S1E10: A message

Shockwave: Okay. Reactivating him in 3....2......1!

Barricades eyes light up and look around tonsee Shockwave and Knockout around him while laying on a table. He slowly sat up which Knockout came up to him.

Knockout: Take it easy Barricade.

Barricade: I'll be fine. Thanks doc. Sorry about the mess.

Knockout: (smile) Please I don't mind.

Shockwave: Thank Primus we managed to save you. There were close calls but your back. I suggest staying away any battle fields for 5 weeks.

Barricade: On it. How are the humans?

Knockout: They are alright although there have been a few casualties during the battle.

Barricade: Then I fail to protect them. I am a police officer....I should've protected them.

Shockwave: Do not beat yourself Barricade. You did everything you could.

Megatron: For now we have to be extra careful whenever we go into Night City.

Then Megatron enter the room. Barricade leaps off the table and try to salute but he fell onto one knee which Megatron helps him up.

Megatron: No. Do not stress out your body Barricade. Go easy on yourself.

Barricade: Yes sir.

Shockwave: How is everyone?

Megatron: With Soundwave and Starscream. They are keeping them busy.

Shockwave: The Autobots will try to find us. What is our next move?

Megatron: For now we stay low till an opportunity will open for us. I heard that Y/n has contact Eric to do some digging and deliver us the information as soon as possible.

Shockwave: At least that is a start.

Megatron: Agree.


We see Y/n sat down on a chair next to Maine. The two sat there for a bit having an awkward moment. They sat there for a bit when Maine just sighs and is the first to say.

Maine: Man you really are quiet aren't ya?

Y/n: Guess so.

Maine:........Hey look, I know you hate Cyberware and i can tell you don't trust me. But right now we are all in this together, okay?

Y/n: (sigh) Yeah.

Maine:......Not gonna lie, I sorta respect you.

Y/n: Huh?

Maine: Disbite having no Cyberware on you, you still do things that is impossible for someone like you. I mean you fought and survive a fight of a gaint alien robot. Fuck I would never do something like that if I was in your shoes.

Y/n: Thanks. Well....I guess your kinda cool. I mean you fought like a badass leader.

Maine: (smirk) Still am.

The two then crack a chuckle then Y/n quickly stop chuckling and look away. Maine then place his hand on Y/n's shoulder then tells him.

Maine: Hey listen. Thanks for standing by and helping out my family. I appreciate with it.

Y/n:.....N-No no pro-

Rebecca: (smirk) Hi there~!

Then Rebecca landed onto his waist all of a sudden. Rebecca smiled then kissed him on the cheek all of a sudden which made Y/n blush.

Y/n: (blush) Wha-What are you doing?!

Rebecca: (smirk) Thanks for saving my ass from that big bot. Not gonna lie, you were cool.

Y/n remember about the death of her brother as he lower down and then tells Rebecca.

Y/n: Rebecca, about your brother. I'm-

Rebecca: Hey its okay. You did your best.

Y/n: Yeah.

David: Are you two gonna have sex or what?

Then David, Jeanne, Aylssa and Lucy stood there looking at them and after David ask that question Y/n face turned red and calls out.

Y/n: (blush) OF COURSE NOT!

Rebecca: (giggle) If you want? All you have to do is ask.

Y/n: (blush) Okay you can get off of me now!

Rebecca giggles as she leaps off and allowing Y/n to get off. Maine laughs while Lucy just smiled. Then there was a beeping sound and seconds later Luke came in looking tired which Y/n ask him.

Y/n: Yo you good Luke? Also what is that beeping?

Luke: I didn't have any sleep last night. This glove has been beeping for hours. I try to make it stop but it just won't stop.

Lucy: Let me see.

Lucy walks over and look at the Cybertronian glove for a bit.

Y/n: Anything?

Lucy: This might be a wild guess but I think it might be a message.

Maine: A message?

Rebecca: So can you open it?

Luke: I don't know how.

Y/n: Jeanne can you-?

Jeanne: Unlock an alien glove just to get a message? Yeah that seems impossible.

David: Can you try hitting on it?

They all turn to David which David shrugged.

David: What? If anything isn't working I just hit it.

Luke: Yeah sorry but I can't risk breaking my hand. Maybe I can try-

He close his fist and suddenly a beam is shot out which cost everyone to step back and a hologram image of what it looks like a scientist appear.

Rebecca: Oh look it open!

???: (message) Hello? If this message is activated listen to this message.

They gather to listen the message as he introduce himself.

Dr Light: (message) My name is Dr Light, and to someone who is wielding the Cybertronian glove or what I like to call it the "Creation hand" then congratulations. You hold the power to bring peace to this planet and hope. The Creation hand is a device that I've created to make anything that you think of. That being a sword, armor, weapons, vehicles and anything it. Not only that but it can upgraded and allow you to enhance your ability and creative ways. It can also gain access to computers and AI's.

Rebecca: Sounds OP not gonna lie.

Dr Light: (message) Of course I didn't technically made it. I received the plans od making it by a group of powerful beings called The 13 Primes. They told me that evil will come to this planet and trust me to create this weapon in order to protect and bring peace to Earth. I can explain more much as yet but you must save this world from destruction and chaos. Good luck.

Then the message ends leaving everyone a bit stunned.

Luke: What does all this mean?

Aylssa: It probably means that thing was gifted to you to bring peace to this planet.

Rebecca: So he's some what of a Messiah or Chosen one?

Lucy: Can it be possible that the reason why the pod landed near Luke is because it detected his good?

Y/n: Hard to say but we should tell Megatron about it.

(Short while later)

Y/n told Megatron and the other cons about it and they were left shocked.

Starscream: (shocked) The 13 Primes guide a human scientist to create it?

Knockout: That would explain why there were no records about the creation hand.

Soundwave: I'm guessing this threat might be the Autobots.

Megatron: I do not believe so. The Primes should never interfere the living world unless there is a reason. Such as a big threat.

Starscream: You could be right.

Luke: So is it possible that I might be destined for something?

Megatron: Perhaps you are destined to face a great evil that may threatening all of us. For now you should learn how to use this ability of yours.

Luke: Yeah your right. Besides I'm not much of a fighter.

Starscream: Perhaps I would train you. After all you save my life from Bumble- I mean Goldbug so I should return the favour.

Luke: (smile) Thanks. It really means a lot.

Starscream takes Luke to the training room and once gone Rebecca ask.

Rebecca: So that Goldbug bot was named Bumblebee?

Megatron: Indeed. Goldbug wasn't always name Goldbug. He was once Bumblebee, during the war he battle against Starscream. The two fought until Starscream accidentally cost a explosion that nearly killed Bumblebee. He was taking by the Autobots and upgraded to become Goldbug.

David: So what? It was just an accidentally plus Goldbug is an asshole, along with the rest.

Megatron: Not all of them. Some are afraid to turn against Optimus prime in fear they will suffer a fate far worse than death. Some do betray but most did not make it.

Barricade: I was one of them. I was partners with Prowl till I decided I had enough and left to join the Decepticons. Never regret it.

Kiwi: Some guts.

Maine: So what are we doing? I'm ready to get some pay back from those bots.

Megatron: We are waiting for an opportunity to show.

Suddenly the monitor begins to ring and Soundwave answered it to see Eric on the screen.

Y/n: (smile) Eric hey man, how are things? Got anything you found?

Eric: (monitor) Wouldn't be calling if there wasn't. But with all seriousness my agent broke into the Arasaka building. He barely got out of there but it was all worth it because of this.

Then Eric share a screen next to him that shows what looks like a blueprint of what looks like a tower.

Rebecca: A TV tower?

Kiwi: Doesn't look like it.

Dorio: Your right. Looks alien.

Soundwave: It looks like one of the Autobots radio towers that is use to spread propaganda across Cybertron.

Shockwave: Are they planning to reveal their existence across the world? That doesn't make sense.

Eric: (monitor) Whatever they are, they are big.

Megatron: "They?" You mean there is more?

Eric: (monitor) Yeah. My agent told me he spotted five od those towers before he escape. They are planning something and whatever they are up to, I can't be good. Got to go but I'll contact you all if anything comes up. Later.

The call ends as Megatron gets concerned by the situation so he turns to Soundwave.

Megatron: Soundwave i want you to hack into the Arasaka or any companies and find out what are the Autobots up to.

Kiwi: I can help him.

Megatron: Do it. Knockout since Barricade will not be available for sometime, i want you to head into the city. Scan new pain jobs or scan a new vehicle mode so they won't recognise you.

Knockout: You cab count on me Megatron.

Megatron: Shockwave I want you to create some equipment and gear for all of us. We need everything we need so we can stand a chance.

Shockwave: Understood.

Megatron: Decepticons, we must do whatever we can to stop the Autobots and their plans. We will not allow them to continue ruling this planet. Together, we will rise and fight for this planets freedom!

To be continued.....................................................

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