S2E20: It always be war but never peace

(Uninhabitable island)

We see Y/n ans his team arriving at a Uninhabitable island with no signs of any humans life other than pokemon. We them decided to have a vacation day on the island as they enjoy their time on the island.

We see Ash, Misty and Tracey picking some fruits to make dinner later with the help of Rhinox. We see Verity and Sorrel with the pokemons along with Hot Rod, Bumblebee and Jazz as they play with their pokemon.

We see Arcee and Madison laying down at shore relaxing with Zero also there but focused on his training as he is deep to his thoughts.

Joshua and Springer fly around the island seeing which one of them is the fastest while Ironfist and Broadside watches them go.

Leadfoot, Bulkhead, Sandstorm and Roadbuster were near the water fall and talking while Whirl spies on Ash's Charizard sleeping. Then we cut to Alex reading some books and while reading Impactor came over and ask him.

Impactor: What's that your reading?

Alex: (smile) Oh hey Impactor. I'm just studying some pokemons.

Impactor: Really? Aren't pokedexs can't give you the information?

Alex: (smile) Yeah but books are better. I decide to jump into researching pokemons so I can learn better about pokemons like my parents.

Impactor: Huh that must be good for you.

Alex: (smile) Yeah. You wanna join me?

Impactor: I'm good kid. Reading isn't my strong suit.

Alex: Okay. Hey you alright? Your acting a bit weird?

Impactor: It's nothing. Don't worry about it.

Then Impactor walks away while Alex is a bit concerned and then Y/n came back with Sideswipe after looking around the island and approaches Alex.

Alex: Hey guys. Anything interesting?

Sideswipe: Nope. Just nothing but trees and some wild pokemon.

Y/n: Everything alright while we were away?

Alex: Seems like it. Looks like everything is fine.

Suddenly there was a roar follow by Whirls laughter which they race over and sees Chairzard attacking Whirl but Whirl is laughing like a mad bot.

Whirl: That's right! I love that aggression! Show me what you got lizard breath!

Chairzard gets even more mad ans tackles Whirl and soon the rest came to see what is going on and immediately Ash pulls out Chairzards pokeball and summon it back inside.

Ash breaths a sigh however Whirl calls out to him.

Whirl: Hey! Bring him back! It was about to get good!

Misty: What happened?

Bulkhead: Whirl must have make him mad somehow.

Ironfist: Whirl really?

Whirl: Hey Chairzard would have been a good Wrecker! Imagine the rage he has while fighting Decepticons! He would be perfect.

Roadbuster: Even though its Ash's pokemon?

Whirl:...........(Turn to Ash) Wanna join the Wrecker kid?

Ash: No?

Whirl: Scrap.

Y/n: I guess Chairzard still doesn't listen to you?

Ash: Yeah. I wanted him to listen but I don't know how.

Misty: I mean we can't blame him after what he been through when he was a Charmander.

Hot Rod: You guys did tell us that Charmander was once friendly right?

Misty: Yeah. He was cute before he evolved into Charmeleon when he begins to disrespect Ash and ignoring him.

Ash stares at Chairzard's pokeball and then Alex tells him.

Alex: (smile) I'm sure maybe one day Chairzard will change. Maybe you should talk to hik about it whenever you have a chance or proof to him that you really care for him.

Ash: Yeah although it be impossible.

Y/n: Maybe but together Chairzard will change. We just have faith.

Ash agrees and sometimes later the afternoon came and it was time to eat. Tracey and Rhinox show them their dinner which is fruit sandwich.

Misty: Wait we're having fruit sandwiches? Is there no meat?

Tracey: Unfortunately not.

Alex: (takes a bite) Wow this is delicious! I never have fruit sandwiches in my life!

They begin to eat and they enjoy their food. The pokemons gather and enjoy their pokefood while the Autobots drink some energon and begin to chat. Then Hot Rod turn to Wreckers and ask them

Hot Rod: Say I wanna know something. What were you guys before the war?

They were a bit surprised and look at them and then decided to tell them with Ironfist telling his story.

Iornfist: Well before the war I was apart of a ship eagerness  unit before the war. We fix ships for the elite guard and maintaining them. When the war began I was found by Broadside.

Broadside: He's right. I was apart of a special class of Cybertronians, one of which are triple changers. I saved Ironfist life when the war started and we soon join the Wreckers.

Bulkhead: I was apart of a space bridge repair crew before the war. I repair a lot of space bridges during the Golden age of Cybertron however when the Space bridges were shut down, I have to work as just a repair bot. When the war began I helped many Cybertronians to evacuate Tarn and soon I join the Wreckers.

Whirl: Well mine is personal but let's just say I use to have a normal head.

Sandstorm: I was apart od the elite guard along side Springer unril the war began and the collapse of the High council.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait you were apart of the elite guard Springer?

Springer: Yeah I was. Actually I met Impactor when he was imprison for assault on a elite guard. We didn't see eye to eye at first but when the Decepticons attack the prison we work together to combat the cons. Impactor even saved my life and that's how he lost his hand. In return I saved his life  and that's how we form the Wreckers. Ain't that right Impactor?


Springer: Yo Impactor? You okay?

Impactor: Hm? Y-Yeah I'm good. Sorry I need to take a walk.

He begins to walk away which concerned themma bit and wonders what is on his mind. Soon night came and we see the humans and Pokemon asleep while the Autobots keep talking.

We then cut to Impactor at shore looking at the veiw od the ocean lost to his thoughts when Y/n approach him from behind.

Y/n: Hey. Mind I join?

Impactor: Sure.

Y/n walks up next to Impactor and the two stood looking at the night sky.

Impactor: It's peaceful.

Y/n: Huh?

Impactor: On Cybertron there is always been war. We fought the Decepticons for a long time and not knowing what peace was. We only know of war. However this planet......Earth......there is no war. There's nothing but peace and quiet.

Y/n: Yeah. I too was amazed when I first came here. I've gone use to the explosions, death and destruction but coming here.......it hits different.

Impactor: Yeah. These humans and pokemon.....they are lucky to be living on a planet that is peaceful while we fight for years. You ever wonder something. If the war would end....what will happen?

Y/n:.....Not sure. I do dislike the war that has been going on for years, I can't help but wonder if the war does end what then? Will we rebuild Cybertron? Will we maintain the peace and Will be another war that is far worse than the last.

Impactor: Yeah. I too wonder since as Wreckers......we love violence and fighting. Without a war.....what do we do? What does Wreckers like us do when there is no war?

Y/n: Guess we needed to wait and see. Although it maybe a long time.

Impactor: Agree.

The two continue to stare at the veiw for a while and then Impactor said.

Impactor: You know I use to not like you leading us.

Y/n: Huh?

Impactor: When Optimus assigned you to lead us at first I question why Optimus would assigned you as leader? In my head i figure you won't be a good leader but I was wrong. Your a good leader. Possibly a brilliant leader. You seem you know what your doing and know what to do. No wonder Optimus assigned you as our leader, because your the best when it comes to leading a team.

Y/n: (surprised) Thanks but I'm not always perfect. Sometimes i make mistakes.

Impactor: (smile) And that's I like about. A leader would never admit they make a mistake and protected their ego but a real leader knows their mistakes and make it right. You take responsibility and admit that your wrong in times. That's what true leaders do and you are a true leader.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Your not bad yourself. You lead your team like your a family.

Impactor: That's because we are. They maybe hard to deal with but we are family. We share our pain and suffering either by the council of Cybertron or the Decepticons. It's our past trauma that makes us stronger.

Y/n: (smile) Never know the Wrecker have a soft side.

Impactor: (smirk) We maybe soft but we are rough in the battle field.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah you are.

Impactor: (smile) Still sorry if I worry you all. Its just how this planet is so peaceful.

Y/n: (smile) Can't blame you. Bet any Cybertronians would be surprised to see how beautiful and peaceful this planet is. That's why it is our responsibility to protect this planet from the Decepticons.

Impactor: Those Decepticons don't see how this planet is peaceful.

Y/n: Yeah. They rather destroy everything on this planet disbite being peaceful.

Impactor: Even though we brought our war to them.

Y/n:.....Yeah....true. But like you said we make mistakes and we can make things right.

Impactor: Yeah but you think the humans will forgive us after the war is done?

Y/n: Who knows. But we know that not all humans will dislike us. Some would but there will be others that won't.

Impactor: True.

Impactor and Y/n turn to each other as the two smiled as they continue to look at the night sky and enjoying the beauty of the planet.

(Unknown ship)

We see Double dealer enter Lockdowns room as he walks pass many of Lockdowns trophies. Some were parts of the most powerful Cybertronians while some were Autobot and Decepticon emblems as we see Lockdown looking at a hologram image of something when Double Dealer approaches him.

Lockdown: What is it?

Double Dealer: We're approaching the location.

Lockdown: Good.

Double Dealer: Still i wanna know. You sure we can catch all five of them? I heard how powerful they are according to our information.

Lockdown: That's good. If they are powerful then this will be a great challenge for us. Just focus on the plan and we'll get it done.

Double Dealer: If you say so boss.

He turns and leaves his off. Oncegone Lock Down looks at a hook and on the reflection was his glowing red eyes staring backand then continues to clean his hook.

To be continued...........................................................

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