S2E8: Rogue pokemon (arc 2)

(Mandrain Island North)
(Decepticon base)

We see Shockwave, Soundblaster, Knockout, Cassidy and Butch as they are in Shockwave's as Shockwave contacts Megatron through the screen and after a while Megatron appeared on the screen.

Megatron: (screen) Shockwave, report.

Shockwave: Lord Megatron the machine is working as I planned. Now all we need to do is to upgrade the machine and this islands pokemon will belong to us and also our new allies.

Megatron: (screen) I see. Very good Shockwave, how many pokemons have you managed to capture?

Butch: (smirk) 68 pokemons sir and we must say we are impress of your technology.

Cassidy: (smirk) Indeed. Thanks to your technology, Team Rocket will be unstoppable with our allies.

Megatron: (screen) Do not blind yourself Cassidy and Bob.

Butch: It's Butch sir.

Megatron: (screen) There is still the threat of the Autobots and their human alliance.

Shockwave: That maybe true Lord Megatron however, without their pokemons on their side and the whole pokemons in the city under our control, the chances of them winning is down to 43%.

Knockout: (smirk) Not to mention this base is very well hidden so they will not suspect a thing.

Butch: Except Jessie and James are out there. They may screw it up.

Knockout: (smirk) Those two would never think about working with those pathetic fools Bill. Even if they lost their pokemons, there is no way they will work with them.

Butch: (sigh) For the last time it's Butch.

Megatron: (screen) Still maintain control over the situation and report back to me as soon as possible.

Shockwave: (bows) As you wish Lord Megatron.

The screen call ends and then Shockwave turns to Knockout and tells him.

Shockwave: Order the Decepticon troopers to be ready to transport the pokemons.

Knockout: You got it. (Walks out of the room)

Shockwave: (Turns to Soundblaster) Soundblaster, maintain communication from the police and city cameras. We need eyes for any new pokemons that stumble into this city.

Soundblaster: Sure thing Shockwave. (Turns and leaves the room)

Shockwave: (looks down as Butch and Cassidy) Butch, Cassidy check on the pokemon and the machine, we do not need any malfunctions just in case. (Walks out of the room.

Cassidy: (smirk) You got it.

Butch: (angry) And for the last time I am bu-(Realising) Oh wait he got it right.

Cassidy: Just shut up Buzz and let's go. (Leaves the room)

Butch: (angry while leaving the room) Oh come on! Why does people get my name wrong, the names Butch! BUTCH!

We cut to Shockwave walking down a hallway until he come across a door and opens it and step inside and there were three insecticons in their bug forms and eating energon on the floor and when they noticed Shockwave enter the room the three transform into bot forms.

Shockwave: Vemon, Chop Shop and Ransack, I have a special job for you three. I believe that the Autobots will try to plan out their attack, I want you three to cost some chaos to distract them.

Vemon: (chuckle) Thought you never ask. Leave the chaos to us. (Evil chuckle)

(Mandrain Island North Park)

We see Alex sitting on the bench as he looks on the floor, couldn't believe he lost Ben like that as he grab his head while letting out a sigh when Y/n drive up to the park and then transform into his bot form and finds Alex as he walks up to him.

Y/n: You okay?

Alex: No. I'm not.

Y/n: Don't worry Alex. We will find Ben and we will find out who or what is controlling them.

Alex: I just.......I never seen Ben look at me before. It hurts to remember that face.

Y/n: (Sat down on the grass next to Alex) You know Ben is not in control. We will find a way and we will save him and the other pokemons foe sure.

Alex: Yeah. Sorry for that outburst earlier. It's just Whirl........he has no right to say that.

Y/n: I know. But you have to remember him and the other Wreckers don't understand humans relationship with pokemon and how strong they are.

Alex: Guess so.

Y/n: Still, Whirl would know butter.

Alex: Yeah.

Y/n: (Stand up) Coms on buddy, let's go and save Ben and the pokemons.

Alex cracks a smile and leaves the bench and once that Y/n radios his team.

Y/n: We're on our way back.

Madison: (radio) That's good because we have two people that might tell us on what's going on.

Y/n: Sounds good. Wait there and we be the-

Suddenly a beam hits Y/n, sending him flying and crashing onto the grass. He sat up only to see Vemon, Chop Shop and Ransacked came down in their insert forms and then transform into bots once they landed.

Chop Shop: Well, Well, Well, Look what we have here? A singal Autobot along in the city? (Noticed Alex) With a delicious human.

Y/n: (stands up) Leave Alex out of this cons!

Vemon: Unfortunately for you, we have orders to cost some destruction so we figure this is a good time.

He then throw up Vemon at Y/n which he move back and then Ransacked changes towards Y/n and tackle him to the ground as the two fell while Chop Shop transform inro his insect form and crawl towards Alex as he take a few steps back.

He was about to pull out one of hid pokemons but remembered that they will be controlled if they be released.

Y/n: (punches Ransacked) Alex! Run!

Alex has no choice but the run as he turn and ran for it while Chop Shop chases after him. Vemon watches as Y/n kicks Ransacked off, rolls backwards as he gets up and then he pulled out his assault rifle and open girls at Ransacked which he dodges the shots before Vemon kicks away Y/n's rifle and gets punched in the face as he battles both Ransacked and Vemon.

We cut to Alex sliding down a hill of the park and running from Chop Shop as Alex keeps running while Chop Shop chases after him.

He then reached a bridge which he goes under as Chop Shop cannot fit through as Alex turn to see he can't go through.

Alex: (smirk) Ha! Looks like size is your enemy.

Suddenly a small hatch open and mini Chop Shop bugs came out and crawls its way towards Alex.

Alex: Oooohh never mind!

He run away from the noe mini Chop shop bugs as he race towards the othee side of the tunnel. He looks back to see them still chasing him and after a while of running he made it out only to be grabbed by Chop Shop as he pick him up. Alex try to escape but couldn't as Chop Shop growled and then said.

Chop Shop: I can't wait what humans taste like.

Alex shut his eyes, thinking he is about to be eaten when suddenly a drill impaled through Chop Shop's chest as he gasp in shock.

Alex was dropped but was caught by Impactor as he still has Chop Shop impaled and then he pulled out his drill, leaving a hole as Chop Shop gose offline and fell onto the floor.

Impactor: That was close. (Turns to Alex) You okay kid?

Alex: Yeah I'm fine. Thanks.

Impactor: No problem. Sorry about Whirl.

Alex: No I understand. He doesn't know our relationship towards pokemon. Including you guys.

Impactor: (smile) To be honest with you, I would like to have a pokemon if that's possible.

Alex smiled as Impactor transform into hie armor vehicle and drives off while we cut to Y/n battling both Vemon and Ransacked as he dodges Vemon's swings of his axe only to get punched by Ransacked which made him stumble backwards and broken the wall as Vemon spits out vemon which Y/n try to block with his and which got onto him and start burning his metal arm as he groan in pain.

Vemon: Now then, it's time for you Autobot to enter the well of the all spark.

Before they could do anything ninja stars hit them as Zero rushes over and kicks Ransacked which he crash into Vemon as the two were sent flying and crashed onto tnr Road as Zero turns to Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks Zero.

Zero nodes while Madison and Sideswipe drive over qnd transform into their bot fork as Madison check on Y/n's arm.

Madison: It doesn't look too bad. I'll patch you up.

Y/n: Thanks.

Vemon and Ransacked stood up and then the two charge towards them which Zero charge towards Ransacked as Ransacked leaps up to Zero but he slide on the floor while he slashhis sword over him, slicing Ransacked as Zero leaps up as Ransacked's body splits into two and falls onto the floor while Vemon charge towards Sideswipe but he pulled out twin write blades and quickly dodges Vemons spit.

He move to the left and cut hid left leg off and then cut off his right arm as he collapse onto the floor as Sideswipe leaps up and lands onto Vemons back and then double stab him through the head as he goes offline as Sideswipe leaps off as two Decepticons are done as Impactor drive over with Alex inside and once Alex is out, Impactor transform into his bot form and walks over to Y/n who is getting patched up by Madison.

Impactor: You can still function?

Y/n: Yeah, nothing so bad. So you brought someone that can help us?

Impactor: Yeah and I think you may know them.

(Mandrain Island North Wales police station)

They arrive back as Y/n and Alex were shocked to see Jessie and James there as Tracey was patching up Jessie while Misty patches up James while the other Autobots watched.

James: Ow! Watch that, it still hurts!

Whirl: Well I can chop that arm off if your arm hurts?

James: (scared) N-No thanks.

Whirl: That's what I thought.

Tracey: (smile) All done. You two are better now.

Misty: So what happened to you two and Where's Meowth?

Arcee: Let me guess, Meowth was mind controlled as well?

James: Yes and they got our pokemons.

Springer: Whose they?

James: Why should we tell you that?

Bulkhead: Because those pokemon are out there mind controlled and if you two know what happened to them, then you need to tell us.

Ash: Please! You have to tell us.

Jessie: Look, I don't see why we have to tell you that.

Y/n: Listen, I know you don't care about us. But your pokemons are also taken as well which means we're in the same page here. We maybe enemies now but we have a common enemy here so we have to work together in order to get our pokemons back.

James and Jessie look down and with no choice they told them about Shockwave, Cassidy and Butch working with them and the machine they made to control the pokemons.

Sorrel: So its in its prototype state and if they finished upgrading it.

Verity: Then they will control the pokemons in the whole island.

Y/n: Then we have no time to waste. We must attack now before it is too late.

Impactor: Here's the plan. Me and my Wreckers will take on the Decepticons outside while the rest of you enter inside and shut the machine down for good.

Bumblebee: You sure you and your team are up for this?

Impactor: (smirk) Trust me. We love to wreck stuff, it's pur thing.

Y/n: (looks down at Jenny) Officer Jenny, get I human citizens away from the area where the Decepticons are at. This maybe a massive battle.

Jenny: (salute) Understood.

Y/n: (Turns to Alex and the other humans) You all would stay here just to be safe.

Ash: No way! We wanna help and rescue our pokemons!

Misty: That's right!

Tracey: We're all in this together now!

Verity: Agree!

Sorrel: We may can't use our pokemons, but we still wanna help.

Alex: For our pokemons and other pokemons as well.

Y/n: (nodes) Okay then. (Turns to Wreckers and Autobots) Autobots, Wreckers, Transform and roll out!

To be continued..................................................

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