Team Hot Rod (Spotlight)
(Unknown location)
We see blue skies with clouds all around as we see a few flying pokemon flying through the air and enjoying themselves as they fly peaceful. Everything was nice until parts start to fall from the sky and all of a sudden a Decepticon Frigate is going down while flames can be seen at the thrusters as well as a few explosions around the ship as the Decepticon frigate is going down.
Soon it breaks through the clouds and making it's crash onto an unknown island which soon after the Decepticon frigate makes a rough landing as it crashes within the forest on the island. The Decepticon Frigate stops after going through tones of trees and rest in the middle of nowhere in the forest.
We then cut to a close hatch as the hatch blows open with a explosion and lands onto the ground and the first bot came out was Hot Rod as he climb out of the frigate and look around to see they were in the middle of the forest.
Hot Rod: (smirk) See, I told you I can land this ship perfectly.
Soon Sideswipe climb out of the ship with a sigh as he tells Hot Rod as he stood next to him.
Sideswipe: Yeah after you accidentally shoot the controls to the ships thrusters which resulted an explosion that shut down the whole ship.
Hot Rod: Hey at least we're alive right?
Sideswipe just shake his head while Jazz and Bumblebee came out with Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Togepi being helped by Bumblebee as he get them off the ship.
Bumblebee: You all alright?
Ash: Yeah thanks.
Misty: (smile) Your the best bee.
Bumblebee: (smile) No problem.
Jazz: So where are we?
They look around to see nothing but trees as Hot Rod says in a confident tone.
Hot Rod: (smile) Well.......I think we're stranded.
Hot Rod: Relax Misty. Maybe Brock might know where we are. Say, where is Brock?
Jazz: Um don't you remember? He's staying with Professor Ivy as her assistant.
Hot Rod: Oh yeah I remember now. Well then, has team leader we must explore this unknown island and find out what it is.
Ash: So basically we have to live here for the rest of our lives?
Hot Rod: (smile) Probably but it could be fun.
Sideswipe: Well while you all do that, I'll see what I could find inside. Hopefully we can sent a SOS to the Ark for a ground bridge.
Bumblebee: Good luck Sideswipe.
Jazz: And stay safe.
Sideswipe: Will do.
Hot Rod: Alright Team Hot Rod, let's go!
(Hours later)
They have been walking for a while and they haven't spotted any humans nor pokemon for a long time. They search around but there is no sign of anything what so far.
Misty: My feet is starting to hurt.
Togepi: Togepi?
Bumblebee: I'll transform into my vehicle form and you four can rest inside of me.
He transform into his vehicle form and let's Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Togepi inside while Jazz pulls up a holo-map and it shows nothing.
Jazz: This island is completely unknown. I may fear we never get out of here.
Hot Rod: (smile) Had some fate Jazz. We can find a way out, I'm sure of it.
Jazz: Yeah, Hopefully.
After minutes of walking they come across a road which leads them to somwhere.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Finally a road! I knew we'll find something. Now, let's roll.
Both him and Jazz transform into their vehicle form and they ride through the road and come across a town with a nice beach as they roll into town with people and pokemon there as they drive near the beach next to them.
Misty: (smile) What a relief. Here is thought we're gonna eat bugs for the rest of our lives.
Ash: (smile) Well bugs can be tasty.
Bumblebee: Probably not try to eat me if you wish to.
Misty: (giggle) Don't worry bee, we won't eat you.
Togepi: (smile) Togepi.
Pikachu: Pika.
???: Come on you stupid pokemon, get moving.
Then they stop and spotted a trio of pokemon trainers surrounded a Lapras as they start beating on the poor pokemon.
Ash: (angry) What are they doing to that pokemon?!
Misty: That's so cruel.
Hot Rod: Yeah, we can't let that happen. Jazz, on me.
Jazz: You got it!
The two bots transform into their bot forms and approaches the trop pokemon trainers as they turn and were shocked to see two gaint robots.
Hot Rod: (smirk) You know, it ain't nice to beat down a defenceless pokemon now is it?
Jazz: How's about you three run off and never bother this pokemon ever again.
Pokemon trainer 1: How about you stay out of our business!
Pokemon trainer 2: Yeah! This Lapras is gonna take us to complete the orange island gyms.
Jazz: There are gyms here?
Hot Rod: Well beaten on Lapras is not gonna help. I suggest you get out of here.
Pokemon trainer 3: Or what?
Then Hot Rod aims his wrist blaster cannons at them and they see what he ment so they run away and once they were gone Hot Rod puts them away just as Bumblebee, Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Togepi enter the beach.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Looks like those guys ain't gonna come back again.
???: Incredible!
Then they look over to see another boy that is not with the trio of trainers looking up at Jazz and Hot Rod as the two look at each other and to this boy.
Hot Rod: Um hi there. Can we help you?
???: Yes, just for a second.
He then looks around Hot Rod and Jazz and taking some notes of them while Ash and the others just stood there and watch this happen.
???: This is very interesting indeed. You both have some interesting paint job that suits your personalities, not to mention your appearance as well. You both are seemed to be fit as well.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Thanks. I try my best to be perfect as always.
Bumblebee: (whisper) Any idea what that human is doing?
Misty: (whisper) I don't know.
Bumblebee: Say should we take Lapras to a pokemon centre. I think it looks injured.
Hot Rod: Right. Jazz help me up with it.
Jazz: Understood. (Runs over to Lapras)
Hot Rod: (Turns to the boy) Hey human, is there a pokemon centre anywhere?
???: Of course. Its on top of that hill. Follow me.
Hot Rod: Alright thanks.
(Pokemon centre)
We see Lapras at the pool at the back of the pokemon centre as we see Hot Rod and the others at the back as Ash and, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi and the mysterious boy came out to the back.
Misty: How's Lapras doing?
Jazz: Scared. I think she's scared of us, can't blame her.
Bumblebee: It's a shame. She was weak and there was nothing she could do to fight back.
Ash: Well according to Nurse Joy, this Lapras is actually a baby who was wash away from the others during a storm.
Hot Rod: Guess that make sense. It's sick to see how humans not care how long they are.
???: Yeah but not all humans aren't bad.
Hot Rod: Yeah we know. Say thanks human.....say, you got a name?
Tracey: (smile) Yep, the names Tracey and I'm a Pokemon watcher.
Bumblebee: What's that?
Misty: According to Nurse Joy, Pokemon Watchers travel the world and study pokemon and find new pokemon as well.
Jazz: Huh that's pretty cool. You draw them in your book or something?
Tracey: (smile) Yeah. You know it's nice to meet giant robots from another planet. I'll be happy to draw you guys if you like.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Sure, try to get my good side.
Bumblebee: Everything is your good side though.
Hot Rod: Exactly.
Ash looks over to Lapras and gets close to the pool and calls out to Lapras.
Ash: (smile) Come on Lapras. We be happy to meet you.
Lapras stay far away from them, afraid of them as Ash and Pikachu see this while Jazz walk next to them as Jazz puts on some calm music which Lapras hears and looks over as Jazz kneels down and reaches out his hand to her.
Jazz: (smile) No need to be afraid. We'll all friendly here, no need to be shy or afraid around us.
Lapras looks at them and swam over to them while Tracey was surprised and Ask Jazz.
Tracey: (surprised) Amazing! Are you an expert of pokemon?
Jazz: (smile) No but I know how to calm anything with some smooth music. That always works.
Hot Rod: (smirk) And that's why he is called Jazz.
Lapras swam towards them and was almost about to touch Jazz hand when suddenly a net came down and Lapras was trapped inside as Lapras let's out yells of fear while the rest looks up to see Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp.
Starscream: (smirk) Well, Well, Well, if ain't Hot Rod and his team.
Ash: Starscream!
Hot Rod: (smirk) Starscream, nice to see you again. Last time we met, you ambushed us and captured us and place us into a Decepticon Frigate.
Starscream: (smirk) And you escape. How ashame, I was suppose to take you all to Megatron so he will kill you but it seems that's not gonna happen.
Jazz: How's about you let Lapras go and come down here and face us!
Starscream: (smirk) Sorry but I'm busy doing a job with my new members of my team.
He tosses Lapras onto the back of the truck with James, Jessie and Meowth were in as they drive off while Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywrap transform into their jet forms and fly off.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Your not getting away Starscream! Ash, let's do this!
Ash: Right!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Hot Rod heads onto the street and once there he transform into his vehicle form and once Ash and Pikachu were inside they drive off while the rest watch them go.
Jazz: Let's go after them.
Misty: Right!
Bumblebee: Better hold on Tracey.
The two transform into their vehicle forms and once they were inside they drive off. We see Team Rocket driving the truck down hill with Lapras at the back while Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywrap companion them as they were making their escape.
Thundercracker: Starscream, we got company!
Starscream: (noticed Hot Rod) No matter. Thundercracker, Skywrap stop them!
Skywrap: Right boss.
The two turn back and soon they were behind Hot Rod and they open fire at them as Hot Rod moves around, dodging the coming fire while Ash and Pikachu holds on.
Hot Rod: Pikachu, shock them.
Pikachu nodes as he climbs on the roof and charge up hid thunder bolt and fires at them. Thundercracker and Skywrap dodges the incoming bolts as they continue to fire at them.
Hot Rod dodges the incoming shots while Pikachu shoots thunder bolt at them. Then a bolt hits Skywrap and he goes left and crashes into Thundercracker by accident.
Thundercracker: Hey watch it, we're going down!
Skywrap: Oh scrap!
They go down and splash into the water as Hot Rod gets close to the truck as Hot Rod open the side door and Ash and Pikachu leap onto the sids of the truck as Team Rocket sees this.
James: Hey what do you think you are doing!
Hot Rod transform into his bot form and then fired the connection to the trailer and the vehicle ad the two split apart as Team Rocket goes down hill.
Starscream: Fools! Turn back and do something!
They try but Hot Rod catches the truck and then picks it up with Team Rocket inside as he turned to Starscream and tells him.
Hot Rod: Hey Starscream! Catch!
He throws them towards Starscream which he transform into his bot form and gets hit and fell into the water along with Jessie, James and Meowth.
Jessie, James and Meowth: (falling) Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!!!
Starscream on the other hand fired his thrusters and flies up while Hot Rod grabs the front of the trailer and stomp his foot down to slow down. Ash ane Pikachu hold on to Lapras while Lapras sees that they are saving her life.
They were coming across a cliff but Hot Rod slows the trailer down and I came a stop near the edge of the cliff. He let out a sigh of relief including Ash and Pikachu. Then Lapras licks Ash, as a way to say thank you while Ash smiles and laughs as Lapras continues licking him.
Hot Rod smiled but then he looks over to see Starscream in his jet form as he called out.
Starscream: I will not lose by the likes of you!
He ready his missiles and lock on at them when suddenly he was shot out of nowhere and fell into the ocean and seconds later a Decepticon drop ship show up I front of them as Sideswipe calls out through radio.
Sideswipe: (radio) Can you two not get into trouble for 5 minutes?
Hot Rod: (smile) Nice timing Sideswipe. Nice timing.
(Hours later)
It was the afternoon as we see at the beach where Lapras is on the ocean while Sideswipe lands the drop ship at the sand and explain to everyone how he got it to work.
Sideswipe: Found this drop ship that is still attached so I grab some parts and repair it.
Jazz: (smile) Nice one.
Bumblebee: (smile) Now we have our own ship.
Hot Rod: (smile) Yep. So what now?
Ash: (smile) Well Tracey told me about the Orange islands gyms and I wanna try to beat them and ear some badges.
Bumblebee: But what about the package we're suppose to give to Professor oak?
Ash: (smile) I ask him and he told me it's alright as long I keep it safe.
Hot Rod: (smile) Sounds good to me. Looks like we have a new adventure for us.
Tracey: (smile) Say would it be fine I come along?
Hot Rod: (smile) Sure. Guess Lapras is also gonna come with us as well.
Lapras smiles in agreement and once that Hot Rod points st the ocean and then calls out.
Hot Rod: (smild) Alright Team Hot Rod. Let's heaf off to our new adventure at the Orange islands!
Everyone: Yeah!
The Autobots climbed inside the drop ship while Ash and the rest hop inro Lapras and they take off to their new adventure. We then cut to see Starscream and his team crawl into shore as they lay there for a bit and then Thundercracker says.
Thundercracker: Maybe we should have blast them before we pull down the net.
Starscream: (hits Thundercracker on the head) Shut up Thundercracker. Just.....Shut up.
The end..........................................
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