The Wreckers (Spotlight)

(Planet: Cybertron)
(Location: Iacon)

Within the dying Planet of Cybertron, we see nothing but what's left of Decepticon forces patrolling the streets of Iacon, hunting down any remaining Autobots that was left behind to continue to battle as the Decepticon forces kill them on site and continue on moving after that.

Most Autobots turn to hiding and trying to find a way to leave Cybertron and regroup with any other Autobots that were out there in the galaxy. Among the Autobots we see an Autobots Wrecker named Springer making rushing through the alleyways of Iacon, dodging Decepticon seekers ans drop ships as he blend in within the darkness and checking his back.

Soon he reach the exit out of the alleyway as he lend his back against the wall and peak over his head to see Decepticon troopers rounding up Autobot troopers and kneeling them down in the middle of the street bedore they were each killed one by one, executing them for their crimes against the Decepticon cost.

Springer wishes to help them but had no choice but to leave the area before he was spotted. Soon after he left the alleyway from another exit, a spot light hits him over him as he looked up see a Decepticon drop ship over head as they spotted him.

Springer: Scrap!

He transformed into his Cybertronian vehicle and he speed off, trying to lose them while the Decepticon drop ship opens up and three Decepticon seekers leap out while transform into jets and fly after him.

They open fire at him as Springer dodges the incoming bolts as he turn to different roads, trying to get away from them. The seekers were still on his tail as they continue to fire at them. One of them have a lock on amd fired a humming missile at Springer which he sees. He quickly stopped, transform into his bot form as he reach into his back and immediately pulled out his sword as he slice the missile in half which cost an explosion behind Springer.

Then he race towards the three seekers as he immediately transform into his Cybertronian helicopter form, surprising the three seekers that he is a triple changer while Springer fired his machine guns at them, taking out two seekers with one fly by him as he turn back around and fired both missiles which immediately hit the seekers and blow up the Decepticon seeker.

Springer: Take that.

He fly down to the ground and changed his helicopter ti ground vehicle mode and race back to base to report on his leader.

(10 cycles later)

He arrived at Iacon's underground sewer where a elite task force called the Wreckers are at as Springer transform into his bot form and walk by a few Wreckers that greet him back. A lot of Wreckers were forced to hide underground after the Decepticons forces have took over Iacon and had no choice bit to survive until they have a plan to retake Iacon.

However they have lost a lot of Wreckers for years and all hope of taking back Iacon seemed to be dying by the minute. At the control room we see Impactor talking to Bulkhead about the repairs of the ship as Impactor as Bulkhead tells Impactor the problem they have when Springer enters the room.

Springer: Impactor I'm back.

Impactor: (turns to Springer) Springer, good to see your still functional. (Turns to Bulkhead) We'll look at this situation later.

Bulkhead nodes and walks off while Springer walks up to Impactor as Impactor ask him.

Impactor: So what did you see up there? Any Autobots you've managed to reach?

Springer: Unfortunate no. Decepticon forces are killing them up there. At this rate, we might be the only ones that still alive.

Impactor: I see. Well so much of having some back up for once.

Impactor turns to the computers while Springer was thinking about something and decided he needs to talk to Springer so he walked up next to Impactor and ask him.

Springer: We need to talk about the plan.

Impactor: What plan?

Springer: You know what I mean Impactor. We can't stay here for long. Soon the Decepticons will find thid place and kill us all.

Impactor: That's what we're signed up for Springer. We fight before we die.

Springer: Yeah I get it but....have you not see what Cybertron has become? Even if we do retake Iacon from the Decepticons, there will be nothing for us to survive! All energon is gone and Cybertron will be a planet of offline Autobots or Decepticons that died by each other, or die by a lack of Energon.

???: Oh give me a break Springer. You know we all can't leave Cybertron until we'll crush every singal Decepticon in site.

Then another Wrecker named Whirl approaches the two as he also tell them.

Whirl: Besides if we do ran out of energon we van also drink the Energon from our enemies.

Springer: That's gross Whirl. We maybe brutal, but where not that brutal.

Whirl: Well if your starting to shut down while there's piles of dead Decepticons troopers laying on the ground leaking out energon, don't blame me when I drink them all up.

Springer: Look my point is we can't survive without Energon unless we leave to find more out there in the galaxy.

Whirl: So you rather ran away like a coward like the other Autobots. I knew you will show your coward side sooner or later.

Springer: I'm not a coward! I'm staging a point that we can't survive without any energon.

???: I think Springer has a point.

Then Roadbuster joins in the conversation as he stood next to Springer while he explain.

Roadbuster: I know we are the Wreckers and we don't fear death. But, this is a dying world and Iacon has been lost to the Decepticons. Our next move now is to leave Cybertron and regroup with others among the stars and live to fight another day.

Whirl: Oh come on! Impactor you can just agree to them do you?

Impactor was facing to the computer screens, watching the ruins of Iacon and other cities of Cybertron and fallen Cybertronians as he let out a sigh and turn sto face then and said.

Impactor: I know we have been fighting the Decepticons for a long time.....but Springer is right. Its best we live to fight another day.

Whirl: You kidding me right?

Impactor: But we have a problem. Our ship doesn't have enough energon to get us off of Cybertron and it's not like we could find some out there.

Roadbuster: No but I know where to find a stock pile of them.

The Roadbuster pushes a button and a hologram of a warehouse is shown in front of them as they turn as Roadbuster explains.

Roadbuster: This Warehouse use to be a home to a Mercenary clan during the war but they abandon the place after Cybertrons fall but I've heard there is stock piles of Energon being stored in there. If we head there and find it, maybe we can use the stock pile to leave Cybertron.

Whirl: Huh, well that's convenient.

Impactor: Yeah, what's the catch?

Roadbuster: The catch being is that area is raking over by the Combaticons.

Springer: Those are Megatrons elite Decepticon team. The best of the best, I thought they left Cybertron with Megatron?

Roadbuster: No. Megatron ordered them to kill all Autobots and regroup him and his forces on wherever he and his forces from the Nemesis maybe at.

Whirl: So what should we do? If the Combaticons in that area, we might all die.

Impactor: Still we have no choice. The four of us will go and get the Energon and be back here before they even know.

Springer: Sounds like a plan to me.

Roadbuster: Same here.

Whirl: Well, as long i can scrap seme Decepticons, sure....I don't mind.

Impactor: Okay then, Wreckers let's Wreck and roll!

(Location: Iacon warehouse)

We see Impactor, Springer, Whirl and Roadbuster on the street and avoiding the seekers flying over them or the portaling Decepticon troopers and soon they arrive the location as they see the Warehouse along with a few Decepticon guards that are protecting the Warehouse.

Whirl: Looks like we're not the only once who know about this place.

Roadbuster: They must be here for the stock pile.

Springer: We can't risk of alarting the other Decepticons.

Impactor: Right, team stealth time.

They node and split off as we cut to the Decepticons walking around the building and patrolling the area as they were quickly and quietly were taking by one of the Wreckers ad they offline them. Impactor grab a Decepticon trooper and stabbed his drill hand into the troopers spark and killing the trooper as he drag him away while Springer sneak up to two Decepticon troopers talking as he pulled out his sword and stab the Decepticon trooper at the left, costing the other to turn but Springer kicks the trooper to the ground as he pulled out his sword, letting the stabbed Decepticon trooper fall as he swing his sword and stabbed the second Decepticon trooper, offline him within seconds.

Roadbuster was on the walkway above the entrance of the warehouse as he sneak up of a Decepticon sniper and grab him by the head and ripping the Decepticon sniper head off as his body fell.

Then Whirl grabs a Decepticon trooper into the darkness as he stomp his leg on top of a Decepticon trooper and then punched through the troopers body and ripped out his wires while Wirl watched the Decepticon troopers optics gose offline.

Soon they clear the warehouse as Roadbuster was the first to open the warehouse doors and they enter inside and look around.

Impactor: Stay sharp, this could be a trap.

They stay up guard as they look around for energon. It wasn't long for Roadbuster to spot something st the far back and approaches what seemed like a metal door and he opens to reveal a lot of Energon cube. It was not what Roadbuster thought it would be but it is enough.

Roadbuster: Guys i found it!

They approach him and they see the Energon cubes.

Springer: You think this will do?

Impactor: Yeah. Let's gather them up and return them back to base, let's get off this planet.

(40 cycles later)

They were in their vehicle forms with Roadbuster have a trailer and within it were energon cubes as they were heading back to their base so they can leave Cybertron.

They were almost there when suddenly explosions happened around them which cost them to immediately stop dead in their tracks as Impactor, Springer and Whirl transform into their bot form as Impactor telle Roadbuster.

Impactor: Get them inside now and get the ship ready!

Roadbuster: On it!

Roadbuster speed off inside the base as he have the other Wreckers get the ship faul up and leave immediately while Impactor, Springer and Whirl spotted five figures on top of a hill as the dust clears up to reveal the Combaticons.

Onslaught: Well, Well, Well, Look what we got here. The last batch of Autobots on Cybertron.

Vortex: Seems like it Onslaught, here I thought the Wreckers never hide.

Brawl: Can't wait to crush ever singal one of them!

Impactor: How did you find our base?

Swindle: (smirk) We've placed a tracker on one of our energon in case they were taking by Autobot forces. Not gonna lie I was the one who brought the tracker thank you, thank you.

Blast off: Just shut up Swindle.

Onslaught: Here's the deal Wreckers, surrender now and we might spare you all.

Impactor: Wreckers never surrender!

Onslaught: Then be ready to be destroyed. Combaticons, combine into Bruticus!

Then all five Combaticons start to combine into Bruticus as Impactor, Springer and Whirl watched as Bruticus takes on step to the trio.

Bruticus: Bruticus online! Ready to crush Autobot scum!

Springer: This ks not good.

Impactor: Pull back! Pull back now!

Whirl: No way! I'm not gonna retreat without a fight!

Impactor: Whirl!

Whirl transform into hid Cybertronian helicopter form and flies around Bruticus, firing at him while Bruticus was not phased but gets annoyed so he try to swipe at Whirl but he dodges his massive hand but it wasn't long for Bruticus to fire rocket out of his back cannons which Whirl try to dodge but gets hit and gose down.

Springer: Whirl!

Springer rushes over to where Whirl crashed and once there he sees Whirl still online but his body was destroyed so Springer picks up Whirl and turns to see Impactor enter the base which Springer heads inside as well with Whirl in hand while Bruticus stomps towards their base and start smashing at their underground base, costing the base to shake as all Wreckers enter inside the ship as Springer sets the injured Whirl into a stasis pod so he can survive while Impactor head into the bridge as Roadbuster gets the ships up and running.

Roadbuster: We're ready Impactor! Ships full!

Impactor: Good, get us out of here!

Roadbuster fired up the thrusters and once they were online the ship rises from the ground and was about to take off. But then Bruticus grabs at the back of the ship, stopping theie escape but Springer jumps into one of the ships cannons and open fires at Bruticus, Bruticus was forced to let go as the ship flies off, leaving Cybertron and flies off to the stars.

Springer soon enters the bridge and walks up to Impactor and Roadbuster as he tells them.

Springer: Whirl will be fine but his body is completely destroyed. We might need to get him a new body so he can fight.

Roadbuster: Well I'll have Leadfoot and Sandstorm to get him a new body but it may take a long whilr until he's up and running.

Impactor: Still it will do.

Springer: what?

Impactor stood there slinet for a bit and then turn to Roadbuster.

Impactor: Check for communication coms. We must find any Autobot survivors and regroup with either one of them.

Roadbuster Sure but it will take a long while until we get someone.

Impactor: We'll wait. Let's just prey to primus we could find anyone out there.....let's hope we gain connect with Optimus prime himself if possible.

Back on Cybertron we see the Combaticons looking up at the sky as they watched the Wreckers escape and then Onslaught turns to Blast off and tells him.

Onslaught: Get our ship ready Blast off, we're going after them and once we do find them, we're gonna ripe out their sparks and mounted their heads into our wall. For the Decepticons and for Lord Megatron.

And so the Combaticons heads off to get into their ship and to chase after the Wreckers but little did they know, they will soon meet once again on a small planet filled with small life called.......Earth.

The end........................................

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