning here and see it for myself.
Kiwi: (radio) Let's stay focus.
They continue on driving and with the help of Aylssa they avoided any trouble and finally arrive at the singal. They stop in front of an abandon club.
The humans climb out and walk over to the abandon club. They hear music inside so Lucy and Kiwi begin hacking the main door while Soundwave scans around.
He even deployed Laserbeak to look around in the sky. After a while Laserbeak tells Soundwave that they are clear.
Soundwave: Seems like this is not a trap.
David: Then someone is in trouble?
Y/n: Or we might be facing something worst.
Lucy: Got it.
The main door open and Y/n, David, Lucy, Maine, Rebecca and Luke enter while the rest stay outside as the group walks in and looks around.
To their surprise the place is completely pitch dark but they can still her music somewhere.
Maine: Shit there's no one here.
Rebecca: Aaww I was looking forward for some shooting.
David: But I can still hear music.
They spread around until Y/n spotted something that looks like light escaping underneath a stage. He walks over and looks at it then looks around and sees a switch.
He walks over and then flips it on. Then the stage begins to open which cost everyone to turn and they walk over to see staircases with lights.
Maine: Stay behind me.
Maine goes first follow by everyone else. They walk down three flights of steps until they stop by a door. They ready their weapons with Luke a bit nervous then Maine opens the door and looks out.
They walk into a massive dance floor with people just standing like zombies. They didn't turn or do anything as the group walks over to them and David gets close and immediately steps back.
David: Fuck, they are fucking dead!
They see that David is right. The people were actually rotten bodies which disgust them.
Y/n: (shocked) Jesus how can they be standing?
Rebecca: Can they be actual zombies.
Maine: Let's just find who sent out the message and get the fuck out of here.
They move pass, getting to the other side and make their way to the DJ room. Lucy hacks the door open and they walk in to see someone laying on a chair with a device on what looks like a female.
The rest look around while Luke walks over to the woman laying on the chair then noticed that she's alive.
Luke: Hey I think she's alive.
Maine: Really? Then unplug her.
He does so and once that he remove the headset and when they did Maine, Rebecca and Lucy have stunned faces to recognise the woman.
Maine: (shocked) Holy shit, Sasha?!
Y/n: Wait? You mean the same Sasha that was once apart of your crew? I thought she was dead?
Lucy: We thought so too but......fuck.
Rebecca: Why the fuck is she here?!
Luke: Still we need to get her out of here.
Luke lifted her up while she is unconscious and they make their way out. When they did they stop to see all of the bodies were now on the ground and the music has stopped.
Feeling like something bad would happen they make their way across when suddenly a door burst open and someone step out and opens fire at them which they immediately dodges it.
Maine: Fuck! Cyberpsycho!
Rebecca: (smirk) Hell yeah, been looking for some shooting!
They begin to open fire at the Cyberpsycho while Luke picks up Sasha and begins running while the Cyberpsycho pays his attention to Luke and rushes after him.
Y/n: He's going after Luke!
David quickly make his way over by using his sandevistan and kicks the Cyberpsycho in the back, making him fall. David goes to kick him again when he pulls out his mantis blades and almost slashes David but Y/n jumped in and pulled David away.
David: Thanks.
Then the Cyberpsycho gets up when Maine tackle him ans start beaten him until he grabs Maine and throws him to Y/n and David then hoes after Luke.
Y/n: Luke run!
Luke can hear his cries as he kept running. He runs up the steps and to the club. Suddenly a explosion stops Luke and he turn to see the Cyberpsycho.
Seeing running will not be an option he set Sasha down behind him then said to him.
Luke: What her? (Summons a sword) Come and get me.
The Cyberpsycho dashes towards Luke and swings his blade at his but he quickly avoids it but slips and fell to the ground. Then the Cyberpsycho goes to stab him but he roll out of the way just as the psycho stabs the floor.
He then grabs a table and throws it at Luke which he quickly slice it in half. Then he was kicked across the room which Luke slammed into the wall.
The Cyberpsycho turns to Sasha and walks towards her only for a can to hit him at the back of the head which he turn to see Luke in his armor.
Luke: We ain't done.
The Cyberpsycho stares then dashes towards him. The two clash blades. Luke remembers the training as he quickly avoids the swings and blocks the attack. He stumble backwards while avoiding a slash.
He balance himself then grip his sword while the Cyberpsycho launches towards him then he thrust his sword and then his blade impaled the Cyberpsycho in the stomach.
Luke is surprised that he done it as he kicks the Cyberpsycho which he fell and he lay there lifeless with sword still on him.
Luke stare at the body while breathing heavily as he couldn't believe he not only survived but took down a Cyberpsycho on his own.
???: Hello?
Luke then turn to see Sasha sat on the floor while looking looking him. She then look around with confusion then ask him.
Sasha: Who are you? Did....did you kidnap me?
Luke: What?! No! We came to save you. Names Luke and I'm-
Suddenly he heard something behind him and turn to see he Cyberpsycho getting up. Before he can launch for an attack a blast blows open a hole at is chest then his head exploded.
He fell while Rebecca stopped behind him with shotgun as she smirk while the rest came up and see the aftermath.
Maine: You good kid?
Luke: Y-Yeah. I've...sorta beaten him.
David: Shit really?! Awesome man!
Y/n: Damn not only that but survived. You lucky you have a magic gauntlet.
Luke smiled then Maine walks over to Sasha and kneel down to her.
Maine: You remember me?
Sasha: Maine? (Light laugh) You haven't change a bit.
Maine: (chuckle) Same to you. Good to have you back Sasha. Let's get you out of here.
He helped Sasha up and the group make their leave. They then drive off back to base however little does they know Rewind is seen spying on them as he then goes through the alleyway and there Blaster was waiting for him.
Rewind hops into Blasters chest and Blaster smirks them contact Optimus Prime.
Blaster: Prime this is Blaster, they gotten the bait.
Optimus prime: (radio) Brilliant. Return to base at once. Time to end this rebellion once and for all.
Blaster: (smirk) Roger that. (Evil chuckle) They won't know what hit them.
To be continued...................................................................
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