S2E25: Friendship is true strength

(Starscreams ship)

Within Starscreams quarters we see two Omega keys hovering on a platform but then Starscream came in with two Omega keys and place the two on their own platform. Starscream smirks with please as he looks at his now four Omega keys.

Then Blitzwing came in and walks up to Starscream as he then tells him.

Blitzwing: Looks like we need to get three left and we have all seven.

Starscreams: (smirk) Indeed Blitzwing. It seems the Autobots have been missing while we have busy collecting the Omega keys. We know they have two which means there is only one left.

Blitzwing: Bet the Autobots are going to get it right now? Should we head there before they do?

Starscream: (smirk) No. Let them grab the last Omega key and once they do so....we will strike and take all three Omega keys.

Blitzwing: (smirk) Ah i see. Let them do all the heavy lifting and then swoop in and get the key and the other two.

Starscream: (smirk) Indeed. Soon all the Omega keys will be mine and we will activate the Omega lock and turn this planet into a new Cybertron.


Y/n ans his team arrive at the island where the Omega key is being located. That gather outside as Rhinox and Seaspray confirm.

Rhinox: Yep, this is it. The Omega key is in there.

Seaspray: I don't see any Decepticons.

Springer: (smirk) Well let's head over there and get it.

Y/n: The Decepticon may not be here yet which means we need to sand a small team to head to the island and find it. Hot Rod, you and your team will go there. Take Ash, Alex, Arcee and Rhinox with you. If there is any problem, contact us.

Hot Rod: (smile) Relax man. We get this done in no time.

Y/n: Good and Ash? Can I talk to you about something?

Ash: Um sure?

Short while later they start privately and Y/n ask Ash which concerned him.

Ash: (shock) You want me to have Charizard to help as well?

Y/n: I figure the time is come for Charizard to proof to be apart of the team by helping us find the Omega key.

Ash: I know but it's just......

He pulls out Charizard's pokeball and tells Y/n.

Ash: I feel like Charizard would never listen to me.

Y/n: What about Pikachu? You told us Pikachu never respected or listen to you but after that Pidgoy incident, you two became friends.

Ash: That's true but Charizard is different. Ever since he was a charmander, he was left abandon by his trainer because he was weak. Disbite the respect I've given him, when he became Charmeleon.......he act aggressive.

Y/n:......He may have grown up thinking strength and power is everything......but maybe there is still a Charmander inside of him. I'm not acting like Optimus but I know Charizard will one day change and realise something he is missing.

Ash looks down to Charizard's pokeball and soon he left with Hot Rod and the rest. They arrive in the island and they begin to look around.

Arcee: So where to Rhinox?

Rhinox: We should get some eyes in the sky first.

Ash: I got this! Charizard come on out!

Then he releases Charizard and when he appear and stood tall, look around and then he lays down ans sleeps. This dumbfounded everyone which is not a surprise.

Sideswipe: Come on Charizard, we need your eyes in the sky.

Bumblebee: There has to be a way to get him to help us.

Jazz: I think I know.....but it may make him mad.

Jazz slowly sneak over to the sleepy Charizard. Oncevlosw he turns up the volume then he plays a very loud music which startled Charizard.

After Jazz turns off the music Charizard slowly turn and glare at Jazz which he moves backwards and quickly transform to his vehicle mood.

Jazz: See ya!

He drives off while Charizard flies after him ans shoot fire at Jazz as he chase him while the rest were stunned.

Bumblebee: And I thought Hot Rod was the one who does the crazy stuff. No offence.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Nah your right Bee. I probably do that.

Rhinox: Let's just make sure he's not dead.

They transform and after Ash, Alex, Pikachu and Ben climb into Hot Rod they drive off after them. We then cut to Jazz dodging Charizard flamethrower.

Jazz: My bad Charizard! I just want to wake you up! (Dodges flames) Ah! That's hot!

He keeps driving but soon gets blocked by a large mountain. He transforms and turn to see Charizard flying towards him and was about to tackle him when Hot Rod drives out and tackle Charizard.

Ash and Alex land on theie feet while Charizard and Hot Rod rolled onto the ground and he hold Charizard as the two struggle.

Hot Rod: Come on Charizard. We'll give you a big meal after this? Sound good?

Ash and Pikachu then rush over trying to calm Charizard down but he shoots fire at Ash.

Ash: Come on Charizard, why can't you listen to any of us?

Suddenly the ground beneath them begins to crack and suddenly the floor beneath them open and they fell. Everyone rushes over and looks down as Hot Rod, Charizard, Ash and Pikachu fell.

Hot Rod quickly grabs Ash and Pikachu and cover them as they soon crash onto the ground. Ash and Pikachu open there eyes and look around as they find themselves within a cave.

Charizard breaks free and roars at Hot Rod to fight but then Hot Rod groans in pain as he grab his leg. His leg was broken and energon begins to leak out.

Hot Rod: Oh scrap.

Ash: Hot Rod! Your bleeding!

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Hot Rod: Yeah but I'm good. Don't worry.

The two get off and Hot Rod tries to get up but then he feel extreme pain and fell back onto the ground. Ash and Pikachu were worried while Charizard just puff out fire out of his nose.

Rhinox: (above them) You guys alright!

Hot Rod: Yeah we'll fine. Although I'm leaking out of energon here.

Rhinox: (above them) Scrap! We'll find a way to get you as soon as you can!

Hot Rod: Right! Tell Y/n that we-

Suddenly the hole on the ceiling suddenly closes and now they are in the dark. Hot Rod lend against the wall with energon leaking out of his leg.

Ash take sout his bag and pulls out some cleaning cloths and begin to clean up the energon.

Hot Rod: Thanks Ash.

Ash: No problem.

Charizard sees this and then just yawn and takes a nap. Ash couldn't stop the leaking so he looks around and sees a large metal door across from them.

Ash: You think this is where the Omega key Knight be?

Hot Rod: Must be.

Hot Rod gets up but sat back down. Ash had an idea and wraps around the white cloth around him. Once wrapped around he ties it up, Hot Rod gets up slowly then he make his way towards the door.

When he got close the door opens and reveals a long hallway.

Hot Rod: Looks like the only way out is through.

Then Hot Rod lose balance but he catch on the wall while Ash and Pikachu rush over. Then Ash turn to Charizard and calls out to him.

Ash: Come on Charizard, let's go!

Charizard doesn't move which Ash had no idea what to do. Then Hot Rod had an idea and begins to say.

Hot Rod: (smirk) I bet he's scared. After all Charizard is suppose to be tough after all. Surely this won't scare him.

Charizard heard him and wanted to proof him wrong he flies over and they begin to walk down the hallway. They kept walking down the hallway slowly and carefully.

Charizard gets impatient so he flies ahead of them.

Ash: Charizard wait!

Then Charizard flies pass a laser that gone off and suddenly turrets came out of the walls and aim at Charizard.

Charizard then shoots out his flamethrower at them but hos flamethrower doesn't work. Then the turret was about to fire when suddenly two plasma flies behind Charizard and they blow up.

Charizard turns around to see Hot Rod with his wrist out then he collapse on one knee. The wrapped cloths does do much as Hot Rod is losing a lot of energon.

Ash: Hot Rod! We have to go back otherwise you'll die.

Pikachu: Pika!

Hot Rod: No way! If the Omega key is in the end of this hall then we need to get it.

Ash: But.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Just don't worry about me Ash. Nothing can't stop me as long I'm not alone.

Charizard sees this and is stunned how Hot Rod is keep going disbite his injuries. Hot Rod slowly stumble over to Charizard, gives him a smirk and kept walking. Charizard watches as Hot Rod kept going then he fell.

Suddenly Charizard flies over and catch Hot Rod before he hit the ground. Disbite how large Hot Rod is, Charizard use his strength to get Hot Rod up of his feet.

Ash and Pikachu are surprised by what they saw while Hot Rod smirk and they kept moving.

(Short while later)

The door opens and they walk into a chamber where in the middle was the Omega key. Hot Rod came over and then takes the Omega key.

Hot Rod: Got it. Now....how do we get....out.

Then Hot Rod collapse onto the floor which Ash ans Pikachu rushes over. Charizard flies over as Hot Rod's eyes begin to flicker which made Ash to cry out to him.

Ash: Don't die on me Hot Rod! Please, stay with us!

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu!

Hot Rod: I......I can't. My energon is running low. This....this might be it for me.

Then suddenly the ceiling above them begins to open, revealing the sunlight. Seconds later Springer in his helmet form appear above the hole and drop down a rope for them to hold on.

Springer: Hold on!

Hot Rod: L-Looks like I'm ain't dying after all.

Hot Rod picks up Ash and Pikachu then grabs the rope. Then Springer takes them up while Charizard flies after him. Soon they arrive at the surface.

Springer sets them down near the hole, Hot Rod lend against a tree with Ash, Pikachu and Charizard with him.

Spriner: Hold on. Let me just-

Suddenly Springer gets shot by Decepticon jets and he was force to fly away to avoid them. The the Decepticon seekees tranform to their bot form and land in front of them.

Then Starscream lands in front of his seekers as he stood over them with a smirk.

Starscream: (smirk) Well, Well. Well. If ain't Ash and Hot Rod. What's wrong Hot Rod? You looking a bit pale.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Long time see screamer. How are things?

Starscream: (smirk) Brilliant....cause you have something that I am looking for. I don't know what you Autobots were up to but we now have four Omega keys. Now we need the rest. Hand it over.

Ash: (gets in front of Hot Rod) In your dreams!

Pikachu: Pika!

Charizard's sees Ash defending Hot Rod and it reminds him Ash protected him long ago. He looks down for a moment, realising throughout his entire life, Ash show nothing but respect and true friend all awhile he was acting like a jerk.

Starscream them aims at Ash as he tells him with a sinister smirk.

Starscream: (smirk) And what will you do about it boy? Your pokemon cannot stop-

Suddenly Charizard let's out a roar and seconds later Charizard tackles Starscream. Starscream begins to panic as Starscream was at his face.

The Decepticon seekers were about to fire but Charizard force Starscream to turn and fire random shots at his own Decepticons.

They get shot as Starscream begins to panic and just begins to fire since Charizard is blocking his sight. Then Starscream managed to grab Charizard and then throws him hard to the ground.

Starscream: (angry) I will kill you for that!

Starscream was about to kick him when Ash and Pikachu gets in front of Charizard and Starscream kicks all three instead. Charizard hits the ground then looks over to see Ash and Pikachu laying unconscious.

Charizard gets enrage and just as Starscream was about to fire at them, Charizard gets up and the flame od his tail begins to light up in flames ans Charizard let's out a roar.

Ash and Pikachu wake up and watch as Charizard launches a powerful flamethrower at Starscream. This hits hum and he panics as his body is on fire.

He patted himself until the fire was gone. Starscream looks over ans Charizard glare at him which scared him enough to transform and fly away.

Starscream: Decepticons! The mission is lost! Retreat!

Starscream flies back to the ship and once gone Charizard calm down and turn to see Ash and Pikachu okay and for the first time ever.....he was happy.


At Broadside we see Hot Rod in the medical room getting patched up by Madison while Y/n, Ash, Alex and Charizard was in the room.

Madison: Hot Rod will recover. Just need a power down and he'll be good.

Y/n: Thanks to primus he's okay. Sorry I put you into this.

Ash: It's not your fault. Anything could happen. Besides we have the Omega key and everyone is okay.

Y/n: And Charizard?

They look over to Charizard with Pikachu and Ben. Pikachu and Ben were a bit nervous while Charizard sighs and lowee down.

The two look at each other and then climb onto Charizard. Rather getting mad Charizard smiles which Pikachu and Ben also smiled.

Madison: (smile) Aaaww Charizard is good now.

Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for that. Guess no more flamethrower for you then huh?

Ash: (smile) Yeah. What a relief.

Then Flamethrower hits Ash. Charizard did that just for the laughs which everyone begins to laugh, even Ash joins in as they all laugh as Charizard has now finally sees that friendship is the true strength and promises to never act like a jerk again.

To be continued.............................................................

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