S1E11: The vigilante
It is the middle of the night at Night City as we see a veiw of a warehouse own by the Tyger Claws as we cut to the interior of the warehouse which the Tyger Claws members are seen either doing their jobs or relaxing.
At the far back was a large container where one gang members throws someone in and then closes the container. Once that he walks away while we shift to three Tyger Claws members name Cade, Dallas and Herry as they all sat around the table playing cards when Dallas ask the two.
Dallas: Hey, have you heard the rumours?
Cade: What rumours? Is it about one of those funking rumours about gaint robot battle? Please, must be made up.
Herry: (smirk) Yeah. If I see a gaint robots then that's gonna be wild.
Dalles: No this other rumour. About this Vigilant?
Cade: Who? The Night Warrior? Oh that fucker is just made up by some other gang.
Herry: The Night Warrior? Whose that?
Cade: Nothing just fuck up about it.
Dalles: Fuck up man. You don't know The Night Warrior?
Herry: Fuck no, that's why I'm asking. Are you gonna tell me or what?
Dalles: Alright I will. (sigh) There have been recent reports of other gangs territories as well as criminals are being taking down by this one individual who disbite not having cyberware always takes down his enemies.
Herry: Shit really? So he's just a normal person?
Dalles: Yeah but he has skills like no other. He also doesn't use guns. Some say he wields a katana, some say nunchucks and some say anything based on Japan.
Herry: So he's a ninja?
Dalles: Yep but the scary part is that you can never see him coming. One moment your just robbing a store then the next your hanging by a lamppost with a headache. There have been rare cameras that took a shot of him but none has never seen his face or what he lookes like.
Cade: Heard she's a female.
Herry: Damn. You think he is here right now?
Cade: No because he isn't real. He's made up. Think dumbass, we have been doing our jobs for 10 months and nothing has happened to us. This "Night Warrior" shit is made up. He isn't real.
Suddenly the lights came off all of a sudden which annoyed Cade as he stood up and called out.
Cade: Hey! Can someone fix the power box?! Jeez, this warehouse is old than my sister.
Dalles: No shit. Ever wonder why the boss assigned us here.
Cade: Yeah whatever. How long can those dumbass get the-
Suddenly something landed on the floor near them. They turn on their night vision eyes and look over to see a weapon on the floor.
They look at each other then Cade walks over and then picked up the weapon and looks at it.
Cade: What the?
He then realised that the warehouse was quiet. Too quiet, Cade looks around then motion the two to pick up their weapons and so they did.
The trio walk around the warehouse, moving through the stacked containers and after long minutes they haven't encounters anyone of their members.
Herry: Where is everyone? Are we the only ones here?
Dalles: Don't like this one bit. Should we call for back up?
Cade: Fuck no! Besides they could be somewhere. Let's split up and find them.
Hesitate but don't have a choice so the trio split off to three different directions all awhile a mysterious figure is seen on top of a container then disappeared from sight.
Cade is making his way to thefront entrance to see if possible everyone is outside. He arrive at the front gates that are close so he was about to press the button when suddenly something hits the button and destroyed it.
Startled, Cade sees a ninja star then hears a noise behind him. He turn and aim his shotgun and looks around.
Cade: Come out now you son of a bitch! Shot yourself!
He pump his shotgun while looking for the possible intruder. There is only silence as Cade scan around and felt like something is watching him.
He then gets a feeling to turn around so he did and immediately gete attacked.
His shotgun blast can be heard by Dallas so he rushes towards the gunshots. When he arrives there there was only a shotgun left on thr ground.
Dalles: Cade? Cade, where are you man? Cade!
He slowly make his way towards the shotgun then he kneel down and picked up his shotgun. Nervous by the situation he decided to make a break for it and rushes to find an exit.
He kept running all awhile he felt like someone is chasing him so he kept running. The stacks of containers makes it feel like a maze as he turn different directions until he ended up in a dead end.
He slammed his fist onto the container wall and quickly turn. His eyes widen in fear to see a dark silhouette standing there and Helen feel like he is looking at him.
Without any hesitation he pulled out his rifle and open fire at the silhouette while screaming. He kept firing his rifle till he ran out.
He breaths heavily as he sees nothing ahead of him and at first he thought he scared him away so he breath a sigh of relief. Suddenly a chain rapped around his neck and second later he was pulled away while he screamed and drop us rifle.
Then Herry came around the cornor and sees his rifle on the floor. He decided to abandon everyone and make a run for his life. Soon he reach the exit and he quickly open it and stumble out onto the alleyway and slammed onto the wall.
He breaths heavily while starring at the exit door just waiting for someone or something to jump through. Then suddenly the exit door opens and Herry pulled up his twin smgs and fire at the door.
However no one is at the other side. He walks back in and looks around but there was no sign of the attack. He breaths a sigh and turns to exit only to be face to face with a silhouette blocking his way.
He yells while he fell and quickly crawl away only to slam his back against the container.
Herry: Please! Don't kill me! I swear I'll do anything! Just don't kill me.
The silhouette stare at him for a moment then approaches him then once close kneel down in front of him and stare at him. Herry is shaking in fear as the silhouette reaches over, dig into his pocket and pulls out a keycard.
He then gets up and motion him to leave. Without any hesitation he sprint to the exit and escape. The silhouette then make his way to the same container then slide the keycard in and the container opens.
A group of kidnapped victims walked out and look around to see no one around. Still they make their way to the exit and they made it out.
On the roof across the warehouse was the same silhouette seeing the innocent having their freedom. Then he gets a message on his phone so he pulls it out and it was his friend so he heads over to meet him.
At Eric's mansion we see Eric sitting on the couch watching some TV when he stood up and then with a smirk calls out.
Eric: (smirk) Could have you at least use a door instead of sneaking in?
Then the silhouette falls from the ceiling and lands on the ground. He step out of the light to reveal a young man and tells Eric.
???: Apologies. Habits.
Eric: (smirk) It's fine Lee. Glad you came. Remember I told you I have another friend that is fighting his own way of justice and the same one I sent you to Arasaka building to retrieve some info?
Lee: Yes I remember.
Eric: Well that's him.
He turn and Y/n step out of the darkness and greets Lee.
Y/n: You must be Lee right? Or the Night Warrior? My name is Y/n.
Lee: (bows) A pleasure to meet you. Eric told me you too are fighting for justice as much as I have correct?
Y/n: Yeah. Eric told me a lot about you andi figure we can use your help.
Lee: If there is any assistance then I will help.
Y/n: Huh well that was quick.
Eric: (shrugged) Like a said, he likes to help.
Y/n: Well welcome aboard. Your skills would be useful in our fight against a powerful threat.
Lee: I will eliminate threats so those who are easy will sleep at this city. I will protect them.
Y/n: Right.......(whispers to Eric) Taking thsi vigilant thing very seriously.
Eric: (whisper) You have no idea.
Optimus prime: HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY TO ME!!!
He throws Goldbug across the room then goes over and kicks him over and over while his Autobots watch as Optimus prime beats Goldbug so much that his energon begins to leak.
Goldbug lays there injured then Optimus prime grabs him by the head and lifted him off of his feet.
Optimus prime: Next time you ignore me orders, I will take your face and MOUNT you to my wall as a reminder to EVERYONE what will happen if any bot disobey to ME! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!!
Goldbug: Y-Yes my lord.
He then drops Goldbug and walks away, he walk pass his Autobots. Goldbug slowly get himself up while Ironhide snickers.
Ironhide: (smirk) Such an embarrassed for you to be taking down not only Starscream but by a human. How weak.
Ironhide walks away while Goldbug growls in rage as he then slammed his fist onto the wall and approaches Ratchet.
Goldbug: Fix me and give me upgrades....now.
Ratchet: After I fix up someone first.
Goldbug: Who?
We then see Hound laying on the operation table with no parts and new body. Ratchet shows Goldbug him as Ratchet tells him.
Ratchet: Optimus wants him fixed since he needs him his plan.
Goldbug: He failed to take down the humans and the cons. Why would Optimus need him?
Ratchet: You want to ask him yourself?
Goldbug just turns and walks away while Ratchet grabs his tools and continues his work while Goldbug walks away with rage of revenge within his eyes.
To be continued............................................
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