S2E5: Gym's secrets
(Mikan island)
We see Broadside still in his military ship and being docked as everyone inside waited while Y/n, Turbospike, Zero, Ironfist, Leadfoot and Standstorm were in their vehicle modes and driving through the street and inside of Y/n's vehicle mode was Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel as they were looking out of the window, seeing the island's beauty.
Ben: [This is very amazing place!]
Alex: (smile) Yeah I've never been to an island before so this is really cool.
Verity: (smile) You know I really wish you could come across an island that has beautiful trees, a nice lake and no one but us to have some fun.
Sorrel: Well maybe we can but first we need to locate the second Omega key first.
Y/n: Right so stay alert and not draw any attention to ourselves.
Turbospike: Roger that.
They continue on driving through the road while Leadfoot, Sandstorm and Ironfist talk among each other.
Leadfoot: Man who knew driving calmly without action is pretty boring.
Ironfist: Yeah it may seem boring but we need to be patient and not cost too much trouble.
Sandstorm: Yeah and besides it's not all that bad. I mean this island is pretty nice. Maybe there is more islands that is even better then this.
Leadfoot: Not much of a fan of beautiful islands you know.
After a while they finally arrived at their location as Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel climb out of Y/n while the four look aat something in front of them, pause for a moment and Alex ask.
Alex: Um isn't this a gym?
It was indeed a gym as Y/n was confused by this.
Y/n: That's weird. It says the second Omega lock is here but it's only a gym.
Sorrel: Perhaps we need to look inside to find it.
Verity: Maybe.
???: Hey there!
They look over to see a female gym leader waving towards the at the entrance of the gym and then make her way towards them.
???: Are you three here to challenge me? Well, you came to the right place.
Alex: Oh no sorry we didn't came for a gym battle.
???: Gym battle? We don't do gym battles here at the Orange islands.
Verity: You don't?
???: Nope. We do challenges to trainers to take on. Some do battling but others rather wanna see trainers team work with their pokemon.
Alex: Well we didn't came here for that one as well.
???: Really? Then why are you all here then?
Ben: [We're looking for an ancient Cybertronian artifac-
???: (shocked) Wow! Did your eevee just talked?!
Alex: (smile) Oh yeah. He has a voice translator that allows us to understand while we can understand him. But back to what Ben was saying, we are here to search for an artifact known as an Omega key.
???: Omega key huh? Never heard something about that. Still why are you four looking for it and why come here?
Y/n: Because we believe its somewhere in your gym.
Suddenly they transform in front of the gym leader, shocking her and understand what is going on as she sees the Cybertronians behind Alex and the others.
???: Oh I see.....Well how's about I'll take you four in and we have a chat.
Alex: (smile) Sur.
(Moments later)
We see Alex, Verity and Sorrel's pokemons out as they were in the gym leader's gym and eating the pokemon food while Alex and the rest were outside of the gym as the gym leader introduces herself.
Cissy: (smile) Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Cissy.
Alex: (smile) Nice ti meet you Cissy. Names Alex. This is Verity, Sorrel and the Autobots, Y/n, Turbospike, Zero, Leadfoot, Ironfist and Sandstorm.
Cissy: Huh you know I met Cybertronians before.
Y/n: You have?
Cissy: (smile) Yeah. A group of trainers have Autobots of their own. They even have a cute Bumblebee Autobot that is very friendly.
Turbospike: Huh guess HotRod's team came here before us.
Leadfoot: They could have gotten the Omega lock?
Sandstorm: (holds out the Omegs key) Nope. It's glowing brighter then before. It must still be here.
Cissy: So that's the Omega key.
Y/n: Indeed. We believe it must be in this area or underneath the gym.
Cissy: Well you be happy to look around if you like. Just, try not damaging my gym while searching for it.
Sandstorm: Don't worry, this will be done in a second.
Sandstorm walks over and then clap his hands together and then sand started to move and soon sand was lifted off the ground and circle around and around like a tornado and start digging up around the gym while the rest watched.
Cissy: (surprised) Well that's amazing.
Alex: (smile) Yeah, no wonder he's called Sandstorm.
Cissy: (smile) I bet.
Sandstorm: Found something!
They walk over and they see what seems like metal underneath the sand. Y/n kneel down and sees a button so he push it and seconds later there was a shake and the metal floor cracked open and it slowly open to reveal a large hole as sun light hits the empty hole, revealing a large room.
Cissy: (shocked) Wow!
Y/n: This must be it. Ironfist, Zero, with me.
The two node and they leap down and land onto the ground and once they were on the ground they stood up and look around for anything but they see nothing around them.
Y/n: Keep an eye out.
They activated their night vision optics and look around. It wasn't long for Ironfist to find a control console and push a button which turns it on and then lights up the whole room with blue ancient lights.
Everyone was amazed by this and then a hologram appeared as they quickly turn and to their amazed was one of the primes name Alchmist Prime as he is seen looking through something when another prime name Amalgamous Prime shows up and approaches Alchmist prime.
Cissy: (shocked) Who are they?
Alex: They are among of the 13 primes. Alchmist Prime and Amalgamous prime.
Cissy: (shocked) Amazing!
Amalgamous prime: (hologram message) So you wanted to see me Alchmist Prime?
Alchmist Prime: (hologram message) Ah yes, glad you came Amalgamous. I want to show you on a project I have been working on.
Amalgamous Prime: (hologram message): What is it? You know we should be heading back to Cybertron as soon as possible
Alchmist Prime: (hologram message) Yes I know but take a look at this!
He then show him a hologram of the Omega lock which Amalgamous Prime looks at while Alchmist Prime explains.
Alchmist Prime: (hologram message) I have developed a device that can allow us to turn things organic into Cybertronian. With this, colonising worlds will be far more easier then ever.
Amalgamous Prime: (hologram Message) Hhhhmm that seems interesting Alchmist Prime. But is it safe to use?
Alchmist Prime: (hologram message) Well not yet but with your help, we can get this up and running. Plus, I have Nexus Prime and Solus Prime helping me on the project.
Amalgamous prime: (hologram message) I see. But what about what Onyx Prime saying? She discovered some life on this planet so if we use this then-
Alchmist Prime: (hologram message) Don't you worry. We only building it here and then take it somwhere to test it. Maybe a lifeless planet that we can use.
Amalgamous Prime: (hologram message) I suppose I won't hurt to help you on this project. Very well then I can help, when should we start?
Alchmist Prime: (hologram message) Tomorrow. We will start the project.
Then the holograms disappeared follow by a small hatch open up on the floor and an Omega key being lifted out of the hole and hover in front of Y/n and the rest as Y/n takes it and waits for a moment and after a second he said.
Y/n: Huh......that was easy.
(Hours later)
It was the afternoon as they decided to swt up camp at Cissy's gym as they have the camp fire ready as they sat around the fire.
Verity: (smile) This is nice. Thanks for letting us stay here till morning Cissy.
Cissy: (smile) Oh please it's no problem. So how dangerous is the Omega lock?
Y/n: If the Decepticons use it then extremely dangerous. They can turn this whole planet into a new Cybertron and killing all life as we know it.
Ironfist: Still it's interesting that Alchmist Prime was the one who planed to make the Omega lock.
Sandstorm: Yeah but what happened that cost it to be hidden and split the keys into different islands?
Turbospike: Guess we don't know until we find out more.
Y/n: So how many Decepticons did you three scrap?
Sandstorm: 45.
Ironfist: 29.
Leadfoot: 150.
Cissy: (surprised) That's a lot.
Leadfoot: What can I say, love scrapping some cons.
Ironfist: I'm more of a navigation type of bot but it doesn't mean I don't know how to fight.
Sandstorm: Not much of the killing spree type of bot but I am skilled marksman.
Turbospike: (smirk) Oh really? Bet your not better then me.
Sandstorm: (smirk) Wanna bet?
Turbospike: (smirk) Yeah. I bet.
Ironfist: What about you guys?
Y/n: Oh I can't remove. I've took part in so many battles I kinda lost count.
Ironfist: Huh that sucks.
Y/n: So you think there are other Wreckers out there in the stars?
Ironfist: Maybe. But who knows.
Cissy: So how long have you all been fighting the Decepticons?
Turbospike: A very long time.
Alex: Still we're fighting the Decepticons so we can protect our planet. There are other Autobots everywhere on this planet as we can tell.
Cissy: Cool. You know at first I was shocked but now I see you all very fun to be around.
Y/n: (smile) Well we do anything to protect the life of thud planet and the life forms within.
Cissy respect that as they have more fun before they get some sleep.
(Next day)
They arrived back to Broadside and they were sailing off as they have gotten two Omega locks and now they were on their way to get the third one. Inside the bridge we see Y/n with Impactor, Springer and Whirl as he groans in frustration while he said.
Whirl: Oh come on! We have been travelling through the seas for who knows how long and we didn't fight any cons.
Springer: (smile) Maybe next time Whirl. Still we got two keys now right?
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Two down, five to go.
Impactor: Alright then. As long nothing bad goes wrong, we should be fine.
Then alarm start to go off as Springer looks at the monitor and sees a Decepticon ship heading towards them.
Springer: We got a Decepticon ship incoming!
We then cut to outside and we see a Decepticon ship being pilot by the Combaticons as they open fire at them. Bolts splash the water around Broadside as they fly by as the trio see this so Impactor calls out.
Impactor: We can't let those cons get the keys. Protect this ship at all cost!
Y/n: I'll get everyone ready for battle. (Runs out of the bridge)
Impactor: (Turns to Springer and Whirl) Springer take Sandstorm and Joshua and engage those cons in the sky. Whirl, you got the cannons.
Whirl: Finally! I can blow soke scrap up!
Springer runs off to get Sandstorm and Joshua while Whirl leap onto the cannons controls as he moves the cannons towards the Combaticons ships while they were coming down for another attack.
Whirl takes aim with his cannons and then said.
Whirl: Say hello to my big friends, hahahahahaha!!!!!
He pushes the bottom and the cannons fire whole the Combaticons dodge the incoming shots and return fire as the ocean battle has just started.
To be continued........................................
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