S2E26: The hunt for Salveyo Weed
(Unknown island)
We see Tracey with Ironfist as Tracey is carefully suspect a Vileplume's head. He is focused on Vilepumes head which Ironfist looks at it for a moment then reach over his hand to touch it when Tracey tells him.
Tracey: Wait. Don't touch Vileplumes head. Do that and it will release it's stun spore.
Ironfist: Is stun spore that bad?
Tracey: It's not as deadly but it will stun anyone who smells it.
Ironfist: Right. Keep my gaint robot hands away, on it.
Ironfist let's him be then he looks over to see Ash and Pikachu walking towards them.
Ash: (smile) Hey Tracey, you ready to help me train?
Ironfist: Think he's a bit busy. Probably wait and-
Suddenly Ash accidentally tripped on a rock and stumble towards Tracey. Then the two collide and fly into Vilepumes head.
Vilepumes gets disturbed and before Ironfist or Pikachu could help, Vilepumes uses stun spore on the two up close which panic the two.
Ironfist: Oh scrap!
(At Autobot camp)
Ironfist immediately race back with the stunned Ash ans Tracey and when he did Madison takes them and set them down. She scan them both and tells them.
Madison: It's confirmed. They indeed breath on stun spore.
Veriry: That's not good.
Ironfist: Me and Pikachu try to get them out but we were too late.
Bulkhead: Don't blame yourself Ironfist.
Y/n: Misty, see if there is any Anti Stun spore?
Misty node and check her bag but there was nothing.
Misty: There's nothing.
Y/n: Scrap! We shouldn't have stock up. Is there a nearby Pokemon centre?
Sandstorm opens up a hologram map of the island they are on and tells them the bad news.
Sandstorm: There is but it will take us hours to get there.
Springer: We can't simply to leave them like for hours.
Whirl: So what, we just gonna let them die?
Y/n: No. There had to be a way to save them.
Tubespike: How? Not like we can make our own?
Alex: We can.
They all turn to Alex as he explain.
Alex: Making a cure to stun spore is very simple then you may think. The hard part is to find it but I know how to find it. But I need Misty's help.
Misty: Me?
Y/n: Is it really easy to make?
Alex: (smile) Yeah. Me, Ben, Misty and Togepi will go and find it. It will be quick.
Y/n: Okay then. Be safe and be back as soon as you can.
Ben: (climbs up to Alex's shoulder) [Don't worry. We'll be back and save Ash and Tracey.]
Alex: (smile) No time to lose, let's go.
Somewhere else on the island a space bridge opens and Dead Lock walks out of the Space bridge. Once it closes behind him he looks around and is amazed how beautiful the Earth's surface is.
Then he hears some noises next to him so he looks over to see James and Meowth getting an apple from a tree. James holds Meowth on his shoulders to reach the apple.
When Meowth got the apple the tree branch they were standing snapped and then they fell only for Dead Lock to caught them and set them down.
James: (smile) Wow thanks. We never have a Decepticon save our butt's.
Meowth: (smile) Yeah. Hold on, you look new.
Dead Lock: That's right. I arrive at the Decepticons moon base and came here to aid Commander Starscream and his forces. Names Dead Lock.
Meowth: Really? You don't sound deadly.
Dead Lock: Lord Megatron giving me this name. Anyways, we should see commander Starscream at once.
They go together and soon they arrive back where we see Starscream and Blitzwing standing around in front of a hut which James ans Meowth go in while Dead Lock walks up to Starscream and Blitzwing which surprised the two.
Starscream: (surprised) Dead Lock?! Why are you here?
Dead Lock: Lord Megatron sent me here to aid you on the search of the Omega keys. He told me he believe you will mess up so I was sent to get it.
Starscream: How dare he sent you here to get the rest of the keys!
Dead Lock: Then may I ask why haven't you located the Omega Lock yet?
Blitzwing: Because the Autobots have the other keys.
Dead Lock: You think so?
Starscream: For sure! However Jessie have to get stunned by a Vilepume and now she is in there sick and being a drama queen.
Jessie: (in hut) I HEARD THAT! (coughing)
Starscream: I can't deal with this. I'm returning to my ship. Blitzwing, your in charge.
Starscream tranforms and flies away. Then James and Meowth came out so Blitzwing ask them.
Blitzwing: So is she dying?
James: No but there might be a way to save her.
Blitzwing: Scrap.
Dead Lock: Then we should do it.
Blitzwing: Your joking right Dead Lock? You wanted to waste your energon to help them find a cure to Jessie's stun spore effects.
Dead Lock: I'm not joking. Jessie maybe what Lord Megatron say are "Humans" and not as strong as us. But they are our allies. We should help them.
Blitzwing: Leave me out of that. Your on your own Dead Lock.
Then Blitzwing walks away which Dead Lock turns to James and Meowth.
Dead Lock: Guess it's just us then.
James: So you serious on helping us? Even though you don't know us?
Dead Lock: We'll allies. Better to help as best we can. Now let's go.
James and Meowth are surprised how kind Dead Lock is and they go with him as James explain how to cure Jessie.
Alex and Misty walk through the forest as Alex and Ben look around for anything while Misty was a bit confused and Togepi is just happy.
Misty: Um Alex? What are we looking for?
Alex: Oh right, sorry. Guess I should've told you. Well in order to make a cure to Stun spore, we need to find one ingredient, a weed called Salveyo Weed. It's a type of herbal medicine that is use to cure anyone who is hit by stun spore.
Misty: You think we can find some in the woods?
Alex: No. They live in clear lake bottoms. Ever since we came here I did some searching and find a few lakes that may have some Salveyo Weed.
Misty: Then why are we looking around the forest instead of a lake.
Alex: Not only it be hard to find a lake that had Salveyo Weed, but not knowing where it is at the bottom of the lake, especially if the lake is deep could be dangerous. The best way to find it is finding a Poliwag. Poliwags love Salveyo Weed so if we find a Poliwag, perhaps it can take us to where the Salveyo Weed is. Once we find it, you can use your swimming skills to dive in and get as many Salveyo Weed as possible.
Misty: (surprised) Wow so that's why you brought me along? You really planned everything in this situation don't you?
Alex: (smirk) Someone has to take over as the smart person if Tracey is down or unavailable.
Misty: So where do you think we find a Poliwag?
Alex: (smirk) Well we need Sky-Hawk to help.
He released Sky-Hawk as he lands on Alex's arm and tells him.
Alex: Need you to find a Poliwag. Don't fight it. Need you to find it and show us where.
Sky-Hawk nodes and he takes flight. They waited then Sky-Hawk return and motion them to follow.
Alex: Looks like Sky-Hawk got something.
Misty: (smile) Then let's go!
They follow Sky-Hawk and soon they arrive at the spot. They see a Poliwag minding its own business. Alex return Sky-Hawk back to his pokeball while Misty whisper.
Misty: (whisper) Aaawww it looks so cute. Okay, let's catch it.
She was about to grab her Pokeball but Alex stops hee.
Alex: Too risky. If a Poliwag breaks free, then it will ran away. Watch and see.
He slowly came out of the bushes which Poliwag turns to see him. He slowly approached Poliwag as he have his hands up to show he isn't going to harm it.
He slowly gets close and he lend out his hand towards Poliwag. Poliwag stood there for a moment, looking at him what seems like a long minute then Poliwag smiles and allows him to pet it.
He slowly stroke Poliwag which it begins to smile and was it's tail.
Misty also came out and Alex allows Ben to talk to Poliwag while Misty tells Alex.
Misty: (smile) That was incredible! That Poliwag seems to know your friendly.
Alex: (smile) My mother told me there are other ways to gain trust to a pokemon then just a simple capture.
Misty: (smile) You know, your like the opposite to Ash.
Alex: (chuckle) Well Ash has his way, I have my way.
Ben: [Hey! Poliwag told me that he can take us to the lake where the Salveyo Weed is.]
Misty: (smile) Really?! Thanks Poliwag.
Alex: (smile) Then let's go.
(Sometime later)
We see them arrive at the Lake where the Salveyo Weed is at. While Misty and Poliwag dive down to get it, Alex, Ben and Togepi stay on the surface to keep a watch.
We then see James, Meowth and Dead Lock within the forest and watch as Misty and Poliwag came out of the lake with tones of Salveyo Weed and Alex, Ben and Togepi pick them and stack them in the pile as Misty and Poliwag gone down to get more.
Meowth: Look at that! They have a lot of Salveyo Weed.
Dead Lock: Yeah and it seems Poliwag is helping them. So, what's the plan?
James: We ambush them and take them by force!
Meowth: Yeah. Let's go!
Dead Lock: Hold up. Our objective is to get the Weed. Perhaps we can settle this in a peaceful way. Allow me.
Dead Lock walk out just as Misty and Poliwag were done and they have a lot of Salveyo Weed.
Misty: (smile) This is great! This is all we need?
Alex: (smile) Yep. Let's head back.
Ben: [Guys. We got company.]
They turn and step back as Dead Lock approaches them. They were about to pull out their pokeballs when Dead Lock immediately rasied his hand.
Dead Lock: Wait! I didn't came here to battle. I came here cause we need that pile you have?
Misty: Why?
Dead Lock: Our human allie name Jessie is sick and James told me that we needed Salveyo Weed in order to cure her.
Alex: So Jessie also got caught by Vilepumes stun spore?
Dead Lock: Correct. We maybe enemies but I beg of you, if you can share some Salveyo Weed with us.....then we can leave you alone.
Misty isn't sure however Alex turn to Salveyo Weed. He turns to Dead Lock and sees that he is serious. He isn't lying or tricking them. Then he take half of the Salveyo Weed and handed it to Dead Lock.
Dead Lock takes it and he tells them.
Dead Lock: Thank you. I shall never forget this. Until we meet again.
He walks away and soon disappear into the forest with Misty being surprised.
Misty: He was nice.
Alex: Yeah. But let's take the rest back to Ash ans Tracey.
Misty: Right.
They return Alex begins to make the cure. Soon he was finished and Tracey and Ash takes sips of their cups filled with the cure. Alex and Misty watch this with Impactor, Hot Rod and Y/n as they tell Alex.
Impactor: (smirk) Did well human. Looks like those two will live another day.
Hot Rod: (smile) Yeah! Good job!
Y/n: We're proud of you.
Alex: (smile) Thanks but I can't take all the credit.
Misty: (smile) Yeah but none of this wouldn't be possible without you.
Alex: (smile) True. Hey Y/n, we encounter a nice Decepticon who just wanted Salveyo Weed for Jessie.
Impactor: A nice Decepticon? There is no "nice" Decepticons. Always evil to their core.
Y/n: You know his name?
Alex: He didn't tell us his name but he had two swords, looked like a samurai.
Impactor: (shocked) Wait?! You mean you encounter Dead Lock?
Misty: Guess so. You know him?
Y/n: All Autobots due. You see.....Dead Lock is the most dangerous swordsman within the Decepticons. He is also......the first bot to join the Decepticon.
To be continued....................................................
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