Twins: Enter Dr. Kalan/Commotion

"Thank you Dr. Kalan."

"You're welcome Kim and I think we've made a real improvement today."

"I...I think so too." The young girl waved goodbye as she walked out the office.

Kalan sat back at his desk as he wrote down how today's meeting went.

"Kim is really improving nowadays, when we first started I could barely get her to talk let alone look at me."

Ring ring ring!

"Huh?!" Kalan picked up his phone and checked the caller ID 'Baby Girl' (Stella)

"Heh..." Kalan shook his head

Stella I swear if you're calling to excite me about another one of the bots' adventures...

"Hi sweetie."

"Hi can you come to the scrapyard."

Kalan raised an eyebrow at the tone of her voice

"Is something wrong Stella? Are your sisters ok?"

"Oh no! We're fine Daddy, but...well do you remember when Sideswipe was talking about his brother?"


"Huh...well it sure sounds like PTSD to me..." Kalan thought as he began putting together a file for Sunstreaker.

"Alright then give me a couple hours I still have one more patience for today and then I'll come over and talk with Sunstreaker."

"Thank you Daddy! You're the best! I love you!"

"Eheh, I love you too sweetheart, I'll see you soon, bye baby."

"Kay! See you soon!"

Kalan hung up, and turned to his bag and pulled out three other files.

I'd never imagined I'd have giant alien robot patients before, and now a fourth has just been added to my list...'sigh' Then again I am Prince Kalan of the Fairy Kingdom and one of my daughters is a half fairy half alien robot 'chuckle' my life isn't exactly normal.

...After Kalan's last patient...

"Daddy!" all three girls jumped him as he entered the gate

"Ehehe hey girls, bots."

"Hello Kalan how have you been."

"I'm doing great Bumblebee, And how have you been holding up." Kalan ruffled Stella's hair

Remember the three other bot patients Kalan has, well those three are Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Jetstorm. Bumblebee is still having a bit of self esteem issues when it comes to his doubts on being a leader. Sideswipe when he first met Kalan found out that he's suffering from monophobia or in the more appropriate term autophobia, a fear of being alone which during one of their sessions is revealed to have stemmed from the loss of his brother. Jetstorm is still coping with the loss of his own brother as well, Jetfire who died at the hands of Shadow Raker. So to say Sunstreaker's return has warrant concern for those two is an understatement.

I'll need to talk with Sideswipe and Jetstorm after I talk with Sunstreaker.

"I'm having some...'trouble' with Sideswipe and Strongarm now, I'm assuming the girls told you what happened." Bumblebee replied

"Yep, so where is this new bot?"

"He's with Sideswipe right now."

"Actually Sideswipe is arguing with Strongarm right now." Russel rushed over to the two

"Scrap!" and Bumblebee ran off to separate them before their 'argument' turned into a fist fight.


"If you would just give me 5 secs to-"

"To what?! To arrest my brother! To harass him! To put him through even more trauma then he's already been through?! Did you not see what just happened?! And you're still going to-"

"Break it up! Both of you! Right now!" Bumblebee shouted as he pushed the two bot teens away from each other.

"Blame Strongarm, Bee! She doesn't know when to back off!" Sideswipe shouted

"And you don't know how to shut your vocalizer! If you would quit leaking lubricants for once you'd know that I was only trying to talk to him!"


"Grr! You Bit Brain, Dim Spark, Piston Rod!"

"You Goody Two for Pedes!"

Bumblebee was literally holding the two bot teens back at servos' length as they hurled insults at each other.

"Brightplate!" Sideswipe shouted

"Sparkling!" Stongarm retorted









"You Towerling Glitch!"

Strongarm froze

"Sideswipe! That was too far!" Bumblebee shouted to the red bot

"You-you...You Under-Developed Low Processed Lugnut Scarphead!!!" Strongarm roared

"That's it you little-!"

Bee snapped

"ENOUGH!!!" He was done pushing the two apart


And immediately everyone in the scrapyard was on the ground, sitting still as statues even those who weren't watching the confrontation but still heard the pissed off bot's shouting. Frightened by the sudden outburst everyone and everybot kept quiet too scared to say anything as their yellow leader worked to calm himself.

"Alright I'm going to ask you what is going on and why you two are arguing. One. At. A. Time." Bee glared at the two

"And no one is to interrupt the other! Do I make myself clear!" he ordered

"CRYSTAL!!!" Both exclaimed fearfully

"Good. Now Sideswipe you first." Turning to the red twin

"I was sitting with Sunny waiting for Kalan to get here, when Stella came over and told me he was almost here and headed to the gate so I can introduce him to Sunny..." He then glared at Strongarm who returned it with full force.

"But while I was waiting I noticed a certain 'disobedient' cadet heading over to where Sunny was, so I decided to follow and low and behold! Despite being told to stay away Strongarm was talking with Sunstreaker! And no surprise Sunny was not too happy about that. So I jumped in and told her to get lost!-"

"Don't forget you push me!-"

"Cadet!" Strongarm started but was cut off by her lieutenant's voice

She stayed silent and Bee turned back to Sideswipe

"Did you push her?" He asked

"Well...yeah I did. But you said it yourself Bee!" He then pointed an accusing finger at Strongarm

"She! Wasn't supposed to be anywhere near Sunstreaker!"

"So what happened next?"

"That's pretty much when the argument started. Me telling her to back off and her refusing to leave!" Sideswipe then crossed his arms as Bee turned to the only Femme bot.

"Ok Strongarm your turn..." He gave her a disapproving glare

"And you better have a good reason for disobeying my orders."

"Yes Lieutenant, you see I was curious about Sunstreaker's attitude. Given that the way he's acting now is far different then from what Sideswipe described, and we still have not gotten his side of the story and know nothing about what happened during all the vorns he and Sideswipe were apart. I was merely getting some answers." Strongarm stated calmly

"Even if you wanted to just talk, I gave you a direct order not to interact with Sunstreaker until this was resolved. And you blatantly disobeyed it!"

"I know sir and I apologize. I was just curious is all." Strongarm bowed her head in shame

"That's still no excuse. And where is Grimlock? I ordered him to keep an eye on you?"

In that moment they all heard a loud shuffle as a certain dinobot quickly and very loudly disappeared to the other side of the scrapyard.

Bee exhaled, rubbing his template, he was getting exhausted.

"I'll talk with him later..." Bee looked around before setting his optics on the two samurai bots.

"Drift! You'll take over guarding Strongarm!"

"Yes sir." The two calmly stated

Kalan raised an eyebrow as he noticed Jetstorm was missing. Sigh...Yep! This is just what I was afraid of.

"But lieutenant!"

"I'm sorry Strongarm but it is clear that I cannot trust you to be alone while Sunstreaker is around without supervision."

Strongarm sulked shamefully "Yes sir."

"Good, Sigh and now that this is settled everyone you're clear to leave. Kalan, Sideswipe and I will take you to meet Sunstreaker."

"Lead the way Bumblebee." And he followed after the two bots taking quick glance back at the lone femme bot being led away by the 'two' samurai bots.

This can cut months from his progress if not a whole year!

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