S2E21: Anti Cybertronian city (Arc 1)

It was the middle of the night at Trovitopolis when suddenly there was explosions and gunfire. We then cut to a car speeding through the city really fast almost like something is chasing it.

The car continues to speed through the city trying to get out as fast as possible. The car was driving through a bridge when suddenly a missile hits the car and the car sped off the bridge and fell.

Suddenly the car tranform into a Cybertronian and he slammed onto the ground. He groans as he slowly gets up and looks up to see lights shooting down ans spotted him.

???: There he is!

The Cybertronian begins to run but his leg was injured but he tried his best to run. He was slow as he run but this give his attackers to pull out a rocket launcher and fired.

The rocket hits the Cybertronian at the back and he fell onto the ground. He slowly gets up and tried his best to crawl away but he gets shot once again by another rocket.

He turns around as the mysterious attckers came down and shine their flash lights on the Cybertronian. The Cybertronian crawls backwards in fear and said.

Cybertronian: Please! I'm not a Decepticon! You have to believe me! Please! I just want to live here in peace!

Suddenly something was thrown as a disk like device is place onto his chest and he was suddenly zapped with electricity and soon collapses onto the ground and lays there motionless.

???: Mayor we got another one. Returning him back to base.

(Next day)

It was a bright and sunny day and we see the Autobots arriving at Trovitopolis and once they have docked they exit out of broadside and once out broadside transforms into his bot form and shrink to his normal size.

Broadside: Scrap that was far longer then we thought.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Well we're here.

Arcee: So is there where the next Omega key is at?

Rhinox: Looks like it. However I don't believe it's in this city.

Tracey: Perhaps it's outside of the city?

Rhinox: Maybe.

Alex: (smile) Well it looks like there won't be any problems. So far we never encounter any Decepticons for a while.

Ash: (smile) Yeah maybe this is our lucky day.

Y/n: Probably but we should-

Suddenly armor military tracks came rolling towards them at the docks and once they stopped soldiers came out and aim their weapons at them.

They were caught off guard and they raised their hands.

Sandstorm: What's going on here?

Ironfist: Not sure. But it can't be good.

Y/n: Soldiers we are Autobots. There is no need for this. We came here to search for something. Perhaps we can speak to your leader and-

Suddenly a cannon was pointed at Y/n and fired a disk which attached onto him and he was blasted with electricity and soon he falls to the ground and lays there motionless.

Alex: Y/n!

Misty: What was that for!

Turbospike: Yeah! We're on your sid-

Suddenly Turbospike was hit by the disk and was blasted with electricity and soon he fall. Arcee, Bumblebee, Hot Rod, Jazz and Cliffjumper, Joshua, Madison try to defend themselves but soon they too were put down.

Zero quickly cut down the disk with their swords and avoiding them perfectly.

Whirl: Oh now your asking for it!

Whirl charge at them and flip over the trucks and sending the soldiers flying as the Wreckers haven't choice but to fight them.

Impactor: Why are they attacking us?!

Springer: No idea!

Then Springer gets hit by the disks and goes down. Soon more came and fire more disk as the Wreckers try to fight back but they collapse onto the floor with only Zero still standing.

A disk was flying towards him when Pikachu quickly shoot the disk with his thunderbolt.

Ash: Go get out of here Zero!

Sorrel: Yeah run!

Zero doesn't want to but he had no choice and escape as he transforms into his vehicle mode and drives away.

???: Freeze!

Soon the soldiers aim their weapons at Alex and the others as they quickly raised their hands up and they were taking prisoners while Zero sees through this in his side mirror and wanted to go back but he must keep going and find a way to break them out.

(Sometime later)

Ash, Pikachu, Alex, Ben, Misty, Tracey, Sorrel and Verity inside of a cell with a metal door with Ash hitting on the door for a while until he stop and calmed down.

Misty: I don't understand. Why did they attack us?

Tracey: Perhaps they must have thought Y/n and the others are Decepticons?

Alex: But they attacked us first. Something isn't right here.

Ash: There has to be a way to get out of here and help Y/n and the rest.

Ben: [No point. Those doors are too strong for us to break down. Maybe we should wait and-]

Then the metal door open and officer Jenny opens the door.

Tracey: (smile) Officer Jenny!

Jenny: Hm? Do I know you?

Alex: Well we met one of your sisters before we came here.

Jenny: Ah I see. Well I came here to tell you that you all are free to go.

They all breath a sigh of relief and then a large overweight guy while wearing a suit enter ans stood next to officer Jenny.

???: So these are the kids with the alien?

Alex: (thought) Aliens?

Jenny: (smile) Yes sir. I've checked their records and they are free to go.

???: I don't know. They might be spies working with the Cybertronians. Best to keep them lock up here for a few years.

Jenny: Sir I can't do that. They are innocent.

Ash: Yeah and the Autobots as well!

Jenny: Auto...bots?

Tracey: The bots we were with. They are good bots.

Misty: Yeah so we they free as well?

???: Sorry but they are not. They are guilty for invading my city.

Alex: Your city?

Jenny: This is our mayor of this city, Ivor Bevens.

Alex: Look this must be a misunderstanding. Y/n and the bots are not Decepticons.

Ivor: Autobots, Decepticons I don't care what they are. They are aliens who are trying to take over this city and I'll do anything to protect it.

Ash: But they're the good guys! You can't just imprison them without giving them a chance to explain.

Ivor: (angry) We don't need to listen any of them! They are all evil and they should be punish like those who try to take over this city! You kids better get going or I will keep you there for the rest of your life!

He then storm off and once he is gone Jenny tells them.

Jenny: I'm sorry kids but there is nothing I can do. Especially since he has his own militia army.

Sorrel: Militia army?

Jenny: The Anti Cybertronian task force. Or the A.C.T.F for short. They were formed after a few group of gaint robots crashed near to this city. Their objective is to capture them by using special Cybertronian shut down disk that shuts them down. The disk doesn't kill them but shuts them off until the disk is removed.

Ash: But how did they made it?

Jenny: Not sure myself. Ivor did say he have the greatest minds created the device. But you kids should go now, apologies again for this and sorry about your bot friends.

With no choice they leave and soon they step out of the police station and stood there in silence. Then Alex forms a fist and turn to everyone and tell them.

Alex: Look we can't just stand by and let this happen. We need to break them out somehow.

Misty: But how? They have all of high tech gears and took Y/n and the others somewhere.

Tracey: Who knows where they might be.

Ash: Then we just have to find them.

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ben: [But where should we start?]

???: I think I can't help.

They turn and sees Nurse joy and then she look around and singal her to follow. They follow how and soon they ended up under the Pokemon centre and go through the sewer tunnel.

They were a bit confused so Alex ask.

Alex: Where are you taking us?

Joy: They may keep an eye on you since you all know your friends who were captured. This place will be safe for you all until we come up with a plan.

Soon they walk up to a massive room with a small group of Cybertronians looking afraid and low on energon. They soon spotted more humans and they immediately jump back.

Cybertronian 2: (panic) Nurse joy why did you bring more humans here!

Cybertronian 3: (scared) We're scrapped I tell you! Scrapped!

Cybertronian 4: (scared) Primus help us please!

Joy: Everyone calm down! It's okay! They have friends who were also bots and they were captured as well. We're all friends here.

They were not sure when suddenly their leader came out of the tunnel and show himself as he looks around and tells them.

???: Everyone let's calm down. If Nurse Joy says they are good then they are good.

The Cybertronians all calm down while the bot came over amd kneel down in front of them.

Seaspray: Greetings. I am Seaspray, I am a underwater archaeologist. So nice to meet you.

Alex: (smile) Nice to meet you. My name is Alex. This is my partner Ben.

Ben (smile) [Hi!]

Ash: (smile) My name is Ash and this is Pikachu.

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!

Sorrel: I'm Sorrel.

Verity: My name is Verity.

Misty: (smile) My name is Misty and this is Togepi.

Tracey: (smile) I'm Tracey.

Seaspray: How nice to meet new faces down here. Especially new humans. Some of us are afraid to go up to the surface for sometime now. Not what happened to the last bot who tried to escape the city.

Misty: (shocked) That's horrible.

Sorrel: This isn't right. Why would Mayor Ivor do this?

Ash: Still we have to come up with a plan to free our friends!

Seaspray and the other Cybertronians fall silent for a moment and look away which they were confused.

Seaspray: I afraid that will not happen.

Alex: Why?

Seaspray: If your friends are captured then that is it.

Joy: You don't mean that do you?

Seaspray: I'm sorry. But we can't risk our sparks saving them. Especially if they are going to "The factory."

Misty: The Factory?

Ash: What's that place?

Seaspray: That place.....is where Cybertronians go once they are captured. Once they are in there......they are never seen again. In fact......it is worse then death.

They now become concerned even more as Seaspray sats them down and allow him and other Cybertronians explain more about The Factory and why it is something out of nightmares.

To be continued.......................................................

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