S2E4: The orange islands

(Dark side of the moon)

We see the Decepticons base within the dark side of the moon as we see many Decepticon forces on the moon along with Decepticon forces outside stockpiling some energon and maintaining turret defence in case of a Autobot attack. While that's going on inside the main HQ we see Megatron sitting on his throne while looking out of his window, watching as his base is being made.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron. The Combaticons have arrived.

Megatron turn his throne chair around to see Soundwave along with the Combaticons as they step forward while Megatron look at them and then smirked.

Megatron: (smirk) Onslaught. I see you and your Combaticons still function.

Onslaught: (bow) Indeed lord Megatron, we have revive your message and we are at your services.

Megatron: (smirk) Good. The Autobots will be feared by your might.

Onslaught: They will be feared even more.

Megatron: Oh, and why is that?

Onslaught: We have a ancient Cybertronian artifact that will make sure our total victory against the Autobots called the Omega Key.

Starscream: (enter the room) The Omega key? That's just a myth.

Swindle: (smirk) Oh really Starscream? Well I have the Omega key within me right no- (pat his waist) Uh....(pat his other wasit) Wait.....um......could you wait for a second lord Megatron.

He then try to find the Omega key while everyone watch him and after a while Swindle realised its not with him so he nervously chuckle and said.

Swindle: (nervously chuckle) Well that's unfortunate. It appears I lost the key while we were escaping from the Autobots.

Megatron: WHAT?!

Swindle: Oh scrap.

Onslaught: Forgive us my lord, we will locate the Autobots who have taking it and we will get it back.

Megatron: You better! Otherwise you and your team will no longer welcome here ever again!

Onslaught: Yes my lord.

They turn and leave as Blast Off slap Swinldw at the back of the head for dropping the Omega key while Megatron watches them leave the room.

Starscream: How can we know they are telling the truth?

Megatron: The Omega Key is not joke Starscream. It would unlock the Omega lock and with that power....I can easy turn Earth into our new Cybertron so we can rule once again.

(Orange islands ocean)

We see Broadside sailing through the ocean as they arrived at the Orange islands as we cut to inside to see Whirl explaining the plan to everyone as he draw out the plan but it just shows Whirl holding holding all the Omega keys with a crown on his head.

Whirl: Okay suckers here's the plan. We need to locate possible five or six keys or something and once we do.....um......we...we'll think about that plan once we gather all of them. Maybe through the into volcano  through them into the ocean or, or!....through them into a ocean which float down into a Volcano with tones of Gyarados, with deadly laser beams shooting out of their eyes!


Whirl: What?

Y/n: Gyaradoes don't have laser eyes.

Whirl: Nonsense! I read on the Internet that if you make them mad enough, they will shoot lasers at the enemy!

Madison: You can't just believe things on the Internet.

Whirl: So I can't believe one Internet user that says it's okay to smash female poke-

Springer: (grabs Whirl by the shoulder) Okay Whirl that's enough, maybe I'll take over here.

Whirl: Okay fine wise guy.

Whirl walks off ans sat down while Arcee let's out a small giggle while Springer rub out the drawing and then draw out the orange islands as he tells everyone.

Springer: Okay so as we known there six keys that we need to locate so our mission is to find them and get them before the Decepticons find them first.

Bulkhead: (smirk) Sounds easy enough since we stole one key from them all thanks to Y/n ans his team.

Alex: (smile) Yeah it's a lucky think we have the key.

Springer: That is correct however the Decepticons will realise this and may plan to track us down so we need to be very careful once we locate the key on the first island.

Sandstorm: But what are the orange islands and why is it important to hide the Omega keys.

Sorrel: (Pulls out his laptop) Well according to here, the Orange islands are large chain of tropical islands located south of Kanto and Johto. According to this the islands hold secrets and many theories go around saying that it use to be a region like Kanto until something happened that cost it to split and the lands split apart across the ocean.

Leadfoot: Huh crazy stuff.

Whirl: Oh and you believe him when he goes on the Internet!

Verity: If that where the case then the islands separation could be related to the Omega lock. Do you think the Omeha lock was used before?

Alex: Not too sure but it's scary if you think about it. This planet would have already turned into metal many years ago.

Ben: [Yeah and all life would already be gone.]

Impactor: (walked up to Springer) It doesn't matter what happened to those islands. What does matter now is trying to locate those keys before those cons show up. Ironfist, head up to the bridge and monitor things.

Ironfist: Got it boss. (Leaves the room)

Impactor: The rest of us will relax for now. We'll be using the key to locate the other key. Hopefully it will not take us long.

(Hours later)

We see Alex and Ben take up finishing as Y/n sat down on the edge of Broadside while Ben sat next to him while Springer walked up to him and kneel down next to him.

Springer: What are you doing?

Alex: (smile) Oh hey there Springer. I'm just fishing that's all.

Springer: Huh, what's that?

Alex: (smile) It's just a relaxing activity for us human whenever there is nothing to do. Misty show me to finishing and at first it was boring but soon I find it very relaxing.

Then he got something so he rail it up and a magikarp appear moving around while Springer seemed to be impress. Then Alex let's Magikarp go as Magikarp splashes back into the ocean.

Springer: Why did your let I go?

Alex: (smile) Sometimes it's not about catching anything and keep it. It's about relaxing and seeing how many we caught. (Turn yo Ben) Right buddy?

Ben: (smile) [Aye!]

Arcee: (giggle) You both are too adorable bounding each other like that.

She then walk up next to Springer as he turn to see her as he stand up straight and said.

Springer: (smile) Hey there Arcee. Enjoy the trip so far?

Arcee: (smile) Love it! At least I'm out here instead of staying inside the Ark. It feels good being in the great outdoors and meeting some adorable pokemon.

Springer: (smile) I can see why you love pokemon.

Arcee: (smile) Say what pokemon do you like? Actually you might not answer since you don't know much about pokemon.

Springer: Well I heard the other Autobots say about a Charizard which sounds cool.

Alex: That's Ash's pokemon but he find it heard to control Charizard.

Ben: [Yeah he has a lot of anger due to being abandon.]

Arcee: Which is sad. I can't blame Charizard for everything he has been through. Must be awful.

Springer: Yeah. It's actually a reason the Wreckers were formed. Many Cybertronians were abandon by others due to their abilities or other reasons.

Alex: (smile) Well let's just hope Charizard will one day listen to Ash.

Arcee: (smile) Yeah.

Springer: (smile) Let's hope so kid.

Broadside: Guys. We're approaching on our first island. Impactor wants to meet you all at the bridge.

Springer: Alright then, time to get to work.

They make theie way to the bridge and once there sees Impactor, Y/n and Joshua as they see the island up ahead.

Impactor: What do we got here Ironfist?

Ironfist: That island is called Mikan Island. Its a small island if you ask me.

Joshua: Still the Omega key is glowing bright so that island could have the second Omega lock.

Impactor: Alright then we just go there, grab the key and leave.

Y/n: Not so fast Impactor. That island has humans there so we need to be in disguises so they won't freak out.

Impactor: Do you think disguises will be necessary? Aren't human not aware of us?

Y/n: Yes but we can't be walking through the streets with them worrying there will be a battle. Besides no offence but your team seemed to be ready for some......violence.

They look over to see Whirl claining his weapon while laughing creepy until he noticed them staring at him.

Whirl: What? Can a bot not clean his toys?

Impactor: Hhhm, you have a point there. Still take Ironfist, Sandstorm and Leadfoot with you just in case.

Y/n: Understood. (Open his radio) Turbospike, Zero get your gears ready. We're going on a treasure hunt.

(Decepticons hanger)

We return to the Decepticons main base within the dark side of the moon as we see the Combaticons ship being docked at the hanger as we see the Combaticons trying to think of a plan of location the Autobots that took the Omega key.

Blast off: (sigh) This is all Swindles fault. None of this wouldn't happen if you didn't lose that key.

Swindle: Hey it was in the middle of a battle zone. There were tones of explosions. Besides it's my first time dropping it.

Onslaught: Shut up! We need to locate the Omega key and fast before Megatron throw all of us out of here!

Brawl: Ha! He would try.

Blast Off: Yeah right. Megatron will rip your head off if you try to fight him.

Brawl: Wanna bet!

Swindle: (smirk) Did I hear "bet?"

Onslaught: (facepalm) please scrap me now.

Vortex: Everyone shut up! I think I may have located them.

They turn to Vortex and then walk over to him and see he was on a screen that shows live satellite footage and it shows Broadside sailing towards the island.

Swindle: Huh that was easy.

Brawl: (surprised) Wow! How did you do that?

Vortex: These humans technology is far more easy to use then I thought. Still there is no way one of those Wreckers are sailing to an island unless they are looking for something there.

Onslaught: Nice job Vortex. Guess not all of my team doesn't suck like scrap.

Brawl: Hey! What did I do?!

Onslaught: Quiet! This is our chance of locating those Autobots and take back what belongs to us. Get ready the ship, we are going after them at once!

They get into their controls and push some buttons and pull down levers and as theie ship's thrusters turns on as the ship leaves the ground and then exits out of the hanger and heads to Earth while we cut to Megatron staring out of the window as Starscream walks up to him from behind.

Starscream: It looks like the Combaticons are finally away to complete their mission.

Megatron: Indeed. Tell me Starscream, I heard a report that Autobots has new Autobots arrived at Earth.

Starscream: Indeed. It seems they call themselves the Wreckers. They are lead by Impactor.

Megatron: Impactor.

Then Megatron falls slinet for a moment as Starscream wonders what is up with him but he shrugged and walks off while Megatron stared out of the window, remembering that name as he gets a flash back of their talk many years go.

(Flash back start)

(Flash back ended)

Megatron remembers how they plan out a way to bring Cybertron in a glory of peace and a justified society only to resulted to a war that doomed Cybertron and them taking their war onto Earth.

Megatron should have listened to Impactor about violence because if they would have done that then a war would have never come. Megatron knows he can't go back as he stare out of the window, into space and then turns and walk off, wishing to forget about the past and making a more brighter future for him and to his Decepticon army and destroy the Autobots......especially his old miner friend Impactor as well.

To be continued......................................

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