S2E18: The infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 3 final)

(Starscream's ship)

Starscream enters Shockblasts lap and finds him with piles of boxes containing Grapefruits that the Decepticons troops deliver to his lap as Starscream approaches Shockblast and ask him.

Starscream: My I ask what is with the Grapefruits? They are useless to us.

Shockblast: Guess again Starscream because they are. You see inside of these fruits are called juice. This can be eaten by humans and pokemon. It can also be use to make things as well. My thought being we can use the fruits and make them as a deadly virus to both humans and pokemon! Hahaha!

Starscream: Hhmmm a interesting plan. Knowing how the humans and pokemon consume this type of food, it could be useful after all.

Bridge command: (radio) Commander Starscream. We got reports of Autobots at the three islands and they attacking our forces.

Starscream: So the Autobots are here. Tell all forces to take them down. I wanted to hear their cries.

Bridge command: (radio) Will do sir.

Starscream: Good. I'm going to take a oil bath. Do not disturb me is that clear.

Shockblast: Whatever you say screamer.

Starscream just groan and leaves the room and leave Shockblast to his work.

(Grapefruit Island 4)

We see Decepticon troops attacking the Wreckers as they are friends at them but they immediately get overwhelmed by their incredible strength and fire power.

Impactor changes foward and impaled one Decepticon trooper and took out his spark and then fire his shoulder cannon and took out more. Springer and Bulkhead are seen back to back as Bulkhead smashes while Springer cuts.

Roadbuster and Leadfoot guns down the Decepticon troops as Ironfist rushes foward and flips over two Decepticons over as they crash onto the ground. Sandstorm is seen in his helicopter mode and firing his machine gun and ripping off Decepticon forces as he transform to his vehicle mode and crashes on top of a Decepticon trooper and dashes off.

He runs them over as they fall onto the ground as Impactor smashes one to the ground and then radios in the rest.

Impactor: This is Impactor me and the Wrecker are almost done here. What about you guys?

(Grapefruit island 3)

Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe and Bumblebee are seen defending a group of human workers who are hiding within a warehouse as Hot Rod and his team opens fire at the Decepticon troops.

Slipstream, Thundercrack and Skywarp is seen as they fire at them.

Hot Rod: Sorta doing well here although we might need some back-up. Y/n what about you? How are things?

Y/n: (radio) Kinda busy right now.

Jazz: My guess being we're on our own?

Bumblebee: Seems like it but hey we won't back down.

Sideswipe: Yeah let's show these cons a lesson.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Right.

All four open fire at the Decepticons as Slipstream, Thundercracker and Skywarp charges foward while Hot Rod and his team charges foward as the two clash and they have a brawl.

(Grapefruit island 1)

We see Rhinox, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Ruby, Alex, Sorrel and Verity doing nothing but waiting and hoping the battle will end. Ben and the other pokemon play around while Rhinox is forces on the reports when Arcee enter and ask.

Arcee: Hey what did I miss? I was cleaning up Broadside and let me tell you, he really hates these weirs stone like things on him.

Rhinox: Well let's just say the Decepticons are here.

Arcee: So just usual?

Rhinox: I suppose so.

Ash: Look at the bright side, at least for once we're not endanger.

Misty: Yeah while Y/n and the rest are off fighting.

Arcee: (smile) I mean Ash isn't wrong there. You humans and pokemon always got in trouble by Decepticons and for once your safe with us.

Ben: [ Um guys?]

They turn to see Ben and the other pokemons standing at the entrance as they walk over and before they ask they look over only to see the Combaticons as they aim their weapons at them

Arcee: Scrap.

Rhinox was about to pull his weapon when Swindle said.

Swindle: (smirk) You'll be wise to not do that. Otherwise things might get messy.

Rhinox sees this and rais his hand.

Onslaught: Brawl, Swindle gather the Grapefruits.

Brawl: On it.

Swindle: Sure thing.

The two do their job while Ruby called out.

Ruby: What are you planning to do with them?!

Onslaught: None of your business human. While the Autobots are busy we can take you all as prisoner and take all of your fruits.

Rhinox: You can't do this. You can't just take them from Ruby or these hard working humans! You have no right!

Blast Off: Shut it you.

Blast Off fire a shot that hits Rhinox which hurt but he can handle it. Energon leaks out of his arm as the three Combaticons held them while Swindle and Brawl gather the Grapefruits.

Soon Swindle walks over to a truck and opens the back only to see Snorlax eating away the food he was given.

Swindle: Useless.

He leaves Snorlax be and continues gathering the Grapefruits. Snorlax sees the boxes of Grapefruits so he climbs out of the truck and make his way over to Swindle as he turn and sees him.

Swindle: What do you want?

Snorlax: Snorlax.

Swindle: Oh you want these? Well forget it! They are ours.

This upsets Snorlax so he grap his leg and to his surprise lifted him up and tosses him away. Swindle crashes onto the ground as Brawl noticed and turn to see Snorlax eating the boxes of Grapefruit.

Brawl: Ha! Please don't tell me you were thrown by that thing?! Here, allow me.

Brawl walks over to Snorlax and then tries to squash him but to his shock Snorlax catches his foot and then tosses him away. Swindle gets up and dust himself off when Brawl crash into him and both smashes into a truck and Grapefruits came pouring out.

The rest turn and they were confused until Snorlax appeared as he sees a pile of Grapefruits on top of Swindle and Brawl as he eats up the Grapefruit.

Onslaught: What is this? Don't tell me this fat pokemon tossed you around?

Swindle: Surprisingly yes.

Brawl: I never know that fat pokemon have so much strength.

Blast Off: Please he's not that strong. Watch.

Blast Off walks over and goes to kick it but when his feet hit his fat body it didn't even move him. This surprised Blast Off so he try to lift him but he was too heavy to lift so he stumbled backwards.

Vortex: (Walks up to Blast off) Your too pathetic Blast off. How hard can he really be.

Vortex walks over and goes for a punch but Snorlax catches it and tosses Vortex back which he crashes into Blast off which disbelief Onslaught.

Rhinox: (smile) Just because he's fat that doesn't mean he's strong.

Onslaught: We'll see about that! Combaticons combine into Bruticus!

The four Combaticons regroup with Onslaught and they all combine into Bruticus. Bruticus stood over Snorlax and lifted his foot over Snorlax. He then put his foot down and squashes Snorlax which shocked everyone.

Bruticus: And that's how you take care of it.

Suddenly Bruticus foot begins to move and to Bruticus shock Snorlax lifted lifted Bruticus foot and now he is angry. He then begins spinning Bruticus around and around as Bruticus is spinning around while the rest watch in disbelief.

Then Snorlax tosses Bruticus into the air as Bruticus flies towards Starscream ship as we cut to Shockblast finish with his Grapefruit virus as he place boxes of them in the middle of his lab.

Shockblast: Done. As long they are not destroyed things will be fine. Now time to find my three lab rats and-

Immediately Bruticus crashes upwards to his lab, destroying the Grapefruit virus and cost the ship to shake which immediately jumped Starscream as Starscream rush out of his room still have oil on his body as in the state of panic calls out.

Starscream: (panic) We're under attack! Decepticons retreat! RETREAT!

All Decepticon forces from the ground were confused but obeyed and fall back. Y/n and the other Autobots are confused to why they are retreating all of a sudden.

Starscream's ship flies away of the island and disappeared from sight leaving Ash and the others on the first island shocked.

Misty: (shocked) Did Snorlax save the day?

Tracey: (shocked) I think he did.

Sorrel: (shocked) Well at least that problem is done.

Ruby: Not really. Snorlax is now free and he'll continue eating until this island is dry.

They are disappointed by this when to their surprise Jigglypuff appeared which Rhinox has an idea so he walks over to her and kneel down.

Rhinox: Hi we may have not met but will you use your sing to put Snorlax asleep?

Jigglypuff looks at Snorlax and then noticed a platform that looked like a stage so she runs over, gets on top and then begins to sing. This begins to tire Snorlax including the humans and pokemon. Rhinox turn to Ash and node to him. Ash nodes as he takes out his pokeball and throws it.

The pokeball hits Snorlax and he gets stucked into the pokeball and soon Snorlax is captured. Soon Jigglypuff stopped and Rhinox walks over to Jigglypuff and tells her.

Rhinox: Thank you for your help.

Jigglypuff: (smile) Jigglypuff.

Then she heads off as Rhinox stood up and let's out a sigh.

Rhinox: (smile) Looks like that problem is solved right everyone?

He turn and sees Arcee looking fown at Ash and the others asleep while Rhinox just simply smiled.

Arcee: (smile) They're pretty cute sleeping like this.

Rhinox: Can I ask you something? What is the reason for protecting the life forms of this planet? Why fight for them?

Arcee: (smile) Because freedom is everyone's right. We maybe gaint aliens from a far away galaxy. But we fight for the innocent life forms in this world and other worlds. It's pur responsibility.

Rhinox: (smile) Funny.....become that's what Onyx Prime said. All life is precious and most be protected at all cost. They may not seem as strong like us.....at the end of the day.....they are like us.

Arcee: (smile) Bet all primes are like Optimus.

Rhinox: Well.....not all of them. But....I'll be willing to lay down my life for humanity and the pokemons of this planet.

Arcee: We all will. Till all are one.

Rhinox: (smile) Yeah. Till all are one.

(Sometime later)

We see them boarding onto Broadside as Whirl and Roadbuster carry some boxes filled with Grapefruit as Ruby and her workers as they speak to Y/n and Impactor.

Ruby: (smile) Thank you for saving us and help us in our situation. If you ever wanted to come back you are welcome here anytime.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Ruby and its no problem. As Autobots it is our duty to help.

Ruby: (smile) Have a safe journey at the orange islands and good luck.

Impactor: We will thanks and good luck.

The two climb on board and once everyone is in Broadside sails off as Ruby and her workers wave goodbye while Y/n and the others on Broadside waves goodbye as they continue on their journey and return their hunt on the Omega keys.

To be continued...................................................

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